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[Mature]Werewolf: The Forsaken - Preludes


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"I do want him to be part of the pack, but if he causes problems for the pack because he just can't watch what he says then he doesn't have to be part of the pack, he can be alone for all I care, I'm just not going to put up with any crap that he causes out of carelessness. I'm not going to be the weak link in this pack. I don't want to have to beat it into his head that he needs to watch out who he mouths off to, that goes for all of us though, not just him, it goes for me, and you, Mr. Artist, and Piotr. Everything we do can affect the pack, making expectations clear in the beginning can save a lot of hassal later." the pink haired teen says, looking like 10 feet of attitude compressed in a 5'4" package. The girl was asserting her dominance, probably compensating a little for being the youngest in the group, also it was instinct, and a little of it was Rage, Rage at Drake for singling her out, Rage at the world for what was going on. Even though she was pissed at Drake she did attempt to generalize things enough so that everyone knew they had to be careful and that she wasn't just dumping on Drake since this had been a hard night for everyone.

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Drake laughs, joyfull, not sarcastic.

"Hell yeah, girl. Say what's on your liver. You're full of spunk, aren't ya? And more then a little pissed off, I guess."

He sighs, rubs his head and stretches.

"Look, why don't we meet up tomorrow, when we've slept a little and maybe had a little time to get used to this. If we're still at each others throats then we can work it out; I'm not in the habbit of hitting women, but if we're in a pack together I'll think of you as my little sister and hapilly try to beat the feckin' crap out of you. You're about as old as she was anyway. Hell, I'll even bring my feckin' guitar and play the songs she liked to hear, so you can see me 'get in touch with my soft side' before you decide to wipe that irritating feckin' grin off my feckin' face with your fist."
Drake says merilly, and turns his back on her to grab something out of his backpack.
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"So any fighting will wait until we're outside of Roman's mansion? That's good, I don't want to feel responsible for breaking nice things," Piotr says, trying to gauge the values of items of furniture in between Faith and Drake.


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"Yeah, well, that is if we don't want to piss off this Roman guy."
He takes something out of his backpack and sticks it in his jacket.
"We do agree on that, don't we, eeeuh, Faith, was it?"

He sits down in one of the chairs, relaxing a bit.

"So Watson, do you live at your shop, or do you live somewhere else? 'cuz if you live at your shop, well, mr sunglasses might give you a tad of truble. And that Pure woman with her two trained gorillas might be back. You need someone to watch your back? 's not like I've got any plans.... Aaargh feck. I've still got a show tonight."


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"Yea Piotr, we will take it outside. It would be rather foolish of me to fight Drake because he is screwing us over with other packs and break Roman's toys while we did it." She agrees. Faith watches Drake put something inhis coat pocket warily, wondering if it was a weapon, its not like she knew him after all or had any reason to trust him. The arse was going out of his way to screw the other 4 of us over and that was enough of a reason to make her doubt his character.

"Looks like you should leave if you want to catch your gig. Who knows, maybe you'll mouth off to the wrong Uratha and get some sense pounded into you'd solve my problem for me." the teen says unperturbed by the possibility. She wasn't sure if she could beat him up even if her anger was running white hot, but it almost didn't matter, she hoped the Blood Talons could help her become strong quickly, strong enough to pound him into snail snot if he kept fraking up.

"Candace, is there some Uratha way to do this once we go outside, or do we just go at each other until one of us gives up?" Faith asks tightly. "The way he is talking surely sounds like he wants to be our Alpha, and thats happening over my dead body since thats what'll eventually happen with loudmouth getting us in over our heads."


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"That is a relief, Faith," Piotr says, and stops counting out notes from his wallet.

"Sherlock, I don't live at my store. I live a few blocks away from it, walking distance. I don't have guests often, but the sofa folds out and you are welcome to it," the only guest he could ever remember having at the apartment was his uncle from the west coast.

His uncle was an interesting character, and associated with people who frequently took part in less-than-legal activity. While Piotr invited him to visit a few years back in order to thank him he hadn't contacted him as much in recent times.
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Shalimar said:
"Yea Piotr, we will take it outside. It would be rather foolish of me to fight Drake because he is screwing us over with other packs and break Roman's toys while we did it." She agrees. Faith watches Drake put something inhis coat pocket warily, wondering if it was a weapon, its not like she knew him after all or had any reason to trust him. The arse was going out of his way to screw the other 4 of us over and that was enough of a reason to make her doubt his character.

"Looks like you should leave if you want to catch your gig. Who knows, maybe you'll mouth off to the wrong Uratha and get some sense pounded into you'd solve my problem for me." the teen says unperturbed by the possibility. She wasn't sure if she could beat him up even if her anger was running white hot, but it almost didn't matter, she hoped the Blood Talons could help her become strong quickly, strong enough to pound him into snail snot if he kept fraking up.

"Candace, is there some Uratha way to do this once we go outside, or do we just go at each other until one of us gives up?" Faith asks tightly. "The way he is talking surely sounds like he wants to be our Alpha, and thats happening over my dead body since thats what'll eventually happen with loudmouth getting us in over our heads."

"Listen, sunflower. Enough is enough, allright." Drake says. "We've all had our troubles tonight, and I ain't judging none of you by what I saw today. You could be the sweetest flower known to mankind, or you could be an arrogant feckin' bitch. I don't know, 'cause I know I sure as hell ain't reacting feckin' normal, and I suspect you ain't either.
I've offered peace, I feckin' suggest you feckin' take it and wait untill you've got your :):):):) together before you start mouthing off a pissed off Irishman a head taller and 60 lb heavier then you. For all you know I've got a feckin' blade the size of your forearm tucked behind my back and a string of girls ears around my neck. Your adrenalin is talking, not you."

With an effort he composes himself.

"Look, Faith. I offered you my hand. You took it. Leave it at that and stop pissing me off even more. We all have had a bad day, but you're only making it feckin' worse. Who the feck are you to feckin' judge me on a night like this. You don't feckin know me. Hell, I don't feckin' know me after tonight. Part of me wants to pound you into little snotty bits, and part of me is horrified of even thinking about beating a sixteen year old girl, or whatever age you are. So stop feckin' pushing me."
The last sentence comes out as a snarl.


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Piotr responds to to Camera's query, "You remember the bald woman who came in when Drake and me did? The one who got angry and stormed off. Me and Drake weren't too nice to her and her friends and my shop is in their territory, so if we make them mad they might mess up my shop, if they find out it's mine."

He looks as though he's trying to remember something, then gives up.

"What's your name?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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