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[LPF] Evil Unto Evil


First Post
Eanos and Tyrien kill several more of the undead creatures, leaving two. The nearer one advances on Eanos and belches forth another cloud of mist, but this one is heavy with the scent of rot and seawater, like something dead has been drifting on the sea currents for weeks ... or maybe longer. Amplified by his heightened senses, the stench is almost unbearable.

The bearer of the voice grins at Eanos. "Here, in this graveyard, you are correct, inquisitor ... but I left only the weakest ones behind to keep Nom amused. You cannot stand in the way of my vengeance. If you try, you will meet the same fate as the rest." It rushes at Tyrien. Its ragged fingernails barely graze her wrist, but she feels the same grave chill that Heinrich had.

Combat Map

[sblock=Combat Information]Wight moves up and spews a different mist at Eanos that the other ones. DC 14 Fort save or nauseated, and it is a stench-based effect so don't forget your modifier. Muahahaha. The other one charges Tyrien and rolls a 20 but then blows the crit confirm by, like, a lot. Stupid dice. 3 damage and DC14 level drain.

EDIT: Creature info - Eanos would know that the creatures are mechanically similar to wights, except that they're not independent or intelligent, as normal wights are. The ability to exhale mist at will is something new and different as well. All in all, there's some strange, dark necromancy at work here.

Party Stats:
Heinrich.....33/38 HP remaining (Shield, Cat's Grace)
Tyrien.......69/72 HP remaining
DC 14 level drain
Eanos........61/61 HP remaining DC 14 nauseated

Enemy Stats:
Nom Raskey (AC11/9Touch/11FF): Dead
Wight 1 (AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 2 (AC15/11Touch/14FF): Uninjured
Wight 3 (AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 4(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 5(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Uninjured
Wight 6(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 7(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 8(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 9(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead
Wight 10(AC15/11Touch/14FF): Dead[/sblock]
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First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

"Wights," Eanos declares. "Well, mostly. Should be able to think for themselves, though. These sure don't. Touch drains life, bolsters their own. Once they suck you dry, you turn into one. Never seen this cloud belching stuff, though," Eanos offers quickly to warn the others.

Just then, he finds himself in the midst of a much worse variation of the cloud belching.

[sblock=ooc]Ack. I should have guessed that weakness was going to bite me in the butt eventually. ;)

Save with -4 from Bloodhound factored in:

Fort vs. nauseate (1d20+5=17)


Eanos coughs and sputters at the overwhelming stench, but manages to hold his breath just in time. He steps out of the cloud quickly to clear it from his nostrils, and pincushions the belcher with a trio of arrows, sending it to the ground.

"Wait, vengeance?" Eanos says. "Not just a power grab? Vengeance against both gangs for ... wait." His eyes narrow a moment as a detail from their interrogation of Cheesewight suddenly seems to click:

"Don Faizal?"


[sblock=ooc]That'll teach me not to note deceased NPCs. I think I dug through the thread three times before I could find that flipping name. I could only remember there was something we'd heard where either King or Cato killed someone, but the stories didn't agree on who. I'm probably just snagging at red herrings, but what's a good mystery story without managing to do that?

Free action: activate Silver Tongued Haggler for the Sense Motive roll:

Sense Motive wighty response? (1d20+24=30)

I thought about delaying until he gets an answer, but looked like he'd lose all but a standard attack if he did that, so I just rolled the attacks anyway, and hopefully our walking talker doesn't fall before Eanos gets a response. Talking is a free action, but not sure how that applies to in-combat back and forth conversations, heh.

5' step out of AoO range of the wight who stinkied him, then full attack on it:

1st attack vs. W2 (+13 +1 PBS +2 Justice +2 Bane -2 Rapid); Damage with PBS & Bane; Bane damage. (1d20+16=34, 1d8+5=10, 2d6=11)

21 Damage.

Second attack vs. W2; damage; bane damage. (1d20+16=32, 1d8+5=13, 2d6=3)

16 Damage. I haven't been able to tell the HP on these things, so I don't know if that drops him or not.

3rd attack vs. W2; damage; bane bonus damage (1d20+11=21, 1d8+5=11, 2d6=12)

22 more. That should do it. :)[/sblock]

Eanos Setirav

Initiative: +8
AC: 23 (26 w/ SoF, 25 w/Prot Evil)
HP:61 Current: 55
Senses: Perception 17 (21 scent w/ Bloodhound), Sense Motive 20/24
CMB: +6 CMD: 21 Fort: +6 (+8 w/ purity, +9 w/ Prot evil)
Reflex: +8 (+10 w/ purity, +11 w/ Prot evil)
Will: +9 (+11 w/ purity, +12 w/ Prot evil)
***-4 saves vs odor based effects w/ Bloodhound

* Deadeye's Lore (8 hours, +4 Survival, track at full speed)
* Bloodhound (8 hours, +4 Track stacks with Deadeye, +8 Scent Perception does NOT stack with Bracers' of Falcon's Aim, -4 save vs odor based effects)
* Justice (+2 sacred to attack)
* Purity (+2 Sacred to saves)
* Protection from evil (+2 ac & Saves vs. evil attacks)
* Bane Undead (+2 attack & damage, +2d6 damage)

In Hand: Bow

Common Attacks:

