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[LPF] The Ringling Affair

Satin Knights

First Post
Mystie Thissiledew ~ gnome healer 1

"Preparations? Well, lets see here." Peeking under the table, "They got their swords. He's got his big stick." She pops her head back up. "We got our armor. Mother Rabbit gave me the same spells this morning as she did yesterday. If she gives me something different, I know it will be a weird day. So, I think we got our things together."

Pausing for a second to think on it, "What we don't have is answers. I suppose the questions are to come first."
"Let's see..."
*taking a deep breath*
"How many people are we meeting?"
"How big and heavy is the thing they are bringing you?"
"Where are they bringing it to?"
"Who is going to carry the thing away?"
"When the other guys were hired, did they tell you about their special skills?"
"Are there any cultural taboos about the item or items we need to know about?"
"Is it living and breathing?"
"Is anyone else going to claim they own it instead?"
"Have you seen them before?"
"What will they be wearing?"
"Are they going to be armed?"

"Is there a horse and cart involved?"
"Do they have spell casters?"
*she takes a breath*
"Are you buying us dinner before we go work?"
"Are you armed?"
"Can you throw spells about?"
"If the city guard comes, are you going to be worried or relieved?"
"Where are we escorting you to after you get *it*?"
"Is that a long way away?"
"Do we need horses? Even a pony is too big for me. Can I have a dog? Please?"
"Can I call him Rover?"

"Is this job going to take long?"
"If it goes past midnight, where are we going to sleep?"
*taking another breath*

"Umm, umm, Yeah, yeah. That's a lot of questions."

[sblock=actions]Sense Motive if Barton flinches at a question (1d20+0=19)[/sblock]
[sblock=Mystie Thissiledew's Mini-stats]Mystie Thissiledew
HP 13/13, AC 13, 10 Touch, 13 FF; Init -1, Darkvision 60', Move 15'
Fort: +4, Reflex -1, Will +2, CMB -4, CMD 5
Perception +0, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +5, Linguistics +2, Stealth +0

Dagger -2, d4-3
Lt Crossbow +0, d6, range 80' increment, 10 bolts
Thrown Dagger +0, d4-3, range 10' increment

.,,,.....,,,,,,..Orisons: Detect Magic, Create Water, Guidance, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
.,,,,,,,,,Racial Spells: Dancing Lights (1/day), Flare (1/day), Produce Flame (1/day)
.,,.,,...Oracle 1st Lvl: 4/4 remaining; Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Protection from Evil
......,,.......Consumables: 1 Cure Light Wounds potion
....,,.........Consumables: 2/2 days trail rations
....................Channels: 5 of 5 left, 1d6, DC 15
.........Immediate Action: Misfortune, force immediate reroll, once per creature per day
..................................If bad guy rolls 18-20, reroll
..................................If friend rolls a 1, reroll
..................................If friend rolls 7 or less on a dangerous save, reroll
..................................This consumes the swift action
In hand:

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~ 1:05pm: The Dunn Wright Inn ~


Barton Ringling nods as he begins to understand something more about Emily the sorceress.

With Mystie's questions beginning, he opens his mouth to reply to the first question about his delivery. But after the gnome continues to add more questions he shuts it after she starts back to asking about those he contracted to acquire the contents of the crate. He tries to reply again when she takes a breath, but she doesn't stop and he closes his mouth once more. The imitation of a fish trying to breath air instead of water continues another time yet before Mystie finally finishes.

It is hard to say if any one question caused Barton stress, he did not appear to be concerned about any of them after the questions were clearly not going to stop for any answers.

He chuckles,
"Is that all you want to know?"

"I have only met the man in charge of the delivery. I presume he has some men with, he did not go out abroad by himself. He mentioned 'men' when we talked before. My guess, they are men capable of handling themselves."

"The crate with my possession is going to require the two strongest of you to carry. But, that is one of the reasons I am hiring you. I will need you to carry it from the meeting place in the Docks District to my home. Once we leave here, it is probably only going to take us an hour maybe. Not much longer than that."

"If you are hungry, I can order up some food as well."

Some of you noticed before that Barton had a rapier and a whip on his belt. They were not concealed and clearly visible through the opening of his coat.


