Minds in Hedrad: (NF's Scarred Lands Psionic Game!)


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Night decended on the often bustling holy city-state of Hedrad. Here and there, the armored guards, Templars, Justicars and a few true Exemplars walked and kept not only the peace but the LAW of city of the Lawgiver. It was here, in the heart of the city at the great Shrine of Hedrada in his aspect as the giver of knowledge Brother Tirerias toiled dilligently. Work was apart of him, and he it. For his goal was not merely some treasite on some forgotten sites or tombs moldering away. No he decided, from the day of his birth it almost seemed, that his goal was to write the definiative history one of the Scarred Lands most mysterious and some say evil race, the Slacerians. As a race little was known, save their used the powers of their mind. One such piece left to him was the human slacerian muse. It never talked as some claimed it could. Tirerias had tried many times. As it stood now, he decided that while the muse might not provide such use, perhaps it knew some of the Slacerians decendents. After all, rumors ran rampant that some had been touched by these creatures. He hoped that their knowledge would increase his own. Which is how he came to find and care for the others in his care, now sleeping in the small not very comfortable beds, as he scribed another account by a reliable source.

Jondyn Barran, he had found after a strange plague, possibly the rumored Slacerian "language virus" had decimated their town. Tirerias had his friend (though he never used the term. Such emotional attatchment detracted from his ability to work), the Justicar Ivor Ironwood take the boy under his wing and train him in some of the martial aspects. His Slacerian abilities didn't always manefest themselves in ways that Tirerias was familiar, but they did appear to act in ways similar to many magics. Still Jondyn was probably the most settled of an unsettled lot.

Samahtar was most certainly one of the forsaken elves. While some might disdain their lack of a god, Tirerias felt pity for the obviously troubled and blinded soul, as his sightless face remain still, though the frowns and anger remained. Samahtar troubled Tirerias, mostly for his emotional ways. Tirerias had tried to return his sight, but to no avail. The Lawgiver was apparently not willing to hear his pleas. And none of his superiors wanted anything to do with a forsaken elf, especially one that was touched by the Slacerian. He felt he needed focus. But his ability to read and undestand emotions, even influencing them, was something far more disturbing. Still Tirerias tried to make him understand such ways did not lead to understanding only chaos and despair.

The third one, was even more mysterious and strange than Samahtar. Drevin Laviatan was probably disturbed, if not a disturbing fellow, far to racuous for Tirerias' liking, but his abilities intrigued him. Drevin possessed similiar characteristics as Jondyn, able to use his mind to enhance and empower his body. Drevin rarely talked, save only to his fellows. Apparently he felt close to them. Feeling again that made Tirerias most uncomfortable. He also apparently knew something of the underground fight scenes, as he often come back with some gold. Tirerias had tried time and again to reprimand him, to no avail. The man would not listen to his logical and detailed reasonings as to why such events had been banned in the city. Still he kept going.

The last one, Tirerias has purchased (and later freed though he was now merely an indentured servant) was a strange blue-ish hued goblin named Verity. Verity served Tirerias well, being able to draw strange yet useful insights into his collection of Slacerian artifacts and even be able to read, with out much hindrance, the sprawling alien tongues of the Slacerians. Verity was much more with drawn from the group, but he possessed what some might call a good heart. Tirerias care little for such idealism or morality. His goal remained the same.

As the darkness drew nigh, and the moon of Belsameth passed over ahead, waning as it did, with the first Madraday of Belot drawing closer, Tirerias felt a strange chill in the Holy Library. While it's not an exceptional warm place to be, deep in the Library's Vault, it is also not this unwholesome. "Something is coming..." Tirerias thought. "But what?" In that moment a blinding flash of light appear and out stepped a strange, long necked figure. It's eye were as dark as the Hag-goddess own heart, with circular rings around it's neck and a strange glowing jewel embedded into it's forehead. It spoke, a strange rasping, slithering voice...then it changed as it apparently was gaining force. It was repeating something. "You seek too much. You know to much you will die." It did this for almost a full minute. Then suddenly another flash of light appeared, and there were 5 strange looking gargoyles, each with a horn. The other figure pointed...and they attacked. Though the noise would have awoken them, for some reason, it was still. All that remained of Tirerias was his hand cluching the symbol of Hedrada.

