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Lizardfolks in Dragon #268

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Shirokinukatsukami fan
DIET Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE Average (8-10)

NO. APPEARING 1-6 or 8-15 (ld8+7)
THAC0 19
DAMAGE/ ATTACK 1-3/1-3/1-4/2-5 or by weapon
SIZE M (6'-7' tall)
MORALE Champion (15)
Lasher/war leader 120
Commander 270
Sshistak 650
Shaman, 3rd 175
Shaman, 5th 420

The natives of certain tropical islands live in fear of the reptilian warriors who strike in the darkness to take their children and plunder their villages. Fast, lithe, agile, and vicious, varanids are a warrior race of bipedal komodo dragons. When not on the hunt, they are a quiet, harsh, emotionless people. In combat, though, they are bereft of fear or mercy.

Combat: Varanids have a full array of natural weaponry: talons, teeth, and a 6'-10ng whiplike tail ridged with razorsharp scales. They also enjoy using weapons, and they often enter combat with a strange array of curved axes, swords with blades at both ends of the pommel, double-headed spears, barbed nets, and star-shaped punch daggers, all of their own bizarre design. They have a natural affinity for weapons and quickly learn to use whatever weapons they find. Almost every member of the race is ambidextrous, and warriors usually fight with two weapons and strike with their tails in the same round. They never use shields, which they consider to be for the weak, and they wear only small pieces of armor.
For every ten warriors present, there is a 3-HD "lasher" whose task is to whip the warriors into battle fury and kill any who dare to flee. In small parties, one of the lashers acts as the war leader. For every three lashers there is an additiona15-HD commander. Every tribe has a 7-HD warrior-king (or sshistak) and a shaman (5th-level priest). The priest has 1-4 3rd-level acolytes. Varanids worship a minor pantheon of reptilian gods.
As ferocious as they are, varanid warriors are wily, cunning fighters. They use every dirty trick and guerrilla tactic without reservation. Because varanid minds are so alien, human opponents can never be sure what to expect. Hit-and-run attacks, sudden ambushes, night fighting, decoys, snares, spoiler runs, and even terror tactics are all part of their strategy.

Habitat/Society: Varanids live in dense jungles, on tropical islands, or amid wide savannas. They typically gather in tribes of about 100-150 individuals, including their young. They tend to build hut villages around natural formations.
Varanids live to prove themselves in war. The best warrior, in their minds, makes the best leader. Ironically, when not fighting they are a reserved, peaceful species. They rarely fight among themselves and spend their days spear fishing, swimming, repairing huts, and sunning themselves on rocks. If carefully approached, they are not averse to talking or trading. Varanids speak a highly developed dialect of the common Lizard Man tongue that warm-bloods can learn with practice.
Varanids live by a stoic philosophy of strength and ability. To them, there is no excuse for failure. Unavoidable accident is one thing; allowing yourself to fall for a trick is another. They feel that their defeated enemies wanted to be beaten. If not, why did they not make themselves stronger than the varanids?
From time to time, varanid warriors wander off to prove themselves on other battlegrounds. Singly or in small groups, they drift into civilized territories where they offer themselves as mercenaries or assassins. They do not like to work as bodyguards, though, as standing around waiting for a fight to happen is against their nature. They are predators, not protectors.

Ecology: Varanids live by a strict meat diet. They generally prefer fish, birds, and eggs but will eat anything that bleeds. Varanids actively search for new settlements to raid and new fights to pick.

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Shirokinukatsukami fan

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Tropical, subtropical or urban
DIET Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE Average (8-10)
ALIGNMENT Neutral good

NO. APPEARING 1-8 or 2-20
MOVEMENT 12, climb 12
THAC0 19
DAMAGE/ATTACK By weapon type
SIZE M (5'-6' tall)
MORALE Steady (11-12)

Small, quick, brightly-colored, and curious, geckonids are the friendliest of the lizard peoples. Soft, interconnecting scales of green, blue, red, and brown cover their skin. Most stand around 5 feet tall (except the tokays-see below). Their limbs are short and thin, their tails short and stubby. The most striking features of the geckonids are their eyes: huge, bulbous orbs on either side of their faces. Most interesting, though, are the suction cups on their fingers and toes that allow them to climb walls and ceilings as if they were floors.