Qalabash Baram, human staff magus

"Bravo, Miss Thissiledew! I knew you'd prove your worth; just expected it to be later rather than sooner. Big brains in a little package, and all that. Glad to have them working on our side! You should take a lesson there, Miss Halten. Never be afraid to speak your mind! I'm not, ha ha! But then, the older you get the more you realize that other people's opinions of you just do not matter one whit."

Qalabash winks at Harkoz. "Isn't that right, Master D'Vorza?

Thank you, dear,"
says Qalabash as Trixie hands drinks round the table. He peers into his cup to make sure that the liquid in no way resembles what he was given before while at the bar. Satisfied that it is just wine he takes a sip and nods appreciatively.

"You, sir," says Qalabash turning his attention to Barton Ringling, "Asked about preparations. I have defensive spells, useful for nearly every situation, prepared and my back is as limber as it can be for one my age. Although two silvers would acquire the services of a pair of stout porters allowing those of us with more specialized skills to focus more upon the protection than upon the hefting and hauling. Have you, ah, considered this tack, sir?"

. . . Qalabash Baram . . .

[sblock=Stats]Qalabash Baram Staff Magus 1
Initiative: +1 Perception: -1

AC: 14 (11 Touch, 13 Flat-footed) Current AC: 14
HP: 11 Current HP: 11
CMB: +3 / +5 Trip CMD: 14 / 16 vs. Trip Fort: +4 Ref: +3 Will: +1

In Hand: Quarterstaff
Conditions: n/a
Spells Prepared:
  • 0-level: Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation
  • 1st level: Shield, Shield
Arcane Pool: 4/4 points remaining [Swift action: +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute][/sblock]


~ 1:05pm: The Dunn Wright Inn ~


Barton Ringling casually replies to Qalabash's question, "Of course, but that would pose a few problems."

"But if you all carry it, then i save the silver and I can depend on you to not flee with it at the first sign of trouble. Also the guild would raise my insurance rates if one of their porters gets killed."

Emily Halten

Emily glances around. Though her new companions look confident and capable, none of them have the "giant wall of muscle" look that she's come to associate with professional porters.

Oh well. It'll work itself out somehow.

Satin Knights

First Post
"Thank you. A bowl of fruit would be nice."

After listening to the answers, "Well, I think I can safely say I won't be nominated to carry the crate.", followed by a giggle. Then her face turns somber. Turning to Qalabash, "Which guild takes care of us? Momma didn't say anything about a guild."

Mystie Thissiledew


First Post
"Opinions matter if you care about the impression you make on the person with the opinion. If you do not, it is a non-issue. Since in practice one does not really interact much with the vast number of people one might make an impression on, then yes, I agree in principle." Harkoz's tone was very matter of fact. If he had noted that Qalabash was joking around then he was almost certainly purposefully not playing along. Taking a seat again, the wizard considered the situation of the carrying of the package.

"I agree with Qalabash, sir. The strongest amongst us are most likely to be front-line fighters. If they carry the package between them they will be at a disadvantage if we are set upon by brigands, and thus we all will be. Furthermore, if they move at the front, as they ordinarily would, they will place the package at risk. But if they move in the middle, less capable fighters will have to take up the forward position, which is tactically undesirable."
The half-orc steepled his fingers, his black talons clicking together slightly as they touched. He considered Ringling's objection, and replied, "If you are worried about insurance rates, I might suggest instead hiring a pair of able, unguilded dock workers. Ultimately though, I think the issue of insurance is secondary to making sure you are safe, sir. That being said, I would not object if the cost of a pair of able hands was deducted from our pay, a few silvers is not all that much, considering the standard rate." The raven on his shoulder perked at the mention of money, cawing "Gold! Gold! Verily, much gold!"

2q2izxl.jpg100px-Kor.jpg[sblock=Stats:]Harkoz D'vorza Wizard (Conjuration) 1
HP: 11 Current HP: 11
In Hand: Whip
Conditions: n/a
Spells Prepared:
  • 0-level: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
  • 1st level: Sleep, Shield, Enlarge Person, Grease

Shift: Teleport to space within sight if it does not provoke AoO, 5 ft per 2 Wizard lvls (min 5), 3 + Int mod per day. 8/8 remaining.

Kor, Raven Familiar
HP: 5 Current HP: 5
Conditions: n/a[/sblock]


Qalabash Baram, human staff magus

Qalabash smiles at Mystie's question but there is a hint of sadness to it.

"There is no guild for us, dear Miss Thissiledew. We must look out for each other, form our own guild of sorts. A company, more like, of persons we can trust. Or in this case, since none of us know each other, hope to trust."

