[Mature]Werewolf: The Forsaken PbP - Blood in, Blood out


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"Ok, I'll talk to Camera, him and Ari are really hot to find this thing too. Where is the best place to fight it? In the Shadow I guess. We wouldn't really be able to fight it here unless it materialized and then it would just unmaterialize." Faith says, thinking out loud. She swigs out of her bottle of water, pushing her hair back behind her ear. She felt along to the back of her head just below the hairline to the nape of her neck and the ritual scar that her hair covered. It had been created on the night of her initiation into the the tribe, it was a mark that she had survived, not just survived but won. She knewe she could fight the spirit with her pack and win if they were prepared, it was just up to them to prepare.

"Thank you for holding this hunt for me, it was an honor to be recognized by the entire tribe, to succeed in front of everyone." the girl says before rising and going over to the grill, she smiles at the Scar Angel doing the cooking "Whatcha got cooking there? I'm so hungry I could eat a deer hooves and all."

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Camera nods to his brother.
Puts head resolutely down and heads into the open maw.

As he passes through the doorway the smell of good food vies with his vague sense of unease.

After dinner I’ll take a closer look at the other realm…
No better spot to start policing than home I suppose.


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"Okay okay," Ari agrees, getting up and holding out a placating hand. "I'm going." She pauses, then adds, "Thanks. For everything." She sounds quite sincere, bereft of any of her frequent sarcasm or wryness.

As she trots back down the stairs, she has to hold the railing tight because it feels like her head is spinning. Seen her death...a choice she HAD to get right...no pressure though!

She gives Kim a wave as she cruises past. "Hey, I should go hook up with the others. I'll seeya later, kiddo." Her smile is genuine as she heads for the door.


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Piotr puts aside his hunting magazine, and leans his elbows on the counter.

"We need a reason to exist. Even if it isn't true it gives us direction, purpose," he says in a moment of insight.

He walks around the counter, leaning against the wall not far away from Buzz. Getting a look at Black Moon Extreme's next quarry would certainly be interesting. Perhaps he could learn something about vampires.

"Is it far?" he asks, "Can't leave the place unattended."

Piotr checks his watch, wondering if it was close enough to closing time to shut early.


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Tokiwong said:

He was older probably in his sixties, and not only was he the bartender, he owned the place. He had taken a shine to Drake and his music, and Drake suspects that he reminds the older man, Chuck of his son. Chuck pours him some whisky, “Breakfast of champions.”

Drake holds up his hand before Chuck can pour. "Made a promise to gramps that I'd never have hard liquor as breakfast, Chuck" Drake says smiling. "He'd come crawling outta his grave and kick me in the arse if he saw me break it."
"Besides, I'm having a meet with some friends. Maybe later tonight, 'kay? Just the chicken. Best I've had in years."

After finishing his breakfast, Drake goes outside and wonders where the hell that survival store of Watson's was.


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DrZombie said:
After finishing his breakfast, Drake goes outside and wonders where the hell that survival store of Watson's was.
Chuck nods, “I understand, one order of wings coming up.”

The meal is great as usual; outside the air is cool, snow on the ground and a Judge’s moon in the sky with some cloud cover. Drake knows that Piotr’s place is downtown which is a bit of trip from Hillside Heights, both Camera and Faith live nearby; Camera lives closer then Faith at least as far as Drake can recall.


Buzz grins, “Well not too far, just a few blocks. Come on, you can close shop early for me,” she rubs her bald head, “You wouldn’t turn down a pretty girl like me… well a girl anyways. A woman; you might learn something. And I don’t want to scout it out alone… lick heads scare the piss out of me.”

“Come on you are curious.”


Kim smiles and waves and then gets back to ‘working’ which seems to consist of her reading Cosmopolitan and chewing gum. Outside the cool air hits her skin, she passes by a mother and her daughter. The daughter bundled up all warm in purple looks up at the rahu with curious eyes.

The sweet girl grabs Ariella’s hand, “You look pretty.”

Her mother smiles with a laugh, “Oh what did I tell you don’t bother the lady,” she looks at Ariella, “I am sorry, she likes to talk everyone.”


Dinner is a simple affair. Momma gives both Camera and Jamil advice, Jamil just smiles politely and comments on how the two are adjusting, and the food is good as always. Momma retreats to the kitchen, Samantha worked late so she will be in later, and Jamil sits on the couch and watches Sportscenter.


