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[LPF] Kaedyn's Quest

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Know (arcana) (1d20+11=25)

Thuvian shrugs at the sight of the beasties. "Owlbears. Proof that reality is often stranger than fiction. Big brutes of things, so try not to get hit." As he speaks, he moves to a protected place between a couple of trees before casting what seems to be Fog Cloud centered on K-66, but is in reality Minor Image (DC 18 Will Save).

Updated Map

[sblock=ministats]Thuvian Darklight
AC: 14 (Touch 13, Flatfooted 11)
HP: 22/22 Initiative: +3
Perception : +6 Sense Motive: +1
CMB: +2 CMD: 15
Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +5
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Place:

CL 4; +8 Concentration (+12 Casting Defensively); SR +4
Extended Illusion (2 round beyond concentration)
1st level Sapphire of Power - unused

Darkness 1/1

Cantrips - Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation
1st - Color Spray, Mage Armor, Shadow Weapon, Silent Image, Vanish
2nd - Acid Arrow x2, Minor Image(cast), Mirror Image[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]I figured with a 25 on the check, he would at least know the basic stuff about the owlbears. If I am wrong, feel free to correct me.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Actions]Double Move to G55, drawing Flail (no possible way I could find to get close and still get an attack in)[/sblock]

Updated Map

Amien pulls himself through the tall grass, while struggling but unhesitant to catch up to Ru while quipping, "I have a feeling they see us as the squirrels! Besides, I said nothing about eating squirrels. I plan on keeping it that way."

Unable to catch the creature by surprise, he moves himself next to a tree and waits for an opportunity to strike.

[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet Page

Weapon in Hand: Heavy Flail +1
Condition: Inspire Courage (+1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls)
HP: 54/54
AC: 15
AC Touch: 12
AC Flatfooted: 13
Initiative: +2
Fort: +6
Reflex: +3
Will: +0
CMB: +7
CMD: 19

Glaive Attack: +7; Damage: 1d10+4 (+9, 1d10+7 under Strength Rage); Crit: 20/x3, Slashing, Special: Reach
H. Flail +1: Attack: +8; Damage: 1d10+4+1 (+10, 1d10+8 under Strength Rage); Crit: 19/x2, Bludgeoning, Special: Disarm, Trip
Sling Attack: +5, Sling Damage: 1d4+3
- Sling Bullets (06)

Handy Haversack
- Rations (21 days left)
- Medium Tent
- Wand of CLW x1
- Potion of CMW x3[/sblock]


First Post

Tyrion glares at the closest creature that Lai Tai. "Alright then, try this on for size!"

Moving to take advantage of the rock in between the him and the creature, Tyrion swings his hammer in an arcing motion, catching the creature in the shoulder.
Surprise: move 15' to J62
Round 1: Standard Attack on OB2: 1d20+10=20, 1d12+15=24

[sblock=mini stats]
Tyrion Thankirk
AC: 20(Touch 12, Flatfooted 18)
HP: 46/46

Initiative: +2
Perception: +6 Sense Motive: +2
CMB: +8 CMD: 20 Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +6

Conditional Attack mods: Power Attack (-2/+6), Furious Focus (Ignore first PA Penalty), Overhead Chop (+2 to damage rolls w/ 1 attack)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness)

In Hand: MWK Lucerene Hammer +10 (PA-2/+6; FF+2/+0; OHC +0/+2 Bard Song +1 / +1) 1d12 + 15
Updated Map


~ Day 8: 16:00 In the Darkwood ~

Tyrion and Lai Tai take out one of the Owlbears. The illusion of fog is not much of a deterrent. Both creatures come through it, but Tyrion cannot see more than 5 feet into it either.


One of the creatures rakes Ru with his claws. After the nimble man dodged the first swipe, unfortunately the second catches him badly and he grabbed onto. The creature bites him as well and he is badly injured.

The two creatures hidden by the conjured fog come through it. The first did not even pause and it takes a swipe at Tyrion as he suddenly appears in the concealing mist right next to him. Luckily it missed. The other one follows and stumbles out of the fog to come around and move in on Tyrion as well.

