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Metropolis - The Weight of the World (and Found Wanting)


Ymris begins to speak but snaps her mouth closed. "I..." I do not know what I am any longer. She looks over at Jasmine. Nor do I truly know who she is. She again faces the knight. "Healing is beyond my power nor do I know what my companion did to the creature. I suspect it is vulnerable to light in some fashion. Beyond that..." She shrugs. "I think it would be unwise to follow the thing. The part you fought was like the tip of your little finger is to the rest of your body.

What's your name, knight?"

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The man with the probe
Jasmine holds in a chuckle demurely, "Well, Sir Stag, perhaps you could lead us to some place a bit more... comfortable, after we seal these doors again. We have much to talk about, and I think here is not the time to do it. Ymris and I need to speek alone as well."


"Resealing the doors will not be easy" says Alexi gesturing to three huge broken locks that are shattered and scattered about the bridge.

"That is why it is imperative that we follow the demon, to finish it. The doors and seals that were here were only barely holding it in. It's fould influence had already begun to spread into Metropolis. We cannot leave the portal open, and we cannot seal it. The only thing we can do it pursue it and try to kill it, otherwise, it will return, and it will enter Metropolis."


"If you follow that demon into territory it has claimed for its own, where it can fight you unrestrained, you will die. There must be another way." Ymris motions to Jasmine. "She has the right of it. We should find some place to discuss what must be done."


"I will not leave this portal unsecured and open so that the demon may return unchecked to enter the city." answers Alexi.


The man with the probe
"Then we shall have to secure the door again somehow," Jasmine says. "The demon could not hope to enter through the door completely anyhow, the shere size would prevent it from getting too much farther."


"It does not need to enter fully to wreak it's havoc. Even through the sealed portal, it's evil taints this place to the degree that a lesser man would die" says Alexi pointing to the bubbling, corpses. "With nothing to bar that evil, even if the whole of the thing could not enter, it would still be able to enact a terrible evil and gnaw at the roots of Metropolis Herself."


"Excuse us a moment, Sir Knight." Ymris draws Jasmine to one side away from the knights. "It seems this knight has decided upon his course of action and will not be swayed from it. What do you think should be done?"


The man with the probe
Jasmine sighs, speaking quietly with Ymris, "He's scared, and probably a bit misinformed. However, if that cable we saw realy was that creature, even to simply bar this door won't stop it eventualy. I think there's nothing else we can do here. If he thinks we're angels, maybe it's best we not convince him otherwise. At least till we can talk some sense into him."

Voidrunner's Codex

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