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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Chapter 3, Baden's Bluff


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OOC: Good post, maddmic. Stay tuned for Herger's fate... Thornir, where art thou?

Starhl is a Northman. Honor in battle. Honor in life. Even those his people have been crushed under the heel of Shadow for decades, their spirit crushed, not now would he abandon a comrade. Another Northman. Herger. Breaking free of the orc attacking him, Herger races toward the massive reptile, his body shaking with an internal rage that makes the Northman see red. Close to the great beast, Starhl can see that much of the flesh of the reptile is dried and withered with great strips of skin hanging in tatters and gleaming white bone glinting in the gathering gloom. This is no living creature. A twisted monster. A monter of Shadow. Even the orc pursuing Starhl screams in terror and flees over the cowering form of the legate.

Swinging Bjorn's Faith, Starhl drives the blade deep into the belly of the creature. Hissing in anger, the free leg not holding Herger strikes out as it balances itself with a mighty surge of its wings. The talons strike Starhl with an irresistable force, crushing the Northman and driving him to the ground, his sword flying through the alley. Blackness consumes the Northman as blood pools around his crushed form in the tight grip of the great black claws.

OOC: Looking back at Starhl's damage, from this battle, he should have already been unconscious. This last attack did him in. Dead or alive...you'll have to wait to find out. Everyone, please remember to keep track of your character's hit points and if you go unconsious or are dead, let me know!

Valurel and Ensin renew the attack at Starhl's brave attack. Varurel's claws tear open one orc and Ensin, braving an attack, buries his blade in the gut of another orc. Both fall quickly. Before the pair can react, Kaela happens.

Kaela casting is instinctive, almost elemental in nature. Her fear adn anxiety rise, lost as she is in the mist and without knowledge of what is happening to her companions. Trusting her feelings, the young woman direct's Aryth's arcane fields to a point just south of the massive reptile. Fog billows out, hiding Valurel and Ensin from the beast's bale gaze. Ensin cries, Now, Elf! Follow me! Cluthcing his ribs, Ensin turns to run.

OOC: Valurel and Ensin have no orcs attacking them.

Bowen grabs Kaela, ducking the clumsy attack of the nearby orc and pulls Kaela northward, free of the billowing mist. Staggering from her injuries, Bowen cries hoarsely, Kaela, follow me! I know a way to safety!

OOC: Two orcs are still trying to attack Bowen and Kaela but are lost ilooking for them in the mist.

Lost in the midst, the Beast of Shadow cries out in anger and triumph. Beating its massive, bat-like wings, it begins to disperse the fog and mist that Kaela worked so hard to conjure. The legate's voice rises sharply in the mist as well. Warriors! Bring your vardatches into the alley and slay the insurgents! Hobnailed boots ring out on the cobbletsones in the mist...


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Starhl falls to the ground, as his blood seeps away. The Shadow will fall! THE SHADOW WILL FALL! he thinks to himself, even as his life fades...

Thornir Alekeg

ooc: sorry it has been a very busy week. I'm sitting in the Childrens' Room at the library while my kids are picking out books. It' about the only chance I've had to get onto a computer for anything other than work or my mid-term exam.

Seeing the forms running through the undergrowth spurs Lodric to action. Uttering a few words, a beam radiating warmth and comfort leaps from his finger at the figure holding the spectral bow Disrupt undead. Ranged tough attack +5 No saving throw 1d6 damage. and rushes past the figures towards the fleeing Fallax and Ibor.

ooc: basically attack, then move as fast as possible after Ibor - AoOs be damned.

Hmmm. Am I smelling a TPK?


I may be overstepping my bounds, or I might be misreading the post, buuuuttt......

Lodric, I believe that the ones coming through the brush are behind YOU. I had to read your post and Hrothgars at least 3 times myself to get the picture correct. If I'm seeing this in my mind correctly, I believe the undead stand in front of you and then Ibor and Fallax ar arriving to your rear.

