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Masks of Nyarlathotep: Characters

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Father Joe Savino


Father Joe Savino
Profession: Catholic Priest
Level: 2
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 174 lbs.
Age: 40
Hair: Short, black and graying at the temples
Eyes: Green

14 Str
10 Dex
12 Con
14 Int
14 Wis
12 Cha

Hit Points: 12
Armor Class: 12 (10 base, +2 Defense Bonus for Defense Option)

Defense Option
Fort +4
Ref +0
Will +7
Base Attack +1 (Melee +3, Ranged +1)

Profession Skills:
+1 Concentration (1 Rank, 0 Ability)
+8 Diplomacy (5 Ranks, 1 Ability, 2 Feat)
+6 Heal (4 Ranks, 2 Ability)
+7 Knowledge (Religion) (5 Ranks, 2 Ability)
+7 Knowledge (Occult) (5 Ranks, 2 Ability)
+7 Knowledge (Psychology) (5 Ranks, 2 Ability)
+7 Listen (5 Ranks, 2 Ability)
+7 Psychoanalysis (5 Ranks, 2 Ability)
+6 Sense Motive (4 Ranks, 2 Ability)
+4 Speak Other Language (Latin) (2 Ranks, 2 Ability)
+4 Speak Other Language (English) (2 Ranks, 2 Ability)
+7 Spot (5 Ranks, 2 Ability)

Non-Profession Skills:
+4 Gather Information (1 Rank, 1 Ability, 2 Feat)

Iron Will

Sanity: 75

Joe was born in Naples, Italy on June 7th, 1884. He came over to New York in 1905 with a desire to make something of his life, something he felt that he would be more able to do in the land of opportunity. Shortly after arriving, Joe got involved in boxing. His physical strength and stamina were well suited to a boxing career and early on he did quite well. Against more serious boxers however, he found that he wasn't fast enough to avoid getting hit and in 1910 his boxing career came to an end.

Joe had made enough money during his career as a boxer to attend college at NYU. In 1914, Joe received his degree in Psychology and began a private practice, settling into a comfortable life. Joe was quite content.

In January of 1918, Joe was hit by a car while walking to his office from his home. He was nearly killed in the accident. Joe had what many would call a near death experience and when he was fully recovered, he felt the calling. Within weeks, he had enrolled at a New York Seminary and began studying religion. In the summer of 1922, Joe finished his studies at seminary and entered the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. He chose the Catholic Church because that was the religion practiced by his family back in Italy and the only one he was familiar with.

In early 1923 Joe was ordained as a Priest by a bishop. Joe took over as Priest in a small church in his Greenwich Village neighborhood. Later that same year, Joe had his first encounter with the occult. He performed an exorcism on a woman most assuredly possessed by "something", although Joe still isn't sure what that something was.
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Professor John Emerson Carter, PhD: Male 2nd-Level Defense Option; HD 2d6+2; hp 12; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 defense); Base Atk +1; Grp +1; Full Atk +1 melee (1d3 subdual, unarmed strike) or +3 ranged (1d10/x3, Colt M1877 “Lightning” revolver); SV Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +4; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10; SAN 50/58

Occupation: Professor of Anthropology

Skills (Total/Rank): Concentration +4/3, Cthulhu Mythos +2/2, Diplomacy +5/5, Drive* +3/1, Gather Information +5/5, Knowledge (anthropology) +10/4, Knowledge (occult) +8/5, Knowledge (religion) +6/3, Listen +5/4, Research +8/5, Search +7/4, Speak Other Language (Arabic) +6/3, Speak Other Language (Latin) +7/4, Spot +4/3, Swim* +1/1
*Denotes a cross-class skill

Feats: Skill Emphasis (Knowledge [anthropology]), Weapon Proficiency (pistols)

Equipment: Colt M1877 “Lightning” revolver, 100 rounds ammo, shoulder holster, field jacket, backpack, 3 cell flashlight with 3 extra batteries, jeweled compass, complete first-aid kit, notebook, pencil

Funds: $2,000 starting, $1,000/yr, $548.43 on hand.

