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M4: Under the Volcano [Nimisgod judging] -CONCLUDED


Tenebrynn waits patiently. He walks a little ways back down the corridor past the roots, just to check and make sure no one has decided to come looking for them.

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"I was wondering, what is these gray tube and red worm? Does any one of you know?" ask Rinaldo, looking at the two knowledgable wizards.


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Ogrin swims back as fast as he can. By the time he reaches the pond the blood is pounding in his head, but he realizes he could have gone a little farther. He makes it back without help from Razh.

Knowledge(nature) DC 20 for tube worms [sblock]These red tubeworms have a hard tubular shell, and deliver a mild electric shock to anyone touching them. They are not particularly dangerous or good to eat,though.[/sblock]


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"The first split split again, the second split, we don't know yet where it lead, but ti seems a one way trip from there. And in teh first split, we don't knwo where the straight path lead. Take some rest if you need, orgrin, better to be relax to not lose breath too fast." tells Rinaldo


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Eanos, human monk

Eanos breaks out of his reverie, reaching for the light.

"Let me take a turn," he offers. "I'm perhaps not as hearty, but maybe the speed I've gained through my training will be helpful."

[sblock=OOC]I'm a moron, and I apologize. I just paid attention to the fact that Eanos has no ranks in Swim and less Con than Ogrin. I completely spaced on the fact that he has double Ogrin's base move, so even if he can't hold his breath as long, he can get further (about 200 feet, 100 if he's turning back halfway). He has the same Str mod, so he should be able to take 10 like Ogrin even with the -2 "carrying a light" penalty.

So, unless anyone objects, Eanos'll take a shot, taking the first split to the right this time, turning back as Ogrin did unless he see signs of an exit.[/sblock]

Knight Otu

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Velmont said:
"I was wondering, what is these gray tube and red worm? Does any one of you know?" ask Rinaldo, looking at the two knowledgable wizards.
Ashnar takes a look at the worms, and shakes his head. "I might have known... before Frump." (Ashnar lost his single Knowledge (nature) rank with his death, so he can't try.)


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Eanos prepares himself and dives in, carrying the lit club.

Eanos: [sblock] As Ogrin indicated, about 40 feet in, he sees the tubeworms on the right. They are about 2 to 3 feet long grey tubes about 2 inches in diameter with a little red worm sticking out at the end.

Another 50 feet or so the passage splits. Eanos swims straight, ignoring the left path. About another 50 feet the passage turns left again, and Eanos can see air above the water. Surfacing, he finds himself in a little cave, not dissimilar to the one he just left. It is wider, and he can see a sandy beach about 20 feet away at the edge of his light. The cavern is roughly circular, about 30 feet in diameter. It looks like a passage may extend out off the beach. It looks like a log may be lying on the beach.[/sblock]


First Post
Eanos, human monk

[sblock=swimming]Remembering their friend from the other pool, Eanos slides back underwater as quietly as he can and returns to inform the others of what he's found.[/sblock]

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