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Legend of the Monkey Mage - The End (Final Update, 26 Jun 06)


Duncan T
As written in the journal of Magga, the female goblin with the party

Endday, 25th of Eighthmonth, 1532 ER

After healing all the rest to their feet I stayed up the rest of the night, and saw it through til dawn. Had a lot to think about.
Buried both dogs and said my goodbyes to Albak. A goblin must move on.


Left Highkeep Forest without any trouble and returned to Highkeep, meeting a patrol on our way back. Talked to Kazrak the steward again, sorting out our reward. Seemed happy enough, unlike me. All staying at the castle.

Airday, 1st of Ninthmonth, 1532 ER

Feeling better today. Maybe time to try something new though. Maybe speak to Vincien. Testified what we told Kazrak last night under a truth spell. Felt strange telling things straight, with no elaboration or omission. Not right
Sold all the gear and the owlbear cubs. Over a thousand each seems a good haul.
Arranged a feast for this evening in the Screeching Harpy, to remember the fallen.

Late Evening

Feast was good. Went over our brief time together and told them I was leaving the party. They agreed to escort me to Whistlevale where I can arrange something with our merchant friend. Kwaku will be staying here to train with another priest in the magics of the Immortals.

Fireday, 2nd of Ninthmonth, 1532 ER

So, this is my last entry, barring any exceptional circumstances. I have decided to give the journal of the Company of the Valiant Blade to another, one with a unique viewpoint. Good luck my fellow adventurers, and may Danjas guide your blade, and Dainor find you fortune.
My time is done here.

Magga, servant of Dainor and Danjas, outrider of the Company of the Valiant Blade.
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Duncan T
Kwaku have book! Can no read Goblin tongue. Magga told me what in it though.

Start all entries with day, month, year. Seem a lot to remember!

Day number two of Ninthmonth

All rest leave. Take Magga west. Kwaku stay to learn more magic.

Kwaku eat, Kwaku think hard, Kwaku sleep.

Day number three of Ninthmonth

Kwaku learn more human tongue. Kwaku catch and eat rats. Kwaku learn more magic.

Day number six of Ninthmonth

Kwaku forget for few days. Kwaku speak good human now. Learn more magic too. Kwaku think about friends of Lumumba. Kwaku want more share of gold. Kwaku bought cow and eating all to self.

Day number eight of Ninthmonth

Kwaku eat lots of cow. Give it to poor children before others return. Kwaku buy other things. Finish training now. Pack give Kwaku more spells. Moon Lord give Kwaku more spells. Mighty Kwaku!

Kicked big dog too. Looked at Kwaku real strange.
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Duncan T
As written by Kwaku, male siv with the party

Day number nine of Ninthmonth

Kwaku like book. Book not argue with Kwaku.

Others come back now. Have new friend and no Magga. New friend Aquotl, naiad water-creature. Like salamander but water not fire. Uses magic and speak siv tongue. Kwaku like! Have pet hawk too. Lukkar and Deng have new tattoos. Make armour better.

Kwaku told others he want full share not half. Not just heal Lumumba. They agree! Now heal all and give more glory to Pack and Moon Lord. But still heal Lumumba more and give him more magic. He Kwaku's real friend and Near-Brother.

Lumumba talk with moej of Highkeep, get new magic.

Others seem surprised at Kwaku knowing human tongue. Think Kwaku stupid. Kwaku just see things others can't. Kwaku go celebrate now.

Day number ten of Ninthmonth

Kwaku and others had meeting with HighKeep Lord. He hold big court, sat on big throne and offer us work. Want son cured of being Monkey Man. Kwaku thing he funny as monkey man. Kwaku not say that to HighKeep Lord.

We sort out details with steward of Highkeep. Need to go to Forest of Apes. Talk to man with Rod of Baryc. Give us two days to think about it, as other man coming back with more information. They also have other group if we not want job. We go away to think about it. Kwaku see no problems. Kwaku let others argue. Kwaku buy cake at bakers.

Day number eleven of Ninthmonth

Much happen today! We have talk with two humans. Vincien Coingate brought along another man. Cilam Stormwhisper is human who part of Venturers of the Coin. They hire out adventurers like us. Offer us job to get back noble family sword. Don't know where Eastcastle is or who they are. Need to go to Forest of Apes. Kwaku like monkeys! Lumumba almost a monkey!

Lysander do lot of talking. He well again. Get offer of five hundred gold each. They say we work just for them and swear to work for three jobs. Kwaku happy. They offer us house to live in and people to work for us. Kwaku get to boss others around!

Others say they think about it. We go back to castle and talk lots. Talk about who to work for. Kwaku not care much. Highkeep Lord paid us once before. Venturers offer us people to boss around!

