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Legend of the Monkey Mage - The End (Final Update, 26 Jun 06)


Duncan T
Day number six of Eleventhmonth

We loot and take horses and seer of apes and monkeys which are Deng and Lumumba back to Ruins of Tower of Hurit. Loot all boring, armour and weapons and money and magical bow. Nothing Kwaku want. Jowca say to leave bodies and his friends take care of them. Jowca ask if we give seer to his friends and we have no problem.

Lumumba seem to want to throw poo at others so we lock him and Deng in cage til they not monkeys anymore.

Medhuil, daughter of Tecca says she can restore them and we wait for her to prepare magical ritual. Rod of Baryc not restore those it turn into monkeys. Kwaku wonder if Deng and Lumumba better as monkeys. They do good tricks and Kwaku nearer to Monkey Mage. But Near-Brother good to Kwaku so maybe he should be a siv again. Maybe Deng be made a siv too. Kwaku ask Medhuil when she cast spell!


Deng and Lumumba back to normal form. Deng not a siv but he still light up. We stay at ruins with Jowca's friends. Jowca's friends go back to where we have fight to take care of bodies. Give Rod of Baryc to Jowca.

Day number seven of Eleventhmonth

We leave ruins after Lumumba use magic to commune with bow. It have properties of winter. Jowca, son of Jowca riding one of new horses and Aquotl another. Jowca seem to know how to care for animals properly, unlike all others. Aquotl can summon them, but then they stare at him til he ride them or they go home to magic place they come from.

We get to Night Road and go back north toward Harrowcross where troll is. When sun highest a voice call out from a pool and try to lure us to it. Deng see monkey-dog think with hand on end of tail and we leave it alone. Lumumba call it an ahuizotl and it nasty. Night fey follow us along road but they no get too close. Just stare at helmet. We camp next to Night Road.

Day number eight of Eleventhmonth

We reach Harrowcross and no troll ask for gift. Maybe it away eating humans or dogs. Kwaku bring dog to feed it if we come here again.

Day number ten of Eleventhmonth

Day before we go over river Whistle and today we get to Southwatch. It snowing again!

We sell loot in Southwatch and do some shopping. Lukkar have friends here who help sell stuff. We split money and Kwaku get lots! Stay night in city. Lukkar find place for Tusya to stay and we say goodbye to her. She Lukkar's special friend now.

Day number eleven of Eleventhmonth

We leave Southwatch and go back towards Highkeep. Meet Company of Southwatch Bronze. They employed by people we turn down and take our leftover jobs. They going to Forest of Apes to get back noble family sword. They have two tain and three humans and a pech which talk for them. Some wear lots of armour and they slow. We move twice as fast. Company of Valiant Blade know how to move quick. It snowing more but it now slow us down

Day number thirteen of Eleventhmonth

We go through Southhunt day before and today it snow lots. Tonight it Warlock's Eve. Bad people do bit rituals on this night. Chaos fiends walk land and dead haunt the night. We camp in open as we strong. Maybe bit dumb too.


We attacked by undead. They look like feral humans with blood on face. Kwaku see they undead but not know more about them. They try to bit Kwaku but he retreat and call out alarm. Summon Moon's Blessing and then Hand of Zombie. Deng and Lumumba and Aquotl and Lukkar battle undead. One bite dog and drink some blood. Kwaku secretly cheer undead. Jowca throw lots of fire at one and it not like it. It take hold of Jowca and drink his blood. Other run away. Kwaku use healing from Pack on undead and destroy it. It not like healing like us. Other undead not return. Find potions on undead and one restore some energy to Jowca as he looking unhealthy.

Jowca call them vampyrs, they savage undead who live only to drink blood. They keep away from Kwaku! He not want to give up blood. Jowca know alot about them, lots more than Kwaku.

Day number fourteen of Eleventhmonth

We survive Warlock's Eve and return to Highkeep. There many soldiers around and lots of people busy. We talk to one and they say they march off to war north soon. Speak to steward Kazrak and he happy to see us. Jowca use Rod of Baryc on other man we find with Metabus. Then if it not work it not matter much. Man restored back to human and not think he monkey-man anymore.

Kazrak tell us that he agree to give Rod to others of Monkey Beastclan. They lead by Corentyn, son of Breage and Vernus Halfsign. We meet them in Highkeep Forest at monkey shrine. But we not think Rod should be taken from Jowca as we agree to give it to him. Kazrak say he think about it but we want to keep word.

Kazrak also want to know where Lysander was. Not too happy he now with the Pack.

Day number fifteen of Eleventhmonth

We restore Metabus and he seem dazed. He go away and lock self in room. Kwaku think he gone mad as monkey-man. Jowca get to keep Rod of Baryc and he leave Highkeep. Kazrak tell us that others say Jowca know lots about undead and consort with them but Kwaku not see any. Aquotl seem to think it might be true but we not care as we gave word. Other Monkey people leave but not happy.

