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[LPF] Expansion


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Saktouk Bekloric, half-orc monk

[sblock=Saktouk]First, who are you trying to hit? Second, you see a man lying prone on one of the big crates who is very definitely not happy to see you up at the same level that he is.[/sblock]

[sblock=DM]Sorry 'bout that. Was trying to hit the leader who was attacking Kalius, since he was closest and wouldn't have range penalties, though he may have cover bonuses. The roll was low enough that I don't figure it matters.[/sblock]

"Och, there you are," Saktouk says with a vicious grin. "Our other friend hasn't had time to leave yet, lass," he calls down to Megan. "Just climbed up and flattened out like some mold on a rock."

[sblock=mini stats]Saktouk Bekloric
Initiative: +2
Perception: +6
AC: 15 (12 flat-footed, 15 Touch)
HP: 13 Current: 13
CMB: +4 CMD: 19 Fort: +4 (+6 vs poison & drugs, +8 vs alcohol)
Reflex: +5 Will: +5

Conditions in Effect: none

Current Weapon in Hand: unarmed
Shuriken: 19/20 Remaining

Elemental Fist: 1/1 remaining[/sblock]

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Artur Hawkwing

First Post
[sblock=Just So You All Know]I do my posting primarily from work, so the evening times I'm not likely to be around to reply to posts or to participate in things. Just so you all know. :)[/sblock]

Audra hesitates as the call goes out that one is escaping. She starts to turn on heel and head for the door when Megan's call for help reaches her ears.

God of Knowledge, which way?!?!

Her hesitation lasts only a moment longer. She turns again and runs the roughly 20 feet between herself and Megan, whom she stops behind and deftly tosses the Thunderstone she carries up and over the heads of the three people before her, trying to drop it in behind the 2nd thug, hoping Megan will cover her ears.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Init: +2
AC: 16 Touch: 16 Flat Footed: 13
HP: 20 Current: 20
CMB: +2 CMD: 18 Fort +4 Reflex +6 Will +6
Current Weapon:
Unarmed Strikes: Attack +3, Damage 1d6+1, Crit x2, Flurry of Blows +2/+2

OOC: Thunderstone lists as a ranged attack. Will do a single ranged attack, I assume against the spot over these guys. 10 foot radius spread, save Fort DC 15 or be deafened for 1 hour
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First Post
I will be AFK from today - SUN due to a trip to Boston. I will have internet connection, but since this is a vaca I can't guarantee that I'll be checking and posting (altho I will certainly try).

When it's the party's turn, have Megan draw her dog slicers and go to town with her TWF. Preferably she can switch off with Audra so that she won't be the meat shield. Flank is possible for SA. Thanks!

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
OOC: Wow. An outbreak of computer problems. I've spent the last two weeks getting behind on my accounting work getting the tech in the office back to 100% functionality. No hurries, SS21. Take it as you can..

VV - Audra will help Megan out, no problem. She'll try to take some of the heat off, especially if the Thunderstone does its job. Enjoy Vacay up in Bwah-stin.


Ariel Esimae, Female Aasimar Cleric

Ariel follows after the charging centaur beast and gets to the crate near the leader, drawing her scimitar.

She yells, "As Helina is my goddess, you shall be delivered of Her JUSTICE!"

Commenting in a wry tone, "Dumb oaf, should have surrendered.

Shifting her scimitar to her off-hand, she splays her fingers out around the corner of the crate so she has an unobstructed line of fire at the leader of these bandits and lets him have it.

Flames shoot from her fingers and engulf him.

Ariel grasps her weapon in hand once more.