+1 Seeking Comp. Longbow (Str +1)*: Attack: +13/+08 = [BAB (06/01)
+ DEX (05) + Magic (01) + Bracers (01)]
negates miss percentage chances
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 19-20/x3^, range 110'
Spiritual Weapon (Sbow): Attack: +09/+04 = [BAB (06/01) + WIS (03)]
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 20/x3, range 170' Special: force / spell
All: +2 to hit / +2d6 damage when using Bane ability

* +1 to hit / damage within 30' (point blank shot),
* Deadly Aim available (-2 attack, +4 damage)
^ Crit range increased via Bracer's of Falcon's Aim

Arrows: 24/31
Blunt Arrows: 16/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 23/50 remaining
Disguise kit uses: 9/10 remaining
Spider Climb (boots) minutes: 10/10 remaining

Used: none

Judgement (2 choice per): 1/3 Remaining
Determination: 2/3 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 4/6 remaining
Bane: 3/8 rounds remaining
Discern Lies (DC 17): 8/8 rounds remaining
Dimensional Hop: 65'/80' feet remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (1/5 remaining)(DC 14): Deadeye's Lore, Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Lend Judgement, Litany of Sloth, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (3/4 remaining)(DC 15): Bloodhound, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Weapon of Awe
3rd (2/2 remaining)(DC 16): Blessing of the Mole,* Dispel Magic, Prayer

* Stealth bonus not stackable with ioun stone

Random notes: Syndicate "code phrase": 'Reginald needs a bath.' - false phrase created by Sugar Sweet.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Update]The one that belched is dead. The one that's speaking is hurt but not dead. You will have to hold off on killing it this round if you want an answer.[/sblock]


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Realizing his eagerness to end the undead may cut off yet another investigative line, Eanos curses at himself.

"Heinrich, you have any way to hold that thing so we don't have to let it suck us dry to ask it questions?" he calls to the wizard.

[sblock=ooc]Worth a shot. Eanos isn't really set up to hold stuff in place, and I think he's managed to get two of our primary interrogation targets (Black and the gravedigger) dead before we could grill them, so he's inclined to not pass up on a third. But, yeah, letting the thing drain us while we try to get it to talk seems like a poor plan, too. :) [/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
probably not. looking right now. . . . . .

OOC: thought exorcise to all:


wall of force says: "The caster can form the wall into a flat, vertical plane whose area is up to one 10-foot square per level. The wall must be continuous and unbroken when formed. If its surface is broken by any object or creature, the spell fails."

'can form' sounds permissive, but not definite.

does this mean that he han for it as a cylinder with a circumfronce of 10 feet and not use the other 8 * 10 x 10 squares? specificly, can he capture and hold in a cylinder prison of force the wight indicated by eanos?

also the stats are: a wall of force has hardness 30 and a number of hit points equal to 20 per caster level (lv 9 x 20 = 180 hit points).

^^^also his knowledge plaines roll to see what he knows of these wights


geeze. p.i.t.i.f.u.l.

I guess I could make it a 10 x 10 cube
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First Post
[sblock=GM]Resilient Sphere is a different spell. You have to form Wall of Force into one single flat sheet. If you make a 90' long, 10' wall, the wight will not be able to get around it and attack this turn.

If you feel I've ruled in error, we can talk to GE.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
ooc: another thought. can I just make it 40 feet for a box, 10 x 10? (ignore the other 50 feet)


Tyrien, Half-elven Archeress


Tyrien stepped away from talking creature and nocked an arrow. She did not think an undead creature would be subject to a blunt arrow to knock one out. But she had not other option to try and stop one short of lethal attacks.

"Can you knock out undead creatures?"

She held her arrow to see if the creature was going to talk first or advance after her and Heinrich.

Updated Map for Tyrien & Eanos's Kill
[sblock=Crunch]Fort Save (1d20+8=15)
Delay until after Heinrich, then 5ft step (Updated map)
If Heinrich cannot stop the Wight, then she will ready and attack if moves towards them. If it has to go around an invisible force wall, she will wait for it to go around first and get with PBS range and not have cover: Readied Arrow vs Wight 5 (PBS, DA) (1d20+17=19, 1d8+13=16)
[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Tyrien e'Adrianne
Initiative: +9 Perception: +19 (low-light vision)
AC: 24 (18 flat-footed, 18 Touch)
HP: 72 Current: 69
CMB: +10 CMD: 29(22ff) Fort: +8 Reflex: +14 Will: +7
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep
Current Conditions in Effect: PBS, Precise Shot, Enhanced Arrows (+1 Dmg), Ioun Stone illumination (in darkness), Deadly Aim (-3Att/+6dmg), Many Shot, Snap Shot, Jingasa Luck (1xday, Immediate neg Critical/Sneak Attack), Combat Reflexes(8 AoO)
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow
Chakrams: 8/8 Remaining

Bardic Performance:
5/5 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Message, Resistance, Mending, Prestidigitation, Know Direction)
1st Level 2/3 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Chord of Shards)[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=GM]Wall of Force: One, single flat sheet, comprised of a number of 10x10 squares equal to your level. Resilient Sphere is a different spell.

Nonlethal damage: I don't see anything that limits NL damage to living things, although it seems strange to me that undead would be susceptible to getting KO'd. Let's call it 'incapacitating damage' instead. So yes, you could incapacitate an undead. However, that wouldn't give the voice much incentive to stick around and answer questions. EDIT: Ah, it's under the Undead type. For :):):):)'s sake.[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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