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Metropolis - The Weight of the World (and Found Wanting)


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Scotley said:
"The priest is but a skeleton, and did not move during our contacts with him. He may make a fair chew toy for this others, but I don't think he'll take much notice." Jazick sets to work with the pews and considers where to hide. "I may need a little time to prepare my hiding place."

"I have a boon that might cause a few to focus on me instead of you, but it is little more than a trick of the light meant to startle rather than enchant."

Glancing at the skeleton, Azot chalked the dead priest up as being another soul lost to the Dark Tower.

"So be it, but perhaps his robes carry a stronger stench of death than you do of life. If it does, it could help to mask your scent."

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First Post
Scotley said:
"The priest is but a skeleton, and did not move during our contacts with him. He may make a fair chew toy for this others, but I don't think he'll take much notice." Jazick sets to work with the pews and considers where to hide. "I may need a little time to prepare my hiding place."

It took some time for Azot and Jazick to haul the pews out towards the barrier. Though the first few were easy, once they were required to climb onto their makeshift bridge and carry a heavy pew with them, it got difficult. As the two carried the last pew high onto the barrier, they looked down to see at least a dozen jackals prowling on the other side, waiting desperately for the two to attempt escape, or maybe just to finish their bridge…


First Post
Looking down at the pacing animals, Azot turned to the man beside him.

"I will drag the last piece. Go and do what you must."

Pointing to the building across from the tower, Azot continued.

"I will go there and wait for you for one day. If you do not meet me there, I will assume the jackals found your scent and killed you. Now go and may Sebek be with you."

Forcing his tired arms and legs to move across the makeshift bridge, Azot entered the Tower for the last time and gathered the shattered pew that would complete the walkway. Counting to fifty, he lifted it over his head and slowly walked up the ramp, ignoring the shaking of his arms from the strain of the past day(s).

'Alright human...the time has come...'

Sliding it down, it came to rest on the ground and as one the jackals all turned to face him.

[sblock=ooc]Place the plank..wait for the last second before shifting to avian (raven/bat maybe?) and flying across to the other building.[/sblock]



Jazick stuggles with pews, still feeling the effects of his earlier poisoning. "I hope to see you soon. Just give me a couple minutes." After helping get the last pew ready, Jazick goes to his chosen hiding spot a takes a little time to make himself hidden in the shadows at the back of the little storage room. He clutches his sword and waits his ears straining for any sound of the Jackals.

OOC: [sblock]Take 20 on hide.[sblock]


Phoenix said:
Alexi charged his foe, dodging the snapping maws and crashing into its source, trying to push it back through the gate. It was like trying to move a ship, the thing was heavy, strong, and probably sturdier than a building. He leaned against the dark trunk from which the tentacles spewed for a moment, trying to overcome the pain in his shoulder, when he saw them.

In the darkness there were to figures, standing beside the trunk in the darkness, impossible to see until now. They may have been women, but it was too hard to tell. Behind him Dragon and Whale continued severing heads and beating off the creature, but it seemed that the creature had no end to its heads, regrowing any that were lost.

Phoenix [sblock] You know it's kind of ironic. My first concept for this character was an old scholar that was tryign to re-live the ancient days, ala Don Quixote. Now I find Alexi on his own dottering mission tilting at giants/windmills. It would have been great :) And Jasmine would have made an awesome Dulcinea. I guess your plan to have me die last is a little awry through huh ? I figure a sacrifice is needed here though. [/sblock]

Alexi stares at the two figures. Staring to discrern who they were. More demons from the Void to destroy, salvation from Metropolis? Alexi had had so many visions of late, he wasn't sure they were real or they would direct him. His aching shoulder though gave him a reminder that reality was present, earnest and deadly. Finding a soild bulk that was immovable gave Alexi pause and his heart nearly failed at the risk, but a sudden spark changed his gloom. Theses damned tentacles keep re-growing like some damned kraken, but it is always said to strike at the head not the body. With his sudden insight Alexi gave a grim smile and raising his gleaming sword, he again invoked Metropolis he drove his sword straight into the trunk of the beast.

OOC: [sblock] 2 points into Combat Expertise, 5 points into Power Attack, for a -7 to hit, +2 AC, +5 damage.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Void Demon Battle Round 5]Jasmine - 29/29hp
Ymris - 21/21hp
Alexi - 18/42hp
Dragon - 6/48hp
Void Demon - 39/??pts
Whale - 9/67hp
Boar - -22/35hp
Bless active.
Spiritual Weapon active.
Dragon has Divine Favour active.
Light active.

