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[M&M2e] Red Sands Chronicles

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Salaam Alaikum, Seif", James replies in fluent Arabic. "I trust your last sally into the desert went well?"
Another rumbling. "We survived," he summarized in trader's arabic, a much rougher version of the same.

A short silence, Seif re-arranges his folded arms, then, "How is great search going?" And more importantly, "In need of anything soon?"

[sblock=OOC]Seif's native toungue, he's found, is a strange mix of Russian and Czech -- which fits with his apparent racial background, but doesn't at all fit with his current name. It's a testimony to the desert-man's craft that Featherston-Smythe has yet to find a living language in which the man can't make himself (barely) understood though).[/sblock]
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Wisecrack... Aeaxeos thinks to himself and decides on a more efficient approach. He consentrates on the name for half a second and a page from 310 records pops into his mind.

Klatta. Deezy. ID 00310F247. Engineer. License to operate experimental equipment and conduct scientific experiments for the good of the Union...

The Spartan sizes up the girl in front of him and frowns.

Very well, but I will fine you for disorderly conduit. It will be in the mail by morning. Now calm down and wait. The announcement will start shortly. There is a soothing tone in his voice. One that is very hard to dismiss.

Relique du Madde

As Aeaxeos spoke two of the Watchmen exchanged quick glances as if they were in agreement on some unspoken subject. The most senior of the two watchmen began to laugh as he slapped Aeaxeos on the back. "So eager to prove you are not as slothful as your countrymen, I commend thee! There is not reason to fine Miss Klatta when labor is a fitting punishment." The man sneered. "After all it is fitting that the owner of a requisitioned machine would be made to operate it." The Watchman turned towards Aeaxeos. "We will need someone to supervise the young miss, we are certain that you would volunteer, Brother Spartan."

OOC: Giant Beast hasn't been requisitioned, YET! Dun dun dun!

With a laugh, the Watchmen turned and began their advance towards the hall's gates, adding to the barrier that existed between the gates and the assembled mass.

The sound of an engine could be heard as the crowd slowly parted near James and Seif's location. Within moments the reason for the parting becomes apparent as a precession of of sedans led by an ornate silver plated earth styled automobile slowly approached the gates while flanked by a squad of heavily armed Watchmen. As the procession passed, one of the men could be heard calling out, "
darling Matilda, look! I told you Brother Featherston-Smythe was a glorified prole!"

Lady Matilda quickly swallowed a piece of the orange she nibbled upon and spoke. "Right you are, Mr. Winchester. It was wise of you to vote down Brother Featherston-Smythe's Board Recommendation. A proletariat's are unworthy of such recognition, seeing a noble born in such a wretched state is making my loose my appetite." The woman promptly tossed the fruit at the first person she noticed, hitting Brian squarely on the back of the head. "Look at that fool! How father would be proud!"

The watchmen slowly opened the gates as the procession approached, allowing the passengers of the vehicles direct access to the Guild Hall. Moments after the lastprocessioner entered the bulding, the Watchmen parted, granting the assembled Union members access into the Hall.
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First Post
James just smiles at Lady Matilda's comments. "Some people just don't understand that nobility does not mean condescencion", he thinks and then turning to Seif : "Nothing yet, Seif. But maybe later. I have a few things to figure out."

James then proceeds towards his usual place within the Union Hall.

ooc: Okay, that went wrong. :)
I probably should have checked with you first what my status actually entitles me to. Well, who cares. Now Brother James will be a "Man of the People" ... and probably not the first against the wall when the revolution comes, unlike dear Lady Matilda and Mr Winchester. :devil:

Relique du Madde

OOC: Think of the social ranks as being akin to nobility with much of it being bought, sold, and voted upon. So essentially the union process being co-opted by nobility to ensure that they are always at the top and with autocratic flavorings. Like similar cases in the real world those in power tend to shun and despise "outsiders" who gain power.

With that in mind, I totally don't know where these revolutionary ideas you are having are coming from... ;):angel:

Voda Vosa

First Post
Sahid behold the petty show of the aristocrats going in their cars inside the factory, surrounded by an army of watchmen. So much security… He smiled. They are the ones living in fear, regardless if they drowned it in wine and luxuries. He walked peacefully towards the entrance.


First Post
Deezy blinked, trying to keep up with what the guard was saying. People were a lot more complicated than machines! "Requisitioned?" she repeated, "machine?" Abruptly her mouth opened in an 'O' of realization, and she blured, "But I'm still working on it!"

Any further protests she might have uttered were stilled by the procession of pomp and circmstance, which she missed most of on account of not being able to see over the people in front of her. A single look at the looming Spartan behind her, and his humorless expression, was sufficient to discourage her from further 'tests' of her rocket boots.

As the crowd started filtering into the Hall, Deezy sighed and plodded after them, spitefully kicking a pebble ahead of her as she went.


First Post
Brian Shaughnessy

Lady Matilda quickly swallowed a piece of the orange she nibbled upon and spoke. "Right you are, Mr. Winchester. It was wise of you to vote down Brother Featherston-Smythe's Board Recommendation. A proletariat's are unworthy of such recognition, seeing a noble born in such a wretched state is making my loose my appetite." The woman promptly tossed the fruit at the first person she noticed, hitting Brian squarely on the back of the head. "Look at that fool! How father would be proud!"

Brian turned around as the noble projectile smacked the back of his head. He glared, but held his temper in check when he saw the young girl near her with her mother. He smiled gently and knelt to pick up the fruit.

"Those type never did know what they had," he said, giving the rind a quick polish with his coat and offering the orange to the little girl.

"Feels like it just came from one of those fancy chillers, too," he tells her with a wink.

The watchmen slowly opened the gates as the procession approached, allowing the passengers of the vehicles direct access to the Guild Hall. Moments after the lastprocessioner entered the bulding, the Watchmen parted, granting the assembled Union members access into the Hall.

Brian sighed as the crowd started moving. He kept his head down and tried to avoid bumping into too many people; with the clear tension in the crowd, who knew who might decide the jostle of the throng was someone pushing. Time to find out what this was all about.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
James just smiles at Lady Matilda's comments. "Some people just don't understand that nobility does not mean condescencion", he thinks and then turning to Seif : "Nothing yet, Seif. But maybe later. I have a few things to figure out."

James then proceeds towards his usual place within the Union Hall.

"Urm," agreed the desert-man. No endlessly enthousiastic prattle about his research? (And he was halfway looking forward to it for once. It was... distracting, if nothing else). "Want to ride in on camel?" he offers the man's retreating back -- which is a stupid thing to say, besides being more personnal than it needs to be. Smythe was just a client, for earth's sake. And one unlikely to appreciate the offer to boot.

EDIT=Just in case, I'm seeing it as a +5 Help Another on Diplomacy. :D
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"Thank you", James replied. "But I'd rather walk those few metres. But maybe you would like to join me for a cup of tea after that meeting? You might have some insights that could speed up my research and thus might enable me to make use of your valued services a bit earlier."

Voidrunner's Codex

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