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Mage - The Spiral [IC]


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[OOC It's a good thing you mentioned the memory thing, I'd somehow missed it the first time...]

Taylor tunes out his surroundings for a moment, attempting to recall whatever it is tugging at the back of his mind. If he has no success, then he will begin thinking about how he can get out of this car and back home, as he's sure by now that he wants nothing to do with the sorts of things Dr. Franks is describing to him.

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First Post
Charles sits on the edge of the bed for a minute or two as he stares blankly at the screen, then mumbles to himself "God, I hate that cartoon."

Snapping himself back to reality, he gets up and takes a shower.


I aim to misbehave
Court, Pepsi Center
Denver, Colorado
after the game, October 2002

Fanog said:
Leo's feet connect to the ground with a firm 'thud' and he smoothly bends through his knees to absorb his momentum. Crouched on one knee, he stares at the ground beneath him, marvelling at what just happened.

"Ummm . . . wow," Leo said quite eloquently. He looked at the dirt on his fingers - dust from the top of the backboard. Leo then stood and looked around, making sure that no one saw what just happened - no one but Gus, that is.

"Don't say anything, Gus. We'll talk somewhere else. . . I think I'm done practicing for tonight," Leo said. "What do you say we head out and either grab something to drink or . . . on second thought, I think I should head home and rest a bit."
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First Post
Ty's home, city centre
Cambridge, England
October 2002, late evening

"Coffee?" Ty asks as he steps inside, taking off his sodden coat.

Turning on the kettle, he makes his way over to the table, and gestures for the man to sit.

"The book is different now from when I last had it. It's strange. It's like the contents are gone from my mind from when I last saw it. My memories are all blured. This time it's different though. It's clear, precise. I have no trouble reading the words."

A thought strikes him.

"The book changes depending on what you know, doesn't it. Before I didn't have much experience, so I couldn't understand it. Now i've learned so much the book has adapted to suit me. That's why I feel it can help me with my work, isn't it?"

His gaze focuses on Masuda, hungering for an answer to his theory.
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First Post
on the M6
London, England
October 2002, around 9 PM

Watching the street light zoom by, Taylor replays his conversation with Dr. Franks, hoping to jog the memories loose. He has the distinct feeling that he had missed something vital, something that the Doctor had said. Archetypes, subconscious drives, manifestations... There must have been something. And then it hits him, thoughts coming to him almost faster than he could work them...

It was in the things that the Doctor hadn't said. 'Treating' stories... He hadn't answered the question, kept talking about experiments and research. Which would mean that the phenomenon can't be 'treated', if they really are interested in purging them from the human mind. If the Doctor know what he's talking about, that must mean that these archetypes are an inherent part of humanity, not something that is learned.

Global... If these thoughts and drives are inherent, they must be coming from somewhere, but they're not stemming from culture. They're doing global research; are these archetypes really universal?

Even though there are several odd conjuctions and weird leaps in his thought, Taylor knows that he is on the right course. He knows, somehow...

"Well, Mister Willoughby" the man next to Taylor says as the car leaves the freeway heading for an industrial area. "What are your thought so far?"

OoC: Taylor

3 Bears Motel
Seattle, Washington
early saturday morning, October 2002

The hot water gets some of the fog out of Charles' head. He's still not totally sure what happened; did he remember a dream, was it a vision happening just as he got up, was he still sleeping perhaps?

Regardless, the turn of events have left Charles with a strange feeling of anticipation, like great things are waiting to happen. His mind wanders off as he lets the hot water pour over him, it is just like he's waiting for something.

But nothing happens...

OoC: Charles

Court, Pepsi Center
Denver, Colorado
after the game, October 2002

The arena was empty, and completely silent. Leo saw Gus standing near the center of the court. His mouth was hanging open, one hand lay on his head as if it had stopped dead in its motion. "Damn...!"

Gus walked towards Leo. From the look on his face it was obvious that he didn't believe, much less understood what had just happened. "Damn...!"

Gus looked around, a bit bewildered. "Yeah sure. I'll drop you off at home, I think I could use a drink after that. Come on..."