John Carter was born on October 18, 1895 in Boston, Massachusetts. He did his doctorate work at Harvard University, and post-doctorate studies at Miskatonic University. While at Miskatonic, he caught whispers and snippets of what he calls “ghost stories.” Being a pragmatist he paid them no mind, but he couldn’t entirely forget about them either.

He likes working in the university setting, but really enjoys “field work” – his specialty being religious and occult rituals and ceremonies common to under-developed regions of the world. He was recently offered and accepted his first teaching job - an adjunct position at Columbia University. After moving to New York City, he found some books by Jackson Elias, a writer specializing in “Death Cults.” Discovering a writer with the same basic interests as himself he sought out Mr. Elias, and now corroborates with him on some research projects. Following a lead Elias gave him, he recently returned from an expedition to the Caribbean where he went to investigate rumors of a tribe of savages worshipping “fish-men,” but found only scared natives and no evidence of any such cult or religion.

He usually carries a sidearm with him in the field to protect himself from any overzealous cultists he may encounter.
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Thomas Anderson; 1st level Offensive Option; HD 1d6+1; HP 7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex); Atk +3 melee (1d4+2 unarmed strike) or +3 ranged (2d8/x3/20', Revolver); SV Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +0; Str: 14 Dex: 14 Con: 12 Int: 14 Wis: 10 Cha: 12; Sanity: 50

Occupation: Guard-Butler-Waiter

Skills: Bluff +3/2; Diplomacy +5/4; Disguise +3/2; Drive +3/2; Gather Information +3/2; Handle Animal(*) +5/4; Intimidate +2/1; Ride +3/2; Knowledge (London) +4/2; Profession (Cook) +3/3; Search +6/4 ; Sense Motive +2/2; Spot +3/2 ; Swim +3/1; Wilderness Lore(*) +3/2

CC skills: Hide +3/2; Ride +3/2; Move Silently +3/2

Feats: Martial Artist, Tracking, Weapon Proficiency (Pistol)

Equipment: Welby Revolver, 42 rounds ammo, Flick knife, suitcase

Money: $600

Ted; Dog: HD 1d8+1; Hp 5; Init +3; Spd 40; AC 14 (+1 size, +3 dex); Atk bite +2 (1d4+2); SSQ scent; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1; Skills Listen +6, Spot +6

Profile: Early 40s, quite strong, a charming disarming smile and a gentlemanly manner

A former butler/bodyguard who also did duty as a gameskeeper, Thomas Anderson's "master" passed away a year ago and he has been trying to find new meaning to his life. He wandered London doing odd-jobs and serving as a bouncer, before moving to New York. He's done work as a waiter, who also takes care of unruly customers.

His companion is the mongrel Ted, whom Thomas constantly scolds as being 'a dumb dog', but is actually his trusted companion. He stays in a run down apartment in Queens.

One of the regular customers to his restaurant is Jackson Elias, whom he has been having frequent conversations with. The humble Thomas is very observant, and has had long conversations with the professor John Carter whom he admires.
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The Brains Of The Operation "Just call me 'shorty' I go by none other." For real name look to Festy I just get the nick name ;)
Defensive Option
STR:10 (+0)
DEX:12 (+1)
CON:12 (+1)
INT:14 (+2)
WIS:14 (+2)
CHR:14 (+2)
HP: 7 (6 + 1)
AC: 13 (1+2 : DEX bonus + Defense Option Bonus)
Reflex +3 (2+1)
Fortitude +3 (2+1)
Will +2 (0+2)
BAB +0
Profession: Gangster (Criminal)
Skill Points: 40 (8+2=10x4)
Bluff:6 (4+2)
Disable Device:6 (4+2)
Escape Artist:3 (2+1)
Forgery:5 (3+2)
Hide:5 (4+1)
Innuendo:3 (1+2)
Move Silent:3 (2+1)
Open Lock:5 (4+1)
Slight of Hand:3 (2+1)
Knowledge (Archeology):5 (3+2)
Drive:5 (4+1)
Spot:5 (3+2)
Listen:4 ([4points]2+2)
Weapon Prof (Shotgun)
Wealth: +1 (-1 + 2[Feat:Wealth]) My cash on hand would be $1600 and you have $3200 to purchase items. Now this does not include my car, home, etc. With your life style and wealth you can have a nice car and home/apartment/hotel room/whatever.

