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Mage - The Spiral [IC]


First Post
Ty's home, city centre
Cambridge, England
October 2002, late evening

"Yes, I was", the man says as he nods his head. "The book contains many interesting ideas, and much can be learned from it... But, this can only happen if the reader has enough prior knowledge. Without that knowledge, the text could not be appreciated"

The short man takes a step forward so that Ty is also sheltered under his umbrella. "If was very important that you learned the going theories before delving further into book. Otherwise, its meaning would have been lost on you... Remember, you can only get a first impression once. Beyond that, everything is colored by what you already know, or do not know..."

OoC: Ty

Someplace in the Mountains?
The Himalayas?
Sometime now but in the past?

"The man gives a slight smile to Leo. "I can teach you, but I can not tell you much... Everything you need to know, you already know. Your soul still has memories of all of the training it has had. In time, it will reveal everything you must know."

"I can not delve into your soul, you must do that yourself. My task is to guide you on that path... There are many ways of coming closer to the soul, exercises and meditations... The path will be demanding, the tasks I set you may be hard at times. If you have the will to complete your studies and the strength to face your soul, you will be able to do the unimaginable..."

OoC: Leo

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First Post
Ty's home, city centre
Cambridge, England
October 2002, late evening

Ty is mistified by the man's words. What is he on about? What has my work got to do with this? What's so significant about now?

"So i've gone through enough in my studies to tryly appreciate this work hey?" He starts to fidgit, making sure that his book is still there.

"Perhaps we should go inside out of the rain to talk, Mr?" he says in an effort to learn who this mystery man is.
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First Post
"I see. And once you find these people with these... 'subconcious drives', then what? Observation, or perhaps even experimentation? And what sort of things would you be using as criteria? I assume you aren't sending me out to look for phobics or anything of that sort..."
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First Post
Charles smiles and shrugs.

"That's the real beauty of it, I suppose. Or the tragedy, whichever way you look at it. Not too many people really know for sure where the road's going, do they? I know it will eventually end with the dirt nap. That's where we're all headed, sooner or later. I guess I'm more interested in the scenery on the side."

After taking another drink and thinking a moment, Arctor grunts.

"Actually, I think maybe what I'm really into is seeing other people's roads. Building new ones, pointing out places they can turn. I guess that's why I do the music thing; it's all about what I've done, and people who get into it can see where it's lead me."

Charles looks at Masuda and smiles. "Sorry, it's not much like me to get into philosophical ramblings. Maybe I should save it for a book, huh? Zen and the Art of Guitar Tuning, something like that, I guess. Are you sure that you didn't hear me play before?"


I aim to misbehave
Someplace in the Mountains?
The Himalayas?
Sometime now but in the past?

Fanog said:
"I can not delve into your soul, you must do that yourself. My task is to guide you on that path... There are many ways of coming closer to the soul, exercises and meditations... The path will be demanding, the tasks I set you may be hard at times. If you have the will to complete your studies and the strength to face your soul, you will be able to do the unimaginable..."

Leo smiled - he could 'imagine' quite a bit, and no one, no one ever questioned his will. The problem was, he couldn't have another incident like what happened at the game tonight . . . at least not anytime soon. Otherwise, there'd be doctors and who knows what else.

"Alright," Leo said, "I'm willing to learn, but you've gotta stop pulling stuff in public on me. That thing in the Pepsi Center was definitely uncomfortable."

"What's the first step?" Leo asked.


First Post
Ty's home, city centre
Cambridge, England
October 2002, late evening

"Masuda", the man introduces himself with a formal bow. "I would be most grateful to come in, thank you." he says with his rather stiff accent. "I am most interested to hear what you have read in the book so far, and what you have learned of it."

He gives a small smile, thought Ty isn't really sure what it is about.

on the M6
London, England
October 2002, around 9 PM

"These feeling and emotions take on many appearances in behaviour. However, the most obvious manifestations are also the most dangerous, since they will allow the myths and stories to grow."

"In most cases, only a series of talking sessions might be necessary, coupled with some basic experiments. However, there are also cases - severe ones - where these delusions in people's mind might prove to be a danger to themselves, of others. In that case, you might have to escort these people to one of our facilities, where you can take the time for more extensive experiments."

The feeling at the back of Taylor's head is still there, stirring at the mention of delusions and manifestations...

OoC: Taylor

3 Bears Motel
Seattle, Washington
early saturday morning, October 2002

The man gives Charles a quizzical smile. "Hmm, I might have... I think you do quite well on you philosophical ramblings, we seem to be getting somewhere. If I may give some advice though - I would not write the book, it would lead you over ground that was already trodden..."

