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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Chapter 4, Pursuit


Herger's head swam with uncertainty. One moment the elves had sought to destroy them, and in another moment they are giving their word to assist them on their quest. They spoke of the "whisper" telling them that Aislinn was dead and now they say that this "whisper" was not cooperating with them.

As his head was starting to hurt he heard the elf mention another faction. As if the odds weren't already stacked against this group enough, now they had to fight against ANOTHER enemy. He was weary, although the sleep from the night before had been the most restful since they had lost Aislinn. Perhaps all was not lost and they could still save their hope. Lodric seemed eager to move on and Herger couldn't agree more. At that point, Starhl and the small one emerged from the forest. Perhaps things were looking better. Well, at least they now had their weapons and the group was back together. Would this be enough for the days ahead?

At the mention of gathering provisions, Herger began to make his preparations out of habit. Gathering his things (what was left anyways) and any food allotted to him. Once ready he turns to the others. "So then, which way do we go? The obvious choice is laid out in the letter, but how shall we get there?"

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Taken aback by the glade and the giant oak, Mardo walks slowly, with a stupified open-mouthed smile as he looks high into the trees. He has never seen so many elves, or so many people in trees before. "Never thought I'd be living a fae-tale, no sir," he says under his breath.

As Mardo and Starhl rejoin the others, Mardo smiles and greets everyone, giving Kaela a small hug and addressing her, "It's good to see you all made it through the woods as well. What animal guided you here? Did you arrive just recently?"

As he hears the others talking, Mardo replies to Herger, "Eh, excuse me, but Starhl and I had a dream last night that might be of some help. A talking tree came to both of us in the dream. Lit by the fires to the South, it said to us, 'She woke up, but doesn't know what she is. It has been so long since she walked under my bows, that even I forgot her name. Her coming sparked a hateful pain... or something to the south. It will eat the Erethor. The dead girl and the Shadow's tracker are our salvation. Seek them, but don't trust the betrayer. Plant the seeds of light in the darkness.' What do you make of that?"

Then, just as he seems to think of something he adds, "Oh! And maybe the elves here could tell us what that trinket is that Starhl holds."


Kaela's relief and happiness at seeing Starhl and Mardo is matched only by her joy at hearing confirmation and assurance of Aislinn's importance. She blushes at the gnome's hug a little, but returns the embrace warmly.

Her face is marked with confusion that reflect's Herger's as they gather and prepare for the search. Listening to the heroes speak of the experiences last night, she shakes her head in wonder. Intelligent animals? Soaring trees? A whisper speaking of hidden secrets? This was all so far from Caft.

"I hope that the war between brothers and sisters of the elves does not hurt our search. Know that we will not cease in our dedication to find our sister." She speaks with a firm voice and confidence that doesn't really suit her young face and shining eyes.


First Post
Luthorien and Ladriel gather the group and take them to the gnarled roots of the broken oak. Luthorien speaks to Herger. Giant, ancient pathways created by our ancestors crisscross all of Eredane. The Old Ways we call them. Other refer to them as the Fey Crossroads. Our knowledge is such that we no longer understand them and many are lost to us. But, we know of a few that we use when in great need. They are unpredictable. Dangerous. If any situation warranted the use of the Old Ways, this is that situation. Luthorien pauses, thinking her strategy. We lack the warriors to provide you support in your quest. All that you see here, Luthorien waves her arm around the vale, this meager force is what guards a fifty mile stretch of western Erethor from attack. However, Ladriel will accompany your flight south. The shy, beautiful Ladriel nods. I know some of paths of the Old Ways that can bring us south quickly to the Darkening Wood to intercept our quarry.

Luthorien looks and nods in satisfaction. Good, they are here. Two Elves walk up, carrying clothing and rations. We lack the numbers to assist you directly, but we give you what help we can. Standing up, Luthorien pulls out several cloaks. Small gnome (Mardo), young Northgirl (Kaela), Northman (Starhl), and Erenlander (Lodric), take these cloaks. These cloaks were woven by our most skilled craftsmakers. They will hide you from prying eyes.I am sorry, Giant. Our clothes are unable to fit one of your size. However,... Luthorien then hands Herger several bags full of leaf-wrapped food. Two Northmen can eat more than a dozen Elves. Take this dried fruit and Elven bread for sustenance. Share with your companions to build your strength on your journey south. Food in these dark times is hard to find, but foraging for food unwittingly in Erethor can bring the anger of the forest on you. Luthorien then turns to Cyz. Take this stone, to warm you and your companions. Erethor is unpredictable and its weather can be harsh in these Shadowed years. Lastly, Luthorien turns to Valurel and hands the Erunsil a bow made of white wood streaked with blue. This weapon fell into our hands when an Erunsil ally fell in battle with us. It is fitting that an Erunsil should wield it once again.

OOC: Cyz received a hearthstone. Starhl, Mardo, Lodric, and Kaela received Elven traveling cloaks (equivalent of cloaks of elvenkind). Herger received food that provides +2 to Str based skill checks for 8 hours after eaten. There is enough food for 9 meals (3 days worth of ffood). Valurel received an icewood bow. Please record these on your character sheets.

