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Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming


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kroh said:
That happened to me last night... Only instead of the holy symbol it was my tv remote and instead of zombies it was my dog...

doesn't she look vicious!?!


What a cute puppie! I bet she's a big sweetie!

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Bretbo said:
Yeah, cute pup. To bad about that Brown Pudding gobbling her up though...

I laughed so hard when I read that, coffee shot out of my nose! That was awsome!



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greywulf said:
He liked the rule that spell-casters can choose spells that cost 1HP less to cast, and pointed out that it simulates Clerical Domains pretty well too, with the Church (or the God) deciding which spells are easier to cast. I hadn't thought about it like that. S'good.

This got me thinking this morning (never a good thing...)

Now that both the total HP and Spell system have changed dramatically, do you think this should be higher? 1HP is generous when the average mage will start out at first level with 15ish HP's, but the higher in level the go, the 1HP isn't much of a savings. Nice sure, but enough to maintain the "favored spell" system? Take a level 12 Wizard with average STR(12) and average HD (3.5 HP per level) with a total of 54 hit points, and able to cast level 6 spells. Is 13 HP vs 12 HP cost enough to maintain this favoritism towards certain spells? Or is it even important enough to matter? What do ya'll think?

OT: Greywulf - how about the news on this side of the pond? I just about did backflips myself :p


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MeepoDM said:
This got me thinking this morning (never a good thing...)

I make it a policy never to think during the morning. Ever. :)

MeepoDM said:
Now that both the total HP and Spell system have changed dramatically, do you think this should be higher? 1HP is generous when the average mage will start out at first level with 15ish HP's, but the higher in level the go, the 1HP isn't much of a savings. Nice sure, but enough to maintain the "favored spell" system? Take a level 12 Wizard with average STR(12) and average HD (3.5 HP per level) with a total of 54 hit points, and able to cast level 6 spells. Is 13 HP vs 12 HP cost enough to maintain this favoritism towards certain spells? Or is it even important enough to matter? What do ya'll think?

Good point, well made. How about a saving equal to the spell level, so it's 1HP less for your 1st level spell, 2HP less for your favourite 2nd level spell, etc.

Yeh, that might work........

MeepoDM said:
OT: Greywulf - how about the news on this side of the pond? I just about did backflips myself :p

OT: I demand nothing less than the BBEG's own head on a plate :)


First Post
I should take your advice and not think about things in the morning. Save them for later...much later!!

That method certainly sounds easy, but I'd hate to think of someone taking (from the example above) something like Disintegrate as their favored spell. For only 7 HP's a pop, that thing could be brutal!

It was probably better the way you originally envisioned it. Sure it might not make a huge difference later in the game, but it is still a nice (if small) bonus. And very helpful to new spellcasters!

I'm going to shut up now and try to play as written... :D


First Post
Great job all! Really liking the minimal system.

Got me thinking about the Spy game I want to run before Casino Royale comes out. Maybe I can convert Microlite20 to Modus Operandi -- A Microlite20 Infused Game!

The four spy type classes would be Gunman (Fighter), Burglar (Thief), Transporter (+1 to drive, ??? skill) and Face (+3 communication). Then, if you want to be a 00x character, you multi-class. When you gain a level, you can choose another class rather than your existing class. Guns d6, Rifle d8. etc...Chase Rules...Cool Gadgets...Hmmm...need to do this soon...

Another post posited a way to make fighters a bit more powerful. How about increasing crit chance to 19 or 20 rather than just 20. Simple to remember and quick to play out.



Land Outcast

I've been following this thread for some time.... awesome work here :cool:

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" Some give the credit of those words to Leo...

For Real... praises.

For the time being I have nothing to offer, but suggest the Sneak Attack=Subterfuge to be made into rule...

I'll return to my place as beholder...


EvilDwarf said:
I ran an entire campaign--one that we all enjoyed--using only three abilities of Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.

For a long time, I've tried building homebrew systems w/o attributes. After my bout playing with Fudge--where there's typically no connection between attributes & skills--I struck on that same idea of choosing attributes as save categories. (Inspired probably by both the d20 saves & some of the WHFRP attributes.)

In most of my homebrew attempts these days, characters typically have (at least) two types of abilities: skills & save-like attributes. They get rated on the same scale & do not effect one another.


First Post
Oh my. So many good ideas, I hadly know where to start. That's another thing about minimalist systems; they encourage creativity and a sense of freedom with the rules. Too many rules can be stifling.

I find this in D&D, especially when it comes to playing in the Forgotten Realms. I'm scared of breaking something Important. It's like I've borrowed the setting from someone else and I don't want to give it back cracked. Strange that.

Anyhow. I'm rambling again.

A new (minor) version of Microlite20.pdf is up with Hit Point costs for Spells modified to double spell level+1, complete with a little chart.

I know I keep talking about adding in more stuff, but I'm tempted to leave the core rules as they are for now - a single page of all the rules, plus a side of Monsters. That's two pages and enough to run a game from your back pocket if you wanted. I like that.

That means there'll be another .pdf of optional rules out sometime, which will collate all your excellent ideas together.

So far:

- +1 to Hit/+1 damage for Fighters every five levels
- or, allow Fighter to critical on a 19 or 20 - maybe at level 10? Good one, enelson!
- Some form of Sneak attack for Rogues. Linking it with Subterfuge somehow might work, but we'd need to figure out something that's very quick to handle in-game. Ideas?
- Reduced Spell Costs at higher levels. Maybe that would suit the more High-Powered style of gamer. I like M20's low magic (but free choice) feel myself though.
- Psionics. Hehehehehehe.

I like enelson's thoughts about a Microlite20Modern (M20M?) variant too. Really, it's just a case of changing the names of the classes (Brawler, Sneak, Pastor and Arcanist, maybe) and adding in modern weapons. After all, there's no skill names and feats to worry about. Anyone care to playtest?

In unrelated news, I've written a review of the D&D Rules Cyclopedia on my site. Feel free to stop by and comment!

Voidrunner's Codex

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