Combat: Geckonids would rather run away than fight, since their teeth and claws are too small to cause damage. If forced to fight, they use speed and climbing to their advantage.
Since they can stick to almost any surface and leap up to 30 feet, geckonids often have the advantage of surprise. In combat they run along walls to throw off their opponents, dodge blows by leaping to the ceiling, and-if things go badly-scamper up a steep surface. If fighting in an area where there are a lot of surfaces (indoors, urban streets, forest or jungle, or similar environments), they have the AC given above. While fighting in the open, they can still rely on their natural speed and dexterity, but their AC drops to 7. Immobilized geckonids are AC 10.
Geckonids can see invisible creatures and objects. They do not realize the things they see are invisible and, if associating with others, assume that everybody else notices the invisible person or object as well. They can all Climb Walls (95%), Hide in Shadows (50~), Move Silently (75%), and Backstab, which is their favored method of fighting. Geckonids have mild chameleon abilities. Their skin color changes slightly according to their mood and surroundings.

Habitat/Society: Geckonids live in small communal tribes and prefer small villages in steaming jungles and forests.
Geckonids are driven by an insatiable curiosity. They love to explore, and they frequently wander into nearby cities, which they consider treasuries of unending interest. After exposure to civilization, geckonids often become thieves (up to 12th level) or even mages (up to 7th level), with a corresponding increase in Hit Dice. They do not feel avarice. Rather, they steal as an excuse to poke around in others' belongings. It amuses them to dodge the law by running up the sides of buildings and peeking over the edges to see the looks on the guards' faces.
Geckonids are generally friendly, cheerful, and polite in their own odd manner. They have a different way of thinking. They like to observe conversations, interjecting only to make a strange comment or tell a joke only they understand. For instance, a geckonid might loudly croak in someone's face, then pretend the speaker had said something important in the geckonid's own language. Or, a geckonid might hold open his mouth for several minutes. If asked why, the geckonid claims to be waiting for the birds to come out. Geckonids play bizarre, harmless pranks on their friends when they are bored.

Ecology: Geckonids live on birds, small animals, and insects. In the wild, the small, weak geckonids have much to fear from predators. Were it not for their speed and climbing abilities, the species would have vanished long ago.

Tokays: The dark side of normal geckonids, tokays are large, strong, and ill-tempered. Tokays stand almost 6 feet tall and have teeth large enough to bite for Id4 points df damage. All have pink scales with gray dots. Tokays tend toward neutral or neutral evil. If they take a class, they usually be'come thieves to steal and cause trouble. They have the same odd outlook as other geckonids but with a rude, cruel bent. The loud croak of a tokay geckonid sounds somewhat like a dog barking.


Monster Junkie
Do you have the entire article scanned? The opening bit with the ability score modifiers and so forth will probably also be helpful.

If not, I'll type 'em up.


Shirokinukatsukami fan

CLIMATE/TERRAIN Tropical or sub-tropical
DIET Omnivorous
INTELLIGENCE Low to average (5-10)

MOVEMENT 12, climb 9, swim 12
THAC0 19
DAMAGE/ ATTACK 1-3/1-3/1-4 or by weapon
SPECIAL DEFENSES +2 to saving throws vs. poison
MAGIC RESISTANCE 25% (see below)
SIZE M (6'-7' tall)
MORALE Steady (11-12)
Shaman,3rd 175
Shaman, 5th 650
Shaman, 7th 1,400

Iguana people, or iguanids, are tall, thin, enigmatic creatures. They stand 6 feet tall or more, their heads and throats adorned with large frills. They have long talons on their hands and feet for climbing and fighting.
Iguanids are immensely adaptable and the most prolific of the lizard peoples. They change easily to meet the needs of their surroundings. The most common iguanids are the large tree-dwelling tribes, marked by their long tails and bright green scales. The northern rock iguanid tribes have dull gray or brown coloration, stronger limbs, and shorter tails. Island iguanids make their homes on rocky shores and can breathe water as well as air. They have heavy, lumpy bodies and heads and hard, brownish-green scales.
Iguanids wear little clothing, but they enjoy body painting, jewelry, tattoos, and other adornments. There is much to be read in the coloration and detail of an iguanid's face paint, which displays the individual's social status.