Deng given letter for Lysander. It from his wife who having little one. She on way to Southwatch and we vote Deng to give her news. We not give letter to Kazrak but deal with ourselves. We look after own as we know what important.

Kwaku see other siv here but they not want to talk to Kwaku. We rest and Kwaku start to learn more about magic of Lord Moon and Pack. Others train too. Also split money and Kwaku have magic tattoo started on him.

Day number sixteen of Eleventhmonth

Sharanna and Sudurak ill. They not like being cooped up. Kwaku try to light fire on them but they not like that either. We leave them in room together. Maybe they make little snakes.

Kwaku get more of tattoo done. It make Kwaku wiser and it take form of Raven. He wise and lead Pack so he lead Kwaku too.

Day number eighteen of Eleventhmonth

We find out about other siv! They lead by Saada. He a priest of the Lord of the Green Claw, who create the siv and he our lord and master. One challenge Lumumba to fight and he accept. They fight tomorrow and Near-Brother get to choose weapon under human law. That stupid as he choose chain which others not normally use. If Lumumba win siv no hunt him anymore and that a good thing.

Day number nineteen of Eleventhmonth

Kwaku have tattoo finish! He wiser but can make tattoo stronger by getting other poeple bound to it. They get tattoo and give up being wise to make Kwaku wiser. Keep them in room so they not harm themselves. Lord HighKeep have whole building of poeple who given bound to tattoos and given up oarts of themself. Now we have other use for captives so Kwaku get sap. Maybe Kwaku buy cage too.

We all gather to watch Lumumba fight. We had fight with enemy siv before. We meet on River Whistle and siv run away. It not care what weapon chosen as it use fists. Lumumba and other siv only use magic they have themselves and get count before fight start in fighting pit. Lumumba cast spells on self and there many of him. Other siv drink potions but it not do him good.

Other siv close too slowly and Lumbumba use rays of magic on him to may him clumsy and then weak. Kwaku laugh at other siv. Other siv get rid of magic Lumumbas but Lumumba better warrior and he finish off Monk of the Long Claw. He only a bit injured.

Saada say Lumumba now not hunted and he look at Near-Brother strange. Maybe he have more plans for Kwaku and Lumumba. He stay here as ambassador from siv tribes of the Fortress of the Green Claw. We celebrate victory of Near-Brother and drink too much. Not as much as Lysander would, but it not do him good now anyway.

Day number twenty-one of Eleventhmonth

Lord HighKeep give us audience today. We meet him in smart clothes in big hall and he sit on throne. Soldiers of Highkeep go off to war to north. They march with Southwatch soldiers and go to aid Whiteblade family. They all fight against Tyrant of Eastcastle and his mercenaries. Kwaku not know any of them so he not care.

Lord Highkeep want people he trust to stay at his home. He let us swear fealty and give us a tattoo each like Kwaku have. Also have people bound to our tattoo from his gaol with people like that in it. We then work for HighKeep family and they pay us as they see fit. It good offer and we have til Lord HighKeep leave to say yes. Maybe Kwaku have dog bound to his tattoo but they probably too stupid!

Deng made formal leader on charter and Lukkar made deputy. Kwaku not want to be either. He see what happen to Lysander.

Day number twenty-three of Eleventhmonth

We not decide to accept Lord Highkeep offer yet. Lukkar have other friends who heard of us and they want to hire us too. We meet them tomorrow in the Hungry Bear in Highkeep. Kwaku know lots more magic now!

Day number twenty-four of Eleventhmonth

We meet pech in rich clothes and studded with gems in Hungry Bear. He called Mehi and he in charge of Redroad Trading Coster in Southwatch. He have some guards and they lead by big human in lots of platemail. He have twisted face and called Pothinus. Kwaku keep long way from him!

Mehi want us to investigate Vincien Coingate who was first person to ever hire us. Vincien merchant and Redroad Trading Coster merchants too. They say Vincien have illegal trade route to Eastwatch and that damaging their trade. They want him to stop using illegal trade route. Eastwatch in Bukon and that not friend of Sohal City-states like Highkeep and Southwatch. They offer us lots of money and we have week to think about it.

We talk to Kazrak Rivers and he say Redroad Trading Coster a front for criminals. They no-good and Highkeep not like them. Call them the Black Network. That not worry us much. Maybe they who friends with Lukkar.

Another human come to us in evening and tell us someone else want to hire us. We well known now! She jeweller in Whistlesprings called Peregrina. We go to see next day.

Day number twenty-five of Eleventhmonth

It last day of month and Moon Lord very happy. Kwaku make deal with Moon Lord and Pack and now get magic restored at midnight. Bat and Owl most active then and Moon Lord normally high in sky!

