M4: Under the Volcano [Nimisgod judging] -CONCLUDED


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Round 3 (con't)
For what its worth, everyone can try a spot check DC 20
[sblock]There appears to be something in front of Kazikazi and his large hobgoblin and gnoll allies. When glancing up at them, there seems to be a reflection, or minor movement between them and you. Perhaps it is the distortation caused by heat, or a reflection like a smudged mirror.[/sblock]
Rinaldo misses the rust monster with his sap.
Ogrin is out of sight of the party, but for what its worth, he stops running and babbles incoherently.
Tenebrynn tries to whip his squad into order, and prepares to disrupt Kazikazi's next spell.
Mordik babbles incoherently.
Eanos misses the rust monster.
Razh charges through the party, at the gnoll to the West.
The rust monster lunges at Rinaldo's chain shirt, but the merchant steps aside.
Nurlan is held, Ashnar appears to have died, although no cause is evident.
The gnolls unleash their barbed shafts again. Four target the charging dwarf. One targets the helpless Nurlan. Nurlan and Razh are both hit once. The dwarf takes 6 pts, the bard 5.
Round 4
KaziKazi gets up and starts walking to his left, then abruptly turns and walks right. (total move almost negligible) The large hobgoblin and gnoll next to him growl and hold their weapons at ready, but don't actually attack.

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Eanos, human monk

[sblock=OOC]Eanos notices nothing in particular[/sblock]

Eanos nods silently to Tenebrynn's information and breaks off from the now-named beast. He pours his speed into rushing around behind the same gnoll Rahz has closed with, so that the two can surround it. He only prays the dwarf maintains his sanity long enough to make the gambit pay off.

[sblock=OOC]Eanos' double-move is 80', so he should be able to stay 10' west and north of g2 until he's in postition to land in the square directly north of him (flanking with Rahz) without provoking AoO from the gnoll.[/sblock]


Ogrins paranoia reaches new levels. He looks around for someone to attack but sees none, and continues his babbling.

[SBLOCK=Confusion rounds 4-8]Round 4: 90 - Attack nearest creature (current round)
Round 5: 67 - Flee away from caster
Round 6: 55 - Flee away from caster
Round 7: 78 - Attack nearest Creature
Round 8: 98 - Attack nearest Creature

I guess Ogrin will not be useful much longer in this battle... :(
EDIT: Rolls
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I should mention that large torches burn from each of the pillars, illuminating the whole room except for areas behind the pillars where the gnolls were hiding.

Round 4 (Con't)
Rinaldo stabs at the rust monster but misses.
Ogrin is lost for now.
Tenebrynn releases his magic missiles at Kazikazi. They don't seem to hit, oddly enough. They streak towards the god, but seem to hit something invisible, leaving a odd black mark.
Mordik babbles
Eanos moves to flank the nearest gnoll archer
Razh moves to attack the nearest creature, in this case gnoll #2. He hits the gnoll with his axe (6 pts dmg)
The rust monster lunges again at Rinaldo, but slips and doesn't even come close to his chain shirt
Nurlan manages to the shake offthe spell and can act normally next round.
Gnoll #2 drops his bow (free action), draws his greataxe, and swings at Raseriet. His blade deflects off the dwarf's armor. Other gnolls shoot at Tenebrynn, Nurlan, Eanos and Raseriet. Tenebrynn and Nurlan are hit for 5 & 4 pts dmg.

Round 5
Kazikazi begins to cast another spell [sblock]Monster Summoning II[/sblock]


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Rinaldo, who can,t concieve that the creature is still on him and that his friends doesn't help him, continue to try to get rid of teh creature. Feeling that his luck may run out, he decide to evade more his opponent. He also try to feint the creature.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Rinaldo continue to madly strike at the rust monster... happy Confusion. I just hope I won't lose any item until the end of that combat.
It should hit, but now it is to see if the sneak work...
Feint: 5
Attack: 22
Damage: 3
Sneak: 9
Here the roll
AC for teh next round: 22 (Touch: 17)[/SBLOCK]


Tenebrynn casts another magic missile at KaziKazi making sure that he takes more cover from the gnoll archers.

[sblock=ooc]Spellcraft 13 failed to tell what spell that is.
Magic Missile vs. Kazikazi 5.
can I make any rolls to try and figure out what is happening to my MM?
Tenebrynn is trying to take heavy cover behind a pillar. His AC should be something like 13+4mage armor+4min cover bonus = 21.
HP 11/24[/sblock]


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Erekose13 said:
[sblock=ooc]Spellcraft 13 failed to tell what spell that is.
Magic Missile vs. Kazikazi 5.
can I make any rolls to try and figure out what is happening to my MM?[/sblock]

[SBLOCK=OOC]I have a good guess of what happen to them. I suppose if I am right, you MM will fail again this round and maybe you'll think to change your strategy... but if you are curious of what I think:[SBLOCK]Shield Spell[/SBLOCK][/SBLOCK]

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