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Mage - The Spiral [IC]


I aim to misbehave
The mountains (?)
Saturday 12:30, October 2002

"Yeah, I'm starting to get the hang of it. As to our place . . . I would propose a partnership - student and teacher would chafe both of us after a while," Leo said.

He advanced on the bony man, using the long strides of his run and began to attack as well as defense in equal quantities. Leo allowed the longer swings and blocks to take hold as he opened his mind to the possibilities.

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First Post
The mountains (?)
Saturday 12:35, October 2002

The man standing in front of Leo shakes his head. His face has a grim expression that might indicate frustration. "Nah, I think that even a partnership might chafe for me. I'm not really a team-player, you know. Besides, isn't it rather early to propose a draw?"

As Leo opens the attack, he finds that the man's blocks are quite solid. Dancing about each other, the two men engage in their dance across the mat. With each strike or block, Leo begins to feel more and more accustomed to his strange environment. And he hasthe feeling that he is going the need it... After his initial brush, he hasn't been able to land a solid strike. He is getting better, but if the thin man's expresion is any indication, the man has a lot of reserve, both for offense and defense.

OoC: Leo


First Post
Streets of Boston (?)
Boston, Massachussets (?)
October 2002, around 11:30 AM

The beast's words flamed the fire within Jason once more, but this time he tried to control it, keeping it to a low simmer. Slowly, as if measuring each word, he asked, "What do you get out of this? What more of anger and rage do I need to know to make sense of it all? I'm angry, you're angry, we're all angry. I don't need to learn any more about it."

He turned to offer only his profile to the beast before him, glanced back at the Muse who stood there silently watching, waiting. What exactly am I getting myself into, he wondered for a moment. I don't know if I'm going crazy or not, but this feels too real. Of course, I doubt most of the mentally ill think their psychoses are any less a part of reality than anything else.

"What do you think?" he asked the Muse. "You haven't spoken to me for a while now. Do you trust this guy?"


First Post
Streets of Boston (?)
Boston, Massachussets (?)
October 2002, around 11:30 AM

The woman slowly shakes her head. "He.. He scares me", she says, still hugging herself. She seems to have recomposed herself a bit, but is still shying away from the flaming creature. "I have seen him skulking about, following you. He is powerful, but quick to anger." She trembles a bit, hoping she doesn't upset him. The beast is quiet though, having turned to hear the lady speak. "If what he says is true, though... I don't know. I can feel that you're not here, not really."

The beast Bachnur speaks again from besides Jason. His voice sounds sly, goading. "Well, if you don't need to learn more, then that's your good right isn't it? I'll just leave you be and let you return from where you came. Really, in that case, does it matter that I should get out of it? It seems like you don't care about what I have to say."

Jason's muse looks at him with a lost looks in here eyes, unsure of what to say.

OoC: Jason


First Post
Streets of Boston (?)
Boston, Massachussets (?)
October 2002, around 11:30 AM

Slowly, carefully, Jason returns his focus to Bachnur. "I'm listening, aren't I? Just because I'm not rushing headlong into... whatever this is without thinking about the consequences, doesn't mean I'm not interested. And I want to know what you get out of it because I know that there's nothing free in life. You sure don't seem to be here out of the kindness of your heart, so what's the reason?" He paws at his shirt pocket and then his jeans for a box of cigarettes that isn't there.


First Post
Streets of Boston (?)
Boston, Massachussets (?)
October 2002, around 11:30 AM

"Well, you were the one who said he didn't need to learn any more about anger", the beast offers as a retort. He throws his head back and shakes his neck, sending little tendrils of flame up into the air.

"And what I am getting out of this..." He waits for a moment. "Just as you can't cross into here, I can't really reach your world. The void between them throws me off. You have been like a beacon to me, your clear emotion a lighthouse to guide me." He smiles a broad grin, showing large teeth. "I live by emotion, and you provide it. That's what I get out of all this. Now, that was rather straightforward of me, don't you think? Satisfied?"

OoC: Jason


First Post
Outskirts of New York City
NYC, New York
thursday, October 2002, around 8 PM

Max sits in the car looking at his feet, which he can't move or feel. The car is speeding over the highway, lit by the reddish light of the late summer afternoon. Besides Max sits the old man, Chinese probably. He had looked quite friendly, and yet this is where he was stuck now: sitting in an unknown car with an unknown man, paralysed from the neck down. His sharp mind went over the event of the last few minutes, trying to piece everything together.

He had been to the research facility out of town and had been driving back home to his father's condo. After about ten minutes, his car's engine had broken down and he had pulled over. Despite his way with all things mechanical, Max hadn't been able to even locate the problem. Everything should have been working just fine. He was just about to make a call and have things taken care of, when an old man with graying hair had pulled up his car alongside Max'. From his looks and heavy accent, he appeared to be chinese. He had offered to give Max a ride, which had seemed quite reasonable at that time.
Max distinctly remembers locking his car and getting into the old man's car, ready to make some calls and have his car picked up. The man at the wheel made some strange gesture with his hand, and Max had held out his hand to shake it and introduce himself. All of a sudden, the gray old man had lunged for his shoulder and pinched his neck. Max still doesn't know what had happened, but it had caused him to lose all control over his body. About all he could do was breathe, turn his head and speak. Except that he had been quite speechless by the entire situation, dumb-struck by what had happened.

Max is taken out of his memories as the old man begins to speak, slow and gentile. "Please relax, Mister Cogswell. I as deeply sorry to have to do this to you, the feeling must not be very comfortable to you. However, I assure you that I mean you no harm. I have some things to tell and show you, which are very important. I hope that you will give me the opportunity to do so..."

OoC: Max

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Sweat was trickling down Max's face as he turned to look at the old man. "I can understand what's happening. I have money. I'll gladly pay for my freedom if you just don't hurt me." Max remembers back to when his mother was kidknapped and held for ransom. Eventhough his father paid the money they still found her dead. Now it would seem it's my turn. Max thought to himself.

"Wait... Did you say you have something to show me?" Max suddenly feels like he might survive as long as they don't want to show him his heart or any other organs he should have inside his body.
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First Post
Outskirts of New York City
NYC, New York
thursday, October 2002, around 8 PM

The man nods his head. "Yes, I did. I have no interest in seeing you harmed, or in money. What I have to show you is much more important than that. For years, you have worked without seeing the result of you actions. Locked up in science in technology. Today, I will show you the world... After that, you are free to decide as you wish." He takes a short break and continues in a slightly different tone. "That is what this is all about, really. Freedom and the ability to shape your own path. Please tell me, do you value these concepts?" The man regard Max with a serene look upon his face. He doesn't seem dangerous, but then... the really dangerous people seldom do.

OoC: Max

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Fanog said:
Outskirts of New York City
NYC, New York
thursday, October 2002, around 8 PM

"That is what this is all about, really. Freedom and the ability to shape your own path. Please tell me, do you value these concepts?"

Max thinks to himself for a moment. "Honestly? My father would never approve of my stepping out from his shadow long enough for me to understand freedom. But I do value the concepts. One day I want to own my own computer gaming company. From there the sky's the limit." Max looks at the man and his driver. "You know you really didn't need to go to these extreems for an interview."

Voidrunner's Codex

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