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Lord Ogglebottoms Odd Tasks: All in a Nights Work (DM: DMDanW, Judge: Renau1g)


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Yes, that was the only thing I could think of, but it made me think "What if a group does not have anyone with the Arcana skill, what then?"

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[sblock=Thoughts on Loot]Does it technically require Arcana? I thought in 4e you just fiddle with it for a few minutes and figure it out? (But then, I always hated that, so arcana's something, at least)
Since Religion used to be used to make magic items, you might allow that instead.
I actually like the idea of running a scene where Jehad works it out, but there are a couple more options that I think are more interesting:
1) We don't actually get to know what it is. We note them on our sheet, and know OOC what they are, but IC get to roleplay 'figuring it out.'
2) The loot here in the enemies' lair is mostly/all currency, no magic. When we return to Lord Ogglebottom, he rewards us with magic items from his shoppe, which he can explain the use of to us.[/sblock]


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OK so what are you guys doing? H'raken informed you of where the package you seek is. Just wondering if anyone was going to act on that information.....


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Gloom walks to H'raken. He tells the man. "I will unbound you and you will give us what we seek. If you don't do it, if you do something against us, I'll make sure you meet my personal friend. He is named Lauto. And if you think that pacifist will stop me, I can bring you the body of one of you man that lie up stair. He is a good example that I am my only master and I respect my word. Understood?"


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Gellan grins. "And to help Loto along, I will come with you. To make sure things stay...friendly."

[sblock=ooc]Gellan will untie H'Raken's feet and go with him to retrieve the box.[/sblock]


Thorn sniffs at the sea air through the darkness of the rough cavern entrance.
"I will keep an eye on this cave, incase these bandits have reinforcements. Howl if he (Thorn bares his teeth at H'raken) gives you any trouble."

Thorn listens closely at the sound of waves crashing onto shore echoing through the cavern, but keeps his feral ears pinned back for any signs that his allies might be in trouble as they retrieve the box.


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"You have my word that I will comply with your request" H'raken replies to Gloom. "You have defeated me once already today, and I do not feel the need for a second." he states as Gellan unties his feet.

H'raken then stands and makes his way into the hall and to the doorway at the end. Gloom and Gellan follow H'raken into his private quarters, which is a lush and extravagant room, one not commonly found in a warehouse basement. Fine silks cover the bed and rare fur pelts cover portions of the floor around it. The room is adorned with fine artwork, and although not from the same artist or style, all quite nice peices of work. The only part of the room that seem odd if the rough opening in the southern wall that leads into a natural tunnel, similar to the one in the other room.

H'raken makes his way to a tall wardrobe on the far side of the bed and motions towards it. "The parcel you seek is in here, down on the bottom shelf. I'd open the door myself, but my hands are tied" H'raken exclaims. In a quiter tone so that only Gellan and Gloom can hear he continues, "Look take whatever you want, but please release me and you have my word that I'll not bother you again. You see the local law enforcement and I are not on good terms and, well, come on - you understand right?"

All is quite from the tunnel and from the stairs. The remaining captive seem to be testing their bonds and glancing at one another as if trying to silently plan an escape.
As you make your way from prisoner to prisoner you finally get to Shar-doo, the goblin spell-caster. As you check his wounds a glimmer catches your eye and as he shifts more is revealed. Beneath his robes you see a collection of necklaces hung around his neck, one of which bears a silver symbol of Juna. You can instantly recognize this as Juna's Symbol of Divinity and can sense its magical power.
As you continue to look around the room you get a better feeling of what is simply stolen goods and what items may have some value as far as you are concerned.
The Half-Orc Karl wears a suit of leather armor, which has a slight red tinge to the color. It appears to be of excellent craftsmanship and has the potential to be more than it seems.
The robed Goblin, Shar-doo wielded a staff during the battle and making your way over to where he dropped it. Although gnarled and jagged you can tell that it holds greater power.



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[sblock=DMDanW]Who are you?
Minharath is going to engage in some covert telepathy, in an attempt to learn more about the goblin without alerting anyone else.[/sblock]


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Minharath reaches out to the goblin telepathically "Who are you?"

The goblin looks around confused and frown slightly before a look of realization crosses his face and he looks at Minharath. He furrows his brow slightly before finding Minharaths telepathic connection.

"My names is Shar-doo, shaman and leader of da once mighty broken tooth tribe. We's now works for H'raken and 'is men. So what's it yous wants wits us"

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