Combat: Iguanids are largely peaceful and prefer to keep to themselves. They avoid combat unless their homes or young are threatened. As iguanids are not ordinarily given to fighting without reason, they have little grasp of tactics. They swarm out from hiding and try to take down their opponents by sheer numbers. If that fails, they flee and relocate.
Iguanids usually fight with weapons, preferring spears, javelins, and darts. Their long, sharp talons are built for climbing but make effective weapons in a pinch. They can also whip opponents with their tails. Iguanids can whip with their tails and strike with either a weapon or claws in the same round.
Iguanids are deeply religious. For every ten iguanids, there will be a 3rd-Ievel druid shaman. For every thirty, there is a 5th-level druid shaman. Each tribe is led by a druid of at least 7th level.
Much like dwarves, iguanids have an inherent resistance to magic. Iguanids must roll for failure even if they cast spells, read scrolls, or use magical items that require activation (not magical weapons and other permanent magic). The chance of failure is 20%. This effect applies only to wizard spells and items, not to priest spells and divine effects. Iguanids' own druidic powers are unrestricted. They also gain a +2 saving throw bonus vs. poison.
Iguanids are excellent climbers, though not the equal of their geckonid cousins. They have an effective Climb Walls ability of 75%. Within their natural environments (trees for greens, mountains and cliffs for the rock tribes) their climbing ability rises to 85%, and they have a 40% chance to Hide in Shadows.

Habitat/Society: Iguanids base their lives around a worship of natural forces. Their priests are all druids. They follow a strict series of taboos, holidays, and religious observances. Iguanids reflect their worship in face painting and personal adornment.
The common green iguanids live in villages built among the tree tops of their hot jungle homes. Since they are such good climbers, they do not need to connect their homes with bridges, ladders, or ropes. Their tribes are loose theocracies ruled by shamans who oversee their people's simple lives of hunting, gathering, and religious observance.
The rarer rock iguanid tribes make their homes among the cliffs, craggy hills, and deserts to the north of the jungles. They usually set up their village in a cave network but sometimes build simple hut villages if there is nothing available. The same goes for the sea iguanids, who are likely to live in seashore huts or air-filled, underwater caverns.
Most iguanids are rather stupid. They are happy to follow the dictates of the more intelligent iguanids who lead the religious ceremonies and control tribal life. Iguanids spend most of their time sitting in packs, sunning themselves, and contemplating the world around them. They rarely speak.
On the other hand, iguanids have an uncanny knack for making friends with natural creatures. They always have at least 1-6 giant iguanas around as guards (treat them as giant lizards) and mobs of regular iguanas as pets. There is a good (50%) chance that various other local animals, such as jaguars and giant snakes, frequent their villages.
The only exception to the general peacefulness of the iguanids is during the mating season. During this time, the males become aggressive and violent as they vie for the attentions of the females. Iguanid males rarely fight or kill each other, but their contests do make for a lot of loud croaking, wrestling, and head-bobbing. They do not allow outsiders near their villages during the mating season.
Iguanids are the only lizard people who retained their ancestors' ability to lose their tails. If an iguanid's tail is grabbed and strongly jerked, such as by a predator, it comes off. The tail grows back shorter and darker within a few weeks. Iguanids do not consider themselves to be adults until they have lost their tails at least once. An iguanid male might brag about how many tails he has lost in an attempt to prove that he has experienced a great deal of danger.

