Mongoose 3.0/3.5 Grand Archive - Any Interest?


I crit!
I don't know if it's been stated yet in this thread... I don't think so.

I think it would be a good idea to make the content open in such a way that others could mirror the project or even fork the project.

Not necessarily to fork and change the content of individual items, though that would be cool, but in case there are differing needs and desires for storage and presentation of the material.

Mirror's are just a good idea anyway.

This would help to more closely follow the open source model.

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dontpunkme said:
If someone does the work (sadly, I am not computer savvy enough to do it myself) I would definitely utilize it. I already own hard copies of a number of the quintessentials and slayers guides and would love access to the ones I never purchased.

I would definitely utilize it as well. Typing in the exact spell text over from Quintessential Wizard for my personalized spell book and emailing a DM so he could review them for approval in his game and reproducing statblocks for monsters from Slayer's Guide to Demons when I was DMing would have been easier if I could have just copied and pasted information instead of transcribing from my books.

Feanor Liberius

First Post
Hi guys,

As you can see from my post total, I'm mostly a lurker (except when I sign up for Chicago Game Days!).

But I'll offer up my site - d20 Haven - as a host. I have the forums up and running, and started implementing the wiki - mediawiki - before I got swamped with other life priorities.

I see there are some far more experienced wiki-focused folks here, so I'll bow to the greater wisdom. But I thought I'd throw it out there just in case anybody was interested.


PS - love the idea, no matter who it gets done...


Wulf Ratbane said:
I apologize for going off topic but I have a question for Michelle.

Is there a good "visual wiki" such as DMs might use to collaborate on world design?

In other words, I want to be able to lay out a map composed of hexes, then allow DMs to click on a hex, edit its contents (both graphically as well as adding text description), as well as add new hexes around the edges of the map.

I assume as both a roleplayer and a wikimaster you can probably grok what I am looking for without me belaboring the point.

Any help? Maybe email me offline?
I can't begin to think about how incredible this would be.


Speaking as a future user, I think this is incredible. Kudos to Mongoose!

Quick thoughts: It needs to be simple and easy for the layman, though. I go to some wiki sites, and my eyes cross with all the jibber jabber. I like Lizard's "shopping cart" idea. Easy exporting is a must; I'm assuming Mongoose is offering this stuff free with the idea that everyone will have equal access to it in the end - I'd hate to have to jump through 20 hoops to use some of it on my own website or game.

Cat Moon

Wow. This is sheer awesomeness. I don't plan on getting rid of my 3rd edition books, so I know I'm definetely going to get out of such an endeavor. Many thanks Mongoose.


Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
The project is awesome. The name "Blottenberger" not so. :D It sounds more like one of those silly WFRP names (which I love in WFRP) than a name I'd associate with an OGC Grand Wiki.

I suggest a boring and simple name, like OCG Gran Wiki, or The Grand Project, or The OCG Compilation.

I fear adding "Blottenberger" to the name would create a small, but albeit real, hurdle for some publishers to contribute, cause they think either that it sounds silly, or that it is too related to Mongoose.



Maggan said:
The project is awesome. The name "Blottenberger" not so. :D It sounds more like one of those silly WFRP names (which I love in WFRP) than a name I'd associate with an OGC Grand Wiki.
I agree. It is a silly name, but the tongue-in-cheek names are great in the Old World. :D
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