Pathfinder 1E Leif's Whirtlestaff's Wizards' Academy Reprise, [Pfdr] [OOC 03]

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Look at this knife I found! I'll stick it in the liver spot on the voodoo doll for a second while I ask this questin of requesting clarity . . . . . .

in post 1404 you state : Within the smoke, as it fades, you see an eerily beautiful form, vaguely humanoid in general form, but with horrible wings sprouting from its back, a great flaming bow in its hands, and a long rope-like coil hanging at its waist. You clearly see this creature for just a moment, and then she/it, too fades from view and is gone as the spell fails.

I am now noticing this phrase myself so bear with me. . . . . .

you answer my questinon perfectly with: Post1404 edited! Capizzio recognizes the creature that faded from view as an Erinyes Devil!

no problem.

then in post 1407 you post:
you see that two creatures already flank the Drow: One is a seething monstosity that deftly wields a vicious, saw-toothed glaive while below its toothy maw writhes a hideous, twitching beard. It has a pelt of fur from its belly to its ankles, and a pair of great horns jut upward from its head at a 45 degree angle to the rear for 2-3 feet. The other creature is an emaciated figure that looks like a horned human skeleton smothered within a bone-tight hide of slimy leather. Both creatures are approximately 6 feet tall, not counting horns. The Drow says, "Curse the villainous thieves and vile intruders such as I am! Let them see much gain from their larcenous escapades! Smile upon them my minions! Serve your own livers before their eyes and retreat with your own souls down to your homes! (Hell or the abyss, it really matters not to me one whit.)"

Is this to say there were 2 creatures hidden by the smoke? That is all I need to understand.

ps, artistic license may or may not have been exorcised.


Yes, Kerlan is correct, and scotley may prove to be correct as well. The two summoned creatures were not hidden by smoke or anything else -- you saw them as soon as you arrived and also first saw the Drow.


DC 18 Reflex save. If they fail, they are grappled. If they succeed they are not grappled, but if they move through the webs they have to succeed on a DC 18 CMB check or Escape Artist check, or they become grappled.


Just an fyi, I'm going to Gulf Shores to sit on the beach and maybe eat a few shrimp and have a tropical beverage or two. I'm leaving tomorrow and I'll be back Sunday late. I'll try to post a bit, but I'm not sure how much chance I'll have.

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