• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Life In Vein


First Post
Ray Silver said:
"Did you hear? There's a party going to be held in the Blue Moon quarter tonight, and Barlereen is going to be showing off her new dance routine. I hear it's supposed to be quite the blood-stirer, quite possibly she'll sweep the festival with it..."

"Oh, yes, Barlereen is quite the wonder, isn't she?" says Agracahn with a droll smile. "I feel sorry for those who won't be there to see it."

He casually nudges a few coins forward on the table (enough to equal the current bid) and sniffs at a scented hankerchief.

"Of course, I'm so used to these things, I always forget exactly where they are. Parties, parties, it's overwhelming sometimes. I need a servant just to keep track of my calendar."

(Agracahn will continue in this fashion until someone name-drops the exact location of the party).

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First Post
Ray Silver said:
*Expeditions to the Crystal Fields happen less than once every three months, due to the danger. However, it's typically a single group of people that specialize in the collection of the crystal. The current crystal retrieval team is known as the Razor Hand, a mixed group of faen and giants that live in extreme prosperity in the noble's quarter.*

Typical. One of the largest deposits of valuables and it's controlled by none-other than our "noble caretakers". *sigh* In any case, it seems unlikely that I'd know what to do once I arrived in the Crystal Fields, anyway. If the gems were so easy to tap, I doubt any would be left. Hopefully brother will be finished with what he's doing in the next few days, so we can leave this wretched burg. I do remain curious as to why things are so quiet with a festival approaching. Perhaps this calls for some investigation.
Matzerath begins to ask around regarding the upcoming festival, with close attention paid to any opportunity he might have for robbery on that day, as well as to reasons for the sequestered feeling of the town. In doing so, he disguises himself as the dignitary of a human duke living east of the Elder Mountains, sent to commission artists for work in his castle.
[OOC: Relevant skills... Bluff+8 Diplomacy+6 Disguise+9 GatherInfo +2]

Steve Gorak

Ray Silver said:
*Urgo, you've found a couple of willing people to talk to you about the storm. Both are unafraid, or at least unaffected by your being a mojh, and talk fairly freely. One is Pailoelan Frosttongue, a quickling faen you learn is a magister whom specializes in spells of ice and cold. The other is a spryte named Soen Kingmoon, who claims to be a champion of magic. Pailoelan (he insists you call him just Pai) seems to have most of the information about the storm rumors.*

"I've been having terrible dreams, dreams of a huge blizzard barreling down on the town and sealing it all up in snow and ice and wind. Usually I love blizzards, and I'd sit outside in them for hours..."

"If I'd let him. He'd have frozen to death a dozen times by now if I hadn't been around," Soen puts in. Pai gives him a half-exasperated, half-amused glance; this must be an old complaint.

"But this blizzard, these dreams... They scare me. I feel like something terrible is coming. As if... the winds themselves were angry. Angry winds doesn't really make sense to me at all... I want to strike out east, that's where I feel it's coming from, to see if there's anything out there, it's gotten that bad," Pai says, his pale blue eyes somewhat haunted.

"Aye," Soen chimes in, "if there's a magical disturbance causing this, I want to know what it is."

This magical disturbance intrigues me. If it's source must be extremely powerful...
"So, Soen how would you determine what is causing this, any ideas of the source? Where would you go?"

[occ: Has Urgo ever heard of anything like this sotrm? Knowledge (history) + 9,
Knowledge (magic) + 14]

Urgo tries to extract as much information for the faen as possible.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Eryic, you take the time to rough out and show the correct technique for beginning a short sword. Master Quill seems to be pleased, and finally he nods.*

"That'll do lad. You'll do fine here. Hax Packs is run by a giant, his name is Ku-Germo. He's a good man, keeps his place is good order, and there's plenty of elbowroom. He tends to get plenty of metalworkers, and keeps a large clean bathhouse."

