Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Blessed Are the Cheesemakers


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[sblock=OOC]I assume the throne is facing the cage? Also, is the cage built into the wall, or is there enough space between the walls that Samad could squeeze through (and perhaps conduct a little bit of business with slightly more security/concealment)?[/sblock]
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[sblock=OOC]The throne is facing the cage, but the goblins are standing around a table and talking. They don't have their backs to the cage, but they aren't particularly paying attention to it either.

You could squeeze in between the cage and the wall. It will give you a bonus to avoid being detected, but it will be a -2 penalty to any physical attribute or skill checks, and the -4 AC/attack penalty will apply if combat starts.[/sblock]


First Post
It was a tight fit, as Samad squeezed between the cage and the wall. He realized that this would be difficult. Perhaps too difficult. He had not been expecting a full cage, even a makeshift one such as this. Cutting through would probably take more time than he could afford, with these two leaders in the room and their small army at their beck and call. Even were he to distract them and lead them away... No, there was no guarantee that they would stay away long enough for him to complete his task. And were he to be caught, well, he certainly did not want to be the next one to cross that blooded altar. But perhaps there was something that he could do, he thought as he whispered, "Keep calm, and don't act startled. I'm here to rescue you."

The elf slid a knife from his boot as he whispered, "I had hoped to spirit you away, but it seems that we will need to go with our original plan."

He placed the knife and the vial behind the captive cheesemaker, "Keep these out of sight, and use them if necessary. I will return with companions, you will certainly know when we have arrived."

With that, he whispered a prayer and, as he felt his image fade, moved towards the door Perhaps it wasn't necessarily a safer plan, but it would certainly give him ease of mind to fight with full force at his back.
[sblock=OOC]He casts Vanish on himself after giving a dagger and the potion to the Weathersmith and leaves. I don't know if he'll need another stealth check, but if so, he'll take another 10 (as Invisible Castle still isn't working).[/sblock]
[sblock=Samad's Mini Stats]Samad Salil
AC: 18 (15 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 44/44
CMB: +6 CMD: 19
Fort: +3 Reflex: +9 Will: +5
Perception: +14, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +5
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow (+9, 1d8+4, 19-20/x3)
Current Conditions in Effect: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Spells Remaining (1st): 4/5
Spells Remaining (2nd): 4/4

Used Items:
Arrows (4/20)
Dagger (1/10)

Abilities Used:
Bardic Performance (0/19 rounds used)
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Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia stood crouched down with the others near the entrance to the golbin’s lair. While they waited she asked, “What if Samad cannot get the Weathersmith out? How do you all want to handle this?”

“Shall we try sneaking as many in as possible and the strike fast and hard? Or should be look to some trickery to lure them out?”

“I can always go inside while invisible and start using some of my spells that will not break my spell, illusions and summoning of monsters.”

[sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+8, Perception: +8 (10 with Mazi)
AC: 14 (18 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 13, Flat-footed 12)-> 18 with Mage Armor
44 Current: 44
CMD: 14, Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +6 (Add +1 to Saves with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect: Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance, Mage Armor

Weapon in Hand: Alchemical Flask
Spells Remaining: 1st Level: 6/8, 2nd Level: 7/7, 3rd Level 5/5

+2 Senses: low-light vision, darkvision; Perception: +15
AC: 20 (Touch 16, flat-footed 18) -> 24 with Mage Armor
22 Current: 22
Fort: +0, Ref: +4, Will: +7
Conditions in effect: Improved Evasion, Empathic Link, Mage Armor
Weapon in Hand: Bite [Att: +9, dmg: 1d2-5(1 non-lethal)]

Combat Trained Light Horse
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, Scent; Perception: +6
AC: 13 (Touch 9, flat-footed 13)
HP: 15 Current: 15
Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +1
Conditions in effect: War-trained, 50ft movement
Weapon in Hand: 2 Hooves [Att: +3, dmg: 1d4+3][/sblock]


First Post
"A bit of mix and match might be a good idea," Ru says quietly as they picket the horses and start to slink toward the mine entrance. "Random monsters showing up unannounced are sure to get their attention, and might not read as an organized attack if we do it right. I'd rather they chopped at magic critters than us, to be sure. Or at the Weathersmith."