Most seem happy to work with both, but Deng seem keen on Highkeep Lord. He lead and others like sheep. We talk to steward Kazrak Rivers. We demand more gold and he agree. We work for them now. Lysander go to tell Cilam we no work for them.

Get new charter as other one fake. Keep name. Company of Valiant Blade stupid name. Kwaku think of new one somewhen. Deng now deputy to Lysander. Naiad added on. Get rid of halfling and Magga names. Them not last as long as Kwaku!

We leave next day, so Kwaku say goodbye to people in city tonight. Baker, poor children, man who train monkeys, woman who sell Kwaku coloured stones.

Day number twelve of Ninthmonth

We sign contract today. We leave later. Go to Southwatch then to big festival. We find guide to iron troll at festival. Iron troll in Harrowmoor. He called Erithus. Troll have token which he give to us. Token mean night fey in ape forest be nice to us. Kwaku think this good idea.

Kwaku pray for new magic last night. Pray to Pack for Strength of Yak, Courage of Hawk and Hand of Zombie. Pray to Moon Lord for Moon's Freedom and Moon's Blessing. Lumumba want Aid of Falcon but Kwaku not think good magic. Lumumba have Strength of Yak instead.

Lukkar have new dog. It bigger and meaner than last one. Kwaku no like dogs. They not like Kwaku either. Kwaku heal dog last.


We have fight already. Lumumba have message in Whistlespring from siv. Other siv not like Lumumba. Near-Brother want to go and meet siv down river. We all go along too. Meet at statue of Water Goddess. Kwaku no heard of her.

Siv with big wide hat wait for us on edge of river. Kwaku wanted big hat. Lumbumba tell siv he not Lumumba. Other siv get another siv to come to us. We start to fight. They use crossbows. They use feet and fists too. Lots of siv fight with feet and fists.

They run on river like me and Lumumba can. They fight a bit then go back out to river and shoot us. Sharanna and Lukkar and Deng shoot at them. They smash away arrows and bolts. Kwaku call on Moon's Blessing. Aquotl turn into small winged man and fire glowing light at siv. Siv have tattoos and Aquotl no good. One siv go down though.

Lumumba move out to river and attack siv. They all attack Near-Brother back and he come back to land. Kwaku heal Lumumba and others shoot more. Second siv go down and others run. Others get away and Deng make sure they go. Kwaku want big hat but Lumumba steal instead. They have no other loot. Near Brother will buy Kwaku big hat of own. Kwaku happy again.

Kwaku use magic to heal others. We go on.

Day number thirteen of Ninthmonth

We travel west. Kwaku stare at dog.

Day number fourteen of Ninthmonth

We travel west more. Kwaku stare at dog more. Dog stare back.

Day number fifteen of Ninthmonth

We get to Southwatch. Big old city. Kwaku got lost. Stay at Inn. Kwaku not see name.

Day number sixteen of Ninthmonth

Big wizard here give tattoo to Lumumba. Only big wizard can make tattoo. Lumumba can use same magic twice in same day. Kwaku want that tattoo but Kwaku too poor. Kwaku want lots more things too. Kwaku get big wide hat. It better than Lumumba hat. It not dented.
Lukkar know people here. Kwaku keep eye on goblin. He good ally.

Day number seventeen of Ninthmonth

We leave Southwatch. Head towards Festival of Three Queens.

Day number eighteen of Ninthmonth

Go through Whistlebridge. Kwaku have plan for dog now. Kwaku wait though.

Day number nineteen of Ninthmonth

Reach Queensmeet. Little village of humans. People gathering for festival. People buying and people selling. People laughing and others make people laugh. We set up own camp and join in.

Day number twenty of Ninthmonth

Kwaku learn alot today. Festival on Winter Moon, on last night of month. Moon Lord smiles fully that night! Festival about three queens. They meet long time ago. One human. One night fey. One forest fey. Now we go through meeting again, but with new queens. Though not really queens this time. Lukkar tell us some of that.

Deng help smith in Queensmeet. He good at making weapons. Other salamander, she root around on ground for things other people drop. She find some copper. She strange.

Lysander drink wine and beer. Then he drink more. Then he drink some more. He sick too. He mingle with human lords. Aquotl sing for other people. He have good voice. Lumumba, Kwaku and Aquotl join other people. We dance and sing and drink. We smart!

Day number twenty-one of Ninthmonth

More people arrive today. Deng still make weapons. Lysander still drink. Sharanna stop looking on ground. Deng, Lysander and Lumumba do falling over and tumbling act. Kwaku get money for them. Kwaku tell strangers of Moon Lord and Pack. They no listen.

Lumumba get robe. It just blanket with hole in. It good robe though. Kwaku get two. One have Moon Lord on many times. Other have all of the Pack. Kwaku count them all. There seven and twenty of them. Kwaku not like Dog as much as other ones. Kwaku like Toad most.