The set of his face drops into something more serious. "I can tell that you see into the lives of other people, thought not too much into your own. I can tell, because I can do the same, more of less... Now has come the time for me to show you the place where
you can turn. That place is right here... Turning now will bring you insights you always longed for, and will allow you to guide people better than you ever have. I wish you the best with your decision. Goodbye..." The old men takes Carrie by the arm and walks out the door, leaving Charles behind.

Opening his eyes, Charles finds he is staring at the moving images on tv, a brown mouse being chased by a gray cat.

OoC: Charles

Someplace in the Mountains?
The Himalayas?
Sometime now but in the past?

The man in the white robes looks a bit guilty. "I am sorry for that, but what happened was not entirely my doing... It would have happened eventually, and I rather had it happen when I was present to explain things to you. Because of this, I have helped you overcome the 'barrier'."

"It seems like your natural defenses are weak when you are tired, allowing your soul to appear to your mind. We will start from there, and build downwards. I will meet you at noon, outside your house."

After he answers the last questions Leo may have, the man makes a bow in salutation. "Very well. Now... Breathe, and jump..."

OoC: Leo


I aim to misbehave
Someplace in the Mountains?
The Himalayas?
Sometime now but in the past?

Leo nodded his head in understanding and bowed slightly in return to the old man, keeping his eyes on the man. Regardless of what the man may have done to Leo to get him to this state, he had been helpful and deserved a measure of respect.

"I'll talk with you more tomorrow, then," Leo replied. He inhaled deeply of the cold mountain air, tensed his legs, then jumped.


First Post
Jason's home
Boston, Massachussets
October 2002, around 10 AM

Jason sat up slowly in his bed, tasting the alcohol on his breath. He still felt exhausted, of course, like he'd been running a marathon in his sleep and had only stopped long enough to wake up. Beads of sweat coat his face, his heavily heaving chest, his palms. He blinks as the brilliant shafts of sunlight flood his face with blinding warmth, lurches to his feet. His head still throbbed, and the inside of his mouth felt like sandpaper. First things first, he thought with an inward sigh, struggling to exercise his will over his reluctant body.

Shrugging out of his dirty, dishevelled clothing, he headed for the small dirty closet-sized place he called his bathroom. Turning the cold water tap full on, he cupped his hands under the faucet while staring at his reflection. Man, I need a shave. And some more sleep. And a beautiful woman to sweep me off my feet, while I'm at it. Finally he lowered his face into his waiting hands, lapping thirstily. He drank deeply and for a long time from the pool of clear refreshing water he held in his hands, then straightened up and pulled the cabinet open. Row upon row of over-the-counter pharmaceuticals stared back at him.

"Let's see," he wondered aloud, "there's gotta be some Tylenol in here somewhere." He shuffled through the forest of squat plastic bottles, looking for the cure to his migraine. Damn. he thought bitterly. Damn damn!

Four minutes later he was hastily dressed and heading down the street to find the pharmacy and a strong pot of black coffee.


First Post
Court, Pepsi Center
Denver, Colorado
after the game, October 2002

Leo feels the snow crunch under his feet as he shifts his feet for better grip. He takes a breath and feels somehow... empowered. Pushing off of the ground, he takes a last look at the odd man in white before giving his all and jumping. He can feels the ground give way beneath him an he speeds up away from the snow-covered ground, higher and higher into the blue...

Leo feels himself gliding through the air, intercepting the ball in his flight. He glides up, past the ring and ever upwards. His hand glides over the topside of the back-board, taking a trail of dust with it. After that, he descends, Back to the ground, ball still firmly clutched in one hand.

Leo's feet connect to the ground with a firm 'thud' and he smoothly bends through his knees to absorb his momentum. Crouched on one knee, he stares at the ground beneath him, marvelling at what just happened.

OoC: Leo


First Post
The Vault
Boston, Massachussets
October 2002, around 10 AM

Half an hour and a trip to the drug store later finds Jason in a bar near to where he lives. It looks more like a cavern than anything else, some benches near the walls and a few chairs, almost all of them hidden in shadow. Several tables, most of them inscribed with all sorts of graffiti. The smell of smoke and drink never leaves the place, hitting Jason full in the face as he enters.

At this hour, Jason is the only one present in the bar save for the owner, a broad-shouldered man with dark matted hair and a big tattoo on his forearm. The man behind the bar greets Jason with an indistinguished grunt.

"Well, don't you look lively today... The usual?"

As Jason sits there, one memory after another spring to his mind, all of them vying for Jason's attention. The Tylenol clears his head of the pain, but does little to remove Jason's bleak thoughts.

OoC: Jason
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