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Legends of Hawaiki 2: Where the Wild Things Are


Argent Silvermage said:
"I'll be happy to go with you Puna Tani. I love the jungle." Tatiki says wandering through a briar patch with not a scratch.

Puna Tani shakes his head in wonder at Tatiki's effortless movement. Looking back at the rest of the group he asks again, "Are you all sure you don't want a poultice of some sort? I'd be glad to help." Seeing the looks of exhaustion and disdain in their eyes, the shaman shrugs and continues on, pushing his way through the briars after Tatiki.

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Lani smiles tiredly, and waves the two on. She then turns to the others and rolls her eyes in amusement. She, likewise, will lean against a tree, drowsing in the sunshine and wishing she was in the water.


A suffusion of yellow
Tatiki & Puna Tani

Pushing your way out through the undergrowth you eventually come to the base of the slope, the undergrowth is much lighter here and seems to thin out to naught as the slope rises. The slope itself is somewhat higher than it looked from a distance but still gentle enough to walk up with only occasional scrambling. As you go up and are lost from the site of your companions resting below you here a loud squawk in the trees to your left...

Lani, Wai, Tu-Ru

The sun is a few hours past its zenith and now descending through the sky. Tatiki and Puna Tani are lost from site and have been gone a good while though you are unsure exactly how long. As you sit resting, eating and otherwise recovering you feel a cool breeze creep in through the undergrowth from the direction of the Cut, that soon becomes a rustling in the leaves...


Lani-wai-koana, Urukehu Hautai 3

Lani glances at the leaves warily, and climbs to her feet. If it sounds like another worm or something threatening, she will enter a defensive stance and hold out her dagger. If she can't tell what it is, she will just stand and wait. "Tatiki? Puna Tani? Is that you?" She strains to see into the undergrowth. [Spot roll 13 + modifier 1 = 14; Listen roll 15 + modifier 7 = 22, but Listen might not help since I don't have Wilderness Lore]
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Tatiki listens for more squawks. He will prepare the Shark Tooth Staff just in case.

Can I have a knowledge nature or survival roll for determining what the squawk was from? My roll is 12+11=23


A suffusion of yellow
Argent Silvermage said:
Tatiki listens for more squawks. He will prepare the Shark Tooth Staff just in case.

Your not exactly sure what the squawks are from, but you can tell that it is a reasonably large creature and that it is definately in distress...

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Tonguez said:
Your not exactly sure what the squawks are from, but you can tell that it is a reasonably large creature and that it is definately in distress...
"Whatever it is. It's in trouble. let's go toward the sound but let me appriach it. It may be a trap and I'd rather they not get us both." Tatiki says and starts toward the sound.


Argent Silvermage said:
"Whatever it is. It's in trouble. let's go toward the sound but let me appriach it. It may be a trap and I'd rather they not get us both." Tatiki says and starts toward the sound.

"Agreed," Puna Tani says as he readies his sling to give Tatiki cover, if need be.


First Post
Seonaid said:
"Tatiki? Puna Tani? Is that you?"

Wai opens one eye, disturbed from sleep by Lani's voice. "What is it, Lani?"

Seeing her standing and peering into the undergrowth, Wai climbs to his feet, groaning as his twinging muscles remind him that he usually doesn't sleep this way. Rubbing sleep from his eyes, the young sorcerer walks over to Lani and again says, "What is it? Are they back?"


Lani shakes her head. "I don't know, they didn't answer. Something's in the brush over there though." She gestures in the direction of the noises and readies her dagger to attack anything threatening that comes in range.

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