[sblock=Actions]Free Action: Talking
Move Action: Move to E2; drawing her scimitar
Standard Action: Cast Burning Hands (DC14) on leader; Burning Hands (3d4=9)
[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +2
AC: 22 (20 without shield, 18 flat-footed, 12 Touch) +2AC Barkskin
HP: 23 Current: 23
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +5 Reflex: +4 Will: +7 (+8 vs. Fear)
+1 for all with Resistance
Resistance: 5 Cold, 5 Acid, 5 Electricity
Conditions if Effect: Barkskin (+2AC), resistance (+1 on next Save)

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield & Scimitar
Javelins: 5/5 Remaining

Fire Bolt: 6/6 Remaining Channel Energy: 5/5 remaining
Deflection Aura: 1/1 remaining
Spells Remaining: Orisons: (Light, Resistance, Guidance, Detect Magic)
1st Level 1/4 (Bless, Doom, Shield of Faith, Burning Hands)
2nd Level 2/3 (Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Barkskin) [/sblock]___________________________________________

Ariel Esimae


Kalius steps back as he strikes the bandit for bit more damage and his master moves forward to provide backup. Meanwhile, on her part, Megan drops the tough in front of her to his knees as Audra moves up behind Megan and throws a thunderstone directly behind them; the tough still standing shrugs off the sound after a moment's hesitation, but the one on his knees is completely caught off guard, and the recoil in his body is visible as he absorbs the energy from it. Saktouk jumps up on the crates, and while his shuriken bounces off the leader's armored coat, he does see the remaining bandit attempting to hide from the party on top of the crates by the wall. At the same time, Ariel moves up and tries to burn the leader with burning hands; the leader is able to evade part of it, but the crate beside him isn't quite as lucky, as one corner starts to smolder. Fortunately the rest of the crates in the range of the fire spout only get singed. "Foolish girl. Did you forget about all of the wood in here?" The bandit leader growls as he notices that the others have decided its each man for themself. He steps forward, and his shortsword bounces off the force armor surrounding the centaur. The tough in front of Megan, finding himself between two people that could, and would, kill him in a heartbeat if he tried to do anything funny, tries to play dead, falling prone. His buddy, not liking the latest developments, climbs up the crate in an attempt to get away from the two rather unladylike girls, getting up and over and just past the door to the front room. The one already up on the crates launches himself out of one of the windows, and disappears from Saktouk's sight.

[sblock=combat and map information]

Blue lines indicate open 10'x10' doors; Crates are hard corners, barrels are soft corners; Small crates and barrels are 5' tall, big crates are 10' tall, long narrow crates are about 8' tall; Windows periodically line the walls at about 15 feet off of the ground and go up to the 20' ceiling. Green line is the rope hanging out of the building via one such window; the crate is smoldering and will take a full round action to smother the small, for now, flames.

Ariel 23/23 hp
Audra 20/20 hp
Kalius 2/11 hp
Megan 21/29 hp
Saktouk 13/13 hp
Vaniarus 9/9 hp

Leader 20 damage; heavily wounded
1 12 damage; staggered, deafened (1 hour), playing dead (sense motive DC 2)

OOC: The party is up.
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Ariel Esimae, Female Aasimar Cleric

Ariel retorts, "Put the fire out then, we'll wait."

Once Kalius steps back to give her a better shot, she points a finger at the man again from around the corner of the
crate and burns him with a fire bolt.

She calls up to the monk above her, "Any chance you can catch the one that fled out the window?"

[sblock=Actions] Delaying until after Kalius and before Saktouk.
Free Action: Talking
Standard Action: Ranged touch on leader; Fire Bolt (1d20+6=16, 1d6+2=7) Added +1 to the roll for bless
Move Action: Move to F2 [/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +2
AC: 22 (20 without shield, 18 flat-footed, 12 Touch) +2AC Barkskin
HP: 23 Current: 23
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +5 Reflex: +4 Will: +7 (+8 vs. Fear)
+1 for all with Resistance
Resistance: 5 Cold, 5 Acid, 5 Electricity
Conditions if Effect: Barkskin (+2AC), resistance (+1 on next Save), Bless (+1 Attack)

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield & Scimitar
Javelins: 5/5 Remaining

Fire Bolt: 5/6 Remaining Channel Energy: 5/5 remaining
Deflection Aura: 1/1 remaining
Spells Remaining: Orisons: (Light, Resistance, Guidance, Detect Magic)
1st Level 1/4 (Bless, Doom, Shield of Faith, Burning Hands)
2nd Level 2/3 (Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Barkskin) [/sblock]___________________________________________

Ariel Esimae
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Voidrunner's Codex

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