If I am mistaking your actions, or overstepping my bounds in my attempt to understand the situation, I appologize. I only meant to clear up a misunderstanding if there is in fact one.

Thornir Alekeg

ooc: Hrothgar? I read it as they were forward, left and right of us and they are between Fallax and ourselves so that is the way I set up my action. If maddmic is right, then I would just bolt away from the spectral figures towards Fallax without my attack on the one with the bow.


First Post
OOC: OK, I'm moving this ahead. Most of the encounter is over, except for Lodric and Murdoch. Thanks, maddmic and sorry, Lodric, for not being more clear. :eek: I wish I had time to make maps for these encounters. maddmic is correct. The three cloaked figures prevented Lodric and Murdoch from going any further into the wood and Ibor and Fallax have arrived behind Lodric and Murdoch. I'll take your second post and move forward.

As the mist swirls in the alley and the screams of terrified residents of Baden's Bluff mix with the hoarse cries of orcs and the reptilian hiss of the Beast of Shadow, those few Heroes of Caft remaining slip away into the gathering gloom. Shadows hang heavy with the setting of the sun, its last light a blood red against the tops of the buildings at the crest of Baden's Bluff above. Ensin leads Valurel through a set of old buildings and through a fish monger's shop before taking refuge in an old, half-sunken barge tied up to a rotten wharf. Kaela and Bowen also escape the Shadow's clutches by holing up in the ruined attic of a half-burned building many streets from the scene of the battle. With such loss of friends and comrades comes grief and misery. Will they see their comrades again? Herger? Starhl? And what of the innocent young woman Aislinn? She was their Hope, they were her Faith. Now both have been betrayed as despair and grief become overwhelming.

OOC: Toric, Bobitron, Krug and maddmic, stay tuned. Based on previous posts, I assumed everyone that was still standing ran. If not, let me know and I will amend my post. Once Lodric's encounter is over, I'll move the game ahead.

Murdoch and Lodric react as one, tearing through the briars and dead weeds at a reckless pace. The pair are an obvious suprise to both Ibor and Fallax, who cry out in surprise and fear. Lodric launches himself at Fallax, his right elbow crunching into the cowering old man's face. The old man drops, blood flowing freely from his nose. Twisting himself to his knees, Fallax's eyes blaze with an almost maniacal anger, gone is the cowering old man.

Murdoch's blade slams into Ibor, the scarred man crying out in pain and dropping Aislinn to the ground. Blast you, Ibor! You have betrayed us to Shadow! And I will see he devours your soul! Ibor picks himself off the dry ground and draws his sword. Wiping blood from the corner of his mouth, Ibor smiles confidently. No. I have not betrayed us to the Shadow, o' Lord Murdoch! In fact, I am insuring the Shadow's destruction! Fool! You seek too much diplomacy! I am a man of action! Ibor leaps at Murdoch with his sword with a yell.

Lodric's vengeance is now! Slamming his fist into Fallax's chest, he knocks the old man back. Fallax's breathing is labored and wheezing, but his face is still twisted in anger and cruelty. I did not like the Northman, and now I like you even less! With an arcane gesture, Lodric can feel his muscles begin to stiffen. Lodric lashes out once again, grazing the old man's head with his fist. Fallax keeps his balance and his arcane focus on Lodric.

Murdoch and Ibor are locked in mortal combat, their blades screeching and clanging. Ibor's sword streaks across Murdoch's midsection, leaving the insurgent leader gasping in pain. Murdoch's return attack strikes Ibor in the shoulder, showering the hungry ground with droplets of blood. As Murdoch prepares for a return stroke, the insurgent leader cries out in pain and drops to the ground motionless, his eyes staring straight ahead. Ibor nods once to the cloaked figure that now stands above Murdoch, looking down at the fallen leader.