We meet woman in Whistlesprings in Pig and Thistle Inn. She have food for us and it all food we like. Even fire for Deng! She wear veil and we not see face. Peregrina once one of Night Court but she outcast by other fey and now stuck in mortal world. She work as jeweller and rich. She pay us in gems and jewellery if we take job. She want to know more about Monkey Mage and become Acolyte of Monkey Mage. She want us to go to forest and learn lots about monkey stuff. Kwaku like monkeys! Peregrina not have much magic but she know of other acolytes who not have magic either.

If she become Acolyte she give us big mansion as she not need it anymore. We could keep weak ones who bound to our tattoos there. We leave Whistlevale and go back fast to Highkeep. We all tired when get back.

Day number one of Twelthmonth

We talk to Kazrak and talk among selves about offers. We talk and talk and talk. Deng keen on Highkeep work to start with but then we talk to them and they say we will serve them. Deng not want to serve anyone so he change mind. He decide he want to go to Forest of Apes just like Kwaku want to do. Lukkar want to work with friends of Redroad Trading Coster but we not too keen as we think we have to talk to people if we do that job.

Aquotl want to work for Highkeep as he greedy and want tattoo. But Lumumba want to work for night fey woman and help Kwaku find more about monkeys. Sudurak and Sharanna not well so they not vote. That three to one to one.

We go hunt more about monkeys! Kwaku happy. Maybe he become acolyte of Monkey Mage.

Go to Whistlesprings again and tell Peregrina we work for her. She give us some money to start with and she warn us of night fey Lady Niabi. She night fey lord who banish Peregrina from Night Court. We not show her scarf we have with face of Niabi from spriggans. That probably make her angry.

Kwaku stare at dog. He got more magic now and dog look away.

Day number two of Twelthmonth

We go back to Highkeep to sort out things. Kwaku talk to Clady Rivers. She acolyte of Moon Lord and teach Kwaku lots of magic in last weeks. She also serve Chianar who guard the Bound One and she have problem she want help with.

We agree to go to Highkeep Forest and destroy temple of the Dark. Chianar not like the Dark as they serve the Bound One. Temple guarded by ettercaps and Clady agree to bless us with power of Chianar if we destroy temple and block way to Deeps. Kwaku gets some picks for digging with.

Day number three of Twelthmonth

Get to Highkeep Forest and meet a kenku guide at village of Blackvale. It lead us short way into forest and then go away. Lukkar scout and he find an ettercap in trees by a cave. He look in cave and see tunnels away and big chest and black rock shrine to the Dark.

Aquotl take form of satyr in forest. It forest fey but he move faster in that form. We attacked by ettercaps but they not match for us. Kwaku call down Blessing of Moon and use Moon's Touch to enchant crossbow bolts. Lumumba use magic and go up tree where he kill one. Aquotl injure one with magic which Kwaku finish off with Moon's Spear. Moon's Spear good magic. It injure foe and steal their magic. Deng and Lukkar injure others. Kwaku shoot one down as it try to run and Lukkar kill last one. Kwaku kill more than others. He mighty warrior!

Deng go into cave first and he nearly fall down pit. He not fall down long way and get hit by lots of spikes and that good. Kwaku only just see to bottom with nightvision! He not want to fall down that either.

Lukkar and dog and Lumumba and Aquotl all jump over pit but Kwaku stay on forest side as he not good at jumping. He heal with Hand of Zombie instead. Lumumba look for magic and he find some in ground under chest. He tie rope round chest and it punch him. Kwaku see him wrestle chest and others attack chest and then hear other creature attack. Kwaku not see all of fight but he see Aquotl run down tunnel. Other creature sound large and hear Deng and dog and Lukkar fight it.

Kwaku help Near-Brother battle chest-monster. It bite Lumumba and he stuck to it. But Kwaku call down Wrath of Tiger and Wrath of Griffon through Hand of Zombie and it stop moving. Dog stop barking and Lukkar stop shouting and it not look good. It look less good when Aquotl come back from tunnel and Lumumba start to attack him. Other creature send them all mad. Kwaku sane and keep back other side of pit.

Then Deng run off and Kwaku see other creature. It stand on two legs and have large claws and hard shell and whirling eyes. But Kwaku not go mad like others. He heal them with magic instead. Aquotl try to run but he knocked down and still. Deng fight monster and fight Lumumba and Lumbumba fight monster and Deng and monster fight Lumumba. Kwaku bring Aquotl back round but he not look with eyes. He use magic to summon cold snow which monster not like. Kwaku not sure how Aquotl not get others but he glad.
Monster have enough of others and they not mad anymore. It try to run but Lumumba go after it and kill it.

We rest and find loot in hole under chest. There gold statues of creatures from Deeps and magic sphere. It have symbols of God from before Last Banishing.
Kwaku destroy black stone shrine to Dark and we start digging.

Day number four of Twelthmonth

We finish digging and Kwaku help with magic of Badger's Digging. Collapse some of tunnel and leave caves. Return to Highkeep and tell Clady. She happy!

Day number six of Twelthmonth

Clady finish blessing ceremony and we get favour of Chianar. It feel good. Maybe Kwaku ask Pack for favour! We finish up things at Highkeep. Kwaku feed more poor children and scare dogs with Lion's Roar.