Ecology: Iguanids are the only lizard people who enjoy eating fruits and vegetables, though they frequently supplement their diet with birds, eggs, insects, and small animals. Iguanid tribes get along well. They do their best to avoid other lizard folk with the exception of geckonids, whom they do not mind. Varanids especially enjoy tormenting iguanids, whom they consider a weakling aberration of the lizard folk.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Shade said:
Do you have the entire article scanned? The opening bit with the ability score modifiers and so forth will probably also be helpful. If not, I'll type 'em up.
The intro text follows below, but the table of ability score adjustments, etc. doesn't scan, so I'll leave that up to you ;).

The Lizard Folk
by Michael Kuciak

Lizard men are fairly common low-level adversaries, right along with orcs, goblins, kobolds, and the rest of the humanoids of the AD&D(R) game. With all of the lizard species in the real world, why should there be only one species of lizard folk? Here are several lizard folk variations taken from some of the fiercest predators in the reptile world, each a great addition to any campaign world.

Subspecies of lizard folk rarely interact with each other mostly because of geography. When they do share territory, different subspecies tend to ignore each other. They are cold-blooded, after all, and have little sense of camaraderie.
Each subspecies speaks its own dialect of the standard Lizard Man tongue. These languages are difficult for humans and demihumans to learn, so the DM might impose a nonweapon proficiency penalty on non-lizard-folk characters. The geckonid dialect, for instance, involves clicking and croaking sounds that human voice boxes cannot reproduce. Though the basic phrases might be the same, it is different from the speech of a hissing varanid or rumbling crocodilian. Likewise, few lizard folk are fluent in Common or demihuman tongues. If they know a warm-blooded language, it is probably a pidgin version.
Like other lizard folk, the males and females of the sub-species are hard to tell apart without a thorough, embarrassing search. Since they appear the same, there is little separation of roles along gender lines among the lizard peoples.

The Lizard Folk PC
The Complete Book of Humanoids presents rules for running a lizard man player character. Creating a subspecies PC runs along the same general lines, with a few notable exceptions.
Although some lizard folk subspecies are stronger than others, a certain level of Strength and Constitution remains necessary to survive their natural environments. Varanids and master crocodilians actually kill their weak. Charisma penalties are disregarded when dealing with other lizard folk, unless noted in their descriptions.
Hit Dice. PC lizard folk receive Hit Dice by class. Agrutha and crocodilians gain 6 bonus hit points at 1st level. Master crocodilians and varanids start with 2 bonus hit points at 1st level.
Alignment. PC lizard folk can be of any alignment, though they tend toward neutrality. It is a rare master crocodilian who is not evil, however.
Natural Armor Class. Agrutha and crocodilians have a natural AC of 5. Varanids have AC.7. Geckonids and iguanids both have AC 10. Geckonids, however, gain a -2 AC bonus if they are unarmored and fighting in an area where they can use their wall climbing ability to dodge (indoors, heavy forest, and so on).
Background. See individual descriptions.
Languages. Lizard Man, lizard folk dialect, possibly Common.
Roleplaying Suggestions. See individual descriptions.
Special Advantages.
  • Like common lizard men, agrutha, crocodilians, and iguanids have no movement or attack penalties when in water and receive Swimming as a bonus proficiency. They can also stay underwater without drawing breath for a number of rounds equal to % their Constitution scores. Sea iguanids have gills and can stay underwater indefinitely.
  • All lizard folk can fight with their claws, teeth, and tails.
  • Varanids are ambidextrous. When fighting with two weapons, they receive a -2 penalty with their off hands and no penalty with their primary attacks.
  • Geckonids can see invisible once they reach 5th level. All can Climb Walls as per the thief ability at 95%. Geckonid rogues also receive the following adjustments to their thief abilities: PP +15%, OL-lO%, F /RT -10%, MS +5%, HS +5%, DN -5%, RL-20%.
  • Iguanid PCs have a 5% magic resistance against wizard spells and magical item effects. They gain an additional +5% magic resistance at each level after 1st until reaching a maximum resistance of 25%. Iguanid thieves have the following adjustments to their thief abilities: PP + 10%, OL -5%, F /RT -5%, MS -5%, HS +5%, DN -5%, CW +30%, RL-25%.
Special Disadvantages.
  • Agrutha, crocodilians, and sea iguanids must wet their entire bodies at least once per day. If they cannot, they lose Constitution at a rate of 3 points per day. Lizard folk whose Constitutions fall to 0 die from dehydration.
  • All lizard folk warriors start with two weapon proficiencies. Other classes start with one. The only exceptions are varanids, who receive full weapon proficiencies as per their class.
  • Agrutha and brute crocodilians suffer damage as large creatures.
  • Armor costs double the listed price for all lizard folk. Varanids refuse to carry shields. Geckonids and iguanids cannot wear armor heavier than studded leather. Iguanid and geckonid rogues suffer double the penalties to their thief abilities for wearing armor. Geckonids in armor do not gain their AC bonus.
  • Lizard folk are cold-blooded beings. They suffer +1 hit point of damage per die from cold-based attacks. Also, if exposed to low temperatures (500 F or lower) for a prolonged period, they become sluggish. Sluggish lizard folk move at half normal rate and suffer a -2 attack penalty. Geckonids cannot dodge while sluggish.
Monstrous Traits. Monstrous appearance, bestial fear, bestial habits.
Superstitions. Each lizard folk subtype has its own fears and superstitions according to their personalities. Aquatic lizard folk fear dry heat. Agrutha, crocodilians, and varanids are afraid of displaying weakness to their fellows, who will kill them should they appear vulnerable. Geckonids avoid wide, open spaces where they cannot easily flee. Iguanids are highly religious and fear offending their gods by breaking any number of taboos, as decided by the player and DM.
Weapon Proficiencies: Various. See descriptions.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Alertness, Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Fishing, Herbalism, Hiding, Hunting, Natural Fighting, Survival (home terrain).