Day number twenty-three of Ninthmonth

Kwaku drink bad thing day before and forget book. All do same anyway. Old human speak to Sharanna. She take Kwaku and Lumumba on long walk to other village with old man. Others too lazy to come.

We find shrine to Fire Being at Harrowcross. Called Chatchom. Kwaku never heard about him. Sharanna burn stuff there. Kwaku find bridge. It go over Harrow and have troll under it. Troll not let Kwaku go over bridge. Kwaku not argue.

We walk back same day. Sharanna not really walk. She slither as have no feet.

Day number twenty-four of Ninthmonth

Festival next night. Still more people get here. Deng still smith. Human noble still drink. We still join others in good time.

Day number twenty-five of Ninthmonth

Go to big festival. All go into Queen's Wood. Get to druid grove. Main festival there. Human Lady as mortal queen. Pretty forest lady as forest queen. Ugly winged witch lady with bird feet as night queen.

We all dance and drink and talk lots. Kwaku not talk as much as others. People not like Kwaku as much. Kwaku tell them about Moon Lord though. Kwaku listen about Monkey God as well. He sound like good god too.

We all try to find guides to troll in Harrowmoor. Siv have no luck. Salamanders have no luck. Naiad have no luck. Goblin finding about monkey men in Ape Forest. Somehow drunk noble human find guides. Two kenku. Kenku dumb!

We all drink and dance and sing and fall over. Good time. Moon Lord gave big smile.

Day number one of Tenthmonth

We speak to Kenku and leave next day.

Lukkar tell us about monkey men in Forest of Apes. They serve woman called Lavrin. She acolyte of Monkey Mage. She steal lots of power from friends of Lukkar. She hold contest to find more acolytes for Monkey Mage. Kwaku want to be acolyte.

We say goodbye to other people who leave. Kwaku want to come back again. Kwaku find out that festival also held on first night of Summer.

Day number two of Tenthmonth

We leave Queensmeet and into Harrowmoor. Two kenku guides. They crafty and Kwaku keep eye on them. Moor not like swamp. Kwaku miss big swamp. It snow, but snow not stay on ground. Camp by waterfall. Others think monster come out of waterfall. Kwaku think they not right in head.


We attacked during night. Six big wolves. They clever and speak. Deng see them first. They howl near us, then go when salamanders shoot them. Lysander go back to sleep. Naiad go back to sleep. We all clever and stay awake.

We spot kenku near edge of camp. Lukkar go to him and jump out on him. Big wolves come back and we fight. Wolves nasty. Lumumba fight two with magic and chain. Lumumba fall over. Kwaku scared. Goblin fight on dog. Kwaku wake noble, who fall over by big wolf but still move. Sharanna fight good. Deng fight good and kill kenku. Naiad breathe cold breath over big wolf. Naiad then bitten and fall over and not move. Kwaku call on Blessing of Moon then Ward of Spider. Big wolf leave Kwaku alone because of Spider. Others kill big wolves. Kwaku use Hand of Zombie and heal from far away. Bring Near-Brother and Aquotl back so they move again.

Kwaku use all magic to heal. Not get magic back till get dark. Kenku explode in black feathers. Nothing to eat from it. Kwaku and Deng take feathers. All eat big wolves. Taste good.

Day number three of Tenthmonth

Kenku guides come back and it snow more. Others think kenku lead us to big wolves. Kwaku not sure. We not move as quick because of snow. Some siv walk over snow. Not us.

We meet big flying monkey. It carry mace like mine in tail. It speak in language of night fey. Deng talk back. It like siv! It like siv hats too. It jealous really. It leave us alone.

Day number four of Tenthmonth

Kenku say we reach place of troll. It live at bottom of gem mine. Kenku tell us way and leave. Lysander tie up horse and leave outside. Goblin take dog with us. Stupid dog should stay outside.

We find dead things mining. They ignore us. Some once human. Others like humans but with no eyes and paler. Some have gems inside chest. Maybe they look for more gems. We ignore them and go to find iron troll.

We find shrine to earth god down here. She gone long ago. Rocks fall on Lukkar but he fast. He not hurt but Kwaku find funny. We find water and hear things splashing. Mines bit flooded . Kwaku and Lumumba and Aquotl go to front. We all swim good.

Find tunnel where must swim through. Lumumba and Aquotl go ahead. Kill fish-human at other end. Run from other fish-humans. Kwaku know them. They called skum. They sometimes found in Deepswamp like siv.

We all go down tunnel of water. Lumumba cast spells first. Salamanders not like water. Lysander not like swim so naiad help him. Maybe he drink less and float more!

We fight skum and Kwaku make bad choice. They use big spears and slings. Bite and claw at us too. Naiad almost dead from nasty injury. Kwaku stop him turning into water. Others fight well and skum flee. Noble injured bad and Lumumba injured bad. Now we rest and heal for short while.