Day number seven of Twelthmonth

At Whistlesprings we talk to Peregrina. She pays us for gems and values gems. She wish us luck and we leave to go to Forest of Apes and find out about monkeys.

Day number eleven of Twelthmonth

We reach Southwatch and sell loot. Kwaku buy magic sphere from party. It summon big glowing hammer every day which hit foes from long way away. It once made by priesthood of Juconia. She once Goddess of Death, Honour and Loyalty but she gone with other gods in Last Banishing. She not want hammersphere back.

We look round city and go shopping.

End of Session Seven
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Duncan T
Day number eleven of Twelthmonth

Deng went to castle. He return sword and ring of Lysander, but he have to go back next day to see human lady. Kwaku talk to men who sell animals. Kwaku want better pet than Lukkar. Kwaku look at weasels and snakes and rats and then go away to think.

We stay in inn called the Dancing Siv. There no siv dancing there. Kwaku offer to dance for humans there them but they not keen. A salamander talk to us. It called Chai-Son and we meet him before when he hunt girillons near to River Harrow. He tell Shannara and Sudurak and Deng about a Temple of Jas which he heard about. Jas once God of Sun but he gone now. Temple empty but salamanders once go there. He ask us to visit it somewhen as he not got time. He got bandits to kill and monsters to hunt. But we busy too. We have monkeys to find! Sharanna ask him to look out for shrines to Immortals of fire. She strange. She not get spells from Immortals so why she care?

Deng get magic tattoo on back started. Others keep money and save. Kwaku not save. Kwaku spend! Only thing they all get is weapons of cold iron which fey not like. Kwaku get bolts of black metal.

Day number twelve of Twelthmonth

Deng go up to Southwatch castle and get rid of sword and ring of Lysander. He not tell us much about it. They want us to go and see them sometimes. Maybe they have work for us one day. Deng have tattoo finished. It strange. He protected from cold and heat and tattoo can feed him. He also take part of tattoo off and it become tent, then tattoo regrow. Kwaku keep away from that tattoo. Lukkar have someone else he want to meet us. They have other job offer. Goblin have lots of friends here.

Kwaku found pet! It a black monkey and it chew on Kwaku's fingers. It not beat the dog in a fight yet, but Kwaku train it. It called Lysan after Lysander. It become great warrior like him.

But it not die like human.

Day number thirteen of Twelthmonth

We talk to pech friend of Lukkar. It same one as we talk to in Highkeep. Big human with twisted face and platemail there again. Kwaku keep away from him still. All other people clear out of Dancing Siv. They important here.

Mehi talk about Lavrin Greymante. Lukkar not like her. She have lots of families and lost all in past. She once work for Redroad Trading Coster but she leave them too. She steal magic amulet of Monkeys and Mehi say she possessed. She have new family of apes. Maybe Kwaku get big family of apes. They travel round in pack and beat up dogs. Kwaku have new dream!

Kwaku not listen much more as he dreaming but Lumumba say there not much important said. If we get magic amulet of monkeys maybe we sell it to them. Deng and Sudurak not seem to trust Lukkar or others here. Kwaku not sure.

We leave Southwatch and get to Whistlebridge. Two kenku talk to Aquotl. He have dragon friend somewhere and they want to tell him more about heritage of dragon. He not sure. They want him to bring dead bits of forest fey to Queensmeet. They strange. They watch for Aquotl. He more famous than Kwaku thought he be.
We camp south of River Whistle out in wilds.

Day number fourteen of Twelthmonth

On road again! We avoid group of humans. They all on foot and look like Dog Beastclan humans. They probably fight for money and go north where there war among human lords. We crafty and not get any trouble so we go round them. Stay night in Harrowcross and Kwaku have nice warm bed. Try to teach Lysan how to call on spells from Pack but he not keen.

Day number fifteen of Twelthmonth

We try to cross troll bridge in Harrowcross but it stop us. Lumumba jump across river and Aquotl swim over. Deng just give gift to troll as it big and smash us if it want. It get human skull which act as chest and it also get key. Seem really happy and let us cross. Kwaku try to give it dog when we go back other way.

Night fey follow us on Night Road. Big ape with iron skin come out of forest and chase fey away. Lumumba say they made by a siv long ago. They hunt down night fey and metal hurt night fey bad. One spriggan too slow and it get killed by big ape. Then ape of iron run after other fey. We leave it alone. Deng and Sudurak and Sharanna and Aquotl all fey but they not night fey. That good. Kwaku not want friends smashed up by big ape!

Night fey come back after while. They still stare at helmet which Deng wear.

We meet Jowca, son of Jowca again! He with friends from ruined Tower of Hurit. They all Monkey Beastclan. He still have rod of Baryc and he offer to turn us into monkeys. But no one want to be monkey and he not turn the dog into monkey without Lukkar saying yes. Kwaku not ask Lukkar.

