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Men'Thar-The Lost Patriarch OOC


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Hello people, I am a DM looking for 4-5 players in a homebrew world. It will be a very deep RP world, but also combining lots of Combat, action, and adventure. It is 3.0 Rules, here are details:

6th Level Charecters with 28 Point Buy
PHB, DMG, MM and Complete Warrior optional
Any Allignment Acceptable(As long as it fits the Nation Chosen)
Background Appropriate to Setting
No Beast Races(Half-Dragon, Troll etc.)
Max 6th Level Gold
Max 1st Level HP, 80% each level after.
When leveling, if you want a prestige class, please inform me here on OOC thread, any DMG or CW Prestige is allowed.

Rogues Gallery-http://www.enworld.org/forums/showthread.php?p=1653272#post1653272

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Unconfirmed Players:
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The Lost Patriarch


The world of Men’Thar was old, very old. Civilization had existed there for over 24,000 standard years, in the form of Kingdoms. Kingdom’s rose, lived, and died constantly, sometimes due to foreign beasts, natural hazards, and of course, War. Across the three continents of the planet, Uaoi, Pomona, and Jakarta, one Kingdom shined brighter than any other. The Golden Dragonrealm of Amun. The fiercest of warriors, the fairest of diplomats, and the kindest of all beings, they were revered by all other Lord’s. They set the standard for how a Kingdom should be governed.

But that all changed, 1,100 years ago, when the Goblins of Skelandgrief launched a massive offensive on Amun. The Knights had fought them for centuries, but never before had they made such progress across the continent of Pomona. Finally, when The Warchief stood outside the Golden City of St. Pox, Capital of Amun, the Patriarch of the Dragonlords rode out with his bravest men, the Elite Dragonknights of Amun. They fought vigorously for 4 days and nights, in a never ending struggle to free their lands. Finally, as Lord Nagano, Patriarch of Amun stood with 3 knights in the Great Hall of the Goblins, the Warchief approached, with a massive warhammer over his shoulder. He challenged the Patriarch, and they fought for what seemed like an eternity.

But strong as Nagano was, the musky evil that the chamber was rank with was wearing him out, making him tired, dazed, to the point of near unconciousness. Then, when Nagano was nearly defeated, he raised his warhammer and plummeted it into his skull, shattering it and the Kingdom forever.

After his death, Amun fell to the Goblins, and they swept through the continent of Uaoi with much speed and force, eventually taking over half the area, torturing innocents, burning crops and villages, ruining the beautiful land Amun once was.

But that may change, for within the Great Metropolis of Skyrium, City of Wizards, one historian has found something of legend, something that may have the power to end the tyranny of the goblins forever…

The Lost Patriarch


The world of Men’Thar was old, very old. Civilization had existed there for over 24,000 standard years, in the form of Kingdoms. Kingdom’s rose, lived, and died constantly, sometimes due to foreign beasts, natural hazards, and of course, War. Across the three continents of the planet, Uaoi, Pomona, and Jakarta, one Kingdom shined brighter than any other. The Golden Dragonrealm of Amun. The fiercest of warriors, the fairest of diplomats, and the kindest of all beings, they were revered by all other Lord’s. They set the standard for how a Kingdom should be governed.

But that all changed, 1,100 years ago, when the Goblins of Skelandgrief launched a massive offensive on Amun. The Knights had fought them for centuries, but never before had they made such progress across the continent of Uaoi. Finally, when The Warchief stood outside the Golden City of St. Pox, Capital of Amun, the Patriarch of the Dragonlords rode out with his bravest men, the Elite Dragonknights of Amun. They fought vigorously for 4 days and nights, in a never ending struggle to free their lands. Finally, as Lord Nagano, Patriarch of Amun stood with 3 knights in the Great Hall of the Goblins, the Warchief approached, with a massive warhammer over his shoulder. He challenged the Patriarch, and they fought for what seemed like an eternity.

But strong as Nagano was, the musky evil that the chamber was rank with was wearing him out, making him tired, dazed, to the point of near unconciousness. Then, when Nagano was nearly defeated, he raised his warhammer and plummeted it into his skull, shattering it and the Kingdom forever.

After his death, Amun fell to the Goblins, and they swept through the continent of Uaoi with much speed and force, eventually taking over half the area, torturing innocents, burning crops and villages, ruining the beautiful land Amun once was.

But that may change, for within the Great Metropolis of Skyrium, City of Wizards, one historian has found something of legend, something that may have the power to end the tyranny of the goblins forever…


Now, in the current time, there are 9 Kingdoms, 2 in Uaoi, 4 in Jakarta, 2 in Pomona, and the Great Island Realm of Atlantia.


