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[LPF] Evil Unto Evil


OOC: Sorry, I did not meant that issue to hold things up. Tyrien's IC question was facetious. Undead are immune to Non-lethal damage and since Tyrien has fought a number of them in Crypt of the Everflame, she probably would have known that now that I think about it.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=GM]Wall of Force: One, single flat sheet, comprised of a number of 10x10 squares equal to your level. Resilient Sphere is a different spell.[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc] got it. Just too bad I don't have resilient sphere[/sblock]

"I haven't the necessary spell, Resilient sphere, to do the task you wish,"

ooc: sorry for any slow response. Mozilla locked up on me.
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OOC: Unless I missed it, I do not think Heinrich has actually performed an Action yet this round. Free Action Speech and Knowledge checks don't normally count.


First Post
[sblock=GM]Correct. Heinrich still has an action. Wall of Force will buy you one round of no attacks if you position it between you and it. However, it's not clear what the remaining wight will do after that.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Sorry, I have been trying to make it work to confine it. I was hoping maybe Eanos might have Resilient Sphere.


First Post
[sblock=ooc]It's not on the inquisitor list, and he used up his actions this round, anyway. The one round delay the wall gives us may or may not give us useful information from the voice. Who knows if it'll stick around or just go running since it's three against one, now. Use your best judgement on whether or not you think it's worth burning a high level spell for it.

Eanos has managed to kill / get killed at least two likely sources of information so far, so it's not like he'd have any excuses for being upset if you just fry the thing, and Heinrich can always claim a language mishap. ;)[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
*ooc: sigh. ok*

Heinrich speaks some new words of power, ones he is sure none have heard him say before. Though just shy of being undetectable, an invisible wall rises from nothingness.

[ok, so without grid poits for refences I am going to proclain A,1 is upper left corner . . . . .]

wall of force from M,4 to M,22, pretty much from 5 feet south of the north fence to the south fence.
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First Post
The remaining wight grins wickedly at Eanos. "Aren't we friends, inquisitor? You should call me Armando." Then without warning, it launches itself at him, teeth bared and claws raised high. Its attack is thwarted by Heinrich's wall of force, which it strikes with a sickening thud and drops to the ground. Although the impact probably would have knocked a living person unconscious, the wight climbs back to its feet without a pause, although one arm dangles uselessly from its shoulder, clearly broken. With its good hand, it taps the invisible magic with a jagged fingernail, its demeanor one of curiosity. "Hah ... hah ... hah," it rasps, obviously amused. "Clever wizard. But I know something you don't know." The next words it speaks are in Old Landellian: "Ein Thema von Baron Drei-Spitzen, sind Sie, Herr Schreibersen? Wissen Sie, was Ihr Herr und Meister hält in den Tunneln unter den Steinbrüchen? Wissen Sie, was er speist mit ihnen? Wissen Sie, wer er speist mit ihnen? Ah, man denke nur an den Fingerknocken verstreut unter all den zitternden schwarzen Fleisch. Wie es im Fackellicht glitzert!"

[sblock=Translation]"A subject of Baron Drei-Spitzen, are you, Master Schreibersen? Do you know what your lord and master keeps in the tunnels beneath the quarries? Do you know what he feeds to them? Do you know who he feeds to them? Oh, just think of the fingerbones scattered among all the quivering black flesh. How it glistens in the torchlight!"[/sblock]


. Armando Faizal (?) .

[sblock=Combat Information]Combat is essentially over, since you can easily kill the last one if it does come around. Of course, that doesn't stop it from pulling a DC23 Will for Heinrich or shaken. Because the voice is a jerk.

Party Stats:
Heinrich.....33/38 HP remaining (Shield, Cat's Grace)
Tyrien.......69/72 HP remaining
DC 14 level drain
Eanos........61/61 HP remaining DC 14 nauseated

Enemy Stats:
Nom Raskey (AC11/9Touch/11FF): Dead
Wight 1 (AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 2 (AC15/11Touch/14FF): Uninjured
Wight 3 (AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 4(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 5(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Uninjured
Wight 6(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 7(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 8(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 9(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 10(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Ach! Scheißkerl!

[sblock=translation]no translation provided due to the grandma rule[/sblock]


Heinrich's face turns deathly white as thought of his family race through his mind, having not heard form them much less seen then since his youth- since the incident that made him flee to his uncle's shop in Venza. Tears form in the corner of his eyes as he pictures his parents being victims of that creature.

"Sie sta weg von meiner Familie!!" he says, but if it is meant to sound threatening, it comes out pleading.