They also on quest for Monkey God. They searching for quiet village near river Harrow in Southwatch. Jowca say they want place they not be disturbed. Deng suggest Queensmeet. They warn us about other Monkey beastclansmen. They not good like Jowca and they mad but Kwaku not know why they mad.

Day number sixteen of Twelthmonth

We leave Night Road and head to Tower of Tryfenna. Apes with wings follow us again and throw things. They not threat though so Kwaku not use Wrath of Tiger on them.
Night fey join us when we camp and Deng dance with them.


We approched by night fey in night. He one of sidhe who rule Night Court. It ride big black horse with horn from forehead. Lukkar say it a black steed and it powerful night fey too. Sidhe have spriggan as servant. Spriggan tidy and polite and it talk for sidhe. It not normal for spriggan! Sidhe called Seweryn and he want Helm Deng carry as it once belong to his uncle. He challenge us to contest of archery or singing for helm. But it ours now and we tell him we not have contest. He leave in huff and we think he back somewhen for helm. We like helm. It useful! It mean night fey not play tricks on us.
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Duncan T
Day number seventeen of Twelthmonth

Aquotl's horse got crushed by big python. It nearly get dog too! It take down Sharanna and Sudurak too but they live. Crafty ones like Kwaku keep back from it and it brought down by Deng and Lumumba. We not notice massive snake hiding in bushes. Kwaku check bushes more now. Aquotl ride party horse now. We run out if he lose this one too.


We get to ruined Tower of Tryfenna. Lukkar go scout and get mistaken for spriggan. There many monkeys and apes and baboons there. Some of them different with four arms or metal skin. There humans and some cycuri too. They welcome us all in name of Monkey God and take us to big tent. We talk to Tabor and Lavrin. They leaders of followers of Monkey God. Lavrin is woman we meet before in wood. She have magic amulet and family of green apes. Lukkar not like her. Tabor is cycuri with horns and deep voice. He head acolyte of Monkey God and do most talking. We let Deng and Aquotl speak most for us. They not very good with words like Lysander or Garrett or Magga.

Tabor tell us of challenge and he seem interested in night fey we work for. He like idea of medusa to turn foes to stone. But he not say that. Challenge held to become Acolyte of the Monkey God like Tabor and Lavrin. Roniax the ape sorcerer is Acolyte of Monkey God too. If you build big magic tower of Monkey God, you become acolyte. So you no need to do challenge to become acolyte. But they holding challenge to give most worthy amulet of Lavrin. She leaving service to go other place and need other to take over. Kwaku stay quiet. These people scare Kwaku!

There other bit too. Monkey God can only be served by monkey-people. People who are monkeys or people with monkey familiar or human touched by Rod of Baryc or warrior of Monkey from the Pack or Shaman of Monkey from the Pack or monkey who now intelligent. There other ways too. Kwaku not see how Tabor or Lavrin monkey-people but he not ask them. Lumumba can be servant of monkey and Sharanna or Sudurak or Aquot can if they get a monkey as familiar. They not keen as they like current familar they all have. But Kwaku think a monkey better.

They say other things too. Monkey God stuck in towers and there others building towers and there two parts of task. First part prove we worthy and second part we have big contest with others to get magic amulet. Peregrina need to come to second contest if she want amulet.

Tabor and Lavrin go away to think about what we say and we think about what they say. Lumumba say he happy to become follower of Monkey God. That good for Kwaku. Kwaku think he maybe be monkey-person who become follower of monkey god. Kwaku need to make deal with Monkey of the Pack first.

Lysan run off among other monkeys. Kwaku try to find him but he hide. Kwaku not feed him tomorrow.

Day number eighteen of Twelthmonth

Lumumba become follower of Monkey God! He get wood symbol of Monkey God and he take up challenge. Tabor want us to go to Tower of Monkey God they not approach. It guarded by night fey but we get past them with helment. It Tower of Marjana and they think it ruined. Kwaku happy to go to tower. They want anything which belong to Monkey God there. They give us cycuri guide. She called Hajna and she shapeshifter. She turn into animals and have pet ape. She know where tower is.

We leave and Hajna find Lysan for Kwaku. Kwaku not speak to him for hour. Hajna take form of baboon and move quick like us. We get to Night Road and head south. Night fey follow us again when they see helmet.

Day number nineteen of Twelthmonth

We celebrate Feast of Warriors. It time when remember fallen comrades and celebrate still being alive. We almost mercenary company so we celebrate and remember Lysander. We remember Garrett too but he not much of warrior.

Day number twenty-one of Twelthmonth

We go long way along night road and go into forest where night fey not follow so much. We not follow Night Road to end as there big place of night fey there. Deng still always dance with fey at night. We all sing and dance too but not as much as Deng. He want to become dancing warrior.

Day number twenty-four of Twelthmonth

We travel long time in forest. This heart of forest where night fey live. Kwaku hope Hajna not just leave in night and we lost. That not good.