Rather more matter of fact than before Qalabash turns his attention to Harkoz though he obviously includes Barton Ringling in his comments.

"You, Master D'Vorza, have been trained well in both debate and tactics by this Grey Legion of yours. I am sure that Master Ringling will take your expert advice, as well as Jericho's superb logistical advice, into consideration. The fact remains, however, that Master Ringling is the employer and we the employees who will perform this duty in the matter that he determines. If he cannot be swayed from the course he has set, then we shall trust in your eyes, Master D'Vorza, and those of the ladies and your raven to alert us should danger threaten."

Qalabash lifts his cup to his lips and takes a sip.

"Ah, a hearty vintage, sir."

. . . Qalabash Baram . . .

[sblock=Stats]Qalabash Baram Staff Magus 1
Initiative: +1 Perception: -1

AC: 14 (11 Touch, 13 Flat-footed) Current AC: 14
HP: 11 Current HP: 11
CMB: +3 / +5 Trip CMD: 14 / 16 vs. Trip Fort: +4 Ref: +3 Will: +1

In Hand: Quarterstaff
Conditions: n/a
Spells Prepared:
  • 0-level: Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation
  • 1st level: Shield, Shield
Arcane Pool: 4/4 points remaining [Swift action: +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute][/sblock]


~ 1:07pm: The Dunn Wright Inn ~


Barton Ringling snaps his fingers to get the barmaid's attention and places an order for some food, various items to include cheeses, meats, and fruit.

Then he replies, some of his pleasant demeanor starting to deteriorate,
"Thank you, Master Qalabash. I do like this wine myself and I am glad it was available at this establishment."

"You advice has been appreciated. However, this is not some war party on the march through the wilderness. We are going to be walking in daylight through the city streets. I am hiring you all to be deterrents to avoid fighting if possible."

"I came in here expecting to hire people that can be trusted, and I am wanting capable help that I can rely on. I am also paying for your discretion in this business considering the sums being promised. I am presuming upon the honor of those that seek employment in this establishment. So, I did not go seeking porters or dock workers, nor do I intend to do so."

"Besides Master Qalabash and Master Jericho look to be plenty strong enough to carry the package. And, I am sure you can figure some way to keep us from being ambushed in that unlikely event. You are capable, are you not?"

The employer looks at both Harkoz and Jericho (the other expert on such matters) to make sure the issue is settled.


First Post
"Had I the time to do this properly and carefully-" the transporter began to reply "-I'd prefer to travel the route once or twice to make note of places that would lend themselves to a concealed ambush and fast getaway, changing it as necessary. That, we may still have time for."

Jericho gives a shrug with upturned palms before continuing "-otherwise I'd invest in hiring at least one local familiar with the parts of the city we'll be traveling through, with an eye for people acting out of character. With discretion and trustworthiness both needed, it could take too long to properly look into any candidates. Lastly I'd look into the reputation of the man whose band you've hired."

He lets these three, fairly straight forward and obvious in hindsight steps sink in for a few moment before giving his specific recommendation. "I'd suggest you let us know the pick up location and your destination. We can quickly walk the route without you, figure out what spots will warrant extra vigilance and if we don't stand out in those parts of the city get a feel for what is normal there. Beyond that we would need to rely on our alertness; we can anticipate trouble but being unfamiliar with the city it would be difficult to avoid it entirely if another party has plotted against you."

His mood noticeably lightens as he mirrors some of Barton's observations. "As you say though, walking in daylight through city streets and all. I'd expect the success of any meddling to hinge on speed and surprise, any resistance that would slow a troublemaker down enough to be readily observed or noted should be a sufficient deterrent. If this package is of sufficient value to warrant a drag out fight and a run in the the city guard, and others are expecting its arrival, the risk of a confrontation would be much higher...."

[sblock=Stat Block]
Jericho Calivaire
Martial Artist 1
Initiative: +3 Perception\Sense Motive:+6 Diplomacy/Bluff: +6 Intimidate: +5

AC: 14 (14 Touch, 12 Flat-footed) Current AC: 14
HP: 12 Current HP: 12
CMB: +3 CMD: 14 Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +4

In Hand: Alchemical Silver Cestus (hand still free)
Ammo: 30
Conditions: n/a
Stunning Fist: 1/1 daily uses [DC 12][/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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