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[May] What are you reading?


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I just finished Dale Pendell's Pharmako/Poeia and moved on to the next one Pharmako/Dynamis. How do I describe an exploration of psychoactive plants written at times like an epic poem, an anthropology text, or a biochemistry text? These books are the required reading for a UC Berkeley class I listened to as a podcast.

Also finished the last book in the Takeshi Kovacs series by Richard Morgan. Some of the best Sci-Fi I've read in a looooong time.

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Storm Raven

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Storm Raven said:
Currently reading Niven's Destiny's Road. After that I'll be reading The Gripping Hand, and then on to C.S. Lewis' space trilogy (Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength). I'll probably read The Screwtape Letters after that, and they likely Card's Homecoming series (The Memory of Earth, The Call of Earth, The Ships of Earth, Earthfall, and Earthborn.

That should get me through most of May.

Just a quick amendment - my reading has taken a brief detour, as I just got the most recent copies of Asimov's and Analog in the mail, so I am reading those. Then it is back to the plan.


First Post
Just finished re-re-rereading the Belgariad, not sure I will continue on with the Malloreon, I think instead I will re-re-re-reread Magic of Recluse, and The Neverending Story, or Princess Bride.

On a related note has anyone read Mystic Rider, or its sequel by Sharon Shinn, I loved Archangel, and Angel Seeker, that series reminds me of Pern in some ways. I have Mystic Rider but haven't got into it too far.


New Publisher
Just read American Gods by Gaiman and Neuromancer by Gibson. Nice books, both. Next up is Eldest (my youngest just finished it).


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Last two books I read were Unclean by Richard Lee Byers and just finished Gossamer Plain by Thomas Reid. Have a few more WoTC books to read , but in between been reading Fiona McIntosh, very Robin Hobb like.


I recently read The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, and I think it's loads of brilliant. I've been loaning it out to all my friends. I've started in on Scar Night by Alan Campbell, but I'm having a hard time getting into it.


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Just read Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher.

Nice to see that the Harry Dresden books are coming back down to the "mortal plane" a little...

Tolen Mar

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Zaukrie said:
Just read American Gods by Gaiman and Neuromancer by Gibson. Nice books, both. Next up is Eldest (my youngest just finished it).

American Gods was a lot of fun. I've been considering reading the sequal, but while I liked Anansi as a supporting character, I'd rather read more about Odin than Anansi's sons.


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I just finished "Nightwatch" by Sergei Lukyanenko. I really enjoyed the story and the world the author created, but some of the characters felt really flat and the prose just seemed awkward. Maybe it was in the translation or just the way the author writes. I will still read the sequels (Daywatch and uhh...something else).

I'm reading Paul Kemp's "Shadowbred" right now and loving it. I've been a huge fan of his Erevis Cale books in the past and this one does not disappoint. Characters are complex and well written, lots of cool political intrique in Sembia and Cale himself is still one bad dude.

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