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Mage: The Awakening PbP - Preludes


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Lichtenhart said:
As the phone rings, Daniel stands up and stretches.
"I'll take it."
He goes back to the store and takes the phone.
"The Monkey's Paw bookstore. How can I help you?"
Daniel picks up the phone and hears Starbuck’s voice, “Daniel? Hey it’s Starbuck again, I was just hoping you had not forgot about me. I know I am not a cutie like Thessaly, but you don’t keep a girl waiting, didn’t your mother teach you anything?”
Lichtenhart said:
That's when he notices the young woman standing outside and peeking in. He gestures her through the window to wait just a minute.

Is Supernal Vision still active?
Daniel and Morrigan roll a reflexive Wits + Composure roll this is a secret ST check.

Daniel approaches the window his Supernal Vision still giving him the sight of the magical resonances that color the world. Meanwhile Morrigan sees the weight of death on the approaching man of short stature as he speaks through the window. Her Grim Sight still giving the world the taste of death to her eyes. Both mages in question get the prickling feeling on the back of their necks that someone is observing them, perhaps watching them…

Daniel and Morrigan both look at each other’s resonance; this is again a secret ST check.

Daniel can’t get a read on this woman, and gleans nothing useful. She seems normal for all he can tell. Although he can see that there is a magic or at least supernatural effect on the woman. Morrigan can sense, almost taste through her Grim Sight that the man on the other side is brimming with the weight of a recent death on his shoulders. But even more so, this man is beyond human… and probably Awakened, but she isn’t for sure. She can see the signature of a supernatural effect on the man.

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"I'll talk to her," Thessaly volunteers. "You take care of the phone."

She hurries to the front door and opens it.

"Hi there, did you want to buy something? Store policy, no browsing after hours, but if you know what you want you have time to grab it before we shut off the computer." She smiles brightly.


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Shayuri said:
"Hi there, did you want to buy something? Store policy, no browsing after hours, but if you know what you want you have time to grab it before we shut off the computer." She smiles brightly.
Thessaly and Morrigan both make reflexive Composure + Wits rolls to sense scrutiny. This is a secret roll.

Thessaly sees the world still through her mage sight; and sees nothing out of the ordinary about this woman. But Morrigan sees that this woman wears a cloak of death about her, someone close to her has died, this woman that she recognizes as Allison is speaking to her and she continues to get the feeling that she is being watched… stared at.

But Morrigan’s Grim Sight sees more then just the weight of death on this woman’s soul, she tastes the energies that make this woman more then the flesh and bone she is. She is more then human, Morrigan can see that much.

Thessaly feels the hair on the back of her neck stand on edge almost as if someone had just walked over her grave...


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Daniel eyes the woman suspiciously, but Thessaly gets to the door before he can warn her.

"No, Starbuck, of course I didn't forget about you, only... it's been a hectic day, and we're not quite through it. Wait just a little longer and we'll be there. Yes, Thessaly is coming too. Look, I'm sorry but I really gotta go now. See you later."

He walks to Thessaly's side by the door and looks warily at the unknown lady.
"Yeah, how can we help you?" he asks in a cold and detached manner that Tess knows to be unlike him.


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Though it didn't show, Morrigan was surprised at the strong sense of death permeating from this seemingly simple bookstore, she regarded the old woman curiously, Odd...A ghost? Or something else? And what did she say? She nodded at the slight man behind the counter, she wasn't in any particular rush, the tickling sensation in the back of her neck told her someone was trying to read her, was it him?

They both lost someone close recently and both seem to be touching something beyond normal. Either I've come to the right place and the loss I sense must be the loss of Winnifred or they just burried someone under the shed, she thinks a bit sarcastically as Allison approaches the door, though in a backward town like this it wouldn't surprise her.

She returns her smile with a slight smile of her own, "No, I'm afraid I'm not here to make a purchase," the woman replies in a clear Brittish accent, her skin is an unhealthy kind of pale as if someone had drained all the blood from her body, around her neck she wears a golden torc decorated with celtic knotwork. The corner of her mouth twitches ever so slightly at the young man's suspicion, the closest thing she manages to grinning, "Actually I'm looking for Allison Larkspur, I assume you are her?" she regards the young woman with pale grey eyes that seem to bore through her right down to her soul, "I'm an acquaintance of your grandmother. My condoleances for your loss."


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The redhead glances at Daniel, taken aback, then back at the woman.

"Yeah," she says in the tones of confession. "I am. Thanks." Another brief look at Daniel and back.

"So what can we do for you, miss...?"


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Morrigan follows the exchange curiously, Something is wrong... so it was him attempting to read me, she thinks. She had had comments about being hard to read ever since she Awakened, not just that she'd found sometimes Sleepers could barely remember they'd met her. She wondered what he had found out that got him so suspicious.

"Morrigan, just Morrigan. I just flew in from New York today. Nice to meet you Miss Larkspur, Mr?" she trails of looking at Daniel, as she extends a slender hand to Allison, the slight smile widens just a fraction, "I've come to offer my help to the both of you, my master was a close friend of Mw. McDouglas. He believes you could use my help." Or I yours, she adds in thought, "Maybe we should continue this inside?"
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"Morrigan..." Allison repeats, giving her hand a little shake. She then opens the door wider.

"Sure, come on in. Sorry if we seem a bit cautious. You can't be too careful these days. So...who's this 'master' of yours?" She closes the door after Morrigan enters.


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Aenion said:
"Morrigan, just Morrigan. I just flew in from New York today. Nice to meet you Miss Larkspur, Mr?"

"Daniel. Just Daniel. And she prefers Thessaly. As she said, one can never be too careful."

Daniel relaxes a bit. He thought that this woman could be related with the phone call they got earlier, but it's clearly not the case. She was probably just part of another of those coincidences Winnie didn't believe in. Daniel is losing faith in them too, and quickly.
He gathers chairs for them all.

"Winifred was a good friend of mine and a woman with a lot of stories to tell. What kind of 'help' are you offering?"

Had Winnie got a shadow name?


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"Thanks," Morrigan replies, accepting Allison's offer to enter, "I know what you mean," she adds quietly, sounding as if she speaks from experience, Nice cozy place, Mary would have liked it, she thinks as she takes in the bookstore.

"He used to be a member of your grandmother's cabal, he calls himself Krishna. I'm not sure you've heard of him, he likes to keep to himself. Nice to meet you Daniel," she takes a seat, "Krishna is an Enlightened Adept of the Adamantine Arrow and he has trained me in the ways of the Moros over the past year," she speaks a hint admiration and pride in her quiet voice, "He asked me to protect Alli- Thessaly. So I guess that is what I'm offering and from your reaction earlier, my skills might prove useful."
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