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Metropolis (Slaves to the City) - Chapter Two


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jkason said:
Ru nods his head, letting up on the grizzled enforcer routine a bit.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it? I don't suppose there's a priest around here who'd be likely to share specifics with an outsider, is there? Or a historical precedent for this kind of thing listed in your big old library here?"

"I shouldn't even be discussing this with you!" The old gnome begins to pace around the room, fretting. "Simply even telling you that much could have me disciplined you know, if it wasn't for your nasty expression and possibly deadly hands, then I'd have thrown you out already!"

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First Post
Phoenix said:
"I shouldn't even be discussing this with you!" The old gnome begins to pace around the room, fretting. "Simply even telling you that much could have me disciplined you know, if it wasn't for your nasty expression and possibly deadly hands, then I'd have thrown you out already!"

Ru cracked the knuckles on those 'possibly deadly hands,' cocked his head to the side, and smiled.

"Nice of you to have noticed," he says with a little pride. The fact was, though, that the gnome wasn't likely to be much more use at the present. The only reason Ru could manage to be more intimidating than a cult of death priests was pretty obviously because he was the only one in the room. No, if he wanted more information, he wasn't going to get it by trying to play Who Scares You More. He'd need to find a way to make the gnome feel safe, and that was, annoyingly, a trust game. Damnable thing about trust was how long it took to earn.

Ru reached into his bag again and snagged another orb. Trust took time and, more annoying, money. He flipped the coin over to the gnome.

"For your time and the risk. Should be enough to keep this little exchange private, yes?" That, and the knowledge he'd face that discipline he was talking about should he reveal what he'd told Ru.

"Before I get you in any more trouble, I'll go." At the door, Ru stops and turns around. "You get yourself in anything and need a place, head down to the Kanji and ask for Ru. You got a name, anyway, or they just call you Librarian?"

OOC:[sblock]Next bit assumes there's no more need for exchange beyond getting the gnome's name.[/sblock]

A name and potential ally left behind, Ru heads back home. Gantou's used to having Ru gone periodically on missions for Ari, so he should have the regular collection route covered for the day when Ru doesn't show. He'll need to send a message to Ari, though, catch him up on things.

The death priest puzzle's back burner now that he's exhausted the obvious avenues. Time to get back on the trail of the Key. Which means following his current best lead: hitting the newspaper and finding out where to locate this Ghost character.


First Post
jkason said:
Ru cracked the knuckles on those 'possibly deadly hands,' cocked his head to the side, and smiled.

"Nice of you to have noticed," he says with a little pride. The fact was, though, that the gnome wasn't likely to be much more use at the present. The only reason Ru could manage to be more intimidating than a cult of death priests was pretty obviously because he was the only one in the room. No, if he wanted more information, he wasn't going to get it by trying to play Who Scares You More. He'd need to find a way to make the gnome feel safe, and that was, annoyingly, a trust game. Damnable thing about trust was how long it took to earn.

Ru reached into his bag again and snagged another orb. Trust took time and, more annoying, money. He flipped the coin over to the gnome.

"For your time and the risk. Should be enough to keep this little exchange private, yes?" That, and the knowledge he'd face that discipline he was talking about should he reveal what he'd told Ru.

"Before I get you in any more trouble, I'll go." At the door, Ru stops and turns around. "You get yourself in anything and need a place, head down to the Kanji and ask for Ru. You got a name, anyway, or they just call you Librarian?"

OOC:[sblock]Next bit assumes there's no more need for exchange beyond getting the gnome's name.[/sblock]

A name and potential ally left behind, Ru heads back home. Gantou's used to having Ru gone periodically on missions for Ari, so he should have the regular collection route covered for the day when Ru doesn't show. He'll need to send a message to Ari, though, catch him up on things.

The death priest puzzle's back burner now that he's exhausted the obvious avenues. Time to get back on the trail of the Key. Which means following his current best lead: hitting the newspaper and finding out where to locate this Ghost character.

"They call me Gerry, I'm one of the Loremasters around here." And with that, Ru was gone.

The Metropolis Herald was located within The Apartments, its main office high in the Salisan Spyre closest to Ashstone, high up on the forty-eighth floor. The damnable thing about the Spyres, was that there was no way to climb the stairs within with any actual speed or comfort. Ru shook his head, there was over a thousand stairs to climb today.

The Spyre was packed full of people, with the poorest dregs of society paying the pennies to sleep in the corridors, of the silvers to have their own chamber with a secure door, but little else.

