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Leif's "Hold of the Sea Princes" Greyhawk Alpha Game [AD&D 1E] [IC 01]


"They've come twice now, killing two cows the first time and one cow, two goats, a sheep, and rending our apple tree the second time. They come from over yon way," he indicates with his arm, "Please, please help us."

Cam purses his lips and sits down at one of the chairs.

Five or six you say... It sounds like a small family group... This'll be a hell of a fight.

Couple of questions,
Cam begins ticking off his questions on his fingers as he asks them have they always attacked in a group? Or do they come singly or in pairs? If we can isolate them individually our chances will improve significantly.

He glances at Turthain, I don't suppose you know if that sleep spell of yours would work on them do you?

Looking back at Groll Do you have, or does anyone in town have a map of the surrounding area? The ogres can raid you for food, but they'll likely need to have a base camp near a water source. If we can figure out where they're camped we might be able to swing an advantage.

What's the most defensible structure in town? I'd suggest having everyone who can, abandon their houses and move in there until the threat is dealt with. All it'll take is an attack on one farmhouse and we'll have a real disaster on our hands.

Does the town have a militia? Any weapons? Even hunting bows would be useful. How about a blacksmith? Worst comes to worst we can improvise some spears in fairly short order.

At any rate, if you're OK with us staying here I think that might be the best plan, rather than moving around after dark here. We don't know if the Ogres even realize we're here, we might as well keep that advantage for as long as we can. As soon as morning hits I'd like to go and take a look at some of these tracks, but for tonight, do you have a second floor, or a loft that we could stay in, possibly with a window so we can watch the fields?

Oh, yeah, and I suppose I should also probably ask, who's in charge around here?

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Redding Flat -- Groll

"There wasn't that many of 'em the first time, but the biggest one was here both times -- I remembered that scar, lazy eye, and limp of his. Heh, looked like he'd got one side of 'is body caught in a great, big thresher, it did! Still, I'd wager that the one as what done 'im that-a-way looks even worse today, I would.

No, no maps here. And this isn't really a town as you call it. We're just stimple farm folk here, never have any quarrels or troubles between us, and pretty much leave each other alone. We can all get in one house, I suppose, but then the ogres'll only have to raid that one house to kill us all! You sure that's a good ideer, 'cause it sounds kinda daft ta me. Nope, no militia neither. We've just got our pruning hooks and pitchforks is all. No smith here at all, either, what with the city being so close by. Nobody's in charge of me, I tell you that for sure! Like I said, we all just get along and don't quarrel none."


Cam nods as Groll explains the situation in more detail.

Ok, well I think we'd best wait until morning at least, give us a chance to talk to everyone together and take stock of our resources. I ain't gonna lie, you're in a tight spot here, hell a platoon of professional soldiers would be in a tight spot against a half dozen ogres, but I think that if everyone pulls together we should be able to beat them off. Last question, there must be someone you pay taxes to, even if he doesn't live within the town... er village. Any chance of appealing to him for aid?


Steeliest of the dragons
Shiyana exits the humble domicile of Groll's family and walks around the corner of the building, let's say the corner that is opposite to the direction Groll indicated the ogres attacked from.

She sets herself on the ground calmly, crosses her legs, and begins to meditate....the Balance...the gentle folk here...the rising moon...the breeze in the grass...she takes it all in...the give...the take...the Circle...

<OOC: I realize AD&D 1e has no rules for this sort of thing, but Shiyana wants to "cast off" Speak with Animals and get Entanglement in it's place. If she can not, I'll keep the SwA, obviously. Shillelagh will, no doubt , prove incredibly useful at some point...very soon./OOC>


Redding Flat -- Groll

"Cor, that rotter? Spends all of 'is time up in one of the Overlord's palaces with his nose snugly thrust somewhere I wouldn't put my feet! It'd take us a bleedin' week just to get an audience with 'im and then several more weeks while 'e 'stoodies' the situation. By then we're nuttin' but a memory."

OOC: Shiyana/steeldragons, that is a very well-considered, well-planned request. Yes, Shiyana may change spells that she prepared for the day. It will take one hour's meditation for her to do so. FYI: I'm more inclined to allow rule-bending/rule-breaking if the request is presented in a creative way like this. I won't even limit this to the present circumstances. I know trying to do so would be futile, anyway. If anyone is keeping track of 'house-rules,' then you'd better get to scribing.


Steeliest of the dragons
Shiyana dutifully meditates for the requisite hour to alter the "feelings" and "scrolling unspoken (outside of the druidic language) symbols" in her mind to engage the Entanglement spell in her consciousness.


Redding Flat -- In Groll's House

Shiyana stretches out in a corner to chant and meditate. Groll, Mrs. Groll, and all the little 'Groll-lings' look a bit scared and all huddle together in the opposited corner from Shiyana. After Shiyana has carried on in this way for just short of an hour, most of the 'Groll-lings' have drifted off to sleep, but Mr. and Mrs. Groll still look a bit apprehensive. A few minutes more of uncomfortable silence, and then, just as Shiyana's eyes begin to focus on the world around her again, Camlin calls for absoute quiet because he's sure he just heard something prowling around outside....


Steeliest of the dragons
Shiyana rises and draws her club. She slides her wood and hardened hide shield onto its place on her arm and stares, silent as a waiting cougar, to move on Camlin's command.

Her eyes go from the ranger to the elf to the cleric, making sure the three seem to be in readiness.

The druid's nerves are quickly tightening in the anticipation of an imminent battle. The new spell she has placed in her mind offers slight comfort. A quick glance to the sleeping children turns to a reassuring smile and a finger to her lips to the concerned goodwife followed by a reassuring nod and forced grin.


Cam draws his sword and moves so his back is against the wall beside the front door listening for the sound of movement outside. He looks at Turthain, points at his eye and then points at the window.

*ooc* I figure that between night vision and his thief abilities Turthain has the best chance of getting an idea of what's going on outside without being noticed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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