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M1: Just a Treasure Hunt?? (Bront Judging)


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As everyone boards the Seacow, Gregory gestures for you to follow him. He brings you before a stout dwarf big furry beard and barrel chest. He is dressed in a suit of studded leather that looks to have seen much better days. It almost appears as if a few of the straps are about to give way and separate the entire suit from his body. Gregory greets dwarf saying "Captain Taloy, Allow me to introduce my friends. This is Genithar, Coran, Shade, Terran and… where did he go?!? Well there is a lizard man here somewhere named Thral’k. He is hard to see unless he wants to be. He is no threat though for he is as loyal as he is stealthy that one. Anyway they will accompany me on my exhibition through the lost continent.”
The captain eyes the group carefully and says. “None a’ ya look the sea fairin’ type, so don’ya touch nottin’!! This be my ship and you be needin’ not me be needin’ you. We will be safe as my crew can defend itself from the pirates that be known to be causin’ trouble on occasion. If’n we to get attacked either help or get below decks. I be havin’ no cryin’ while I be cuttin’ corpses. I haven’t much room to spare so the lot o’ ya be sharin’ a room separate from me crew. You be hearing three bells when it come chow time. Hope you like fish. This be a special boat I one in a competition so the journey not be so long. The captain turns to walk away and yells over his shoulder And donya be botherin’ me crew while they are workin’. Plank show’em they quarters!! A scrawny half elf surries up to you and says Hello, my name is Plank. Please follow me to your quarters. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them as we walk.
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The Wizard bows the the burly Captain, listening carefully and staying quiet, as plank leads the group below decks, he asks, 'Ahoy, Plank. How long will the trip last, do you think? Where by did your captain come by the SeaCow and what makes her so special? Finally, do you think we'll run into any trouble in the Teeth of Shargon?'


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Dirk Nightbreese said:
The Wizard bows the the burly Captain, listening carefully and staying quiet, as plank leads the group below decks, he asks, 'Ahoy, Plank. How long will the trip last, do you think? Where by did your captain come by the SeaCow and what makes her so special? Finally, do you think we'll run into any trouble in the Teeth of Shargon?'

"Wow, you're a lively one aren't you. The Seacow has three water elementals bound to it making it very fast. The trip usually takes us about 2-3 weeks. The Captain says he won it in a boat race up north, but I am not sure thats the truth. I don't know for sure where he got it. Gregory says he has good relations with the Sahoagin that way and they should be expecting us to navigate The Teeth for us.”


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Terran smiles widelt" I love fish!! Oh this shall be a most mognificent voyage. ANd its been so long since I have enjoyed ride on an elemental galleon. Oh the sights, the smells the sounds...Ah I am a traveller at heart. Captain, I am Terran Kestrel, master merchant, and holy man of Kol Korran. IF you have any need of either of my services just let me know. I will be over there."/color]

Terran stand near the stern of the ship allowingthe wind to blow through his hair as soon as they get going. He holds his mace in hand and begins reciting a prayer of a good,bountiful, profitable journey, to Kol Korran,the god of traders.

Genithar smiles amiably at Plank's comments, eyes widening in surprise at the much reduced traveling time and seeming quite content with his answers.

Checking about their quarters, the Wizard finds the most secluded spot to set up his effects, obviously wanting peace and quiet for his times of deep meditation and study.

Still, he is quite content to roam the ship, watching the crew at work and the beautiful sights of the sea and harbor. The Wizard makes himself available to all for discussions and questions.

Genithar is quite keen to learn more of the quest from Gregory, repeatedly asking to see the map.


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Corran scowls at the mention of water elementals, but seems pleased at the shortened timeframe for their journey.
Oh well, he mutters. I guess I should make the best of it and learn about the fine creatures Balinor has created to populate the sea. Mayhap I'll even see something worth hunting. He walks over to the rail, careful to stay out of the sailors' way, and absolutely sure to keep a strong grip on the sturdiest piece of wood he can reach.

Genithar, seeing the warrior's distress, attempts to calm her by pontificating, almost lecturing, upon the bouyent properties of Shifters and wood, though warning her against holding on to heavy metals, 'Such as large weapons or bags of coin.', and also points out the smaller emergency craft upon the sides of the larger ship, suggesting that if she becomes unconvinced that the larger ship is safe, the smaller craft would not fail her. All in all, the Wizard attempts to be as supportive, educational, and friendly towards the unschooled shifter, making the best of an awkward situation.


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As the ship sets sail the crew is busy at work. The crew consists of mostly humans but a few are Warforged. Looking over the rails Corran and Terran can see a family of seacats on a large rock. The adult mother is ripping at what looks to be a seal carcass while a couple cubs appear to be playfully trying to push each other in to the water. Shade while gripping the rail notices the wood appears to be exceptionally hard as she tries to focus on Genithar’s encouraging words. Thral’k from his position in the sails looks down to see Gregory and Plank in a heat discussion atop the Aft Castle about 15 feet behind the captain and his wheel.

Genithar sticks close to Shade, attempting to get to know the warrior better, telling her of his own life among Karrnath's nobility, his early life in Korth, his experiences during the Last War, including the Sieges he witnessed of his home city.

The Wizard asks Shade of her own life and home, attempting to calm her down by taking her mind off the trip.

Voidrunner's Codex

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