End of Session Four
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Duncan T
Day number four of Tenthmonth

Deng and Aquotl not feel good. Bound One curse them and they lose strength. They go back to shrine of Earth Goddess and we follow kenku directions through mines and find big wood door. No other door down here.

Hear banging of metal on otherside and we think iron troll there. Inside we find Erithus. He big and ugly. Have long arms and claws and called fire to hand. Had big forge and hammer. Kwaku stay away from him and stay quiet like Spider.

Troll no speak human or siv or goblin tongue. Kwaku and Lumumba and Lukkar and Sharanna and Lysander no speak night fey tongue. It speak fire tongue though and Sharanna speak to it. She no good talker and Kwaku glad iron troll not kill us all. It look at charter with HighKeep mark and talk to Sharanna. It agree to honour debt and give us helmet. Helmet made of iron and have gold on it and glow green. Troll tell us it have mark of Winter King. He lord of the night fey and they leave us alone in Ape Forest. That good.

Troll ask if it make anything for us. We say no but Kwaku know where to come when he want special armour. We leave and go back to shrine of earth goddess. We sleep there and she no care. Others want to go after skum and steal from them. Kwaku not think they got much. Kwaku not get magic back as Moon Lord in bad mood. Kwaku look at pictures of earth goddess. Kwaku also look after others wounds.

Day number five of Tenthmonth

Sharanna have look at pictures with Kwaku. She push eye of picture and wall slide away. There gems in bag and mining picks. Kwaku call on Moon's Sight and he say one pick has magic. Kwaku press all eyes on other pictures in shrine but no find more sliding walls. Crocodile hide them from Kwaku. Crocodile like playing tricks on others.

Deng and Aquotl still cursed by Bound One and not feel good. We leave them and go back to mines. Lumumba not want to wait for Kwaku to get magic back. He growing dumb like human and salamander female. He need time in swamp again. Lukkar no scout like normal. He not good with water and not happy down here. He wise like Kwaku.

We find more skum and attack them. They no last long. Lysander kill three and Lumumba get last. Sharanna injure most bad but Lysander steal kills. None get away. Kwaku no fight but read scrolls to heal.

We wander round and round mines. Not know where going. Wander round more. Kwaku hope someone know way out. Kwaku not happy underground like Badger. We find hole down and wet skum footprints. Go down hole and Lukkar do some scounting. Then find water and Lumumba scout. He climb like Monkey and swim like siv and run like Horse with magic. He not good scout though.

Near-Brother find cave of water with skum and we go other way into caves. We go down and down more. Kwaku think we go into Deeps. Find many tentacled centipede. It make Lysander go still. Rest of us kill it and poke human. He not still for long. We only find bones and rotten leather vambrace. Sharanna take it though. She like rotten stuff. She scavenge like Rat.

We wait and Kwaku get magic from Moon Lord. We then rest in cave. It dark down here and Kwaku no see Moon Lord. Kwaku pray to Badger and Bat and Owl and Rat and Zombie instead. They like dark.

Day number six of Tenthmonth

We had enough of caves and go back to hole from mine. Lumumba climb up but skum try to push him down again. He stick to hole like Spider and climb back up but skum run away. We follow wet footprints through wet tunnels. Find water filled cave and hear someone calling magic. Skum who use magic not good. Skum master who use magic more not good. We go quick.

Go long way through mines. Lukkar remember way. Get to shrine of earth goddess and drag Deng and Aquotl behind us. Get to dead men with picks again. One of them go to Sharanna. She carry gems from earth goddess shrine and they want it. We destroy it and rest of dead ones come for us. Dead ones try to get to Sharanna. Eyeless ones tougher than former humans.

Others fight and Kwaku heal. Kwaku call down Moon's Blessing. Lysander use rapier and Lumumba use chain against dead ones but they not care much about being stuck through. Sharanna and Lukkar use big swords and they good against dead ones. Fight long and eyeless dead ones tough but Kwaku heal warriors who injured and we win. Take gems and give to Sharanna. Kick dead one bodies but they not get up again. Zombie left them.

We get back outside and Lysander's horse gone. There blood and Kwaku think kenku come back for it. Lukkar lead us back north through snow and moors. Kwaku pray for Yak's Coat at dusk to keep warm. No tell others though. Camp in Harrowmoor

Day number seven of Tenthmonth

Apes find us and follow us for little while. They get bored and we leave Harrowmoor.

Day number nine of Tenthmonth

Yesterday we travel more and then today we go through Whistlespring. Find pot merchant called Tsuge and guard. We escort them to Highkeep. Guard from Dog beastclan and Kwaku keep away from him. He smell like Dog too!

We get back to Highkeep and talk to steward. Kazrak Rivers tell us to rest for few days while they find more about Forest of Apes. Kwaku and others happy with that.