[sblock=ooc]Stealth: 1D20+14 = [10]+14 = 24

[sblock=mini stats]

Ru Brike
AC: 21 (Touch 16, Flatfooted 17)
HP: 72/72

Initiative: +4
Perception: +10 (+12 Studied Target(s), +13 Traps)
Sense Motive: +5 (+7 Studied Target(s))
CMB: +7 CMD: 22 Fort: +8 Reflex: +10 Will: +4
(conditional: +2 vs. divination effects, +3 Ref vs. traps)

Wakizashi +1: +12/+7, 1d6+1
Wakizashi (TWF): +10/+9/+5/+4, 1d6+1/1d6
Light Mace: +11/+6, 1d6
Light Mace (TWF): +9/+9/+4/+4, 1d6/1d6
Longbow: +11/+6, 1d8
Conditional Attack mods: +2d6 Sneak Attack (when denied Dex), +1 Dirty Fighter (flank), +2 Attack / dmg vs. Studied Target (move action or with sneak attack success, up to 2 targets), -2/+4 Power Attack

Conditions: None

In Hand: Wakizashi x2
CLW Wand charges: 35/35 remaining


"Master Samad is already in the lair," Iago points out. "If things go badly, I favor moving in quickly and pounding the goblins as hard as possible. A charge will create confusion among the goblins just as effectively as any illusion. And our presence it means Master Samad has a shorter escape route, or at least needs to hold out for less time."

[sblock=Iago stat block]
Initiative: +2
AC: 18 (15 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 50 Current: 50
CMB: +6 CMD: 19
Fort: +7 Reflex: +8 Will: +2;
PER Roll: +9/+11 (bonus for searching for objects or judging spoiled food)
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow

Extracts prepared:
Level 1:
Expeditious Retreat
Enlarge Person

Level 2:
Alchemical Allocation
Bull's Strength
Protection from Arrows

Read more:

Mutagen prepared:
Strength: +2 Natural Armor Bonus, +4 STR, -2 INT

+1 Falchion: Attack: +7 = [BAB(4) + STR(2) + Misc(0) + Magic(1)]
Damage: 2d4+4, S, Crit: 18-20/x2

Bomb: Attack: +8* = [BAB(4) + DEX(3) + Misc(1**) + Magic(0)]
Damage: 3d6+6*, Fire, Crit: 20/x2 (only 1d6 multiplied); Rng: 20'
Special: Make 9 bombs/day
Bomb Save: DC 16 (10 +1/2 Alch lvl + INT mod)

MW Composite Longbow:
Attack: +8* = [BAB(4) + DEX(3) + Misc(+1, MW) + Magic(0)]
Damage: 1d8+2*, B, Crit: 20/x3, Rng: 110; Ammo: 20

*+1 to-hit, +1 dmg w/in 30’

Expended: 2 arrows, 1 acid flask


Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia nodded, “Oh, sorry. That is not what I meant, Iago. If Mazi comes flying out with news that things have gone badly inside, we all rush in help.”

“I still should probably go in while invisible, though. A fireball from surprise will be effective against a room full of the little buggers.”

[sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+8, Perception: +8 (10 with Mazi)
AC: 14 (18 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 13, Flat-footed 12)-> 18 with Mage Armor
44 Current: 44
CMD: 14, Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +6 (Add +1 to Saves with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect: Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance, Mage Armor

Weapon in Hand: Alchemical Flask
Spells Remaining: 1st Level: 6/8, 2nd Level: 7/7, 3rd Level 5/5

+2 Senses: low-light vision, darkvision; Perception: +15
AC: 20 (Touch 16, flat-footed 18) -> 24 with Mage Armor
22 Current: 22
Fort: +0, Ref: +4, Will: +7
Conditions in effect: Improved Evasion, Empathic Link, Mage Armor
Weapon in Hand: Bite [Att: +9, dmg: 1d2-5(1 non-lethal)]

Combat Trained Light Horse
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, Scent; Perception: +6
AC: 13 (Touch 9, flat-footed 13)
HP: 15 Current: 15
Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +1
Conditions in effect: War-trained, 50ft movement
Weapon in Hand: 2 Hooves [Att: +3, dmg: 1d4+3][/sblock]


First Post
"What ... who ...?" the young man begins, then realizes what's happening and covers his surprise with a cough and a clearing of the throat. The goblins pay him no mind, and Samad is able to pass him the knife and invisibility extract. The dervish slips back outside unseen as the goblins continue talking, sleeping, or wrestling. Samad rejoins the group quickly explains the situation, leaving a minute or so left on his original invisibility spell.

