Looking for Trouble [Orsal Judging][Concluded]


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Patlin said:
ooc: I guess we can skip taking a poll on how many lawyers are participating in this thread... :p

OOC: I guess we can't skip taking a poll on how many lawyers are participating. I for one am not.

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Richard Rawen

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As a PC tech I work for lawyers all the time. I find that they are fine people so long as you do not have anything to do with them which involves their opinion. A simple question of advice, (Which I get daily in the stores, on the street, at church, etc...) will get you billed $80 if you are lucky. That makes me gunshy to discuss even the weather lest they decide I was deliberating the forecast with them! =-)
(Perhaps some of you have had similar experiences with your local pc tech lol)
Sorry Killian, couldn't resist. What with Divorce and Child Custody battles and Child Support thrashings... just don't ask me about the judge! :p

Richard will back off of the weasel subject, he knows he cannot handle the little (for now) critters and so he lets more experienced folks take the lead. He will try to keep a sharper lookout however... feeling he messed up by not detecting the ambush to the flank earlier.
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Craw Hammerfist

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Killian ponders for a moment and inquires "I wonder...would it be worthwhile to skin the dead weasels? Pelts of that size might be valuable as a gift to any grugach we encounter. Has anyone had any experience with preserving a pelt?"

ooc:The only people who get bills from me are oil companies and they deserve it. :p


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Rowan stops and points his finger at Killian. "That's a good idea. I've done some skinning. Let's give it a shot. What the heck. Its not like we're in a hurry or anything."

Rowan will try skinning the pelts. The group should go ahead & camp tonight, off the road. We'll see if we can get the pelts off, collect any servicable meat from the animals, and keep moving in the morning.

OOC: Rowan has 6 ranks of survival, 5 ranks of handle animal. No 'profession: tanner' to be sure. No ranks in 'profession: lawyer' either for sure! Come to think of it, Killian is a bit of a lawyer, with his empahsis on finding agreements between conflicting parties. I recently read a biography of Gandhi, who was a lawyer. He would insist his clients tell him the truth and would have them make reparations if they were guilty. He wasn't a modern type of lawyer.

Craw Hammerfist

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Killian assists Rowan in the skinning. "I suppose if the skins start to stink **ahem** worse than they do now, we can just leave them a bowshot off the trail."

Killian also decides to keep the longest tooth he can remove from either weasel.


Manzanita said:
OOC: I guess we can't skip taking a poll on how many lawyers are participating. I for one am not.

ooc: Well, if it's inevitable, I'll admit I'm a criminal prosecutor, which is a subspecies of Lawyer. :) It's not the people who pay my bills who I make nervous, though, it's the criminals. Actually, the *real* criminals know they have it coming, it's the traffic defendants that get all indignant.


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If we're camping here, Rinya takes charge of the babies. She'll make one last check to see if anyone wants a baby weasel, then she'll take the rest far away from camp and kill them quickly, leaving them where any predators/scavengers aren't led back to camp.

Once she returns to camp, she'll start gathering firewood, watering horses, and other "making camp" duties.

ooc: And, for the record, not a lawyer.

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