Discription: Dark hair, Brown Eyes, Clear Complexion, Normally found wearing nice suits and a Hat.

Background: "Shorty" got his nickname due to the fact that he is 1.5" shorter than his brother. He is usually the brains behind the operation and can usually be seen behind the wheel of the car as the getaway driver(skill: drive). When the planning happens he is the one that the group looks to. He is the one that examins all the loot that they get to make sure that they go to the right place for the right price. You would see him with a jewlers glass in his eye looking at the diamonds, and relics (skill: archeology). He will spend spare time reading any thing from books to pulp printings. It is shortys job to keep and eye on all the other gangs in the area. He also knows how to manage the money the best (feat: wealth). Him and his brother have 'worked' together since they were born.
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First Post

"Oim with me brother, he's the smarts and the ladies does like him, I deal with the other.... stuff."

Hamish Gilliadh
Offensive Option

STR:16 (+3)
DEX:14 (+2)
CON:14 (+2)
INT:10 (+0)
WIS:10 (+0)
CHR:10 (+0)

HD: 2d6+4 (15hp)
AC: 12 (+2 dex)
Sanity: 56

Reflex +2 (+2 dex)
Fortitude +2 (+2 con)
Will +3 (+3 base)

BA/Grapple: +2/+5
Melee +5 (+2 BA, +3 str)
Ranged +4 (+2 BA, +2 dex)
Init: +6 (+2 dex, +4 feat)

Brass Knuckles; Damage 1d3+3, Crit x2

Colt M1911 Pistol (.45 ACP); Damage 2d8, Crit x3
Capacity 7/7, Magazine, Range 20'

Profession: Gangster (Criminal)
Skill Points: 40
bluff 3/3
disable device 4/4
escape artist 4/2
forgery 2/2
hide 6/4
innuendo 3/3
move silently 6/4
open lock 6/4
sleight of hand 6/4
search 4/4
spot 3/3
listen 3/3

weapon prof (handguns)
weapon prof (melee)
improved initiative

4 spare magazines 7/7
1 spare magazine 5/7
brass knuckles $1
2 New Tailored PinStriped Silk Suits $80 ea
2 New Cashmire Suits $18.50 ea
5 New white Shirts $1 ea
2 New Bat Wing Bowties .55 ea
1 Gold Pocket watch $32.50
1 Pair Good Hiking Boots $3.85
1 New Bowler Style Hat $8.95
1 Pair Leather Gloves $1.75
3-Cell Flashlight $3.10
Expensive Trunk $13.95

total cost: $267.20

Discription: Dark hair, brown Eyes, clear complexion, normally found wearing nice suit, but not nearly as neatly as his brother. He'll always look dishevelled or be missing his jacket because he dislikes the constricting feel to them.

Background: Hamish and Lachlan (aka 'Shorty') lived a life rife with the lack of money, their father and mother did everything within their law-abiding power to provide for their children but their efforts only resulted in early deaths from overworking themselves. This left an impression on the twins that to make it in life you should work as little as possible and get paid plenty for it, thus began their career in crime. Shorty's talents and Hamish's talents compensated for and complimented each other, thus leading to a prosperous career thus far, being able to acquire the best goods and subsequently relieving themselves of them for premium amounts.
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First Post
Aside from giving us a nice bump here is the equiptment for Shorty's purchase:

4 pairs of Brass Knuckles $1.00 (ea)
2 Commando Knives 4.25 ea
2 Night Sticks .85 ea
2 mauser m1896 9mm magazine $30 ea
2 boxes of ammo $6.95 ea
1 Remmington 12g shotgun $45
1 box of Buckshot .85
1 box of Slugs 1.50
1 Thompson Submachine Gun $225
2 Boxes of Shells $8.60 ea
1 Violin (for use of Case) $35
SUB-TOTAL: $412.65

