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I'm guessing it would work like Star Wars... all vehicle ops runs off the "pilot" skill. You also need a feat with the given class of vehicle (space transports, starfighters, capital ships, etc) to be proficient. You can still operate the ship without the feat but at the standard -4 nonprof penalty. So if anybody with pilot as a class skill wants to drop some ranks that would probably be easiest. And unless we plan on a lot of ship to ship fighting, we really just need somebody good enough to park it. Oh... and maybe a navigator. :uhoh: Although there is some appeal to getting lost at sea and not worrying about the bad guys finding us...

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When the game started, I decided to use Sidewinder's method for determining vehicle skills, because nearly everything that you'd regularly encounter would be part of the Ride skill.

Anyway, there are three skills for all non-ride-based vehicle direction, all generally termed "operate vehicle." The divisions are for watercraft (boats of all shapes and sizes), aircraft (hot air balloons, zeppelins, etc.), and ground vehicles (trains, etc.). All three skills appear on the custom character sheet I created at the beginning of the game.

You purchase ranks in these skills seperately, as being able to guide a riverboat does not necessarily make you a good aircraft pilot, or locomotive engineer, etc. However, because ranks are purchased seperately (unlike in the Pilot skill), no feat is necessary for you to be proficient in their use.

SO - as to the specific discussion, your yacht (if, indeed, it is a yacht) is unlikely to be capable of more than coastal travel, anyway. As such, it's unlikely to be the focus of an adventure. I suppose it might be included as a side-item, but recreational boating isn't terribly high on the list of themes I was planning to explore...;)

Does any of that help?


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cuteasaurus said:
Kennon...you seem to have a fascination with airships, is there something we should know? ;)
They have some "real life" historical/conspiratorial significance, and completely unlike a yacht, they're extraordinarily unique in 1879-80. There were airship sightings all over the world (although mostly in the US) starting in 1879, almost 20 years before they would come into common use. In the modern era, they've been lumped into the UFO phenomenon, but there's a real possibility that someone invented one, used it, and then had it hidden (or lost it, or crashed it) and its remains have simply not been found. These sightings formed the basis of Verne's Robur the Conqueror, which is basically an aerial version of 20,000 leagues under the sea, with Robur as Verne's aeronautical Nemo. On that note, if you want to go nautical, why not go for a submersible?

And I think airships are an all-around interesting vehicle (you can even access inland locales) that would make an interesting mobile command center for the Company. After all, it seems apparent that Onieros has a boat - or at least spends a lot of time on one, what with the Ship Radiograms. Why copy? You've got airship plans - might as well use them for something.

All that being said, from an adventuring standpoint, it's generally more interesting if you spend time on transportation that also includes other people. I'd rather run an adventure on a trans-pacific steamer, or the Orient Express, filled with travellers and emigres than on a tiny, lonely yacht.


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The_Universe said:
They have some "real life" historical/conspiratorial significance, and completely unlike a yacht, they're extraordinarily unique in 1879-80. There were airship sightings all over the world (although mostly in the US) starting in 1879, almost 20 years before they would come into common use. In the modern era, they've been lumped into the UFO phenomenon, but there's a real possibility that someone invented one, used it, and then had it hidden (or lost it, or crashed it) and its remains have simply not been found. These sightings formed the basis of Verne's Robur the Conqueror, which is basically an aerial version of 20,000 leagues under the sea, with Robur as Verne's aeronautical Nemo. On that note, if you want to go nautical, why not go for a submersible?

And I think airships are an all-around interesting vehicle (you can even access inland locales) that would make an interesting mobile command center for the Company. After all, it seems apparent that Onieros has a boat - or at least spends a lot of time on one, what with the Ship Radiograms. Why copy? You've got airship plans - might as well use them for something.

All that being said, from an adventuring standpoint, it's generally more interesting if you spend time on transportation that also includes other people. I'd rather run an adventure on a trans-pacific steamer, or the Orient Express, filled with travellers and emigres than on a tiny, lonely yacht.

But this isn't the only campaign in which you've pushed for an airship of some kind...I seem to remember we had one last time. ;)


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And yes...submarine had occured to me...I'm still considering it. ;)

(And the yacht thing was for exploring caves and the like a la James Bond and Scooby Doo, not for a primary mode of transport for all adventures...)


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I don't have any ranks in Navigation yet, but I'm planning on picking up a few. It's something I figure Slava would have, I just keep forgetting to put ranks in it. :p

Also, the C2 airship sounds awesome. :)


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AIM-54 said:
I don't have any ranks in Navigation yet, but I'm planning on picking up a few. It's something I figure Slava would have, I just keep forgetting to put ranks in it. :p

I had hoped you'd say that (but didn't want to presume). :)


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Is there any reason we couldn't have an airship AND a submarine? From my character's perspective...it was pretty easy to blow up that last airship and therefore it probably wouldn't be smart to make that our only means of transport. Besides, Jane likes to be sneaky and airships are...not.

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