As he begins to fight off the eldritch castings of the old man, something whistles by Lodric's head to plunge deep into a nearby dead oak. An arrow. Turning, he sees the cloaked figure wielding the bow fire another arrow, this one plunging deep into Lodric thigh. With a scream of pain, Lodric realizes these are no spectres, but living creatures wielding material weapons! Another cloaked figure swoops down on Lodric, swinging its curved sword, the blade narrowly missing Lodric's frantic dodge.

Peering into the cowled face of the menacing figure, Lodric's blood run cold. No spectres are these, but something far worse. Something that leaves Lodric's limbs heavy and numb with despair and frustration and futility. The creature attacking him...is an Elf.

OOC: I ran through the surprise round (I figured Lodric and Murdoch would have surprise on Fallax and Ibor) and the first round of combat. Lodric takes 5 points of damage from the arrow and must make a Will saving throw. I rolled Fallax concentration check given the damage he took from Lodric's attack of opportunity (the grazing shot to Fallax's head). The result is here and he successfully cast the spell. Murdoch's Will save versus whatever got him is here.
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Thornir Alekeg

ooc: Lodric gets a 4 for his will save

Lodric struggles against the effects of the attack upon his mind, but cannot resist. As he does he realizes with despair that the Shadow will never be defeated as long as supposed allies struggle against each other instead.


First Post
Lodric's body freezes, unseen bonds holding seizing control of his muscles. With a crash, he joins Murdoch on the ground. His mind frantically working but his body not responding, Lodric can see the cloaked figures, Ibor, and Fallax gather around him. Fallax wastes no time in planting a foot in his ribs with a vicious kick. Kill the bastards! We need no fools in our venture! The cloaked figures have not disrobed, unwilling to let their true nature be evident to the paralyzed Heroes. One of them speaks in a melodic voice. No. They have the same enemy as we. They will carry on the fight against Shadow as we will. We will be gone before they arise. Still, we cannot have them follow us... A heavy weight crashes into Lodric's head and all goes black...


First Post
Fast forward one day...

The Quarries. The rocky escarpments on the western side of Baden's Bluff that overlook the Sea of Pelluria. Much of the stone to build Baden's Bluff was mined here, leaving behind a scarred landscape filled with dangerous mine shafts and sheer cliffs. For years the insurgents of Baden's Bluff have used this dangerous location to facilitate their dangerous work...

The dark cave provides some relief from the hot sun of Zimra, its burning rays fading to crimson as the glowing orb sets in the west. Lodric, Kaela, Valurel, Murdoch, Bowen, Ensin, and the Elf Elaural peer cautiously over the lower lip of the cave, down a steep rocky cliff, and to the scene unfolding below on the stony shore of the Pelluria. Behind them in the cave, several other insurgents stand ready, guarding the secret exits in case of discovery. Since their last battle, the Heroes have kept a low profile, healing wounds and comforting each other in their grief. Aislinn is lost. Fallax and Ibor have disappeared along with their robed comrades. Upon hearing Lodric's account of the story, Elaural was swept up in despair, unwiling to believe her people could be involved. She has even offered her own life as forfeit if the Heroes do not believe her word. When word came that the High Legate Theiv was taking "special" captives to the Dead Shores, the insurgents moved into the caves, keeping guarded hope they might see their lost comrades once again. Below them, on the shores, their hope turns to anguish...
OOC: The Heroes are healed fully.

Stahrl and Herger are alive. Barely. They remember little since their fall in the alleyway, passing between periods of light and darkness. Throughout their ordeal, pain is a constant. Skin burns, flesh tears, and diabolical incisions have driven them into madness. Dark shapes have hovered over them during consciousness, not all of them human, commanding them to answer intimate questions of their purpose in Baden's Bluff through the use of the Shadow's divine magic. Starhl's and Herger's minds scream in frustration; their charge in Baden's Bluff is now known to the Shadow.

