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[MM2e] Salton City Needs Heroes! Episode 1: Premiere


Michael has been watching the gang since they entered. Their noisy entrance attracted his attention, then the "freak" word was dropped again. But before he can find the words to explain what was happening to Sven, things had gone even further. Where had the damsel in distress come from? And why was there a Japanese girl here?

Sven's display reminds him that there's a reason all these people are here for the television show. He turns to Donna.

"You may want to take cover, miss. This could get ugly."

Then he takes a few steps to stand beside Sven and Keiko, and addresses the gangsters.

"Gentlemen, I think perhaps you have picked the wrong bar to threaten tonight. But maybe if you were to apologize before you leave . . . well, lets just say it would be for the best."

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Relique du Madde

"Help somebody save me! I'm caught up in another extremely unlikely event"

"He's one of those girl-boys or boy-girls..." The shortest gang banger appears unnerved, since he strangely can't keep his eyes off Terrance.

"Your time of frightening this bar is over."

"Mammi why you wanna stay with Fabio... He's so afraid he has to wear armor." It's hard to tell if the fattest gang banger's bravado is real or not.

"Ys nej nyse threat gyrls. Yü put knyf away or Ieg smash yü tø wall!"

The tallest gang banger pulls out his knife. "Homes you don't scare me, I've been to county.." He hand trembled uncontrollably from fright.

The most cowardly of the gang bangers looks at the wall behind him and sees a steer's skull. Terrified he huddles the ground and begins to cry. "Those vatos are going to kill me!!!"

The most non-descript of the gang bangers begins to look for an path of escape.

"You may want to take cover, miss. This could get ugly."

Donna laughs. "No. I'd rather watch hun. We haven't had a fight here in ages."

"Gentlemen, I think perhaps you have picked the wrong bar to threaten tonight. But maybe if you were to apologize before you leave . . . well, lets just say it would be for the best."

"Si-mon! I apologize... and I won't do it again." The most non-destript of the gang bangers takes off his hoodie and runs out the door.

"Hijo de ****! You better hide some place good, cuz when I find you I'll cut you!" The leader of the gang bangers pulls out a second knife and looks up at Micheal. "You wanna fight, freak? Then bring it!"

Benny stands next to the saloon doors and watches. One of the camera men begins to film.
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As soon as the word "freak" leaves the thug's mouth, Michael's fist is in motion.

"Stop calling me that!"

[sblock=ooc]Polearm! Move to within 15 ft of the leader and crack him one in the face.

Attack: 1d20+4 = 15
Toughness DC: 19[/sblock]

Relique du Madde

Surprised Round. (Initiative based on Initiative bonus.)

1. 10 ft. Pole
2. Mr. TV (as Kim Bauer)
3. Kitsune
4. Viking
5. Tall GB (Shaken)
6. Shortest (Shaken)
7. Fattest GB (Shaken)
8. Cowardly GB (Shaken-- Surprised)

Even though Mr.TV's initiative bonus is higher, 10ft. Pole attacks first for obvious reasons.


The Leader is slammed into the nearby wall with a big thud. He then collapses forward, knocked out. (The unlucky bastard rolled a 1, so he ended up failing by 15! lol)
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Kim Bauers blonde locks receed and change to a dark brown and her figure is replaced by that of well known official boxing and wrestling commentator and king of the catchphrase Michael Buffer clad in his tuxedo and announcing into his microphone "there we go folks another sensational fight but no time to catch your breath as we move on to the Four man (and woman) tag team spectacular and theres only one thing left to say.....Lets Get Ready to Rumble!!"

The change is short lived as the tux flows into a pair of blue shorts outfit and muscles and hair start popping into formation and a cry of "Hooooe!" is heard
[sblock="Hacksaw" Jim Duggan]


Darn I forgot whether it was a move or a standard to shapechange, whatever is it I just intend to shapechange twice in a row with a bit of talking of course so if its over 2 rounds thats fine.
For Mr Hacksaw Jim Duggan the following stats apply

6ft 3 280lbs

Str 18
Con 18 (10pp)
Dex 14
Mental stats same

Defence +6 (6pp) Edit if at all possible I'd like to trade off a point of defence for a point of toughness
Toughness +6 (due to con +4 and 2 defensive roll)
Fort +6 (1pp)
Ref +4
Will +2

Attack Melee +6 (4pp)
Melee Damage +4

Feats (2pp)
Improved grapple
Improved Crit (4x4 the plank of wood he has)
(I'm sure theres other feats he should have but this will do for the moment)
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Relique du Madde

Shape shift is a move action.

You can use the trade off.

Although this are from mastermind manual I think improvised weapons would be good. and maybe Specialized attack (4x4) Also alot of combat feats


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
It sounds almost like a polar roaring when Sven charges towards the closest man, grabbing him by the collar and dragging him towards the wall.

[sblock=OOC]Yeah, I have no idea how to implement what I'm doing here. Basically I want to grab the closest guy and move him with me to a wall where I'll slam him to the wall. Or more precisely Sven tries to slam him through the wall which would prolly require quite a handsome str check :D.

So would that be something like Rush, followed by Grapple and throw?[/sblock]
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Relique du Madde

Mechanically what you described would be a Rush (if you do not to damage). OR a grapple + move followed by a Thow. OR a slam (if you want to risk taking 1/2 damage).


Relique du Madde

Benny's Road House's Parking lot.

The non-drescript looking gang banger quickly ran out the Road House and rushed to the driver's side of a convertible low-riding el camino which was parked between two vans. The gang banger grabbed his bandanna, wrapped it around his fist, and hesitated for a moment before smashing the van's window.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Mechanically what you described would be a Rush (if you do not to damage). OR a grapple + move followed by a Thow. OR a slam (if you want to risk taking 1/2 damage).[/sblock]

"Grapple - Move - Throw" it is then. Hopefully as part of the throw I can attempt STR check to break the wall too ;)? Bars are meant to be trashed right? I still remember what you guys did to the Inn at THHKotS :D...[/sblock]

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