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Malvoisin's Curse of the Crimson Throne, Chapter 1: Edge of Anarchy (IC)


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Gadeann scowls, a harsh look that only makes his features look even more unpleasant. Still, he holds his words. He had waited this long, and his patience would hold a bit longer.

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Gods! Two holy men. Grimacing, Girri is the last to sit and reluctantly takes the space next to the Knight, Coldan. Hard blue eyes regard the knight a half a beat as Girri slides in to seat herself.

When the introductions reach a lull, Girri purrs, "I am Girri. I know you," Girri looks to Zellara. "And you know my former Mistress." Girri places a hand inside the silks ar her breast. Withdrawing the Harrow card from next to her skin, Girri places the card face down on her lap under her palm.


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CanadienneBacon said:
Gods! Two holy men. Grimacing, Girri is the last to sit and reluctantly takes the space next to the Knight, Coldan. Hard blue eyes regard the knight a half a beat as Girri slides in to seat herself.

When the introductions reach a lull, Girri purrs, "I am Girri. I know you," Girri looks to Zellara. "And you know my former Mistress." Girri places a hand inside the silks ar her breast. Withdrawing the Harrow card from next to her skin, Girri places the card face down on her lap under her palm.
"Do you indeed, young peacock?" Zellara murmurs as she takes a closer, penetrating look at Girri with her dark eyes. After an uncomfortably silent moment, Zellara gives a very slight nod of recognition. "Ahhh. Ward of the Crone Mother, is it not so? You have...changed, child." Something about the way the older woman says the word 'changed' gives all present the impression that it isn't exactly a compliment. "But then, so have I. So have I."
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Girri stifles a strong urge to bite back at Zellara's superior tone. "Ward no longer. I bought my freedom." Placing her peacock Harrow card face up on a table for all to see, Girri starts to say more but quickly closes her trap.


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The slightly built man sitting at the table waits for the others to reply to the woman before offering his voice. He watches closely as she shuffles her cards and sizes her up. "If we are to place our trust in you, then you already know who we are," Edlin challenges her.


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Quintel...Karastro Quintel

"Quintel...Karastro Quintel," he speaks pushing his card showing a pair of elementals towards their hostess.

Lucky Edlin said:
"If we are to place our trust in you, then you already know who we are,"

"He's right you know...you would have to know at least something about us for the cards to appear where we would find them."

"Business is appears is now ready to be underway."


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Legildur said:
The slightly built man sitting at the table waits for the others to reply to the woman before offering his voice. He watches closely as she shuffles her cards and sizes her up. "If we are to place our trust in you, then you already know who we are," Edlin challenges her.
Zellara smiles slightly, and replies in her thick accent, "Indeed, a fair point. I know something of you, it is true. I know you are The Wanderer. I know you have been done harm by Gaedren Lamm. I know this because I listen to the music of the city. But I do not know all there is to know. Yet, if you should withhold your name from us, that is your choice...your freedom."

Whether Edlin responds or not, Zellara turns her attention now to the group as a whole. In a soft but clear voice she says, “Again, I thank you for coming, my friends, and for putting up with my unconventional method of contacting you. I have reason to remain hidden, you see—a terrible man would see great harm done to me if he knew I was reaching out for help. This is a man you know, for he has done something terrible to each of you as well. I speak, of course, of Gaedren Lamm, a man whose cruelty and capacity to destroy the lives of those he touches are matched only by his gift for avoiding reprisal. You see, a year ago, his thieves stole this, my Harrow deck, from me. It is important to me, an heirloom passed down through a dozen generations, and also my sole means of support. When pickpockets stole it, my son, Eran, tracked them down. The thieves were in the employ of Gaedren Lamm, and in reward for finding them, Gaedren murdered my son."

Zellara pauses briefly, then continues, "I sought help from the Guard, but they turned me away. And so I asked around. I paid bribes. I consulted my Harrow deck for advice. And recently, I was rewarded—I found out where Gaedren dwells. He can be found in an old fishery north of here at Westpier 17, where he trains his abducted children to be pickpockets and counts his stolen treasures."

"And now, I need your help. I cannot hope to face this man on my own, and the Guard moves so slowly that if I were to go to them, Gaedren would certainly know of their coming well in advance. Even if they did arrest him—what guarantee would I have he would be punished? This criminal has evaded the law for decades. But you know of these frustrations as well, for word on the street has it that Gaedren has wronged each of you, too. So there we are. It is time for him to pay.”

Even as she speaks, Zellara's hands deftly shuffle her Harrow deck. It seems that the fortune teller has smoothly gathered the cards from the table as well, because they have disappeared, unnoticed. While she tells of her experiences with Lamm, Zellara lays out nine Harrow cards face down, in a grid pattern. She looks from face to face with her dark eyes, awaiting a response.

[sblock=Girri]Having seen it done many times, Girri recognizes the pattern of a traditional Varisian Harrowing (fortune telling) in the configuration of the cards.[/sblock]


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Gadeann stands, towering over those that remain sitting. "If you know where he is, then what are we waiting for? We should move now, while surprise is on our side, and strike Lamm down with no remorse."


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The sallow faced man at the table listens intently as the woman begins to speak. As she names him 'The Wanderer', he smiles and draws forth the card that he carries. "Lucky Edlin," he announces his name quietly.

Edlin's eyes drop slightly as she mentions the death of her son. Thinking for a few moments, he finally speaks again. "Vengeance. Retribution. Justice. Any of these can motivate a wronged person," he starts, pausing for the words to sink in. Unconsciously, Edlin has drawn forth his two ivory die and even now rolls them across his fingers and palm distractedly. "But you are asking us to step outside the law and all that comes with it."


Orman's face breaks out into a grin at Edlin's remarks and chuckles. "Of any great concern is the law here? Put some of those fears to rest then. The fiendsworn, mighty as they be, are not the whole of the law. They are also not the only ones who can use it to their advantage. The Stahls hold rights in Khorvosa from a time before the diabolists dared show their faces. My niece was kidnapped. I welcome the aid of those who would help me hunt down her captor, Gaedran Lamm. The law is no bar to my purposes."

He pauses, composing

"The reach of the law
Bends to nobles' proven rights
So please, join my quest

"I am pursuing Lamm and welcome others in that cause."

Voidrunner's Codex

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