2 New Tailored PinStriped Silk Suits $80 ea
2 New Cashmire Suits $18.50 ea
5 New white Shirts $1 ea
2 New Bat Wing Bowties .55 ea
1 Gold Pocket watch $32.50
1 Pair Good Hiking Boots $3.85
1 New Bowler Style Hat $8.95
1 Pair Leather Gloves $1.75
SUB-TOTAL: $250.15

2 Decks of Playing Cards $1.50 total
2 complete first aid kits $2.57 ea
20 yards of Gauze .39 (per 10yards)
3-Cell Flashlight $3.10
Expensive Trunk $13.95
SUB-TOTAL: $25.97

TOTAL: $688.77

$2511.23 Left for SUpplies at a later time, not including the $$$$ on hand :D


First Post
Evelyn Winslow


Her parents, Edward and Anka Winslow, traveled around the globe, taking their young daughter with them where ever they went. She spent her life engaging in a rather unusual education, learning about many languages and various people while indulging in her father’s favorite obsession, the archeology of ancient cultures. Her family could be traced back to the original Edward Winslow who had trudged across the Atlantic in the Mayflower. A generous philanthropist and fanatical archeologist, Edward Winslow could never really be kept in one place at the same time. Anka Winslow, the Egyptian wife he married during his long stay in Cairo, provided Evelyn with most of the care and love, but she too was as infected with the wanderlust bug as her husband.

Evelyn decided to stay in New York City and make a name for herself. Her travels instilled within her a fierce independence and pride for her own accomplishments. Although her parents have a beautiful brownstone in the very chic part of Manhattan overlooking Central Park and provided her with an exquisite trust fund, she wanted to be a working girl. With the help of her father’s influence, she got a reporting/photography job at the New York Times.

Hair: Dark black, thick and slightly wavy
Eyes: Deep brown
Skin: Olive skin
Height: 5’6
Weight: 105

Level 1 Defense Option
STR 8, DEX 12, CON 10, INT 16, WIS 14, CHA 14
HP: 6
Init: +1
Sanity: 70/70
Wealth: Savings ($20,000), Yearly Income ($7000), Pocket ($)

BaB +0
BaB Melee -1
BaB Range +1

Fort: +2
Ref: +1
Will: +4

Profession: Writer/Reporter
Craft (writing) +5/2
Craft (photography) +5/2
Diplomacy +4/2
Gather Information +6/4
Innuendo +2/0
Knowledge (archeology) +7/4
Knowledge (geography) +7/4
Research +7/4
Sense Motive +6/4
Speak Other Language (Arabic) +7/4
Speak Other Language (Chinese) +7/4
Speak Other Language (Swahili) +7/4
*Pilot +2/2
*Speak Other Language (French) +5/2
*Speak Other Language (Spanish) +5/2

*cross class skill

1st Level Feats: Weapon Proficiency (pistol), Wealth

Equipment (currently carried):
Remington Double Derringer M95 (.41 RF Short, 1d8, Critx3, n/a, 2/round, break, 5 ft, Multifire) $?
.41 (2) RF Short $?
Quality woman’s dress $15.00
Leather one-strap slippers $3.69
Snug velour hat $4.44
Velour coat w/fur trim $39.75
Silk hose (3 pair/one worn) $2.25
Silk handbag $4.98
Embroidered costume slip $1.98
Cotton crepe negligee $6.98
Pencil $0.01
Writing tablet $0.20
Folding pocket camera $16.15
Film, 6 exposures $0.50
Expensive wristwatch $25.00
Sunglasses w/case 1.25

Equipment (not currently carried):
Smith & Wesson M1917 Revolver (.45 ACP, 2d8, Critx3, rev/D, 6/round, clip/side, 20 ft, Multifire) $40.00
.45 ACP (100) $8.60
.41 RF (50)Short $?
Pistol Holster w/flap $1.00
Multigun cleaning kit, w/oil $5.34
Silk crepe frock $5.00
Worsted wool sweater $9.48
French Repp dress $10.95
Chic designer dress $90.00
Mah Jong board $1.80
Photo lab equipment $15.00
144 8x10 photo paper $5.00
Developer Kit $4.95
(10)Film, 6 exposures $0.50 ($5.00)
Complete first aid kit $2.57
(I will buy everything else as needed)


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