*In the Weary Chisel, speaking to Sharn.*

"Sharn," Eryic asks, "Is it possible these dreams... that they do not allude to a literal storm? Do the spirits have a reason to be angry? If not, then perhaps they are trying to warn us?"
"I honestly don't know. I came here to learn how to make my spells and witchery beautiful, not study the ways of the spirits. For that you'd need a more mystical witch. Try my teacher Quelsa, she'll know anything worth knowing. I don't always follow what she says, but she knows more than me. She's at the Wind Temple in the priest's quarter," he says wearily, drinking more of his ale.

Lo-Duran furrowed his brow. "I have participated in the required minimum training, but my talents principally lie elsewhere. Though if you have need of me, I will serve to the best of my ability." Lo-Duran paused. "Do you foresee such trouble ahead, Se-Garam?"
"Last year I would have said know, but there's been a great deal more trouble recently and I worry it could come to a head during the festival. There's been more fights, more thefts, more assaults, everything. I've had my officers running ragged, and an extra trained pair of eyes during the festival would be more than welcome. I know you're on vacation, so I'll only ask that you come to me the day before the festival to review the places you'll be at, and for the festival itself," the Steward says, running her hand over her tightly-braided hair in a gesture of nervousness.

*Agracahn, after a few more minutes of posturing, finally the human woman remembers where Barlereen's dwelling is.*

"Down Dancer's Lane, turn right on Quarter Street, second house on the left. Lovely place with the painted walls and exotic gardens all draped with silks. And her servants," she exclaims, "Beautiful, all of them, a feast for the eyes."

*Agracahn, you would know that Barlereen is a noted exotic dancer and choreographer, well known for her sensual performances. The real thing of note to you is that Barlereen is a litorian woman.*

*Matzerath, in your asking you get some odd glances. While you're impeccably dressed for a noble, no amount of clothing, jewelry or makeup will conceal your race. However, your bearing and manner seem to convince most that you do indeed work for a noble. In opportunities for robbery, you can see many. There will be public performances all over the city of musical, magical, and dance shows, as well as open-air galleries and shops, in addition to all of the city's galleries being open at once. There will be huge crowds, all focused on the art in front of them instead of their pocketbooks.*

*As for the subdued nature of the city, you discover there's been more than the usual amount of crime in the city lately. Also, many of the more famous artists have not been seen in public for weeks, which has set a current of unease through the populations of artists. In addition, the rumors of some terrible impending storm have a portion of the city's magicians thoroughly spooked.*

*Urgo, you've heard historically on a strange magical storm once before. In the time of the dramojh wars, one of their fortresses was not brought down by the giant forces. It was brought down by a terrible storm of wind and fire, which was recorded faithfully by the besieging giant army in terrifying detail. The storm roared from the east and engulfed the fortress, burning it to ash. No one inside escaped, including the captives. No one knew where it had come from or why.*

*Magically, it might be possible to cause a wide-scale storm-like disturbance, but it would be a spell of frightening power. Whoever had the ability to wield it would not be a person to cross.*

"So, Soen how would you determine what is causing this, any ideas of the source? Where would you go?"
"Quite honestly, I think it's coming from the mountains. I want to go to the Elder Mountains and search for whoever or whatever is causing this. I don't know why... but I think that's the place. I can't give you any better explanation than a gut feeling," Soen says, his wings trembling slightly.

"I have more than a gut feeling. Wind rushes down fastest from the mountains. It's logical, and I've seen mountains in my dreams once or twice. It's better than sitting here waiting for a storm to break over our heads," Pai chimes in.


First Post
Matzerath, mojh akashic2 unf1

Ray Silver said:
*As for the subdued nature of the city, you discover there's been more than the usual amount of crime in the city lately. Also, many of the more famous artists have not been seen in public for weeks, which has set a current of unease through the populations of artists. In addition, the rumors of some terrible impending storm have a portion of the city's magicians thoroughly spooked.*
Matzerath smiles wryly at the thought of the upcoming festival. Experience has taught him that if everyone is expecting something strange to happen, something strange probably will happen... and the uneasiness among the city's spellcasters lends more creedence to that notion. While Matzerath has picked up on many opportunities for petty theft at the festival, that's not really his style. But if something big is going to happen, he wants to be there nonetheless.
Perhaps brother, with his runecasting abilities, has gained more insight into this decidedly magical disturbance.
Matzerath makes his way to the Alabaster Fang. If he sees his brother there, he suggests they meet in private.

