Menace of the Icy Spire (Ozymandias79 judging)


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Initiative (1d20+1=4) Ouch...
Murphy will be located at Q12

[sblock=Murphy stat block]Murphy Tang- Male (Human) Warlock 1
Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 12
AC:16, Fort:12, Ref:15, Will:16 -- Speed:6
HP:26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges Per-Day 8
Initiative +1
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Eldritch Blast, Eyebite, Change Shape, Witchfire, Armor of Agathys
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First Post
[sblock=initiative and question]
Initiative plus 1 (I'll use it now) (1d20 9 1=27)

Also, can we send you custom tokens for maps? If you think it's too much of a hassle, or you don't care to, that's fine; I just have one. Attached for your discretion.



  • balth.png
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First Post
Murphy, sorry to be unclear: you're standing on the ice beside the ship. S8 is on top of the deck. (Nobody mentioned anything about climbing up onto the ship! If somebody went inside with Balth and I missed it, you can place your token inside somewhere.)

Balth is actually belowdecks, and so is the zombie (standing underneath the overhanging broken planking). In the next map I'll indicate the difference between being above and below decks somehow.


First Post

Well I was trying to detect magic so I would have been at L5.

Personally I would have left the sleds a little bit away from the ship. So if it makes it easier then leave them off the map.

Initiative Roll



[sblock=Janus stat block]
Janus Reinhardt - Male Human Wizard 1
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 16, Fort: 12, Reflex: 15, Will: 16 -- Speed: 6
HP: 22/22, Bloodied: 11, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 7/7
Initiative: +4
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Magic Missile, Ray of frost, Thunderwave, Icy Terrain, Freezing Cloud, Sleep (Memorized)


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
[sblock="OOC to everyone"]
Remember, everyone close to Larinza get's a +2 to init

[sblock="OOC to DM"]

Larinza would be standing close to where ever Janus is
[sblock=Larinza stat block]Larinza Tsani- Female Human Warlord 1
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11
AC:17, Fort:15, Ref:14, Will:15 -- Speed: 5
HP:24, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges Per-Day 8
Initiative +2 Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Furious Smash
Viper's Strike
Wolf Pack Tactics

Inspiring Word Inspiring Word
Hammer and Anvil

Bastion of Defense


First Post
Cool, that would mean Janus's Ini would be 14.
I will have to remember to be Larinza's shadow...




Shorrin would probably follow the others up on the ship...... what is the easiest path onto the thing? Feel free to go ahead and put me wherever that point is. [/sblock]


First Post
Fastest way up on deck is probably to climb the fallen mast or the sails (both of which are covered in ice and may be tough to climb; on the other hand, there's lots of fallen rigging draped over to them, so there are plenty of handholds).

I just realized that Murphy's location puts him either underneath the sail, on the opposite side from where Shorrin would prefer to be, or standing on top of it already. To climb up the sail you'll need to take an action in combat, so I've taken the liberty of moving him NW 1 square to the base of the sail (P13), with Shorrin just behind him at M14).

Since nobody objected, I've left Janus's sled off the map (it's 2 squares to the right of X3), but put Shorrin and Murphy's nearby at O15.

Shorrin and Murphy stare at the three dead men approaching slowly over the ice. How did they get so close? Now that they've seen them they can clearly hear their harsh gasping "breath". How did they miss it before? Two of the zombies look have lifeless, grey skin and eyes, but the center zombie's skin sparkles with frost and it crackles as it moves, and it's eyes are alight with blue flame and hatred.

On the other side of the ship, three zombies have emerged noiselessly from behind the rocks and come face to face with Janus and Larinza! Again, one is covered with frost, and from this distance they can almost feel it sucking the heat from their limbs.

Inside the hold, the zombie that faces Balth struggles to its feet and screams. As it does so, the temperature seems to drop several degrees more.

Because the zombies are (a) approaching slowly, (b) emerging from behind rocks, and (c) struggling to their feet, you all get a surprise round! (This is to make up for the fact that I had them sneak up on you even though you were alert and watching - it was just for effect.) One standard action each before the zombies get to act, then we start going in initiative order:

Balth (I9) - 27
Chillborn Zombie #1 (P18) - 24
Shorrin (M14) - 18
Zombie #1 (L2) - 17
Chillborn Zombie #2 (M9) - 15
Zombie #2 (O2) - 15
Janus (L5) - 14 (12 when not near Larinza)
Chillborn Zombie #3 (Q4) - 13
Zombie #3 (U16) - 12
Larinza (M4) - 9
Murphy (P13) - 4
Zombie #4 (K19) - -1


(Backup map)


First Post
Murphy curses under his breath as he clumsily grabs his dagger and points it at the closest zombie. A beam of purple energy emits from its tip, streaking towards the undead with deadly purpose.

He calls out to the others "We got problems here, these sailors don't like to stay dead" as loud as he can.

Cast Eldritch Blast at the middle Zombie
Vs. Ref; Dmg (1d20+4=16, 1d10+4=5) :eek:

[sblock=Murphy stat block]Murphy Tang- Male (Human) Warlock 1
Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 12
AC:16, Fort:12, Ref:15, Will:16 -- Speed:6
HP:26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges Per-Day 8
Initiative +1
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Eldritch Blast, Eyebite, Change Shape, Witchfire, Armor of Agathys


First Post
Janus fights down the rising panic and revulsion welling within him as he looks on, for the first time, at the newly risen dead.

“These, things are slow; let’s see if I can slow them down some more.” Janus says to himself.

Eyes narrow, brow furrowing, hand caressing his Sapphire Orb he begins an incantation, soon, soothing music full of gentle pianos and double bass notes fill the air, whilst small “Z” shaped snow flakes circle the heads of the two zombies near Larinza and himself.


Janus casts Sleep centered on square P3
To Hit Chillborn: Sleep vs. Will=1d20+4+1=24
To Hit Zombie: Sleep vs. Will=1d20+4=7
Damage: None, Targets are slowed. (Save Ends), If they fail save they fall unconscious.

If anyone is interested the piece of music I am thinking of is Watermark by Enya.
Hope the link is ok, if not I will remove.

[sblock=Janus stat block]
Janus Reinhardt - Male Human Wizard 1
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 16, Fort: 12, Reflex: 15, Will: 16 -- Speed: 6
HP: 22/22, Bloodied: 11, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 7/7
Initiative: +4
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Magic Missile, Ray of frost, Thunderwave, Icy Terrain, Freezing Cloud, Sleep (Memorized)
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