Day number one of Firstmonth of 1533 ER

It new year! We celebrate being one year older and end of year gone. Kwaku head hurt and he not write much today.

Day number two of Firstmonth

Deng given sword by kenku. It well-made but he not say much about it. He make deal with night fey!

We get to Tower of Nopalzin. It standing Tower of Monkey God and it look like Tower of Roniax. It guarded by lhosk tribe. They have big black ape body on spider legs and they night fey who serve Monkey God. Kwaku not annoy them. He not let Lysan near them either.

Hajna stay at tower and we meet her here later.

Day number three of Firstmonth

We leave Tower of Nopalzin and try to find way to Tower of Marjana. There line of Monkey God statues which we follow. Most not stand anymore. Lukkar still find way though. He like wilds. Dog not like wilds as much. Kwaku think it happier in nice swamp where crocodiles live.

Day number four of Firstmonth

We meet lots of night fey. Tabor said that leaders of night fey follow Niabi. She night fey Lady who hate Monkey God. Nearly all night fey just watch us but one spriggan talk to us. He tell us to go back or else. We ignore him and go on then we hear howls of fey hounds.

They follow us and we get ready for fight when they near. There two hounds and five bull-fey called taurim. Sharanna and Lukkar shoot at them as they run in. Sudurak try to throw bolts but he hit tree instead. He not good archer. Kwaku cast Blindness of Bat on one taurim blind and it not take part in fight. Sudurak and Deng and Lumumba fight hounds and taurim and Aquotl use snowballs and green missiles on them and Lukkar and Sharanna shoot them.

We much better warriors than them and they die quick. Now we have lots of weapons of cold iron they not so tough! Kenku try to ambush Sudurak but Lumumba hunt it down and turn it into black feathers. Sudurak injured bad but others say they ok. They gang up on blind one and kill it. Kwaku claim it as kill but he not tell others that. They have some loot. Gems and jewellry and heavy armour they carry for some reason.

Day number five of Firstmonth

More night fey speak to us in morning as we get near to Tower of Marjanna. They prepare ambush and a harpy start to sing. It among trees down cliff and Aquotl fall down cliff. Sharanna nearly go down but she stop at edge. Her weasel climb down though. Lysan run off. He smart! There several redcaps at bottom with big scythes and they beat up Aquotl. He always fall down.

Deng and Sudurak and Lumumba jump down no problem. They fast and jump well. Sudurak punch two as he jump down. Kwaku use Hand of Zombie from top of cliff. Sharanna and Lukkar shoot harpy and it fly off. Kwaku try to heal Aquotl. He stand up and try to follow harpy and fall down again. Kwaku just leave him after that. Sudurak get battered and need healing. Lumumba not so good as he not have magic and even Deng get hurt lots. Sharanna follow down cliff but she fall instead of jump and she fight two redcaps. Lukkar shoot from top of cliff and it close fight but we just better warriors. Some try to run but we faster and we get all six. They have bodies which shrivel into teeth and we take all!

They have some gold but not much more. That strange. Not many night fey keep gold that we find. They prefer gifts. We badly hurt so we rest.

Day number six of Firstmonth

We rest til noon then go. Fey not disturb us much anymore. They get hint! Or they crafty and they wait til we try to leave. That what Kwaku do if he them.

We see tower and creature speak to us from trees. It lhosk which guard Tower but Lumumba have symbol of Monkey God and it not attack us. It warn us not to disturb top of tower as that where it live.

It not warn us about big fast purple apes though. Lukkar go to scout and big apes come back instead. Lumumba and Aquotl call them gambols. They move very quick and avoid spells of Aquotl. Sharanna run away when one howl but others not afraid. We brave like Falcon! Kwaku cast Blindess of Bat on one again and it not so happy. It run off into trees and we not see it again. But one hard fight anyway. It take down Aquotl and dog and move around lots. Lukkar come back from tower and shoot it. Deng and Lumumba and Sudurak fight it and Lumumba strike killing blow. He mightiest warrior of Company of Valiant Blade!

Dog nearly die but Kwaku just heal it in time. Kwaku too nice to dog! One day it not so lucky. Kwaku heal others too. We get ready to look more at Tower of Marjana.

End of Session Eight
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Duncan T
Day number six of Firstmonth

We have good day so far! We go in Tower of Marjana through front door. We hear scrape of metal on stone in upper floors and Deng think there iron monkeys up there. There bushes all over and it look strange. Lumumba look for magic and find some under a bush. Bushes attack Sharanna, Deng and Sudurak. Sharanna see small night fey creatures first and they attack. They size of goblin but thin and green. They have lots of spines and barbs and thorns. Kwaku call them thornfolk but Lukkar say they spinterwaifs. They throw thorns and control bushes. They good at hiding. They better than Lukkar and he very sneaky! Lumumba and Sharanna injure two but Aquotl finish them off with missiles of light. Other one flee up staircase to next floor. He had enough.

