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Lord Ogglebottoms Odd Tasks: All in a Nights Work (DM: DMDanW, Judge: Renau1g)


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Minharath goes about his work quietly, making certain all wounds are bound and doing his best to reduce chances of scarring. He has little to say at this point, and does not intend to speak up unless one of the others gets out of hand.

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"Let's bind them all before they regain consciousness." suggests Gloom. His eyes fall on Karl. "Minharath, if you want that one to live, you should bind his wounds. They are not mortal bu he seems to loose much blood. You might care about his fate."
Minharath goes about his work quietly, making certain all wounds are bound and doing his best to reduce chances of scarring. He has little to say at this point, and does not intend to speak up unless one of the others gets out of hand.

As Minharath makes his rounds he can tell that most of the bandits wounds are not serious and with time and rest they will all be fine.

He ties the elf quickly and efficiently, then taps him on the head with the hilt of his tan'gat. "Hey. Which of these is Hraken?" he queries, pointing at the collection of groaning bodies.

M'Orin looks at Gellan and then turns and looks over to the fallen Half-Elf. "He is the one you seek" he replies to Gellans question.

"Grrrrrrr. If we don't find the box you thieves have stolen, all the bandages in the world won't stop your bleeding!" Thorn looks around the room for the stolen box.

The room is packed with miscellaneous goods. Boxes of all shapes and sizes are littered about the room. Even the untrained eye can tell that all the goods in this room are stolen property, as various merchant and trading house emblems cover the different stacks of crates. Although a general description of the package you were hired to retrieve was given, there are many such boxes here that could fit that description.

Zharne starts searching for loot

Zharne begins patting down the fallen bandits looking for valuables.
(What does Zharne consider valuable? Are you stripping the bandits completely (mundane equipment) or only looking for superior items (magic items, coins, gems, etc.)?

Question for everyone = Gellan has tied up M'Orin so far. Minharath has tended to all their wounds (to ensure they will not die or be permanently harmed). What other precautions are you taking before they all revive?


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[SBLOCK=OOC]We will tie everyone, at least Gloom will do so. Afte that, we shoudl awaken H'raken and question him.[/SBLOCK]


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[sblock=Velmont,DMDanW]I've finished fixing the details on Minharath's sheet, so Velmont can put the official Seal of Approval on it at his leisure. It's mostly a formality at this point, so I'm finally approved! Yay! Dan; thanks for holding off on XP. [/sblock]


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M'Orin looks at Gellan and then turns and looks over to the fallen Half-Elf. "He is the one you seek" he replies to Gellans question.

"Is he now? Excellent." Gellan uses the elf's shirt to wipe his tan'gat clean before stalking over to where Hraken had been tied up. "Okay, you are the leader of these, yes?" he says, slapping the half-elf across the face. "You may have gathered we are here on behalf of Lord Oggle....whatever. He wants his property back. Do you give it to us, or do you wait here while one of us goes to get him, along with perhaps some guards, to ask you less friendly?"

[sblock=ooc]Diplomacy skill check: 18[/sblock]


Question for everyone = Gellan has tied up M'Orin so far. Minharath has tended to all their wounds (to ensure they will not die or be permanently harmed). What other precautions are you taking before they all revive?

As the others tie up the bandits, Thorn will keep an eye on the other exits.

I could not tell by the latest map, but it looked like some kind of tunnel at the bottom (south ? ) of the map. If it is an unexplored exit, Thorn will make sure he keeps an eye on it. If it was just a dead-end cave, he'll keep an eye on the stairs we came in.


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Gloom makes his way around following behind Minharath. After the cleric checks each of the subdued bandits to ensure they are alright, Gloom proceeds to bind them securely.

Thorn takes a look back up the stairs from which you came and a few of the bandits fled. He then makes his way to the rough cavern entrance on the far wall. The cavern is unlit and the light that pours forth from the room you now stand in reveals that it takes a t least a few twists and turns. Listening closely you can hear the sound of waves crashing onto shore echoing through the cavern.

"Is he now? Excellent." Gellan uses the elf's shirt to wipe his tan'gat clean before stalking over to where Hraken had been tied up. "Okay, you are the leader of these, yes?" he says, slapping the half-elf across the face. "You may have gathered we are here on behalf of Lord Oggle....whatever. He wants his property back. Do you give it to us, or do you wait here while one of us goes to get him, along with perhaps some guards, to ask you less friendly?"

Gellan proceeds to wake the Half Elf, who was pointed out to be H'raken. He slowly opens his eyes, and tests the strength of the bonds before looking at his inquisitor. "Less Friendly?" He asks with a sarcastic tone to his voice. "I think you and your pals have that market cornered" he remarks, spitting a wad of blood and a tooth onto the floor beside him. He looks around at his defeated gang and shakes his head. "I knew I shouldn't have taken that damned job" he mutters to himself. Looking back up at Gellan he motions with his head towards the hallway (the one with the multiple doors leading off of it). "It's in my quarters, in a locked chest. If you help me up I can go get it for you alright?"

[sblock=Additional notes]
Aside from the area you have revealed on the map, there is the cavern on the "south" wall and the hallway to the "east" with many doors leading from it. It is in this direction that H'raken has indicated that the package you seek is located.

[sblock=Question for Judge/someone who might know]
How can a party identify magic items if there is no one in the group trained in Arcana? Loot time is quickly approaching and I fear that currently the group has now one to identify anything which would qualify as loot.
The only thing I can think of is that the groups sixth member (Jehad the gnome sorcerer) reappear momentarily to be able to point out magic items.


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[SBLOCK=OOC]Jehad, who is officially guarding the prisoners outside have Arcana. You can always NPC him to explain why we find the loot...[/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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