Jasmine attack roll (Void Demon AC hidden) +23 – Hit
Jasmine damage roll - 14pts
Ymris casts Light
Alexi attack roll (Power Attack:5 Expertise:2 - Void Demon AC hidden) +15 - Hit
Alexi damage roll - 13pts
Dragon attack roll (Void Demon AC hidden) +29 – Hit
Dragon damage roll - 6pts
Dragon attack roll (Void Demon AC hidden) +13 – Miss
Void Demon attack roll (Dragon AC 23) +24 – Miss
Void Demon damage roll - 13pts
Void Demon attack roll (Dragon AC 23) +20 – Miss
Void Demon attack roll (Dragon AC 23) +9 – Miss
Void Demon attack roll (Whale AC 21) +24 - Hit
Void Demon damage roll - 13pts
Void Demon attack roll (Whale AC 21) +11 – Miss
Void Demon attack roll (Whale AC 21) +23 – Hit
Void Demon damage roll - 11pts
Void Demon attack roll (Alexi AC 22) +11 – Miss
Void Demon attack roll (Alexi AC 22) +22 – Hit
Void Demon damage roll - 5pts
Void Demon attack roll (Alexi AC 22) +11 – Miss
Void Demon attack roll (Dragon AC 22) +25 - Hit
Void Demon damage roll - 6pts
Whale attack roll (Power Attack: 5 - Void Demon AC hidden) +13 – Miss[/sblock]

The great beast's tentacles snaked across the room and in the darkness Jasmine put her hand against the trunk of the creature and aimed for one of its purple veins, then stabbed. Ichor sprayed across her like a burning jet of water, covering her face and soaking her hair in filth.

A bright light suddenly sprung into being, glowing in Ymris' hands, the chamber began to glow softly, turning back the tide of darkness and acting like a beacon in the darkness. The creature pulled back from the light snarling and hissing as Dragon and Whale ran up to join Alexi at the creature's trunk, battling though the tentacles to rain blows upon the creature.

The maws cried in pain, writhing in agony, and looked down upon the group with a focused determination, to kill...


First Post
Scotley said:
Jazick stuggles with pews, still feeling the effects of his earlier poisoning. "I hope to see you soon. Just give me a couple minutes." After helping get the last pew ready, Jazick goes to his chosen hiding spot a takes a little time to make himself hidden in the shadows at the back of the little storage room. He clutches his sword and waits his ears straining for any sound of the Jackals.

OOC: [sblock]Take 20 on hide.[/sblock]

Azot slid the heavy pew into place, completing the bridge and stepping back to watch the jackals gather below. The first of the beasts stepped up, and Azot lept into the sky, transforming into a raven and flying away from the pack.

One by one the jackals lept onto the bridge and slowly made their way across, gathering at the entrance to the cathedral, waiting for each of their members to get across. As a group the jackals moved into the cathedral, and Jazick watched from his shadowed alcove as the animals roamed past.

Jazick watched as the last one padded past, turned its head, and looked back, directly at Jazick. It's lips parted and its sharp fangs protruded as it spoke:

"Get out of here mortal, this is not your fight. Others are waiting for you, others are expecting great things. Time is running out though."



That's all the prompting Jazick needs. He bows politely and then runs for the makeshift bridge as if the hounds of hell are at his heels. Assuming he encounters no difficulties he will rejoin Azot at the appointed place.


Alexi grits his teeth against the pain and continues onward. For a moment he think to shove Whale or Dragon out of the way, back to safety, to heal, to plan, to mourn. But Alexi cannot do it. Aside from the fact that trying to shove Whale would be fruitless, Alexi cannot rob these men of their right. Their right to die in the time and manner of their choosing. If they are to sacrifice themselves for Metropolis, as he himself was prepared to do, they did so of their own free will. To take that from them would be wrong.

This thing, this beast, this incarnation of absolute evil, this vile abomination that spewed darkness like a nauseous drunkard was unbeatable. It was vast, implacable and barely abel to feel pain. It would consume Metropolis, it had already taken Boar, and would take the rest of the noble defenders of Metropolis.

A single tear rolled down Alexi's blood and sweat smeared cheek. For Metropolis, For Stephanie, For Home, For Gema. For all of that Alexi was saddened, but still resolute, so long as he drew breath and could swing his sword, so long as his heart beat and emotions poured, then the demon would not, could not harm Metropolis, for he stood between the demon and Her.

Alexi yet again, the battle seeemed endless in the macabre twilight on the bridge, raised his sword and plunged it deep into the trunk of the demon.

OOC:[sblock] 5 points to Power Attack [/sblock]


The man with the probe
Jasmine shakes off the ichor and plunges her dagger into the beast yet again.

[sblock=ooc]Same thing, attack, sneak, damage, hopefully die[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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