We look for loot and Deng find trapdoor hidden by bushes. It not used in long time. We also find loot under a bush. There coins and jewellery and a potion. It all boring. Lukkar say that splinterwaifs turn dead creatures into bushes. Kwaku more wary of bushes now. He think of carrying spell to burn them if they look at him wrong!

Deng open trapdoor and go down steps. Deng and Sharanna and Sudurak have visions of water being nasty to them but they see through magic. They salamanders and they all have strong minds. Lumumba look for magic and find some. He try to avoid it but he nearly overcome by vision of worms feeding on him. Aquotl go through as well. He nearly boiled by vision of fire but he survive. He injured by vision though. It not normal vision! Kwaku and Lukkar not go through. We smart! Kwaku try to get dog to go through but it look at Kwaku strange. Kwaku think Lukkar know Kwaku not fond of dog now.

There large cave at bottom of steps with tree in middle. It very strange. Large cave covered in pictures of monkeys and apes. Tree turn into three headed winged creature with four legs. It talk in Night Tongue to Deng. It like three people. Goat head stupid, dragon head do most talking and lion head argue lots. It summon magic light. Aquotl and Lumumba tell Kwaku it a chimera, but not normal one as they not have magic normally.

Deng not best talker but he keep talking and talk some more. Then it argue with self in Siv tongue which Kwaku and Aquotl and Lumumba speak and more people talk to it. It been in cave long time. It set to guard place sacred to Monkey God. It set to guard by talking monkey skeleton called Roniax and it not starve. We talk to him but he not just bones when he talk to us. Maybe it different talking monkey sworn to Monkey God. Chimera not seen anyone normal for long time and it lonely. It only see some night fey and they annoy it. It not let us go further and we not push luck yet. It recognise Near-Brother as worshipper of Monkey God and it think about being nice to us. It turn off magic trap and we leave it to think. Kwaku heal Lumumba and Aquotl and we get ready to go up stairs.
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Duncan T
Kwaku not know day

Kwaku no well.

Others no well.

Go up stairs.

Fight big monkeys.

Green metal monkeys.

Monkeys with poison.

Poison Gas.

Poison breath.

Poison claws.

Poison teeth.

Others fight.

Kwaku use crossbow.

Monkeys breathe gas.

Kwaku choke.

Kwaku feel bad.

Kwaku run away.

Others run away.

Others fight others.

Some go mad.

Sudurak shoot Kwaku.

All calm down.

Sharanna down.

Aquotl down.

Sharanna no well.

Aquotl no well.

Lumumba no well

Sudurak no well.

Kwaku no well.

Deng no well.

Lukkar well.

Lysan well.

Dog well.

Stupid dog.

We stay.

We rest.

We heal.
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Duncan T
Day number eight of Firstmonth

Kwaku better now. Kwaku tend to others and then heal Kwaku and Deng and Sharanna and Sudurak with Moon's Cure. We not go to fight big monkeys now. We rest more. We hear metal monkeys go down outside tower at night. Lumumba say they Guardians of Yavu. Yavu siv with much magic. They not attack followers of Monkey God. We not go up there now. There was bush up there when we fight metal monkeys. Lukkar think it splinterwaif and it die to metal monkeys.

Sharanna hurt most. She dumb and stupid and weak and clumsy and lazy and unwell and have no sense. She still smile though! We lots of rest to go.

Lhosk called Bubona speak to us. She tell us not to go to top of tower again. She not care about splinterwaif. She say there be more.

Day number ten of Firstmonth

We all better now. We all good. We wait for night and go up to tower when monkeys not there. Kwaku use Boar's Fortitude on Deng and Lukkar and Sharanna and Lumumba and Sudurak. It magic to protect against poison. We crafty like Spider!

We loot and look at stonework. Aquotl and Lumumba think it once altar to Monkey God and it big magic which work on tower. Kwaku think Lumumba want to mend tower and become Acolyte of Monkey God.

We search more of tower but there nothing more there. We not go to top tower. We not annoy spider-ape night fey.

We go and speak to chimera. We now think it faerie creature. They people who become unseelie. We talk about having fight but we not sure we defeat it. It talk to us and it agree to give us rod of Monkey Mage if we find someone to talk to it. Deng and Lumumba talk to Bubona and she agree to be friend of chimera. She not know about three-headed-winged-faerie.

We get rod from chimera. It happy now. It protect more loot of Monkey God but we not brave enough to fight. Kwaku not want to stay to be friend. It boring in cave. Unless you Bat. Kwaku not Bat. Rod shape of monkey and it bite people. They wither away when they hit by rod.

Day number eleven of firstmonth

We leave Tower of Marjana. Maybe we come back here one day. Aquotl summon horse and Lumumba try out rod. He hit horse. Flesh and muscles on horse wither and it look weak. Lumumba kill it quickly. Kwaku hope Horse not see this. Kwaku hope Horse not angry. People not like Horse when he angry.
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Duncan T
day number thirteen of Firstmonth

Night fey follow us but they no attack. We see very big four-armed ape with red claws. We leave it alone. It other creature of Monkey God! We not try to talk to it though.