Dougal DeKree

First Post
How can anyone refuse to see people he usually likes? Naima Neverlashs behaviour is a most fascinating mystery! I have to know more!
Driven by an inquisitiveness, which is high even for a faen, Arkas decided to go and meet the Steward, which should not be too hard given his obvious favor for his kin. Maybe here he can learn more?
„Ooohh, good doggie! Now be patient, you need a thorough brushing, we are going to see the steward today! And you don’t want to look unkempt, do you? Yeees, that’s a good boy...“

Steve Gorak

Ray Silver said:
*Urgo, you've heard historically on a strange magical storm once before. In the time of the dramojh wars, one of their fortresses was not brought down by the giant forces. It was brought down by a terrible storm of wind and fire, which was recorded faithfully by the besieging giant army in terrifying detail. The storm roared from the east and engulfed the fortress, burning it to ash. No one inside escaped, including the captives. No one knew where it had come from or why.*

*Magically, it might be possible to cause a wide-scale storm-like disturbance, but it would be a spell of frightening power. Whoever had the ability to wield it would not be a person to cross.*

"Quite honestly, I think it's coming from the mountains. I want to go to the Elder Mountains and search for whoever or whatever is causing this. I don't know why... but I think that's the place. I can't give you any better explanation than a gut feeling," Soen says, his wings trembling slightly.

"I have more than a gut feeling. Wind rushes down fastest from the mountains. It's logical, and I've seen mountains in my dreams once or twice. It's better than sitting here waiting for a storm to break over our heads," Pai chimes in.

Urgo Listens attentively to the Faen. Since the Faen were forthright, Urgo tells them about his recollection of the similar storm during the Dramojh war.
"Indeed, staying inthe city may not be a very good idea...How long are the two of you staying in this inn?"
Urgo continues to chat with the faen, about different theories on the source of ther disturbance.

When Matzerath walks in the Inn, he introduces him to the faen, and briefs him on their discussion.


First Post
Agracahn dwells at the table for a few more moments before politely making excuses to leave. As evening falls, he will change into his blue and silver courtier outfit and make his way to Barlereen's to see if he can charm his way into admission. He cannot pass by this opportunity to make social contacts and to perhaps introduce himself to a beautiful dancer.

A dapper smile from me and she will dance into my arms ...


First Post
Last year I would have said know, but there's been a great deal more trouble recently and I worry it could come to a head during the festival. There's been more fights, more thefts, more assaults, everything. I've had my officers running ragged, and an extra trained pair of eyes during the festival would be more than welcome. I know you're on vacation, so I'll only ask that you come to me the day before the festival to review the places you'll be at, and for the festival itself," the Steward says, running her hand over her tightly-braided hair in a gesture of nervousness.

Lo-Duran nodded slowly. "I shall return then, Se-Garam." After making the necessary pleasantries, he excused himself from the hall and found his way back to the street.

[Lo-Duran is alert for any non-verbal clues that might give him more information about what the Steward is so concerned with: Sense Motive +10]

Lo-Duran collected his horse and and wandered across town. He was in no hurry, keeping his eyes and ears open for signs of the trouble Ui-Narath seemed to fear.

[Spot +7, Gather Information +6, Sense Motive +10, etc.]

Eventually, he arrived at his destination; the Water's Eye. Securing his mount outside, he entered the glassblowing shop. "Hello, is anyone here?" he called. "I am looking for Mr. Goesen Flamecircle."

[Lo-Duran will utilize his diplomatic skills to win over whoever he might speak with, and try to arrange a private meeting with the faen: Diplomacy +12]

Voidrunner's Codex

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