In Uaoi, the two Kingdoms are the kingdoms of Mier, realm of the Horsemasters, and Fallon, ancient land of Rogues and Thieves. Uaoi is also the home to the Goblins of Skelandgrief and the Ruins of Amun.

Mier is one of the oldest kingdoms on Men’Thar, standing unconquered for over 7,600 years. Known far and wide as the Realm of Horsemasters, they train the deadliest Cavalry on the planet. Their men go through 3 year training courses, serving as a squire to a current Horsemaster before becoming one. Their capital, Argento, is home to King Gaeolan.

King Gaeolan, while King, is also regarded as the fiercest Cavalry Officer on Men'Thar, and has fought countless battles against the Goblins of Skelandgrief. He seeks to preserve his own kingdom, but to also restore Uaoi to it's former glory. In the past, Mier was Amun's Staunchest ally.

Fallon, also known as the Land of Thieves, is a brutal, ruthless place, filled with bandits at every corner, corrupt officials, powerful Thief Lords, and bounty hunters. Most commoners here live very terribly, working as servants to the rich Thief Lords, living in ghettoes, and dying of plagues. Some youngsters leave at around 17 to adventure the world, some for money, fame, but mostly just to escape Fallon. The capital of Fallon, Maouter is home to King Ritley.

King Ritley is really only King by name, he has no real power. In truth, the real ruler of Fallon is the Mysterious Thief Lord of The Black Bandits, a group of thieves who run the city of Maouter with blade and fist. Ritley violenty hates the Thieves of his Kingdom, but he will not risk extermination of them, as that would only result in the death of his Beautiful wife, Victoria.


In Jakarta, there are 4 Kingdoms, 3 Lawfully Good, and the fourth, Necromia, the despot of all evil on Men’Thar.

Du’Mar, Home of the Dwarves

The first kingdom is Du’Mar, home of the Dwarves in the Iscag Mountains, great men of the Craftsman Hall and Miners. Du’Mar is an ancient and proud kingdom, built mostly deep within the Iscag Mountains. The mountains offer them great protection from the evil goblins that inhabit the areas near their Kingdom, but the threat always remains.

More than a Millennia ago, Du’Mar was also known for it’s impressive army, the largest standing army on Men’Thar, with a total of over 400,000 dwarves. But that all changed when the Goblins launched a brutal onslaught onto Du’Mar known by the dwarves as the Decade of Blood. The goblins came in waves of 20,000 or greater, throwing themselves at the cities of Du’Mar. The dwarves fought bravely, but each battle thinned their numbers even more, until eventually, they were pushes all the way back to Firebreath Hall. With 5,000 brave dwarves left, they held the city for 193 days until Kayexia the Fire-Mistress, one of the Order of the Eight arrived and annihilated the Goblin forces. After that day, the dwarves vowed to never have a standing army again, and to distance themselves as far away from politics as possible.

The Capital of Du’Mar is Firebreath Hall, home to King Thendar and the Mythril Forge of Haelfor. A marvelous city, it is regarded as one of the marvels of Men’thar. The city is a massive superstructure carved within Mt. Iscag-Prime, the largest peak in the range. With over 600 levels, tens of thousands of houses, and fortresses in it, it would take a man more than 3 lifetimes to see it all. The Mythril Forge of Haelfor is also a treasure of Men’Thar, acknowledged by Arch-Mage Brima as a treasure to be guarded by all citizens of the world. The Forge is actually a divine creation bestowed to the dwarves by Justico’s personal smith, Haelfor, after they guarded a temple of his from onslaught by the Goblins. The magical properties of it allow for the forging of the legendary metal, Elementium, a material so powerful that the fires of any man-made forge will not even heat it up. Only the divine flames of Haelfor can smelt this material, and allow for the creations of the ultimate weapons of the world.

The second kingdom is the Legendary Realm of Wizards, Ultimia, home also to the great Metropolis of Skyrium, regarded by many as the most advanced and largest city in all of Men’Thar. The wizards are dedicated to the keeping of lore, research of history, studying magic, and deciphering the ancient Dragon-Script, the language of a race long extinct from the planet. Their capital is Skyrium, home to Arch-Mage Brima’Del-Hammeros.

Arch-Mage Brima is quite an interesting man, and also quite an old one. While his real age is unknown, records have indicated the presence of a Brima'Del-Hammeros at the Coronation Ceremony of Saint Venonsakemacht Pox, First Ruler of Amun, which was about 4,300 years ago. How his seemingly Immortality was accomplished is not known to anyone except Brima and perhaps some of the Order of the 8, council to the Ruler of Ultimia.