Odakota does deal with us for gems but there something wrong. Sharanna not want to give up gems and we have to hold her down to take them off her. Moej tell us about dead ones. They called the Digging and gems have curse on them. Sharanna now have curse and she greedy like Hydra. Kwaku not see much change! Odakota can lift curse with his magic next day. We find place for salamander to stay for night.

Day number ten of Tenthmonth

Moej use much magic but he lift curse and Sharanna not as greedy though Kwaku still hide his wealth from her. We sell treasure and Kwaku more rich. Keep money for plan.

Kwaku spend time with priests of Fistarka and Akashic Great Mind. They teach Kwaku more magic. Others fight each other and hunt in forests around.

Day number eleven of Tenthmonth

Kwaku learn more magic and more about magic. Kwaku also learn more about Immortals and gods. Too many. Kwaku stay with Moon Lord and Pack. They good to Kwaku.

Lysander start ritual with moej. He do Ritual of Past Memories to find out about previous lives. Kwaku watch sometimes. Kwaku lead this ceremony for others one day.

Day number twelve of Tenthmonth

Kwaku buy cooked pig and feed poor children again. They glad to see Kwaku. Boar not mind, he understand.

Day number thirteen of Tenthmonth

Kwaku watch more of Lysander in ritual. He once warrior among Beastclans. They rise up against beastclan of Crow and Lysander was warrior of Wolf. He surprise Kwaku. Crow not part of Pack anymore. Crow dead and not come back.

Day number fourteen of Tenthmonth

Kwaku join in mock-fighting of others. Lumumba learning more magic so fight Lukkar and Sharanna. They better warriors than Kwaku but he use magic of Moon Lord and Pack to help.

Day number fifteen of Tenthmonth

Lysander finish ritual and he now warrior of Wolf again. Learn from time before. He move fast and now keep up with siv and salamanders and goblin. Only naiad slow one now.

Day number seventeen of Tenthmonth

We near end of rest as HighKeeps find out enough to send us to Forest of Apes. Sharanna now learnt magic. She still use curse on foes but also use magic so foes run from Wolf's Howl or so she strike quickly. She call Wolf's Howl by other name but Kwaku know it same.

Lukkar have map now and Kwaku have look but it make no real sense. Kwaku not good at reading human tongue. Lysander seem to know about places.
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Duncan T
After this stage, the party are now

Aquotl, naiad male from the Bitter Ocean, Sorcerer 4
Deng of the Sudjai, salamander male from the Kethor Wastes, Scout 3 / Elk Totem Warrior 1
Lukkar, goblin male from the Deeps, Scout 4 / Falcon Totem Warrior 1
Lumumba, siv male from the Deepswamp, Monkey Totem Warrior 1 / Transmuter 4
Lysander Casaragis, human male from Kynahar, Fighter 4 / Wolf Totem Warrior 1
Sharanna, salamander female from Mejan, Salamander Paragon 1 / Hexblade 4

with one NPC:

Kwaku, siv male from the Deepswamp, Cleric of the Pack and Lord Moon 4


Duncan T
Day number eighteen of Tenthmonth

We meet with Kazrak Rivers. He tell us we go to forest and speak to a monkey wizard in a tower. He called Roniax and not the actual Monkey Mage. He tell us where Seer of the Apes is. Seer of the Apes can restore HighKeep son.

We go along Night Road to get to monkey wizard and his tower. Kazrak give us tapestry to give to Roniax. Lumumba want to wear tapestry as clothing but he not have enough courage to do so. They give us horse to carry tapestry. It called Brightflame. Stupid name. It fat from not being ridden. It belong to Metabus. We get Highkeep tabards again too.

We prepare to go next day. Sharanna now has weasel as magic companion. It like Kwaku as Kwaku feed it. Train it to not like dogs. Dog now has tattoo on forehead to stop magic blasts. Kwaku no need that tattoo. Kwaku say goodbye to friends in Highkeep.

Day number nineteen of Tenthmonth

We leave Highkeep and go through Whistlesprings. We go fast now. Deng and Aquotl still under curse of Bound One but they keep up. Kwaku stare at dog. Dog look away.

Day number twenty-one of Tenthmonth

We have new things follow us now. Lumumba found cat and ate a mouse it offered him. Brought it back and it act friendly. It also guarded by big grey beast with long arms. Lumumba call it a gray render. It not very bright. We keep cat with us and render follow us. It not attack us but it stay close to cat.

Kwaku try to get dog to eat cat, but dog not keen.

Day number twenty-two of Tenthmonth

Go through Whistlebridge today. Kwaku and Lumumba go upriver with cat and lure render over. Villagers probably not like render in their home.