Candace answers, “Just like Sun Tzu Faith, you have to find the battleground that suits you best and your opponent the least. If you can lead your enemy then you will be the superior force, if your enemy leads you… you will be in the weaker position. Yeah I read stuff.”

Candace nods, “Don’t thank me Faith, you earned this. You brought honor to the tribe, and to yourself.” Candace sits and continues drinking while Faith goes to grab some food.

The Scar Angel at the grill is a massive mountain of a man standing several inches over six feet in height. His name was Hellfire, and she heard he was probably in his fifties, but he looked no more then his late thirties. His long dark shaggy hair, including his thick beard was worn long almost down to his waist. He wears dusty riding leathers and he looks down at Faith with a raise of his brow. He finally grunts a reply, “Yeah,” his voice a deep rumble.

The large biker puts a large steak on plate, “Here.”


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"Fine, fine," Piotr relents, and returns behind the counter for a moment to fetch the 'Closed' sign, "You sound like my little sister."

He hangs up the sign on the door and takes a minute to ensure the shop is locked up securely before following Buzz.

"I like to look out for people who look out for me," Piotr says, recalling his army buddies for a moment, "I owe you for patching things up with Moriarty, so let me know if you ever need anything."


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Faith smiled up at Hellfire encouragingly as he looked her over, willing the mountainuous Uratha to give her some of the mouth-wateringly-goodsmelling steaks that he was cooking up. Her stomach rumbled at the scent to make her point for her. A Uratha's different shapes had different metabolism's and they all burned hotter then the hishu form. Compared to her human form her Urshal form was a blast furnace, and the Garau form well, the red meat was just too enticing to pass up after the chase and shifting multiple forms.

"Thank you," Faith saids sweetly to Hellfire, smiling at him gratefully before returning to Candace with her plate, knife, and fork. She worked at the steak hungrily for a minute or two before saying anything. "I'm not surprised that you read, your a Blood Talon, if something can help us survive then we do it." Faith says simply.


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Festy_Dog said:
"I like to look out for people who look out for me," Piotr says, recalling his army buddies for a moment, "I owe you for patching things up with Moriarty, so let me know if you ever need anything."
Buzz shrugs, “Don’t worry about it, my only problem with you is your buddy Sherlock… or whatever his name is. The Irish prick has a mouth on him. So you ready?”

Once Piotr finished closing up Buzz walks outside looking for her van, while burning another cigarette. She turns it on, opening the door for Piotr. She pulls out of the parking lot and the two head uptown. Tool is blaring on the speakers; the interior of the van has a lot of expensive hardware, weapons, and electronics. Buzz smirks while driving, “All these stupid apes don’t know how much $%#@ is going on around them every day. Monkeys just walk around trying to prove that they exist, buy their cell phones, and try to buy themselves happiness. Totally pathetic.”

She pulls into a parking lot outside an expensive martini bar. She glances over at Piotr, “We are in lick head territory now. Lots of them like to hang out here, or at least we think so… vampires are tricky bastards.”

Piotr sees a vehicle pull, an SUV in dark blue. Several men step out, black suits, professional, and very much looking the part of at least wealthy socialites. One of them has a soldier’s air about him, the way he scans the area. His reluctance to be fully exposed and military styled cut make him pretty noticeable. The look in the face, the calm detachment and chiseled physique…

Then it hits Piotr, this man is the spitting image of Anatol.


Hellfire grunts a reply, “Sure.”

Candace replies, “Smart girl. But more then that, I just enjoy reading. It isn’t like I can be hunting our enemies all the time, though I spend the majority of my time doing that. But there is something you should always remember about war, about being a warrior. It may sound %$&#@$& cheesy, but most fights are won before you even put claw to flesh. Knowledge is your greatest weapon. You going into a conflict blind and ignorant of your foes abilities, and you might as well just fight blind.”

“Will there be times where it is needed, yes. But in time you will learn that you will live much longer if you come to understand and respect the abilities of our many enemies. The afterlife is filled with warriors too stupid to understand that a strong arm can be defeated by a sharp mind. Understand?” Candace asks.


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Ari grins at the girl, then at the mother.

"It's okay. I could listen to that all day." Then to the little girl she says, "You're pretty too. Thanks very much."

With that, she starts to stroll on by, wondering where the best spot to meet the pack is. They don't really have an 'HQ' per se. Piotr's store, maybe? Or that bar Drake hung out in. She decides to head for whichever place is closest.

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