Leif's "Pomarj" Greyhawk Beta Game [AD&D 1E] [IC 01]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
OOC: i was just going to rp the request for training is all, not wanting to tie up every one else

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Steeliest of the dragons
OOC: Right. I wasn't sure how this was working. I was thinking you were RPing individually.

But if you don't mind us all together (or groupings), Raggs is more than happy for some fresh wild sow. :D
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Iono wanders where he might find a wizard that would share his knowledge with him. There is a sage outside town that is known to be an herbalist and a potion maker. Probably such a man practice some basic arcane as well.


Hedge Wizard

Yes, Iono has heard that this herbalist has been known to brew potions for love and the healing of wounds and diseases, and he is rumored to have a staff that assists him in the working of his magic.


Steeliest of the dragons
Raggs continues back to the inn from which they began and tries lying on his charms with the orcish bar matron. He orders a rather "lavish" meal (or as lavish as this establishment is capable of providing, say up to 7 gp worth of food and drink). At some point in his "feasting", he wonders aloud to the matron if there's somewhere/one in town where a *wink*wink* "respectable exploring opportunist, such as myself, might find a mentor to hone his...ehm...talents?"



The matron gives you all the grub and drink your wee frame can handle for 4 gp, and that will include breakfast and lunch tomorrow as well. She directs you to see one "Thribbit," "He's a wee chap like yourself, known for his sly, sneaky ways and also for being quite the stout (no pun intended) little booger."


Steeliest of the dragons
Raggs seeks out Thribbit and sets about trying to win his confidence [if another actual halfling, he'll try to be friends as well]. Barring that, he'll flat out ask to be helped training some of his skills.

OOC: is he another halfling or some other "wee folk"? Great name, btw! Like it.


Yes, Thribbit is a Hairfoot Halfling Fighter/Thief. Raggs easily locates him and he is willing to train you for a fee of 300 gp.

OOC: Thanks, glad you like the name.
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