Day number twenty-three of Tenthmonth

We nearly to Forest of Apes! Found man digging graves for two others. He claim bear killed them but Sharanna know he lying. Kwaku look at bodies. Bodies killed by bladed weapon. Man try to get away but we stop him. He good fighter and injure Lysander much. Seem to fight good against human. Only one of us human though. We knock him down and tie him up to tree.

Lysander threaten him and he talk. He called Inrakar and kill men to steal stuff. They not have much though. Man stupid! He kill them and then leave bodies, not dig graves for them.
We take Inrakar south and keep him knocked out. His head hurt.
Only thing good on Inrakar is a locket. It have face of pretty human in. Belong to one of dead men.

Day number twenty-four of Tenthmonth

Moon Lord smile bright last night! We reach Harrowcross and give over Inrakar to guards. They know about missing men. We give locket back to give to family of dead man. We good!
Guards take care of Inrakar and pay troll to let us over his bridge. They not like murderers.

Lumumba and Kwaku take render over river Harrow like we did over river Whistle. Kwaku want to see render fight troll. That good fight!

We camp on Night Road. It made of black stone and wide. Big black horses come and stare at us during night. We all wear iron helmet with mark of Winter King and they stay away. Lukkar call them droonies. They night fey.

Day number twenty-five of Tenthmonth

We do more good deeds! Goblin woman run to us in rags and Lukkar speak to her. She running from monkey-panthers. Kwaku not sure. They called forest sentinels and they created by Monkey Mage. They have big cat bodies and move like apes. Use javelins and swing in trees. That weird.

Four of them follow goblin woman and demand her. They want to sacrifice her to Monkey God. That remind Kwaku. He no sacrifice to Pack for while. Maybe Tiger want a forest sentinel. Panther and Monkey might not find that good. We say no and they throw javelins from trees. Lumumba have spells cast already and Kwaku call on Moon's Blessing.

They good fighters. One wrestle with Lukkar and one wrestle with Lumumba when he go up tree. Another throw javelins from other side of road. One fight Sharanna and Lysander and they kill good. Render protect cat and take away from fight.

Kwaku call on Hand of Zombie and heal others. Lumumba need healing and Lukkar need healing. Kwaku use Hand of Zombie to call down Wrath of Griffon on ape-panther. It no like Wrath of Griffon. Lumumba throw his out of tree and it stop moving. Sharanna help dog and Lukkar and they kill one wrestling Lukkar. Last one knock goblin woman down and get past Lysander and swing off with her through trees. But Lumumba run after through trees like Monkey and stop it. Bring back goblin woman. She nearly dead.

End of Session Five
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Duncan T
Day number twenty-five of Tenthmonth

Kwaku heal goblin woman. Borrow scroll from Sharanna and heal her and Lukkar too. Goblin woman called Tolya. She a scout and she not want to be sacrificed to Monkey God. She hide near Lukkar and stay with him. Tolya given shortsword and buckler by Lukkar. Panther-apes have gold and wood monkey figurines. Kwaku want to buy one from party when we sell loot.

We move on and camp by side of road. Kenku follow us and we not know why. Stare at Lysander as he wear helmet from troll. Moon Lord have big smile in night. Maybe there a Lady Moon out there for him.

Day number one of Eleventhmonth

Lukkar comfort Tolya in night. More night fey stare at us during night. Yellow goblins called spriggans stare at us and skulks stare at us and redcaps stare at us and droonies stare at us and taurim stare at us and a harpy-hag stare at us and other night fey stare at us. Kwaku stare back. But not for too long or they take Kwaku away and feed him to big apes.
Cat and render leave in night. They wise.


Night fey follow us when we leave camp. Aquotl and Deng feeling better now. But they pass on curse to Lumumba. He no answer questions or feel good. Kwaku eat his food when he no want it.

Lysander talk to night fey and they say they follow because of helmet. Kwaku happy not to wear helmet during night now. Helmet once belong to great night fey.

We meet good lady later. Human woman with five green-furred apes and two taurim. She very pretty for human. Have faerie blood in her. We see apes like these before in Highkeep Forest. She called Lavrin. Have many symbols of monkey on her. We talk to her and she get kenku to guide us to Tower of Roniax the monkey-sorcerer. Lavrin tell us she acolyte of the Monkey Mage and she holding challenge for any who wish to share in power. They find ruined Tower of Tryfenna and she set them task. Kwaku want to find ruins and learn of Monkey God.

She also ask us about Highkeep and offer us work if we still in area. She seem nice and have power over night fey. But when she leave Lukkar say he not like her. She steal power from his friends and he want to punish her or take back power. Kwaku not sure. She look powerful. Kwaku want to know more first.

Kenku scout called Flavian. He lead us back along road we already gone. Some kenku stop following us but most still follow. We camp by Night Road.

Day number two of Eleventhmonth

We head west into forest with Flavian. He seem more reliable than other kenku guides we have. Night fey dwindle away and none follow us by time we camp. They grow bored.

