[LPF] Ogre in the Rushes


Thy wounds are healed!
The two make the dwarf as comfortable as possible and wait. Sitting off to the side of the road they wait and hope for a miracle.

And then just two hours after the fight with the porcupine, Korey moans and opens his eyes.

OOC: Korey is conscious, but treated as disabled with -10 HP (ouch)

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Maybe we should, having no healing ability made that kind of bad. Sorry for that! I just had an infected wisdom tooth pulled, so I've been out of it for a couple days. Fun way to spend labor day weekend. :(


First Post
After helping the dwarf to his feet, Tyrion grabs his equipment. "Lets head on back shall we? " Helping the limping dwarf, Tyrion starts heading back down the direction he came, shame clearly obvious on his face.

OOC: that works. I am sorry about the wisdom teeth. I know that can be not fun. Free excuse to eat ice cream all week though.


OOC: Quillian, your neighborhood halfling cleric of Tanager, checking in to provide some support to this adventure. I'll let HM make the formal introduction, but I thought I would let you guys know you have help coming.


"Right, let's get moving then." Moving back down the path they came with a hand on the hilt of her blade in case of any more trouble. "And if anyone asks what happened, that was one big damn bear that attacked us. That'll sound a bit better I think than a porcupine attack."

Thanks, the pain meds are helping and rice pudding is always tasty. ^.^


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] Sorry tried doing updates this past FRI/SAT but EnWorld was acting against me.

We are on now and good to go.[/sblock]

After dropping off the wounded dwarf at a hospice in Venza, Tyrion and Reianne go to the nearest inn to relax a moment.

Talk of returning to the Dunn Wright and finding a healer (or maybe two) takes up most of their conversation.

A conversation that just happens to be overheard by a passing halfling...

OOC: All yours for an introduction sunshadow21. Your character sees two humans that look unhurt but talk as if finding someone to heal them "just in case" is of paramount importance.


Quillian had been relaxing in the Inn after one of his errands of mercy to here or there. Having just dropped off his travel clothes to be cleaned, he was in basic clothing, and, uncharacteristically for him, without an obvious holy symbol out, though he still had a small travel one hanging around his neck under his shirt. "Good day, gentlemen. I couldn't help but overhear you are headed to the Dunn Wright Inn. Would you mind some company? I am headed that direction myself, and am a bit curious as to why you have need of a healer when you seem strong enough for most things to give you sufficient berth."

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