The third kingdom is Gahalamear, the realm of Wood Elves. Great Rangers and archers, the Wood Elves scour the land, waging war with the Orcs who inhabit the same continent. They are devoted to justice, honor, and family, to which nothing else exceeds in importance. Their capital, Laefon, is ruled by King Eanor.

Laefon is a city that boggles the mind upon first sight. It is a huge metropolis built into the forest, at a height of some 7,000 feet. Massive astral pillars escalate people from the ground entrances to the city, where the Elves live in a tranquil paradise. Skilled fletchers and bowyers create mystical ranged weapons, wielded by the elite Forest Stalkers of Gahalamear.

The fourth Kingdom of Jakarta is the mysterious Necromia, a barren wasteland of evil and scourge. The entire area is blanketed in death, turning the soil black, and the oxygen into near smoke. Tall ziggurats scatter across the land, along with alters to the god of Death, Kairm. Nothing else is known about Necromia except that it is a place that noone wants to enter.

Necromia was not always evil, in fact, it once was ironiclly a Holy Kingdom of Paladins, the name not known anymore, who went to war with Cabarka in the War of Eternity thousands of years ago. Somehow though, evil took this place, and now it is Necromia.


Pomona is home to 2 Kingdoms, both Neutral in their beliefs. They never have made war with one another, and both Kingdoms seek to explore the vast jungles of the world, and further their knowledge, both spiritually and physically.

The First Kingdom, also known as the Birthplace of Men’Thar, is Carbarka, a realm far to the east, ruled by powerful Daimyo’s and Shoguns. It is the only kingdom that has survived for the entire history of recorded civilization, and the only surviving nation of the 3,200 year long War of Eternity. It has no capital, as the nation is split between 11 Feudal States, each ruled by a Daimyo or a Shogun. Many adventurers can find themselves suddenly the Hero of one state, while the most hated enemy of another.

The second kingdom of Pomona, is in contrast to Cabarka, the newest Kingdom on Men’Thar, only 632 years old. Once part of Cabarka, the barbarians of Bulfinch fought a fierce civil war with their Daimyo, and after 19 years, won their independence. They are fierce warriors, wielding huge greatswords and Double-Hammers into battle. Their capital, Wulfguard, is ruled by High Chieftain Hanor.

The Final Kingdom is The Great Island Realm of Atlantia, home to the Sea-Elves, an ancient breed of Aquatic Warriors. Long ago, estimated 13,000 years ago, the Elves of Atlantia left their original home of Tremona, the lost kingdom of Elves, and crossed the sea, in search of the Promised Land in the Oceans. After 2 months of sailing, they set anchor and landed at a medium sized island, filled with gorgeous grass and rare plants they had never seen before. They took this as their home, and over the years, learned to live completly from the sea. Eventually, the Island was transformed from its Empty Paradise into a gleaming city of Marble and Sapphire, with arches and pillars scattered perfectly across the beautiful land. Underwater Cities were also built, as over the milennia the Sea Elves learned to breath underwater and developed gills in their forearms. Their Capital is Tritarionia, named after the sacred God of the Sea.

The Golden Dragonrealm of Amun

The Golden Dragomrealm of Amun is known by scholars and people alike as a kingdom that was once greatness itself. It was the pinnacle of government, the shining light in the darkness. Situated on the continent of Uaoi, they were the ultimate warriors, the fairest diplomats, the greatest scholars. But much of their history is unknown, save a few tomes in Ultimia, and the Fallen Dragons Sacred Library.

Millions of years ago, the Gods, in their infinite splendor, met together in the sacred palace of Phoenixia, home of Amunia. She was the leader of the Gods, an amazingly kind Golden Dragon. She spoke to her fellow gods that she believed a new world should be created, and that all the gods could lead together on this new world. In the past, gods can supreme control over a given planet, but Men’thar was to be the first world with more than one worshipped god. Justico, the god of Justice, would be given worship over the Humans, Dwarves, and Elves. Atlantia would be given control over the Sea-Elves, when their forseen Exodus occurred. Necromia, as cruel and dark as he was, would be given the duty of ruling the dark hearts of Men’thar. But the Holy Mother wanted only one people for herself, not to rule over them like peasants, but to care for them like children. She would help to forge the greatest people of all time, the people of Amun.

