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[LPF] Precious Cargo

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"Da ship we takin' dis to. Is it waitin' fer us? They knows we comin'?" Fulgrim asks.

Phedilo nods his head. "Yes, I have arranged for the transport ship to be ready to depart by late morning. They should be ready to go by the time we reach the docks."

"I assume, too, you've arranged for a cart of some kind? If we don't know precisely what activates it, it's probably best if we can transport it without coming in close contact with it for as long as possible."

Phedilo smiles slightly as he nods once more. "We have options in that respect. I have my own cart out back and a pony to pull it, should we choose that route. Otherwise, I have a spell that would do the trick. The advantage of the latter would be that I can cause the supporting force to materialize directly underneath the stone where it now sits, and it would be a smoother journey; the disadvantage is that it would be slightly slower going."

"Whichever you prefer,"
shrugs the halfling.


Fulgrim frowns. looking from the gnome to the stone and back again. "And if somethin' should happen to yer magic? We'd jest roll dat stone along?" Fulgrim asks. "P'haps we use your magic to get it ta the cart. Ye keep yer magic goin' while its in the cart. Keeps our options open dat way should we come under attack on the way to da boat."


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Phedilo nods, seemingly impressed. "A wise and sensible precaution, Master Fulgrim."

"Now, if no one has any further questions or considerations, I will cast my spell and we can get underway."


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Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Eanos nods his agreement with the plan.

"We'll move at the pace of your spell to take advantage of the stability, but as Fulgrim says, if for some reason the spell fails, we have the cart to catch the stone.

"It also doesn't hurt that a cart moving through town is likely to attract less attention than something floating in midair, yes?"
he says with a bit of a grin.

The inquisitor holds his bow at the ready and nods to Phedilo.

"Let's get the stone rolling, as it were."

[sblock=mini stats]Eanos Setirav
Initiative: +6
AC: 17
HP: 23 Current: 23
CMB: +3 CMD: 16 Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +7

Conditions: none

In Hand: None.

Arrows: 20/20
Blunt Arrows: 20/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 49/50 remaining

Judgement: 1/1 Remaining Determination: 2/2 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 6/6 remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (4/4 remaining)(DC 14): Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith[/sblock]


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OOC: All done. I bought us a healer since I was getting tired of having such troubles in the games we've been in. Tem can UMD it if necessary or one of the other two guys who can cast divine spells can make use of it.

"Magic might set it off." Temarel states. "Objects of chaos can react to anything or nothing at all. The trouble with this item is that it can quite literally make any attempt to deal with it nearly impossible. I suggest we do this by the fastest and relatively safest method possible."

Sauvressa stands at the door her ever serenely gaze staring outward being as much a ward for customers as against danger.


Fulgrim falls into a sense of seriousness as the discussion continues on how best to move the stone. "Maui, help me make sure the street is clear 'fore we move it to the wagon." Wouldn't do to have it taken 'fore we even left da alley!"

Fulgrim loosens his axe and sets for the door nearest the cart and pony. He will look about for any signs of someone watching the shop or the cart and pony.

Perception Check -- 1d20+7=19


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Leaving the stone where it sits for the moment, Phedilo leads the group out of the hidden room and to the door which leads to the back alley where his stable and pony are already waiting. Fulgrim and the others give the area a once over, and, satisfied that all is clear, they give Phedilo the go-ahead to transport the stone down to the wagon.

A short time later, the halfling re-emerges from his shop with the stone magically in tow. As he maneuvers the floating disc over the cart, the others get into position to embark.

OOC: Phedilo will sit on the front of the cart and steer the pony. There's room for someone to sit next to him, as well as room for several in the wagon with the stone itself. We'll say the pony+wagon is 4 spaces long (5' pony + 5' driver's seat + 10' wagon). Let me know where everyone wants to be positioned.


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Maui looks crest fallen that he won't be charged with carrying what is obviously an important stone of some sort. But his face comes back to life and positively glows with satisfaction that the mighty Fulgrim would ask him to help him check the street. He opens for mouth to speak but for once he seems lost for words. He follows Fulgrim down to the cart and pushes Taniwha awake. The big cat drops lazily to the ground and begins to snif around the cart causing the pony the flatten its ears and raise a hind leg.

"Behave Taniwha" he growls calling the cheetah to heel. He peers around, hand on hilt and shield.

When the cart starts rolling off Maui jumps on the back.

OOC: Maui will sit at the back of the cart to one side, Taniwha in his lap.
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Without asking Sauvressa simply sits at the front next to the halfling her ever alert eyes ready for danger. Temarel sits in the back of the cart his head low and out of danger staring intently on what is hopefully the covered stone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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