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Maure Castle - The Adventure Begins!

Krauss von Espy

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Round 3:

Tanus attacks once more, putting everything he's got into his blows. This time, somehow, two of the four blows manage to get through! Tanus' elation is short-lived, however, when he realizes the Golem has not been harmed much by the blows. (4 Damage after DR).

Mocking vile voices ring out from the stands, "Thought you'd actually hurt him, did you? Fool!" From the north, one of the carved pillars states, "I don't think the tiefling reckoned with how difficult it would be to harm it with just his fists."

Vandon continues slashing away with his mindblade, gritting his teeth through the pain of his wounds and burns. Sadly, this time, he is not able to land any damaging blows.

Great whooping laughs come from the evil-appearing spectators. The good spectators wring their hands and call out, "You'll do better next time!"

Martan, struck with inspiration, moves towards Tanus. The golem lashes out with its sword as the sorcerer moves. The great blade strikes, wounding Martan (21 Damage). With great courage, Martan is able to resist the initial effects of the poison now coursing through his bloodstream. Martan, now standing next to Tanus, retrieves a scroll from his haversack.

"Ah, yes," says a voice from the north. "I think I know where he's going with this. The question is, can he survive long enough to pull it off?"

The Golem, still slowed, continues attacking his original target, Vandon. The unerring blade hits home once more, leaving Vandon in rather bad shape (20 damage). The poison of the blade has no effect on the warrior, due to Silence's magic.

"Kill him!" shout the demons.

Silence prays silently to Pelor as she reaches out to Vandon, healing some of his wounds (45 hp healed).

With the healing spell cast, a great chorus of cheers goes up from the angelic host in the stands. The demons and ghosts boo just as lustily.

End Round 3.

OOC: All wounded PCs continue to regain health thanks to Silence's Mass Lesser Vigor. The Golem does not appear now to be moving as slowly as before.

HP Totals: Silence 27/74, Vandon 68/125, Martan 27/61, Tanus 64/64, Golem (-82)

Round 4 Actions?


Tanus makes full attack w/Flurry and Haste vs. Iron Golem (+14/+14/+14/+9, incl. Flanking,Haste,Prayer) Attack Rolls: 14,19,12,20. Totals:28(Miss), 33(Hit!), 26(Miss), Auto Hit! Damage Roll (2d8x2): 14,6 (+5,incl. Prayer) for totals of 19 and 11. After Golem's Damage Reduction, damage is 4 and 0.

Vandon full attack vs. Iron Golem (+23/+23/+8,incl. Flanking, Haste, Prayer) Attack Rolls: 4,3,18. Totals: 27(Miss),26(Miss),26(Miss).

Martan moves through threatened area, Golem makes AOO. Golem rolls 15, Hit vs. AC 24! Damage roll Total = 21. Martan's initial FORT Save Roll: 20 + 6 (incl. Prayer)=26, Success! Martan retrieves stored scroll (move equiv. action). Martan can't cast the spell on the scroll until next round, having made two move equiv. actions.

Iron Golem makes standard attack vs. Vandon. Roll: 9 (Hit vs. Vandon's AC 28). Damage Total = 20. Vandon immune to poison effects.

Silence casts Cure Critical Wounds on Vandon, for maximized 45 points of healing (Golem does not get a second AOO).


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OOC: YAY Tanus finally hit! And did... 4 pts of flippin damage! Anyone have a spare Bull's Strength or something I can use to get through this DR? Turning my fists into adamantite would be a big help LOL!

Tanus continues to wail away on the iron golem, hoping he can do something to help Vandon and his other allies. "At this rate, we are never going to take this thing down," he says. "We're missing something."

OOC: Great idea, Jim! Tanus will definitely permit that!


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Breathing heavily from the pain of his wounds and the dread of the unknown poison coursing through his blood, Martan says, "Hold your attacks, my friend, soon you'll be eating this thing for lunch." He touches Tanus's back and intones the words on the scroll, then prepares his wand for use.

[OOC: First cast the spell from the scroll, same as before. I'm hoping Tanus will delay so he goes after me and can get an attack in this round. If it's possible, I'd like to Cast Defensively. I'm not sure if that's allowed with scrolls, or if using a scroll even provokes in the first place. The rules are unclear. Regardless, he'll then make sure his wand's ready to go for next round to hopefully slow the thing again.]