Gus and Leo walked out of the stadium together. They were greeted by the doorman, who reminded Leo that he was still clutching a ball. After he handed it over, the two were let out of the building and into the cool evening air. The two men walked over to Gus' old jeep. Once they were inside, Gus turned to regard Leo.

"Damn... What kind of crap just happened in there, Leo?"

OoC: Leo

Ty's home, city centre
Cambridge, England
October 2002, late evening

"No, thank you. I don't drink coffee" the man says as he takes place in the chair that Ty points to.

He listens intently as Ty explain his theory, watching Ty as he does so, almost seeming to peer through him.

"No, I am afraid that that is not entirely correct" he says with a slight smile. "It is just an ordinary book, it does not have any ability to change its content. The letters are still the same... but you are not. The nature of the book is not so much in the content, as it is in the way in which it makes the reader think. Before, you did not know the field that the book details, so you couldn't think about it. Now, you can..."

He tilts his head ever so slighty. "Tell me, what do you think of the theories explained within? Do they hold credibility to you?"

OoC: Ty


First Post
The Vault
Boston, Massachussets
October 2002, around 10 AM

Jason smiles weakly at the bartender. "Nah, just a coffee," he decides, "my liver can only take so much in one night." He leans back in his stool, rotates his head once to get out all the kinks, and cracks each of his knuckles in turn. "Make it black, no sugar." With the ordering done, he turns inward until his coffee arrives, musing on his dreams.

Nightmares is more like it, he thought bitterly. Why can't I ever get a good night's sleep anymore? Why are all these weird things happening to me? What's with all this fire imagery? I'm sure Freud would have a thing or two to say about it all. Guess it means that I need a woman. Or something.


I aim to misbehave
Outside the Pepsi Center
Denver, Colorado
after the game, October 2002

"Gus, I really don't know where to start. . . I had another one of those episodes, though I controlled this one better," Leo said. He proceeded to tell Gus of what the old man said and that there was a meeting tomorrow. "You saw what I was able to do, and I was dead tired and not feeling my best. Imagine what I could once I learn how to control what I can do."

"What do you think? Obviously, I'm not crazy - at least I hope not - 'cause you saw what I did. Now I just have to rest and see if there are any after-effects of what happened," Leo finished.


First Post
The Vault
Boston, Massachussets
October 2002, around 10 AM

The big man, clothed in old jeans and a stained black T-shirt, raises an eyebrow at the order, but soon returns with a large mug of coffee that's almost fresh.

"So, what's bugging you today... The usual?" The man gives a slight smile at himself, remembering his words from just a few moments earlier.

OoC: Jason


First Post
Taylor continues pondering the situation:

There must be something that they're onto here. He's already said that they came to me because they believed I was working along similar lines. So they must sense something else out there as well. Only they're not really trying to reach it; it's more like they're trying to study, or perhaps even supress it.

Then there's been mention of these archetypes, these myths, manifesting in people. It certainly makes sense- anything this powerful would have to manifest sometimes. There could be ebbs and flows, like a current, and the high tides could come up into the human conciousness, and perhaps even the physical environment.

But what people? He's spoken of "treating" and "experimentation", as if they're also attempting to supress those who have tapped into this force. He's compared it to childhood fears, mental disorders, all sorts of things which clearly indicate he considers such people to be abnormal. How can something be an aberration if it's common to everyone?

Seeking to buy himself some more time, Taylor asks, "How exactly do these archetypes manifest in people? I understand you can't give me specific details, but I thought perhaps an analogy or hypothetical situation.

"I'm curious about the people I'd be dealing with, you see. I don't want to spend my time chasing middle schoolers with ouija boards or anything like that." Taylor smiles placatingly.

I've definately got to get some more information from him before I leave. I want to find the same things, but not as a part of his organization. And I have a feeling that joining just to discover things would be... complicated. So I need to get enough information to allow me to pursue leads on my own.

Hmm... we seem to be getting away from the more common areas of the city. I wonder if there's an actual destination here? Seeing where we're going might give me a clue as to who it is I'm dealing with...

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