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Monitor Duty (Freedomverse OOC)


Alright! Here I present Jonathan Hawke. His parents won the lottery when he was a child, and his father turned out to be a smart investor, and they quickly turned $50 million into a $Billions.

He, however, went through a rough patch, unable to find himself. His father thought he was just a loafer, he and got kicked out and cut off. He lived on the streets for a few years, doing odd jobs to pay for crappy apartments. Eventually, he met his future wife volunteering at a soup kitchen. He was struck by her intelligence, and her passion for helping people. So much so that he found that when he did things for people, helped them in ways that were more than just handing them money, it brought the satisfaction he had always been looking for. He began to volunteer with her, in one of the more dangerous parts of town.

Eventually, they were married, and had two kids, a little girl and a little boy. In order to make ends meat, he eventually took a job as a Firefighter, while his wife became a Registered Nurse.

It was during this time that his father invited him back into his life. He saw his son had grown up, and wanted to be a part of his grandchildren's lives.

Then something happened and I'm not entirely sure what it was. Scientific accident at one of his dad's companies, meteor landing in his back yard, radiation leak, something. Either way, he suddenly could sense and subtly control gravitational fields. It was small at first, letting him do little more than telekinetically lift very small objects. Eventually, he learned how to make an object weigh less just by touching it. Then, he found he could lessen his own weight to almost weightlessness.

He tried to fly, but all he could do right now was make himself weightless. Not that useful. Using one of his father's R&D companies, he developed a set of mechanical wings, controlled by tiny sensors in his gloves. Squeaze the right finger on his left hand and the left wing would lower, raise it and it would twist. It was very detailed control, and it took him a while to learn how to use it right. Eventually, he found he could soar through the air, only keeping enough weight to allow wind resistance in his wings.

That's when the real fun began. As his powers grew, so did his confidence. He could go where few others could. He could lift things that weighed a ton, because he would just make it weightless.

And still his powers grew. Eventually, he found he could create Gravity Wells. Then, he figured out how to make an object weightless from a distance. Combining these two, he could make an object weightless, then send it towards him, away from him, or at a target, and the weight limit he could affect grew exponentially, until he could lift objects weighing over 100 tons!

His family life began to suffer. He still did not have access to his father's fortune, so he still had to work, and his hero work began to cut into his family time. He was always gone, he could never let someone get hurt when he could have stopped it. For years this went on, and the strain it put on his wife and two children, now 10 and 6, was tremendous. Eventually, it came down to his work, or his family. He chose family.

But he never stopped practicing. To the rest of the world, the hero known as Hawk simply retired after half a decade of work. Eventually, he became so practiced at his powers that he found he could fly easier, and with fewer problems, if he just got rid of the wings, so he did, since he wasn't using them anyway.

Then it happened. His father passed away, leaving him as the sole beneficiary of his entire fortune. After twelve years of scrimping and saving, of barely getting by, of getting kicked out of apartments because he didn't have the money for rent, he was now a multi billionaire.

After life settled down, he and his wife agreed that his new job was his work as Hawk, but things would be different. He would have to have set hours, unless someone's life was on the line. Days off would have to be days off. He had to commit to his family, or he would lose them, money or no.

So he reappeared, two years after his so called 'retirement', as a new Hawk. His costume lacked the wings, and the color scheme changed a bit, but his emblem of a Hawk remained the same. And he was more powerful now than he had ever been in his first incarnation.

So now, he has a family, his father's fortune, which includes owning numerous business, investments, and whatnot, as well as his crime fighting. Here's to hoping his accountant isn't laundering money!


Real Name: Jonathan Hawk
Archetype: Energy Controller

PL 10 (150 Power Points)

Strength: 0
Stamina: 3
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 3
Fighting: 3
Intelligence: 0
Awareness: 2
Presence: 3

Advantages: (Hidden Reserve, Wisecracker)
Extraordinary Effort
Great Endurance
Benefit: Wealth 5 ranks (Billionaire)


Energy Control 5
Intimidation 7
Athlete 4
Acrobtics 4
Investigation 4
Perception 4

Gravity Control: Array
• Gravity Blast: Range Damage 12 – 24 points
o Not sure how this works yet.
• Alternate Effect: Telekinesis: Move Object 12 (Subtle, Limited Direction) – 1 point
o Add Subtle, as well as Limited Direction (to cancel each other out). Alters gravity on an object, making it weightless and then can either move them physically or use gravity wells to move objects around mentally. Can only move objects towards generated Gravity Wells, so no complicated movements, but no effect shows on objects being affected.

• Alternate Effect: Environmental Control: Environment 12 (16 miles, Impede Movement) 1 point
o He can alter general gravity around him in up to a 16-mile radius, making it weaker or stronger. Need GM approval. Was supposed to pick two affects, but only Impede movement made sense.

• Alternate Effect: Snare: Cumulative Ranged Affliction 8 (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Damage, Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobile), Extra Condition, Limited to Two Degrees – 1 point
o This is a “Stasis Field”, where Hawk uses gravity to create a bend in time around a single target, immobilizing them.