Monster Junkie
Ability Score Adjustments:
Agrutha: Str +2, Con +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Brute Crcodilian: Str +3, Con +2, Int -2, Wis -1, Cha -2
Master Crcodilian: No modifiers
Varanid: Str +1, Dex +1, Cha -2
Geckonid: Str -1, Dex +3, Con -1, Wis -1
Tokay: Dex +3, Wis -1, Cha -2
Iguanid: Dex +2, Int -2

Ability Score Min/Max:
Agrutha: Str 16/20, Dex 3/18, Con 14/20, Int 2/12, Wis 2/12, Cha 2/8
Brute Crcodilian: Str 16/21, Dex 3/18, Con 14/20, Int 2/12, Wis 2/12, Cha 2/8
Master Crcodilian: Str 8/18, Dex 3/18, Con 8/18, Int 3/18, Wis 3/18, Cha 3/18
Varanid: Str 12/18, Dex 4/19, Con 8/16, Int 3/18, Wis 3/17, Cha 3/18
Geckonid: Str 5/16, Dex 12/21, Con 3/16, Int 3/18, Wis 3/17, Cha 3/18
Tokay: Str 8/16, Dex 12/21, Con 8/18, Int 3/18, Wis 2/16, Cha 2/16
Iguanid: Str 8/18, Dex 8/20, Con 3/18, Int 2/16, Wis 3/16, Cha 3/18


Monster Junkie
Does anyone have Complete Book of Humanoids handy? I'm interested in the ability score adjustments for a standard lizardfolk at that time.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Lizard Man
Ability Score Adjustments: There are no adjustments to the basic ability scores.


First Post
I would think that some stuff like:

Lizard folk are cold-blooded beings. They suffer +1 hit point of damage per die from cold-based attacks. Also, if exposed to low temperatures (500 F or lower) for a prolonged period, they become sluggish. Sluggish lizard folk move at half normal rate and suffer a -2 attack penalty. Geckonids cannot dodge while sluggish.

can probably be left out as standard lizardfolk don't have that anymore.

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