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LotFP in financial dire straights?


Is Correia still around? Is it the same one who made some rather (I'd call them actually rather hurtful) inflammatory racial statements concerning him, as a white male, being a minority because he has some European Latino (Portuguese I believe if I remember right, which is a FAR cry from the Native American Hispanic/Latino that are generally discriminated against) Minorities heritage?

If it's the same one, I avoided buying his stuff, but I have no idea what he's been up to these days. He got kicked out or banned from a convention? I suppose he has fans still (not I) as it seems he still has books that are coming out and selling well. is it the same people that love LotFP?

If he sells to audiences that enjoy his work and his opinions, more power to him I suppose. if he is a successful author that can make a living, good for him. Just because I don't like his views don't mean I want him to be unable to earn a living. If he earns a living writing, as I mentioned, good for him. That said, I have seen a book or two of his in stores and ever since then refuse to buy them, but I am one, and a loss of sale to me is no big loss. I know I wasn't one of those harassing a convention to kick him out or what it was (as I just read about it in this thread, if I knew about it before, I had actually forgotten about that, though I remember his comments from several years back).

I would have thought most would be in the same boat as I (which if what I just read online about this convention thing is what is being referred to) where he had fallen off the radar for the most part in circles I hang out with.

I find it interesting he is mentioned in this thread though as the name rung a bell (From the comments he made years ago, of all things). Is the audience that reads his stuff and those that play LotFP the same groups?

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Correia is around and sells plenty of books every year. He also is active in RPG, but I doubt that he would play LotFP. Most recent project was Savage Worlds:

He also is really good at painting miniatures. All of this is in public posts on his Facebook feed. He certainly is right leaning in politics, but so what? If you like well written action fantasy books, he certainly writes them. My youngest daughter who is not quite as SJW as her older sister but certainly is in that range likes his magic systems and world building.

If you wanted an author that is heavily into our hobby and goes to cons to participate as a gamer not as a guest, he certainly is one.

Which has nothing to do with the topic of this thread ....


Why is the discussion on SF/Fantasy publishing issues from years ago and posts on other forums here? And why claims about certain types of posts being made elsewhere that are not true (Tenkar's Tavern has barely any posts on this subject, and the people there are not fans of LotFP's business handling nor the problem writer in question. I had not looked at that site in a couple of months and just went to look).

This has been an interesting niche publisher for quite a while, the books tend to be physically quite nice and several innovative authors got a good start with them. Always had an edgelord marketing angle and when something did miss it missed big. I have found a couple of their books really good (like Carcosa). I think the market just moved past some of what they were selling and that hurt them more than anything else.

Not talking about issues a few years old. Talking about a post from a couple days ago now about a pretty popular indie rpg. Because several issues from the past year have apparently led to the failure of LotFP as a product, they very much are relevant to the topic since they directly led to the topic.

Also, the claims about what posters are saying is very much true. Just because you didn't see them doesnt mean they don't exist. Funny that.

They were on Tenkers FB page. To Tenkers credit, he did not endorse or agree with said posts.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
With a financial condition as described in the OP, the firm was in trouble whether it got swept up in scandals or not. Coronavirus is the proximate cause, not the ultimate cause, of their woes. Whether the new products sell well or not, they need an accountant and an attorney if they are going to avoid a nasty crash.

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