We get back to Tower of Nopalzin. Hajna the cycuri meet us and we tell her about Tower of Marjana. She agree to help Kwaku teach Lysan tricks.

day number fifteen of Firstmonth

Boring travel through forest. More night fey. Lysan like Hajna more than Kwaku. Kwaku think about magic to use on Lysan. Deng talk to kenku lots. Kwaku not know what he talk to them about.

day number seventeen of Firstmonth

We reach Night Road again. Lysan fetch sticks now!

day number eighteen of Firstmonth

We meet Sudjai. Sudjai salamander warrior of the Green. He following road to end and he hunt creatures of Dark. He dumb. He travel on own and night fey trick him. He have no armour and he have no weapons and he have not much at all. Sudurak gives him handaxe. Sudjai go off on own. Kwaku not think we see him again.

day number nineteen of Firstmonth

We leave night road and head to Tower of Tryfenna. We have peaceful journey so far!

day number twenty of Firstmonth

Sharanna and Aquotl speak to woman in night. Rosavra Beach human who use bow and sneak and track. She last of Company of Southwatch Silver. They try to complete Task of Monkey God but they have bad time. They attacked by Lavrin and apes. They killed but Rosavra run. She not know why they attacked. We not have reason to attack her but she not stay with us. She not want to go back to acolytes of the Monkey God. She try to get out of forest on own. Kwaku think she have more chance than Sudjai. She not dumb.


We get to Tower of Tryfenna and talk to Tabor. He happy with us and he take rod which bite people. We take part in second task. It on summer solstice and we bring night fey Peregrina. Tabor agree to look at magic items with magic. He also tell us about Lavrin. She annoyed because some of family dead. Company of Southwatch Bronze and Metabus HighKeep kill them. They destroy shrine of Monkey God in Highkeep Forest. Lavrin not happy and she want more revenge. This all bad. But it not affect Kwaku!

day number twenty-one of Firstmonth

Tabor keep one magic thing. Kwaku not know what but Deng not happy. We leave and head out of forest.

day number twenty-three of Firstmonth

We on Night Road again and we meet lone human boy. He drive wagon with six horses and it look strange. Others think there druids around so we not start trouble. We get to Harrowcross and troll again. Deng give him red gem and we go across. Sudurak and Lumumba and Aquotl not cross bridge but swim or jump river. They strange.

day number twenty-five of Firstmonth

We get to Southwatch and we sell loot. We want to spend time here and rest.

day number seven of Secondmonth

We train and rest. Lumumba find lots of magic and trade with wizard at castle. Sudurak train with strange warriors. He become part of salamander warrior cult. They not let Kwaku join. Deng go up to castle and talk to important people. Sharanna and Lukkar fight more. Aquotl learn more magic. He call down sleet from sky.

Important salamander talk to Sharanna and Sudurak. He powerful spellcaster who not talk to Kwaku. So Kwaku not talk to him.

day number twelve of Secondmonth

We bored of Southwatch now and go to speak to Peregrina. Some have new magic tattoos. Lumumba want bodies of dead people for spells. He say it not bad magic though. He want to wrap body round him with magic to protect him. Kwaku think it weird magic. Kwaku ask Zombie about it but Zombie not say anything.

day number sixteen of Secondmonth

We get to Whistlesprings and talk to Peregrina. She very happy and give us lots of coins. She agree to go with us soon to second task. She want to become Acolyte of Monkey Mage. Lumumba talk to man and get sack of dead kobolds. He use magic to shrink down bodies so they easier to carry. He think about this lots!

End of Session Nine
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Duncan T
After this stage, the party are now

Aquotl, naiad male from the Bitter Ocean, Sorcerer 6
Deng of the Sudjai, salamander male from the Kethor Wastes, Scout 4 / Elk Totem Warrior 2
Lukkar, goblin male from the Deeps, Scout 5 / Falcon Totem Warrior 1
Lumumba, siv male from the Deepswamp, Monkey Totem Warrior 1 / Transmuter 5
Sharanna of the Changon, salamander female from Mejan, Salamander Paragon 2 / Hexblade 4
Sudurak of the Changon, salamander male from Mejan, Monk 4 / Sorcerer 1 / Red Mystic 1

with one NPC:

Kwaku, siv male from the Deepswamp, Cleric of the Pack and Lord Moon 6


Duncan T
Ok, so the wipe-out has lost me my story hour updates since December, and I haven't got a copy anywhere else.

If, by chance, anyone does have a copy, can they either post here or email me at duncthomson at hotmail.com




First Post
Hard luck. Google cache has only turned up episode 10 for me (though it turns up plenty of pages with linkes to the updated versions), but I've got windows trawling through my internet caches (though I expect any old copies would have already been over-written :()
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