OOC: Combat: Round 2
[sblock=Combat Information]OB3 Saved vs. Image, OB4 has scent and still comes through a bit slower. Tyrion failed Save and cannot see OB3 and OB4 either.
OB1: Claw 1 missed, Claw 2 hit Ru 9 dmg & Grappled him, Bit hit Ru 9 dmg.
OB3: moved and missed Tyrion
OB4: Double Moved

You Guys

Party Status:
Amien:     54/54 HP remaining;
Ru:        12/30 HP remaining; 18 dmg; Grappled (-4 Dex, can't move)
Damaris:   27/27 HP remaining;
Lai Tai:   30/30 HP remaining;
Thuvian:   22/22 HP remaining;
Nora:      11/11 HP remaining;
Tyrion:    46/46 HP remaining;

Spells Cast:
Abilities Used:
Conditions in effect:
Enemy Stats:
Large Sized, 5ft Reach
OB1 (AC13/FF 14/Touch 8/CMD19)  42/47HP: Grappling Ru (-4 Dex)
OB2 (AC0)  -2/47HP: Dying
OB3 (AC15/FF 14/Touch 10/CMD21)  47/47HP:
OB4 (AC15/FF 14/Touch 10/CMD21)  47/47HP:
[/sblock]Updated Map
GM: You are up Round 2
[sblock=OOC]Map Stuff:
Green Squares (50% or more) are difficult terrain for Small/Medium, not Large
Rocks are difficult Terrain for All
Trees Provide Cover, Squares like G54 will invoke squeezing condition.
Hovering over a Token reveals the name of the image, btw.

Thuvian's knowledge check will reveal everything listed in the SRD on Owlbears. Lai Tai only provides the Identification.
I adjusted Amien's movement since he doesn't have the extra 5ft needed to squeeze into G54
Surprise Rounds do not allow Swift Actions in addition to a Move or Standard Action. Free actions are allowed. I took off Ru's Ranger Focus as he indicated and dropped the Arcane Strike damage from Lai Tai (not that it matters for Round 1 results).[/sblock]


First Post


Lai Tai looks briefly at Ru before turning back to the two creatures in front of him and Tyrion. "Please refrain from dying for a few moments!" he calls. "Now ... Four Winds Stance!" He leaps across the bush and strikes the owlbear engaging Tyrion. "One Finger Mighty Blizzard!" A blast of arctic magic emanates from Lai Tai's touch, staggering the beast.

[sblock=OOC]Regular round: Cast Frigid Touch (standard), Move (move), Touch attack on owlbear (free as part of cast)

Frost touch on owlbear (1d20+7=27, 4d6=11)
Frost touch on owlbear (crit confirm) (1d20+7=17, 4d6=16)

Owlbear is staggered for one minute because of the crit.

Updated map

Damn ... missed Inspire Courage again. +2 to total damage due to crit.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Lai Tai Liu

AC: 17 (15 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 30/30
CMB: +7 CMD: 19
Fort: +6 Reflex: +4 Will: +5

Perception: +7
Initiative: +4

Arcane Pool: 4/5
Staff Charges: 9/10
Cantrips (DC 12): Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st Level (DC 13): Chill Touch, Corrosive Touch, Enlarge Person, True Strike
2nd Level (DC 14): Frigid Touch, Stone Call

Current Weapon in Hand: Quarterstaff (+7, 1d6+6+4d6)
Current Conditions in Effect: Arcane Pool, Inspire Courage

Used Items:

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[sblock] Before posting my actions... @perrinmiller Can I actually cast Grease on F53 to affect the owlbear or the ground is not solid enough to do so? If yes... I believe that casting it there wouldn't affect Ru. Am I right?[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Ru is invisible, so unfortunately I don't think you could target him with the grease spell? I'm going to hold off posting my actions until I know the answers on the greasing, though, since it will obviously influence the rolls[/sblock]
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First Post

Droping his hammer, and swinging his falchion in a blurred arc, Tyrion attacks the staggered creature in front of him.
Free: Drop Hammer
Free: Quick Draw Falchion
Standard: Attack on OB4: 1d20+11=29, 2d4+18=24
That is a Crit Threat, Confirmation roll: 1d20+11=27, 2d4+18=23
I am about 85% confident that I don't need a miss chance, since half the creature is out of the fog. Tyrion can just attack that half :)


[sblock=mini stats]
Tyrion Thankirk
AC: 20(Touch 12, Flatfooted 18)
HP: 46/46

Initiative: +2
Perception: +6 Sense Motive: +2
CMB: +8 CMD: 20 Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +6

Conditional Attack mods: Power Attack (-2/+6), Furious Focus (Ignore first PA Penalty), Overhead Chop (+2 to damage rolls w/ 1 attack)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness)

In Hand: Falchion +11 (PA-2/+6; FF+2/+0; OHC +0/+2 Bard Song +1 / +1) 2d4 + 18
No Map Change

Voidrunner's Codex

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