Millions of years later, civilization arose, and kingdoms began to form. Cabarka, Mier, Templarus, all great kingdoms. It was then, 5,301 years before the Golden Prophecy took shape that Amunia decided to help forge her kingdom. She turned into the form of a gorgeous female and made love to a fierce warrior known as Catalan Pox, the man to become Amun’s first leader. She bore his child, and a line of Dragon-blooded royals ensued. She helped him organize a group of good people, honest and virtuous, and led them to an area of Uaoi. It was here that Catalan created the first markings of the Golden Dragonrealm. Over the next 4,000 years, the kingdom would grow in size and power, making way for marvelous cities, libraries, temples, and warriors. The capital, St. Pox, was a true creation of the gods. A combined effort between Justico’s smith Haelfor and Amunia, a huge floating city in the clouds was created. Amunia also bestowed The Patriarch with 23 of her breed, fine Golden Dragons to be bred in St. Pox, and used as steeds for the 20 Elite Dragonknights of Amun, 2 Extra, and 1 as the Royal Steed of the Patriarch.

The Dragonknights of Amun

The Dragonknights were the kingdom, and perhaps the world’s, most elite warriors. Clad in heavy draconic armor, armed with mystical lances, and atop swift Dragons, the Dragonknights protected Amun and destroyed any enemies of Uaoi. The process for becoming a Dragonknight was an extremely arduous task, one taking many years to accomplish.

At around 8, families would generally send their young sons to the Young Mens Military Training Program in Kath’Ranor, a city southwest of St. Pox. For the next 10 years, the boys trained from night to day, learning combat, tactics, ethics, history, and virtue. At the age of 18, the men graduating from the program took on the title of Dragonsquire, where they served as a Combat squire to a Dragonknight for the next 10-12years. Finally, at around 30 or 32, if the Dragonknight deemed the Squire worthy, he would resign from his duty(voluntarily of course) and hand the reigns over to the Dragonsquire. After an induction ceremony by The Patriarch himself, the Squire became a fully fledged Dragonknight of Amun.


Across Men’Thar, there are three main Deities. The first is Justico, the God of Justice and Law. His followers are the Dwarves, the Elves of Gahalamear, the Humans of Mier, and the Barbarians of Bulfinch. Justice comes first to them, and they put it before almost anything else(except Family, in case of the Elves.)

The second god is Kairm, God of Death. He is worshipped by the Dark Inhabitants of Necromia, and some small bands of Cultists who live in the ancient sewers of Skyrium, praying to their god with ritual sacrifices of Living beings.

The final god Is the God of The Sea, Tritarion. He wreaks vengeance over all who disturb his oceans, and commands a mighty army of Sea Dragons, defending the innocents who worship him.

The fourth deity is a god that is only worshipped by the Fallen Dragons, the exiles of Amun. She is Amunia, the sacred Dragonmother, creater of Men’thar. She was worshiped greatly back when Amun was still in power, but now, only their descendants live to praise her.


The only new race in Men'Thar is the beautiful Sea Elves. Sea Elves are about 5 feet tall, with long white flowing hair and a pale blue skin. They dazzle in the sunlight, and foreigners who come to their home are generally in awe of their flawless beauty. Sea-Elves have the racial trait of Water Breathing, and also have scale-like skin, very soft, but also very resistant to water pressure, allowing them to dive down to 2000 ft before pressure takes a toll on them.
Racial Traits: Water Breathing, Water Pressure resistant to 2000 Ft., Increased Lung Capacity above water, -2 STR and -2 CON due to their soft skin and lack of muscle.
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First Post
Sounds real interesting. I would like to try this world out..haven't yet played a thief in a pbp so would like to give it a try. Coming from the nation of Fallon (suprise, suprise) thinking left home after watching family resorting to desperate messures to stay ahead of the taxes and protection collections of the local "officials" he decieded to look for better oppertunities for himself.
Will need a couple of days to get him developed if that be ok.
Only question is any race open in Fallon?Trying to figure between 1/2 elf or human.


First Post
Hey man, great to have you onboard. No problem if it takes you some time to develop, we all like detailed charecters. Unlike some of the other Kingdoms, Fallon is basiclly a pretty diverse mix of species, but you could probably say the majority, 40% ish is Human. Half elf would work great though, so whatever fits your charecter best.


First Post
Started making character...then realized rules were 3.0 (was making for 3.5...oops...) making modifications probably going with 5/1 rogue/ranger half elf definitly.
Oh and max gold for 6th level?


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I'm liking the idea of your horsemen from Mier. One question though, what kind of look do they have? clasic medi-eval knight or otherwise?


First Post
Essentially, they are tall, Scandanavian-ish men, pretty well built, if you want a physical example, theyre a lot like Rohan from Lord of the Rings. If you havent, like I said, tall, buff, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and excellent with Horses.

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