Isida Kep'Tukari

Silence moves back away from the statue's deadly reach, and makes a wide gesture to encircle all of her friends. Glowing light caresses each of them as healing energy closes some of their wounds.

OOC - Moving back 20', casting Silent mass cure light wounds healing everyone, including herself, for 12 points of damage.
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Krauss von Espy said:
OOC: Insight, Tanus can delay his attack until after Martan casts his spell, if you want.

That's what I plan to do. Then Flurry. With Martan's spell, I believe Tanus would now be doing melee touch attacks, not standard attacks, and thus, the AC should be a lot lower. If this is the case, Tanus will Combat Exp for 5 and go to town!
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Krauss von Espy

First Post
Round 4:

Vandon hacks away with his mindblade, buying Martan and Tanus time to work out their plan. His blade hacks another furrow into the Golem's hide, to the consternation of the evil spectators. The good observers clap politely. From the north, a voice says, "It's incredible how that psionic blade can harm the Golem so completely. He must have some sort of magical aid." Several others murmur their agreement.

Martan manages to cast the spell on his scroll while keeping the poisonous blade of the golem at bay. Tanus' body shimmers, then begins to change, as he is transformed into a creature with a chitinous body, long, paddle-like tail, and two antennae...a Rust Monster! "Ingenious!" cries one of the pillar carvings. A great hue and cry rises from the viewing stands.

Taking advantage of his new form, Tanus whips his antennae repeatedly at the golem, hitting several times. The golem, unable to withstand the effects of the rust monster's attacks, corrodes in dramatic fashion, starting from the legs and working its way up to its torso, arms and then its head. The fiery glow in its mouth winks out as it collapses deafeningly to the ground, shattering into so many hunks of useless, rusted scrap. Its terrible weapons shatter into pieces with it, ending the threat of this monstrosity forever.

From the north, the observers call out, "Amazing! They've defeated the terrible iron golem! This a feat for the ages! I'd never have thought!" and so forth. Meanwhile, the noise from the viewing stands is cacaphonous, a mixture of cheers and boos, applause and catcalls, praise and insults. After a few moments, all goes quiet, and the images fade. The viewing stands are empty once more, and the carved pillars to the north have reverted to their original inanimate state.

OOC: Aftermath....Silence and Martan have only moments before they will feel the secondary effects of the poison in their systems. There is more to say about this battle, but I'm late for work as it is. For now, I'll just say...well done!

Tanus delays acting until after Martan's turn.

Vandon makes a full attack vs. Iron Golem (+23/+23/+8, incl. Haste; Flanking; Prayer), Rolls 1,7,6 for Totals of 24(Miss), 30(Hit), 14(Miss). Damage 1d8+9 (incl. Prayer), Roll 4, Damage Total 13.

Martan casts Polymorph on Tanus, Casting Defensively. Concentration Check Roll 12+16 (incl. Prayer) for a total of 28, success vs. DC 19. Golem gets no AOO. Tanus willingly allows himself to be polymorphed into a Rust Monster, duration 12 minutes. (Slow effect on Iron Golem has now expired).

Tanus makes a flurry of touch attacks with Rust Monster antennae. (+6/+6/+6/+1, incl. Flanking(+2), Haste(+1), Prayer(+1), Combat Expertise (-5), STR adjustment(-4)). Roll 14,2,18,14 for totals of 20(Hit), 8(Miss), 24(Hit), 15(Hit).

Iron Golem must make 3 Reflex Saves to avoid destruction. Rolls 16,15,11 for Totals of 21(Success), 20(Success), 16(Fail!)

Iron Golem is destroyed by Rust!

End Combat.


Vandon drops his mindblade and watches his wounded companions with concern, ready to heal them if they go unconscious from the poison.


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Before the ghostly spectators vanish, Martan takes the time to doff his hat and give them a grandiose bow. He suddenly pauses in the middle of this and snaps his fingers, returning Tanus to his proper form. "Sorry about that," he says. "Got carried away." He then rummages quickly in his bag, producing several vials of clear liquid. He hands them out to any who might have been injured by the golem and drinks one himself. "Ahh. That's the stuff," he says happily.

[OOC: Antitoxin! +5 alchemical bonus on poison saves for 1 hour. How many do we need? Martan has 5.]

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