(OoC: Okay boys! Your turn!)
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Sense... something... not right...

Samahtar awakens with a start.

Something isn't... something wrong...

<<Awaken!>> He projects his mental voice into the mind of Verity using the tongue of the Slarecians. <<Awaken, blue one! Danger lurks near, and I will be unable to find it without the assistance of your sight...>>

<<We must also wake the others.>>

"Awaken!" He says, his raspy voice rising slightly above a whisper, the best that his frail form can manage. "Now! Rise..."

OOC: I'll be using purple text to represent speech in Slarecian, and blue for Elven. Common will be in the normal color.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
<OoC: Sounds fine to me>

In the mean time...the change of guards near the Vault has arrived. They see the doors to the Vault wide open. They all know Brother Tirerias keeps the door shut and locked, only have the smaller door to the Vault unlocked in case there is need. They enter...and find the remains of the former cleric as well as many ruined papers. They also notice there are some items missing from their shelves as books were torn off in haste...


Verity starts awake, prompted by Samahtar's mental alert. He rolls off his bed quietly, and moves over to the elf.

"What is it, my friend?" he whispers, eyes darting around the room. "Something seems... wrong, but I'm not sure what. Should I find Brother Tirerias?"


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Guards are in shock, staring at the mess. Then their sargent, a burly fellow with a ruddy face manages to gather himself and then bellows out "The student! Check to see if they are alright!"
The guards manage to come out of their horrific trance and start to look...


Startled by the shouting outside the room, Verity crouches down and concentrates on the source of the sound. His skin pales to white, and the sound of rustling leaves can be heard in the dormitory as the young seer's sight travels from his body.

(Manifesting Clairvoyance on the source of the sound. In this case, the noisy Sergeant.)


Sage of the Scarred Lands
<You succeed. You sense that this is one of the guards' sergent, and he's merely concerned and afraid. His other surface thought is: "The High Priest Kalay will have my head for this. Hell ALL the High Priests will!">

The guards search the first two rooms where Tirerias did some other work, recording some old holy texts as well as do a working treatise with another cleric, compiling data on the city's population, from it's past to present. They come upon your door, and see that's locked. One shouts "It's locked Sarge!" The sergant "Break it down! Perhaps the fiend still is in there!"
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<<Yes, my companion,>> Samahtar responds mentally to the blue. <<Something is wrong. Though I know not what it is...>>

Samahtar reaches out with his mind, searching for the one that appears to be the leader - the sergant.

<<Stop, you fool.>> He thinks at the guard. <<There is no fiend in here, else we would all be dead... and I assure you that we are not.>>

<<Verity, unlock the door.>> He then projects at Verity. <<It would appear that we have company...>>


Sage of the Scarred Lands
The sergant yells again "Wait! I think we don't need to do that. I think..."

At that moment a bluish goblin opens the door and the guards see the two companions awake and alive.

The other guys, all human males, stand back "Vangal's balls! A blue goblin!" "Er, Titanspawn in our midst!" The sergant coming to the forefront waves them back "Stand back you lot! These are the ones Brother Tirerias was training!" The guards look slightly unconvinced but are at the moment just standing there. The sergant speaks to you, Samahtar. "So do you know what's happened here? Did you see anything?" He appears impatient and is ignoring Verity.


"So do you know what's happened here? Did you see anything?"

<<Do not be a fool.>> Samahtar projects. <<I see little.>> He then steps forward into the light, to show that he is blind.

<<I do not know what has happened. I merely sensed that something was amiss. However, perhaps a more appropriate question would be: have you seen anything?>>

<<I would suggest that you do not ignore my companion, the one you are calling Titanspawn. I assure you that he is no threat, and is on... our side.>> He pauses for a moment. <<And I would also suggest that you do not become impatient with me, or my companion... we are quite capable of overcoming any sort of threat that you may pose. We will tell you what we know at our own leisure, and not a moment before we are ready.>>

He then projects at Verity. <<Do not be bothered by their reaction, my companion. You and I suffer similar fate, of being outcasts from society... your for your skin, me for my blindness. But one day... we shall not suffer. Remember that.>>

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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