Today, beaten by orcs, dragged through the streets of Baden's Bluff in shame, Starhl and Herger have had their hands nailed through their palms above them and their feet nailed below them on tall wormwood poles embedded deep in the rocky shore of the Pelluria. Only a few feet away from them, water laps at the bottom of their poles while the hot sun bakes down on their skin, burning their fair Northern skin as their tongues swell in their dry mouths from lack of water. Always orcs are near to torment them, hiding in the shadows of the Quarries, preventing any chance of escape. The day is almost unbearable as the Heroes pass between consciousness and unconsciousness. Fishermen watch them from their boats as they ply the waters, their faces expressionless. Comfort is impossible. The mere shifting of weight tears the flesh around the spikes in their hands and feet, tendons stretching to their maximum. Limbs go numb and the weight of the two large men slowly crushes their chest making breathing difficult.

As the sun thankfully sets, a man in dark robes and armor descends from the bluff, a tall, rangy orc at his side. Theiv has come and Thune the Widowmaker have come. Both were present in Caft that night. Now they meet together once more. The Dorn Legate speaks calmly, his hands folded serenly in front of him. What a merry chase you have lead my tracker down from the North. His smiles flashes wickedly as his eyes take in the misery and damage inflicted on the Heroes' bodies. My ministrations have left several marks on your fine physiques I see. Northmen are strong. Torture is never enough to extract information from their stubborn skulls. No, the magic of my Dark Lord is also needed. And you were no different. Aislinn is something special isn't she? And now you have lost her. A blind girl. A blind girl! You are both incompetent. And failures. You have failed that frail girl, that girl that dared put her trust in you!

Theiv turns to pet a wolf that moves up to his side on silent, padded feet. A low growl escapes the beast. Starhl's voice croaks in anguish and anger. The Wolf, her eyes glowing a subtle red, has found a new master. Theiv seems pleased by Starhl's outburst.Does it hurt to know she now follows me, Starhl of Caft? Yes, her mind is now possessed by my demon pet. And I will use her at risk of limb and life. Theiv laughs confidently. Incidentally, I was going to make both of you thralls to my cause. Fell, actually, bound by the dark magic of the Dark Lord. However, I have found members of our race are too damn stubborn. Insubordinate. I dared not risk it. Therefore, I extracted the information I needed and inflicted my frustrations on you. And now you die. Horribly. Soon the Fell will arise from the sea. The spikes in your hands are strong and deep. I doubt they will pull you off of your poles. Instead, they will devour your legs and innards, tearing and ripping, as your scream in agony. With my Dark Lord's blessing, your upper halves will also arise as Fell, screaming in hunger, but always unsatiated. I assume as your flesh withers and rots, your carcasses will drop to the ground, to crawl grotesquely, screaming in hunger, always slower than your prey. Such is the fate of those who cross me.

Theiv turns to go, but his voice still reaching the Heroes. Now to find the old man and the insurgent Ibor. Only a matter of time...

Thune the Widowmaker watches the legate turn and begin to walk away, his face impassive, but his eyes flashing at the wicked legate. Walking up to Herger, the orc picks up a small rock and wedges it between Herger's foot and a spike, shifting Herger's weight off of one the spikes, and providing a moment's relief against the pain transfixing Herger. Whether it was a gesture of mercy or to prolong Herger's agony, Herger is not sure. Thune, what are doing? Hurry up, we must be on the bluff before the sun sets. Thune's gaze moves out to the water, where ripples begin to form close to shore, ripples that do not seem to follow the wind or waves crashing on the shore. For a moment, his eyes narrow at Theiv as he hesitates, before motioning to the orcs and following Theiv up the bluff and leaving Starhl and Herger to their fate.

Above, the Heroes watch Thiev and the orc patrol leave the two suspended Heroes below. Murdoch speaks in a low hush. The Dead Shores are aptly named. Prisoners are brought here to be consumed by the Fell that lurk in the water. When the sun goes down, the shore will be crawling with Fell. We must act quickly. What plan should we make? The sun's rays fade as gathering gloom settles on the Quarries.

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