Kwaku stare at dog. Dog snap at Kwaku and Kwaku keep away. Kwaku think about praying for Bat's Greed to use on dog. Lukkar probably not like so Kwaku not do that yet.

Day number three of Eleventhmonth

We followed by new monkey-warped thing. It night fey with upper body of ape and lower body of a spider. Kwaku not think Monkey or Spider like to be mushed into one creature. Lukkar say it a Llosk and it guardian of forest. We leave it alone and it get bored and go away.

Day number four of Eleventhmonth

During night Lysander have experience. He seduced away by woman with pretty song and dress. Kwaku on watch too but let him go as he not get mixed up in noble's affair. Lukkar and Sharanna wake and go after Lysander. Goblin lady go after Lukkar but Aquotl and Deng stay with Kwaku. They wise.

Lukkar and Sharrana came back with Lysander. He got bit by woman in shoulder while doing stuff with her. Lukkar and Sharanna attack woman and she swim away into pool of water. Lukkar say she a glaistig, a night fey like one we met long ago. But not a nice one. It was just hungry.


Not good day. We reach Tower of Roniax the monkey sorcerer and we ask Flavian where ruins of Tower of Tryfenna are. He say he not know but know someone else who know but we no deal with him anymore. He go.

We approach tower and a yellow goblin spriggan try to stop us. We try to talk to it and it insist we cannot approach the tower. It grow to double size of Kwaku and it have two friends that do same. They were hiding in trees. They also summon fire to hand which Aquotl not like. He made of water and make steam when meet fire. They also use long chain like Lumumba which Kwaku very much not like. Kwaku rethink going to tower. One spriggan shrink down and go and hide. They threaten and we not go. Then they attack.

Hidden spriggan use magic on us and Deng start to run. He run too fast for Kwaku to use Hawk's Courage to help him. Lukkar and Lysander take on one large spriggan and Sharanna take on other large one. Tolya hide away. Aquotl breathe cold on one large one. Small one throw fire at naiad and angry one knock him over. Kwaku use Hand of Zombie to heal Aquotl and he breathe on one it injure before. Then he fall over again. Spriggan not fall over but it run away from Sharanna and run away from fight.

Lysander and Lukkar fight other large one but they not do so well. It resistant to normal weapons so they only scratch it. As Deng return Lysander charge up to large one and it wrap chain round his neck. It fling him to tree and he hang from it. His head not look good and he dead. Kwaku sad. Kwaku like leader. Deng and Lukkar finish off other large spriggan and avenge Lysander. Small spriggan turn into big spriggan and then flee from Sharanna and battle. Kwaku not think her so scary but she have nice weasel.

We bury Lysander and Kwaku say prayer for him. Spriggan only leave behind beard when it die. Kwaku took beard. It also have human skull it use as chest have lock and key for it. Deng make short javelins for Tolya from ones we took from sentinels.

Kwaku write in journal while we get ready to go into Tower of Roniax. Kwaku say goodbye to Lysander and think of way to remember him. Kwaku hope he have good time with Pack. Kwaku hope Wolf welcome him and he see Kwaku when Kwaku go to the Pack. Kwaku hope he go to Pack and not Moon Lord when he dead. Only one Moon Lord and lots of Pack. That more fun.
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Duncan T
Day number four of Eleventhmonth


Deng our leader now. It say so on charter but we still think he not really leader. Deng touch big doors on tower and monkey face talk to us. It say open door so we do. Circle of strange stone seats inside. Monkey statues which we can sit on. There ones for goblins and salamanders and siv and humans. Kwaku choose one which has head looking away. It not come alive so that good.

Monkey appear from nowhere in middle of room. Kwaku see no exits except front door. Monkey talk to us in Night Fey and Human tongue. It use powerful magic too! Kwaku not mess with monkey sorcerer. It welcome us and we give it tapestry of monkeys which HighKeep family give us. Monkey tell us Seer of the Apes can be found at ruined Tower of Hurit. Hurit build Tower of Monkey Mage most north and there trail of statues from Tower of Roniax to Tower of Hurit. It easy to find! Kwaku want to know more about Towers of Monkey Mage.

We ask it about Tower of Tryfenna. Roniax want more and we swap monkey of silver for knowledge. Monkey sorcerer seem to know lot for a monkey. Tower southeast of Roniax tower and there a trail of statues to it from Tower of Roniax. It form triangle with Tower of Roniax and Tower of Hurit. Tower of Roniax only one still stand though. Tryfenna once from Monkey beastclan but her tower smashed down by night fey. Night fey commanded by Niabi. She night fey Lord and very pretty. She jealous too.

We leave monkey-sorcerer and it say come back if want to know more. Maybe Kwaku come back. Maybe Kwaku no come back.

We follow monkey statues that go to ruins of Tower of Hurit.