Luthorien sits once again. I suggest you recover your strength this day and start your travels during dark. Dangerous, but the first path you must follow along the Old Ways is only passable at night. The travel south will take several days. Ladriel is familiar with the forest and will find places to rest and hide.

Luthorien pauses before starting again. Your group is unique, without a doubt. The small gift you carry, Gnome, is a gift of Erethor. It is obviously acorn of an oak, but its hue I have never seen before. I know not its import, but it is significant to your quest. I trust you will figure out how to use it at the right time. Luthorien leans forward, her face serious in warning. The Whisper has told us the Widowmaker is in Erethor. No doubt the Shadow’s Ranger seeks the girl. Even our most gifted trackers have not been able to hunt and kill this orc. It is rumored he can speak with the Whisper. As you travel south, always remember, you are being hunted.

OOC: Questions the Heroes might have? Anything they want to do?
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Herger nods in appreciation to the elf. He seems to be lost in thought though as she continues. The words that Mardo spoke took him by surprise. When Luthorien finishes, he looks to her and clears his throat. "Luthorien, I do not wish to offend you or your people, but I am perplexed." Trying to figure out his next words, he continues carefully. "Mardo spoke of the Shadows Tracker and the girl being our salvation. I find this odd as we have crossed paths before with this Widowmaker. In Baden's Bluff, Starhl and I were captured by the Shadows forces and left for dead with spikes holding us up on poles. This orc, Thune, made his way to me after Thiev had turned and left. It was clear that he hates Thiev. He looks of contempt betrayed that. He then picked up a rock and placed it under my feet alleviating some of the pain. At the time, I thought it was a twisted way of ensuring that I was alive when the walking dead came to devour us, but now I'm not sure."

He turns to the others as if to ask them their thoughts as well. "Could this be? Could he be working against his very master?" Turning back to Luthorien, he finished. "Also, please tell us. Is there word of a huge winged beast? The wings are much like that of a bat, and it's gaze......It's gaze is something that I shall not forget."


Hrothgar said:
Small gnome (Mardo), young Northgirl (Kaela), Northman (Starhl), and Erenlander (Lodric), take these cloaks. These cloaks were woven by our most skilled craftsmakers. They will hide you from prying eyes.

Mardo takes the cloak cautiously, and looks around at the others and at the elves. For a moment he is not sure what is expected of him, but then he examines the cloak and is impressed. A wide smile comes across his face.

He quickly jumps onto his cart and yanks on chords, moving things about, teetering the cart back and forth a few times. Finally he pulls out two small packages of tied, white cloth. "Thank you sir elf for your... gift?" he says, clearly unaccustomed to the concept. "Please accept this gift from me. Two wheels of the finest and choicest Fintwicz cheese. Highly prized in the Erenlands, this is a veritable luxury here in the forest I'm sure. I hope this is to your liking."

As he rejoins the others he leans over to the snow elf and whispers, "Hope I did that right."

OOC: Questions the Heroes might have? Anything they want to do?
OOC: Yes, I would like to gain level 3 please.
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First Post
OOC: Yes, I would like to gain level 3 please.[/QUOTE]

OOC: How about just one? While we are waiting replies from others, everyone gains 1 level at this time. Update your characters and if you have a covenant item, I will check to see if any addiitonal powers are gained.

Thornir Alekeg

Lodric rests his body while mulling over Mardo's dream and Herger's questions.

It is possible that we will need to Shadow's tracker to save ourselves, but Mardo says his dream also told him not to trust the betrayer, which might be the same person. Perhaps we need the tracker, not as an ally, but as a tool to lead us or as the catalyst to something. I do not know Herger.
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After thanking Luthorien for the gifts and the renewed hope, Kaela ponders the situation with the others. "Mardo's dream is confusing. The messages we get are mixed, almost as though the Whisper itself is confused about the path. But I feel good about the tree's message. I suppose all we can do in these times is to take all the advice provided by the wisdom of elves and the dreams of gnomes and make a decision when the time comes." She shrugs, unsure of what to say next. "I know this; we have a path to take, and that path leads to our Hope. And that fills me with such happiness that I know we cannot fail." Her smile is warm and genuine.

Upon receiving the gift of the Icewood Bow, Valurel can only look at it in wonder. He of course has seen these weapons in the past but can not remember a time when he actually held one. Having one in his hands now is nearly enough to make him weep with a joy that he hasn't felt in many years. The icewood is cool in his hands and brings back memories of home, the parts of Erethor that he hasn't set foot in for nearly two years.

When he remembers that he is among friends and elven allies, he looks back at Luthorien. "You have my thanks. Please, accept my old long bow. I'll have little need of it now and I know that someone can put it to use." The snow elf hands the bow over, once again looking reverently at the Icewood Bow. He is so taken with the gift that he barely hears the gnome's whispered comment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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