[LPF] The Kidnappers' Trail


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Bipper Hammergleam, horc alchemist

"That'll depend on who's potentially harmed by our actions. But I'll hear you out." Bipper folded his arms across his chest.

Sense Motive vs whatever Damien says next, not that it's super likely to succeed.

[sblock=Stats]Best skills: Intimidate/Arcana +8, Diplomacy/UMD +6, Disable Device/Sleight of Hand +5

Looks like this
, but a little more smiley with more savvy eyes:

AC:15 AC Touch:12 AC Flatfooted:13
INIT: +02
CMB: +02 CMD: 14
Fort: +03 Reflex: +04 Will: -02
Speed: 30'

: Attack: +02, Damage: 1d6+4 (fire), Crit: 20/x2, Range: 20'
Special: Splash dmg = 5 pts fire dmg

Greataxe: Attack: +02, Damage: 1d12+3(S), Crit: 20/x3

Javelins: Attack: +02, Damage: 1d6+2 (P), Crit: 20/x2, Range: 30'

Extracts: Enlarge Person, Shield, Disguise Self, Cure Light Wounds, Bomber's Eye, Expeditious Retreat[/sblock]

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Thy wounds are healed!
Ioseph (human cleric 2)

Furrowing his brow at the idea of being used like some catspaw, the cleric remains silent. He wants to be trusting of this man and believe he could deciphered the script but it was to soon to tell.

"I would make a counter offer." Ioseph says looking grim and determined. "You provide us with the location in a sealed letter. If you are right and this dead drop is tomorrow at midnight then we have some time, but one cannot say if we will complete your task in enough time to make it back here and then there in time. I promise to hold the letter till the task you ask of us is complete or two hours before midnight tomorrow. I know we are in no position to deal but I wish not to run the risk of being late should something... unforeseen happen."


AC:18 AC Touch:13 AC Flatfooted:15
INIT: +03
CMB: +03 CMD: 16
Fort: +06 Reflex: +04 Will: +06
Speed: 20'

Lg. Warhammer:

Attack: +01 = [BAB (01) + STR (02) + Wrong Size (-2) + Misc (00)]
Damage: 2d6+3(B), Crit: 20/x3, Special: Size-Large

Channel Energy:
5/5 (1d6 healing or 1d6 damage to undead DC 11)
Strength Surge(Sp): 5/5 (+1 to melee attacks, CMB, CMD, STR skills, and STR checks)
Deflection Aura (Su): 1/1 (20' aura; +2AC and CMD for 2 rounds)
Orisons: guidance, stabilize, light, mending
Level 1: shield of faith, magic weapon, bless, d-shield[/sblock]


"Oh rest assured the task can, be completed before tomorrow." Damian says, hand clasped in front of him.

"Word has reached me that an operative in my employ has recently been made and apprehended by the drug smuggling ring he was sent to infiltrate. I fear very much for his safety and would consider our account settled should you return him to me alive."

Damian sits down in a chair, and pulls out a piece of parchment and a quill, scribbling as he talks.

"You will know him by a ring on his finger bearing the visage of an owl. As far as my sources tell me the gang is holed up in an abandoned building in the planks." the quill scratches against the parchment for several more seconds as he writes the exact location down.

[sblock=Bipper] As far as you can tell, he is being genuine. He may not really care about helping you per say, but he is eager to capitalize on the opportunity you present. [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Since replying to Damien doesn't require "the face" to make a social skill roll, I'd like to let someone besides Bipper or Ioseph respond. It feels like half the party disappeared, and Bipper's here to help, not lead.[/sblock]

Unable to detect any subterfuge, malicious intent, or callous disregard for civilians, Bipper visibly relaxes a bit.


First Post
Jec Leblanc lvl 1

I dont like going into any potential combat situation with out certain information. 1. I need an estimate on how many smugglers theres going to be. 2. do you have a map of the building so we have some idea of what to look for?

OOC: Not dissapered just dont have the diplo skills you have lol


Damian looks toward Jec, replying "Unfortunately I don't have access to the building plans. I do however have reason to believe that there are less than a half dozen captors."

He pauses a moment "Is there anything else?"


First Post
"As long as we know how to identify the guy we want and the guys we don't like, I think we'll be fine, this time." With a chuckle, "A couple of us are new to tasks where you're expected to think for yourselves. I just finished up at university, where thinking for yourself is rather discouraged."


Thy wounds are healed!
Ioseph (human cleric 2)

"We should make haste to help this man," Ioseph comments twiddling the holy symbol around his neck with a free hand. "Acting quickly and taking them unaware sounds like the best option."

The cleric reaches out to take the directions from Damian. "Rest assured we will do our best."

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