Day number five of Eleventhmonth

Sharanna tell us of ally that wait for us on Night Road. It salamander who serve same family as her and she contacted by magic. Kwaku not know what magic though.

We happy to have more ally. Kwaku happy if it good warrior like Deng and Sharanna. Not so happy if it have dog. Kwaku not want more than one dog in group.
We not reach Night Road today. We get there next day.

Day number six of Eleventhmonth

We cross Night Road and meet Sudurak. He salamander with no weapons. He not have armour too. Kwaku not sure what he do. Sharanna say he warrior. Maybe he fight with body like many siv. Maybe he just die and go bang. We now have more salamanders than any other people. Maybe we swap Lukkar for a siv. Then we have proper number and not have dog anymore. But then Deng scout on own. Maybe we keep Lukkar instead.

We see apes with cloak-wings in trees. They throw fruit and sticks at us but we ignore them. Kwaku eat fruit. It good!


We get to ruined Tower of Hurit. It ruin of tower. Kenku try to talk to us but we ignore it. There group of humans there with monkeys. There about triple number of us. We nearly attack them but decide to talk first. That good choice as they not Seer of Apes. They from Monkey beastclan. We talk to human woman. She Medhuil, daughter of Tecca. She powerful shaman of Monkey. Kwaku make sure he not anger her. She not say why all Monkey beastclan people here but she know where Seer of Apes is. We tell her about Rod of Baryc and she not want us to keep it. She not seem to care about Seer of Apes so we make deal. She say he not give up Rod without fight.

They help us and we give them Rod when we finish with it. Then we all happy. Except Seer of Apes. He not happy to get beat up and have big magic taken from him. But he not nice. He work with men with dogs.

Late Afternoon

We have big fight. Man from Monkey beastclan help us. Jowca son of Jowca. He say many sons of Jowca come before him. Them boring. Kwaku call son after great siv hero. Not know which one though. Jowca travel with us until we give him rod. He use magic and shoot bow and climb trees. He have monkey too.

Sudurak and Lumumba and Aquotl get magic ready before fight. Jowca use magic too. He give Strength of Yak on Deng and Sharanna and Lumuba to help them. Aquotl turn into pixie. He look funny! We leave goblin woman with horse. She no fight unless need to.

We send Deng and Lukkar to scout. Foes not see us until Jowca shoot them from trees. There three Dog marauder and two dog marauder who think they apes. They curse by Rod of Baryc. There also big ape and dogs and Seer of Apes and warhorses. Kwaku stay away from fight and heal with Hand of Zombie!

We kill one dog first with bows and magic and they not happy. Sudurak fire crossbow bolts from hand without crossbow. That good trick. Deng and Sudurak fight Dog marauder-ape men. Sudurak use fists and tail to fight and that look strange. Sharanna and Lumumba rush up to tents where they fight Dog marauder and dogs and horses. Lukkar's dog go with Sharanna too. Lukkar shout at it to come to him but dog ignore him and go to fight instead. Lukkar have to shoot at foes instead on foot. Maybe he get rid of dog. Jowca shoot at foes too. He shoot lots of arrows and often hit. Seer of Apes come out of tent and Lumumba knock his bow away when seer get on horse. Big ape go up to fight Sudurak and Deng but it get curse from Sharanna and it no happy.

Aquotl fly up to breath cold over foes but it not go well. Seer pick up bow and shoot two arrows at once from bow. Both hit pixie-naiad and he fall on floor. He not turn to water so he ok. Kwaku think that good trick. He try that later with Sharanna's bow. Kwaku use Hand of Zombie to heal Sharanna and Deng. Deng and Sudurak and Lukkar kill big ape and Dog-ape maruaders. Sharanna and dog and Lumumba take down other dogs and horse and Dog marauders. Sharanna also curse seer. He not happy and shoot at salamander from on top of horse. salamanders not happy when hit by bow. It have enchantment of winter and make them cold. Salamanders not like being cold. Last Dog marauder get on horse and get lance but Jowca shoot down horse. He get another horse but then Jowca shoot him off horse instead when he get to Sharanna. Kwaku make sure Aquotl not die.

Seer make last fight though. He funny! He use Rod of Baryc on Lumumba and turn him into a monkey. Lumumba have magic on that make there five of him. That not protect him from the Rod and there five monkeys instead. They climb tree. Then seer turn Deng into monkey too. He should have run instead. Sharanna drop sword and use flail to knock rod from seer. Then Lukkar and his dog and Sudurak and Sharanna get round seer and kill horse. Then they beat up seer and he turn into big ape. But they still beat him up and he fall down.

So we win and none get away. But we have two monkeys instead of Deng and Lumumba. Kwaku keep them as pets. Maybe they eat dog for Kwaku! We have Rod of Baryc too. That also good.

End of Session Six
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