[sblock=OOC]So, seven minute invisibility. One minute to the cave, three minutes to explore, a little less than one to pass the knife and extract, a little more than one to get back out. Leaves one minute of the spell if you act quickly.

Samad's Vanish was not needed, as interacting with objects and friendlies does not break invisibility.[/sblock]


Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia looked up in surprise as the voice of Samad came out of nowhere while he was still invisible. After hearing what he found, she repeated what they had been discussing.

“So, what should we do? Go back in and try to cause as much trouble as possible and set up a killing zone? Those invisible make our way back to the prisoner while everyone else draws the goblins' attention in the other chamber?”

[sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+8, Perception: +8 (10 with Mazi)
AC: 14 (18 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 13, Flat-footed 12)-> 18 with Mage Armor
44 Current: 44
CMD: 14, Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +6 (Add +1 to Saves with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect: Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance, Mage Armor

Weapon in Hand: Alchemical Flask
Spells Remaining: 1st Level: 6/8, 2nd Level: 7/7, 3rd Level 5/5

+2 Senses: low-light vision, darkvision; Perception: +15
AC: 20 (Touch 16, flat-footed 18) -> 24 with Mage Armor
22 Current: 22
Fort: +0, Ref: +4, Will: +7
Conditions in effect: Improved Evasion, Empathic Link, Mage Armor
Weapon in Hand: Bite [Att: +9, dmg: 1d2-5(1 non-lethal)]

Combat Trained Light Horse
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, Scent; Perception: +6
AC: 13 (Touch 9, flat-footed 13)
HP: 15 Current: 15
Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +1
Conditions in effect: War-trained, 50ft movement
Weapon in Hand: 2 Hooves [Att: +3, dmg: 1d4+3][/sblock]


"I think you two should go in invisibly, ahead of us," offers the alchemist. "We will give you a moment's lead, and then follow. That should draw most of the goblins away from the back room. You can dispatch the remainder and free the prisoner, while we fight the goblins."

Systole, if and when we resolve to take a fight inside the warren, Iago is going to knock back his Mutagen. I mention this now because it has a long duration, and if we send Samad and/or anyone else back in, he'll drink it while waiting for them to get into position. I just didn't want to miss a chance to do that before combat started.

[sblock=Iago stat block]
Initiative: +2
AC: 18 (15 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 50 Current: 50
CMB: +6 CMD: 19
Fort: +7 Reflex: +8 Will: +2;
PER Roll: +9/+11 (bonus for searching for objects or judging spoiled food)
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow

Extracts prepared:
Level 1:
Expeditious Retreat
Enlarge Person

Level 2:
Alchemical Allocation
Bull's Strength
Protection from Arrows

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Mutagen prepared:
Strength: +2 Natural Armor Bonus, +4 STR, -2 INT

+1 Falchion: Attack: +7 = [BAB(4) + STR(2) + Misc(0) + Magic(1)]
Damage: 2d4+4, S, Crit: 18-20/x2

Bomb: Attack: +8* = [BAB(4) + DEX(3) + Misc(1**) + Magic(0)]
Damage: 3d6+6*, Fire, Crit: 20/x2 (only 1d6 multiplied); Rng: 20'
Special: Make 9 bombs/day
Bomb Save: DC 16 (10 +1/2 Alch lvl + INT mod)

MW Composite Longbow:
Attack: +8* = [BAB(4) + DEX(3) + Misc(+1, MW) + Magic(0)]
Damage: 1d8+2*, B, Crit: 20/x3, Rng: 110; Ammo: 20

*+1 to-hit, +1 dmg w/in 30’

Expended: 2 arrows, 1 acid flask

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