[sblock=translation] You stay away from my family! [/sblock]

[sblock=stat block] Init +2, Perception +10 Move 30'

AC: 12[base]; 14 [w/ shield spell]; 16 [w/ Ablative Barrier spell]; 18 [w/ shield and abl barr]
touch: 12; Flat Foot: 10 [shield or ablative barrier may apply]

AC: 16 touch: 16; Flat Foot: 10 cat's grace and shield

HP: 38/38 Fort: +5, Reflex +7, Will +9, BAB +4, CMB +4, CMD 16

Consumables: Wand of CLW [cl1] 50/50 charges; Wand of Magic Missiles [CL1] 45/50 charges
oil x 6 pints; sun rods x 6; Alchemist fire x 1; Scroll [stone shape cl 7]
In hand: Dagger
light source: Lamp, common; cantrip: light [dur: 90 mins]
Per day use abilities:
Fire jet DC 16 [Used: 1/8]

Dancing flame [used 0/4]

[sblock=Wizard Spells prepared]
0 Level * acid splash * Detect Magic * Light * Resistance

level 1: * comp lang * Burning Hands(ev,E,*)* ear pierce scream * magic missile
* magic missile * shield * Shield
pearl of power lv 1: Feather fall
pearl of power lv 1: Magic missile
pearl of power lv 1: Magic Missile

level 2: * Cat's grace * False Life * Flaming Sphere [ev,E] * Resist Energy [E] * Scorching Ray [ev, E]
* Levitate
pearl of power lv 2: Cat's grace
pearl of power lv 2: scorching ray (ev,E)

level 3: * Fire ball (**,ev,E)* Haste* Haste* ablative barrier* lightning bolt
pearl of power lv 3: ablative barrier

level 4: * summon monster 4 (E)* summon monster 4 (E)* stone skin* stone skin

level 5: * lightning arc* wall of force* Elemental body [E]
( - ) denotes a cast spell
(*) cast at +1 level (trait)
(**) cast at +2 levels (Feat)
(E) elemental: flame school
(ev) evocation
(A) denotes changed to acid
(&) takes 2 spell slots to cast
(#) recalled via pearl of power
(E,A) denotes 50% fire/50% acid
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First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

"Don't listen to his nonsense, Heinrich," Eanos says, keeping his bow ready as he holds his ground on the other side of the wall. "Just wants in your head, yes?"

The inquisitor's eyes narrow.

"All right, Armando," Eanos says, his tone matching the voice coming from the wight, "So, old buddy: only one of your capos killed you, yes? Why go after both? And why after so long?"

[sblock=ooc]Dropping Bane, and if combat's over, that ends the Judgement, as well.

I assume a Sense Motive roll applies to a continuous interaction, though I'm not sure. I figured it was a bit like sneaking through a room: you make your opposed checks for the whole of the sneaking, and either they notice you or they don't; same with realizing if someone's hiding something in a conversation? Next time you talk, you or they may be on or off their game by more, but once you're snowed in a convo, you're snowed.

I can make more rolls if need be. No worries. Just let me know. Did Eanos get any impression that he was right, or that the voice is just doing more playing around with them?

This time 'round, he'll throw in a Discern Lies as well for his answers (he couldn't last round because activation is a standard action so far as I can tell, and he didn't have any actions left). Let me know if you want a round / use per question, and I'll just adjust his mini-stats.[/sblock]

Eanos Setirav

Initiative: +8
AC: 23 (26 w/ SoF, 25 w/Prot Evil)
HP:61 Current: 55
Senses: Perception 17 (21 scent w/ Bloodhound), Sense Motive 20/24
CMB: +6 CMD: 21 Fort: +6 (+8 w/ purity, +9 w/ Prot evil)
Reflex: +8 (+10 w/ purity, +11 w/ Prot evil)
Will: +9 (+11 w/ purity, +12 w/ Prot evil)
***-4 saves vs odor based effects w/ Bloodhound

* Deadeye's Lore (8 hours, +4 Survival, track at full speed)
* Bloodhound (8 hours, +4 Track stacks with Deadeye, +8 Scent Perception does NOT stack with Bracers' of Falcon's Aim, -4 save vs odor based effects)
* Protection from evil (+2 ac & Saves vs. evil attacks)

In Hand: Bow

Common Attacks:

+1 Seeking Comp. Longbow (Str +1)*: Attack: +13/+08 = [BAB (06/01)
+ DEX (05) + Magic (01) + Bracers (01)]
negates miss percentage chances
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 19-20/x3^, range 110'
Spiritual Weapon (Sbow): Attack: +09/+04 = [BAB (06/01) + WIS (03)]
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 20/x3, range 170' Special: force / spell
All: +2 to hit / +2d6 damage when using Bane ability

* +1 to hit / damage within 30' (point blank shot),
* Deadly Aim available (-2 attack, +4 damage)
^ Crit range increased via Bracer's of Falcon's Aim

Arrows: 24/31
Blunt Arrows: 16/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 23/50 remaining
Disguise kit uses: 9/10 remaining
Spider Climb (boots) minutes: 10/10 remaining

Used: none

Judgement (2 choice per): 1/3 Remaining
Determination: 2/3 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 4/6 remaining
Bane: 3/8 rounds remaining
Discern Lies (DC 17): 7/8 rounds remaining
Dimensional Hop: 65'/80' feet remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (1/5 remaining)(DC 14): Deadeye's Lore, Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Lend Judgement, Litany of Sloth, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (3/4 remaining)(DC 15): Bloodhound, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Weapon of Awe
3rd (2/2 remaining)(DC 16): Blessing of the Mole,* Dispel Magic, Prayer

* Stealth bonus not stackable with ioun stone

Random notes: Syndicate "code phrase": 'Reginald needs a bath.' - false phrase created by Sugar Sweet.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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