As people climbed higher the rooms and corridors got better, though not by much. People just weren't interested in climbing so high from street level, but of course there were those that were not interesting in climbing down either.

Twice Ru had to slip into a corridor as a group of what he thought were halflings ran down the corridor chasing a stray cat. Once they past he knew his mistake, bloody kobolds, they'd live anywhere there was a chance of food, little more than vermin with opposable digits.

On the thirtieth floor he spotted an orc with wings, something he'd never seen before, but the Spyres of the Apartments were legendary, a world of their own actually. The flaming sword the creature had in one hand, and the body that he was chopping at that he held in the other, was enough to keep Ru walking the other way.

The door to the Metropolis Herald finally appeared before Ru, after hours of walking and avoiding psychotic residents. The door was well constructed, heavy to avoid intrusion, and even had a guard at the door!

The guard, standing a little over three feet tall, looked up at Ru. He was short, fat, and really ugly. There was something ambiguous about his race that confused Ru, he was kindof a dwarf, but not...

"Keep it walkin' sunshine, you ain't got no bisnus 'ere today..."

The man pointed a dagger in Ru's direction, waving it through the air as if drawing a pattern on Ru's chest.


First Post
Phoenix said:
The guard, standing a little over three feet tall, looked up at Ru. He was short, fat, and really ugly. There was something ambiguous about his race that confused Ru, he was kindof a dwarf, but not...

"Keep it walkin' sunshine, you ain't got no bisnus 'ere today..."

The man pointed a dagger in Ru's direction, waving it through the air as if drawing a pattern on Ru's chest.

Ru was tired. Tired of walking up stairs. Tired of running into mysteries that just kept getting bigger. Tired especially of all the playing nice he'd had to do today and what little he had to show for it. Tired made him cranky. Threats made him cranky. And when it got right down to it, sometimes the best way to deal with a cranky mood, Ru found, was to take it out on someone else.

Without warning, Ru's fist lashed out at the whatever-he-was's chest. If he hit true, the dagger wouldn't be a problem any more.

OOC:[sblock]Never tried a stunning fist before. Let's give it a go:

Unarmed attack +5

Damage 1d6+2 (let's make it subdual. Ru wants to hurt him, but not so bad he's looking to break bones or anything)

If Ru hits, the DC fort save for Dwarfish is 14 to avoid the stun[/sblock]


First Post
jkason said:
Ru was tired. Tired of walking up stairs. Tired of running into mysteries that just kept getting bigger. Tired especially of all the playing nice he'd had to do today and what little he had to show for it. Tired made him cranky. Threats made him cranky. And when it got right down to it, sometimes the best way to deal with a cranky mood, Ru found, was to take it out on someone else.

Without warning, Ru's fist lashed out at the whatever-he-was's chest. If he hit true, the dagger wouldn't be a problem any more.

OOC:[sblock]Never tried a stunning fist before. Let's give it a go:

Unarmed attack +5

Damage 1d6+2 (let's make it subdual. Ru wants to hurt him, but not so bad he's looking to break bones or anything)

If Ru hits, the DC fort save for Dwarfish is 14 to avoid the stun[/sblock]

[sblock]Ru's attack roll (AC hidden) +16 - Hit
Ru's damage roll - 6pts subdual
Dwarfish Fort Save (DC 14) +12 - Failure[/sblock]

Ru's fist flew swiftly through the air. The dwarf(ish) lay on the ground all of a sudden, staring up at Ru's feet as they passed over him and walked into the Herald's office.

As the door swung open Ru was almost overwhelmed by the sight of what lay within. Over three dozen ravens pattered around a large office, wandering between strange box-shaped machines with buttons that made loud clacking sounds as the small monkeys that sat in front of them tapped away at them.

Behind all of the commotion caused by the...arguing animals...sat a large oak desk behind which a man rested. A half-orc had his feet up on the desk, smoking a fat cigar and reading a newspaper through half-moon glasses. On the table before him sat a name plate saying: 'Burke McGregor: Editor-in-Chief'.

The half-orc simply ignored Ru as he closed the door behind him, hard enough to bash the dwarfish on his head, just to stun him that little longer...


First Post
Phoenix said:
Behind all of the commotion caused by the...arguing animals...sat a large oak desk behind which a man rested. A half-orc had his feet up on the desk, smoking a fat cigar and reading a newspaper through half-moon glasses. On the table before him sat a name plate saying: 'Burke McGregor: Editor-in-Chief'.

