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[LPF] Precious Cargo

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Fulgrim listens to the conversations between the halfling and the others in the newly founded party. He sips his stout as the talk of the stone continues, his unfamiliarity with the planes and portals obvious on his face as he listens.

"Me axe can keep de earthly threats at bay during transport." Fulgrim replies. "I trust between Temarel and Eanos we stand to keep the stone, ehm, calm during transport to de docks."

Fulgrim makes mental note of the directions to the halfling's shop. "I'm gonna' fill my belly and catch some more sleep then." Fulgrim states. "I'll meet ye here in da mornin' to make the walk to the shop." he says to the others.


I think my starting XP is wrong, likely because I have not updated my sheet since the last adventure. I will do that later today. The change is not enough to cause me to level so Fulgrim is ready to roll.



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The group meets up in Arcane Row bright and early the next morning. They weave their way among the seemingly-endless rows of shops and stalls hawking all manner of items until they arrive at their destination: an especially narrow shop entitled, simply, "Antiques & Artifacts." One by one, they file their way inside.

The interior of the shop is almost the precise opposite of the visage presented by its owner: whereas Phedilo is collected, well-articulated, and seemingly-organized (yesterday's nerves not withstanding), the shop is visually loud and over-stocked, its shelves, walls, and even isles populated by a cluttered array of every manner of objects imaginable. One shelf is lined with the preserved figures of fantastical creatures, some in jars, other stuffed (although one would swear to have seen a flash of movement or two); over in a far corner, a dense swarm of ioun stones circle a perched parrot, which grins unnaturally from ear to ear; a case against the far wall is filled with a breathtaking array of rings and necklaces; and as the group enters further, a carbuncle floats up out of a pile of silver shavings, ignoring yourselves, the shops only patrons. From somewhere deep within the shop's recesses, Phedilo emerges. It's immediately clear that he's more nervous than ever about the day's impending task.

"Thank you for arriving on time, you all," he nods hastily. "I'm glad you all decided to come. Please, follow me." The carbuncle settles onto Phedilo's shoulder, where it takes a proffered piece of fruit. Phedilo leads the group into the back of the shop, through a storage area even more cluttered than the showroom, and to the back wall, where the group collects in awkward fashion. Phedilo utters an intelligible phrase, and a ladder materializes out of nowhere. The group make their way up the ladder - with Phedilo entreating Maui to ensure Taniwha's behavior - and find themselves in a small-ish chamber with a ceiling that seems impossibly high considering the dimensions of the shop as seen from the outside; the room seems to house a more select array of objects. The halfling gestures to a small pedestal off to one side of the room, the object upon which is concealed by a heavy velvet sheet. "The stone is under there."

It seems innocuous enough.


First Post
Maui nods at Fulgrim's comment while staring around at the roof.

"Yeah, lets see te stone ... and when we finished maybe there is time to play with te flying stones downstairs and look in your bottles of strange collections."

The weight of the situation does not seem to have fully reached Maui yet.


First Post
Phedilo hesitates a moment, uncertain, but then nods to Fulgrim, moves over to the pedestal, and unceremoniously pulls the sheet off.

The stone does not appear to be made of any unremarkable material, although it does appear to be unusually grainy in composition. What is remarkable, however, is its shape: a central, "normal" stone mass is orbited by what could be described as a fluid wave caught in stone form in mid-motion, part of which in collision with the central bulk. Size-wise, the stone is, if anything, somewhat smaller than one would expect: approximately 18'' in diameter. It is a remarkable form, but otherwise unspectacular.

"It changes,"
says Phedilo simply to the others. "Whenever it's active, it moves, always into the kind of form you see here." Once everyone has had a satisfactory look, the halfling re-covers the stone. "As I said yesterday, it has been sleeping. My hope is to keep it that way." After a moment's pause, he adds, self-consciously, "I don't actually imagine that covering it helps; it does make me feel better, though. Like it can't see me anymore." He shudders involuntarily.

OOC: Sorry if I'm laying it all on a bit thick.... ;)


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"Ach! Don't be frightened Mr Huffling! Maui will carry te stone for you! Look, it has no eyes to see you with."

With a dismissive chuckle Maui stretches out his hand and beckons with his fingers for Phedelio to hand the stone over.


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Eanos displays a touch of discomfort as Maui seems unaware of the dangers inherent in an object forged in chaos, but as they'll have to get the rock out of the room one way or another, decides it's no more or less dangerous depending on who's carrying it.

"I assume, too, you've arranged for a cart of some kind? If we don't know precisely what activates it, it's probably best if we can transport it without coming in close contact with it for as long as possible."

[sblock=mini stats]Eanos Setirav
Initiative: +6
AC: 17
HP: 23 Current: 23
CMB: +3 CMD: 16 Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +7

Conditions: none

In Hand: None.

Arrows: 20/20
Blunt Arrows: 20/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 49/50 remaining

Judgement: 1/1 Remaining Determination: 2/2 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 6/6 remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (4/4 remaining)(DC 14): Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith[/sblock]


Fulgrim nods at Eanos' statement. "I certainly don't wanna' be touchin' dat thing more than I have to." Fulgrim replies. "Might do some 'o its magic and whisk me off to da shadows!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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