The half-orc simply ignored Ru as he closed the door behind him, hard enough to bash the dwarfish on his head, just to stun him that little longer...

Ru, bad mood alleviated through some cathartic violence, pulled on his polite face again. He brushed off his trousers, straightened his cloak, and did his best to look cheerful as he approached the half-orc.

"Excuse me, but are you Mr. McGregor? I'm Ru Brike, and I'm hoping you can help me out. I read the fascinating piece by The Ghost Hound on the menace beneath the city, but I found it too late to join his crusade. I was ... well, I'm trying to track him down to find out more and offer my aid."


First Post
jkason said:
Ru, bad mood alleviated through some cathartic violence, pulled on his polite face again. He brushed off his trousers, straightened his cloak, and did his best to look cheerful as he approached the half-orc.

"Excuse me, but are you Mr. McGregor? I'm Ru Brike, and I'm hoping you can help me out. I read the fascinating piece by The Ghost Hound on the menace beneath the city, but I found it too late to join his crusade. I was ... well, I'm trying to track him down to find out more and offer my aid."

Burke stood up, towering over seven feet tall and staring at Ru in the eyes with no trace of fear whatsoever. "Siddown, an' Shudup boi." His massive hand punched down onto his desk with a meaty thud, causing much of what rested upon it to hop momentarily.

"If your lookin' fer Ghost, then good fer you. If you see 'im, tell him to get his lazy arse over here, I got more work for him that's jus' pilin' up y'know."

He fumes for a bit, sucking on his cigar and making loud huffing sounds. "Yer best bet is ta catch 'im at 'ome, though he seems to be rarely there anymore. Try this place, this is where the article I got came from."

He tosses on the table a piece of letterhead paper with a crude map drawn on it, it looks to be, in the sewers somewhere.


First Post
Phoenix said:
"If your lookin' fer Ghost, then good fer you. If you see 'im, tell him to get his lazy arse over here, I got more work for him that's jus' pilin' up y'know."

He fumes for a bit, sucking on his cigar and making loud huffing sounds. "Yer best bet is ta catch 'im at 'ome, though he seems to be rarely there anymore. Try this place, this is where the article I got came from."

He tosses on the table a piece of letterhead paper with a crude map drawn on it, it looks to be, in the sewers somewhere.

Ru let the half-orc rant; he was big and could probably put up a fight, but he also had a guard posted, so chances were good he was more bluster than not. Still, no need to pick a fight when sitting back lead to getting the same information. He took up the map when offered, and stood with a respectful bow of his head.

"I'll be sure to remind Ghost of his duties when I find him, Mr. McGregor. Until then, I'll leave you to your own work."

Ru slipped the map into his rucksack for the moment, and headed for the door. Best to leave before the half-orc changed his mind. Remembering his encounter from a few moments before, Ru stopped short of the exit. He opened the door fast and hard: if dwarfish was still around, he hoped to knock him to the side long enough to leave unaccosted.


First Post
jkason said:
Ru let the half-orc rant; he was big and could probably put up a fight, but he also had a guard posted, so chances were good he was more bluster than not. Still, no need to pick a fight when sitting back lead to getting the same information. He took up the map when offered, and stood with a respectful bow of his head.

"I'll be sure to remind Ghost of his duties when I find him, Mr. McGregor. Until then, I'll leave you to your own work."

Ru slipped the map into his rucksack for the moment, and headed for the door. Best to leave before the half-orc changed his mind. Remembering his encounter from a few moments before, Ru stopped short of the exit. He opened the door fast and hard: if dwarfish was still around, he hoped to knock him to the side long enough to leave unaccosted.

The door swung open and hit something with a meaty thud. The dwarf<?> still lay in the corridor, out cold. One quick punch by Ru had laid him out for more than a moment and when he woke, he would have another bruise to complain about.


First Post
Phoenix said:
The door swung open and hit something with a meaty thud. The dwarf<?> still lay in the corridor, out cold. One quick punch by Ru had laid him out for more than a moment and when he woke, he would have another bruise to complain about.

Ru couldn't resist a grin at his handiwork. Master Gis would admonish him for pride in violence, but Master Gis wasn't here, so hooray for efficient violence.

The enforcer made his way back down to the street. Would that he had time to enjoy the day. He pulled out the map for quick reference, and headed off in the direction it indicated. Much as he'd hoped to avoid it, looked like Ru would be visiting the sewers after all. The faster he started, hopefully the faster he could be back on the surface again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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