Immunity: Immunity 2 (Gravity type damage) – 2
Force Field: Impervious Protection 10, Sustained – 20 points


Energy Sense: Senses 1 (Gravitational awareness, allows Hawk to sense Gravity wells) 1 point

Flight: Continuous, Completely Subtle Flight 7 (250 mph) – 23 points
Hawk makes himself weightless in order to fly, so if he is incapacitated while flying, he is still weightless. He has to increase his weight consciously in order to come back down.

Dodge: 4
Parry: 1
Fortitude: 5
Toughness: 0
Will: 6

Power Points:
Abilities: 34
Powers: 82
Advantages: 4
Skills: 14
Defenses: 16
Total: 150


Motivation: Responsibility
Relationship: Has a family
Responsibility: Has to be there for family
Responsibility: Has to pay attention to his assets[/sblock]

Just had a great idea for the immortal. Give him power over Life. He can heal, but only empathetically, so he has to take the injury on himself. He can even raise the dead, which kills him, but he revives himself shortly thereafter. With Area Heal of 20 and Immortal 20, he heals everyone around him, taking their injuries on himself, but revives every time he dies within 6 seconds.

I could take less Immortal and get a 20 on Regenerate as well, and get the Area Healing, so he can heal everyone in an area. We could say he heals himself by absorbing ambient life energy from people around him, so he can only heal when there are others around him. In fact, that could also be a condition for his immortality, he has to have at least one other person close by. That helps with the cost.

That's about 70 points on powers alone if healing at 10 and Regeneration and Immortality at 20 each.

I could have him able to give wounds to others when he is injured. A Damage power with the "Fades" effect, since he heals it anyway, where it recharges when he is injured. The worse his condition, the more he can hurt others, but he can only do it while injured. So it's like, bad guy shoots his friend, he takes the injury and gives it back to the bad guy. If he doesn't, he uses the ambient life energy around him to naturally regenerate.

In order to not regenerate, he'd have to be by himself, too far away from other life. But if he was ever moved near other life, he'd come back again.

Or I could have him be able to enhance his traits using ambient life energy. Or if I wanted to get really technical, I could make it so his Regeneration fades, and he only gets it back when he uses his power to hurt someone, as in, he is giving them his injuries. I like that...

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LOL this happens when I read a post and reply before reading others...I like this concept as well. As Shayuri said however it may be cooler in concept then practice, HOWEVER if you want to go with this instead I am happy to keep an open mind.

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So I have 2 ideas in mind. One should be doable fairly easily, the other I have to look to see.

1) Telepath/Telekinetic
2) Kinetic energy absorption and redirection. More complicated, but hitting her only lets her hit you back harder.
3) Super-nerd. High intelligence, practically no fighting ability, but super amounts of points pumped into regeneration.
4) Invulnerability. No superstrength or anything. Just Hulk levels of taking a punch. Maybe normal human fighting ability.

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That is Four not Two! :p

But all of them seem fine. Pitch me the one you like best.


Having damage based regeneration is actually pretty easy, I think. I call it Life Stealing. Damage 10, Regeneration 10, with the Linked extra, and the Fades flaw. Linked is +0, Fades is -1, Damage is 1 per rank and regeneration is 1 per rank, so it would only cost 10 points to do it this way.

Basically, when he succeeds at damaging an enemy with this power, he gets Regeneration 10, but every round it fades by one rank. So he gets regeneration for 10 rounds, or one minute, when he hurts someone like this.

Another one he can have is Damage 10, Enhance Trait 10, Linked, Fades. Limited to when he succeeds on Damaging someone, and fades over the next minute. This would cost 10 points. Every time he damages someone with this version of the power, he gets +3 to Strength and Stamina, and +2 to Agility and Dexterity. It does fade, basically giving him the boost for one minute.

I could combine them for 20 points. 10 Damage, 10 Regeneration, and 10 Enhanced Skill, all Linked with Fades.

I actually have a version of this I'm working one, called Valkarie. She's mainly support, but has wings, can link up the minds of her teammates, has empathetic healing, as well as Life Stealing and a low level immortality (3 points, revives after 4 days). Most of her powers are fairly low rank, with lots of flaws to keep their point costs low. She's based on a Warrior, though, so her Abilities are already through the roof. She acts as a coordinator for the group, healing when she needs to, keeps everyone's minds linked, and has excellent fighting skill. And she can steal life from another to regenerate herself, and can use that regeneration to heal others. As of now, all her healing and life stealing is touch based, so she is up close and personal and can handle herself just fine.

She's a Valkarie. She chooses who dies and who lives on the battlefield.


First Post
The trick with that is that Linked powers have to have similar range and durations.

A better way to do it might be to buy Regeneration entirely separate it, and give it a complication stating 'only works on a turn when he's done damage with "this one attack"'...whatever the attack is called. So he'd basically hit someone, and gain a quick burst of regeneration on that turn.

Looks like a solid baseline Paragon. When you mention "Defenseless against Magic"; do you mean the condition?

Yes, magical attacks can automatically hit him (he can't see them coming with his Foresight). The part about critical hits doesn't matter because he has immunity to those.
I was going to go with Vulnerable, but that only halves the active defense bonus: Magic attacks get a +4 to hit him, and he gets a hero point! It didn't seem like a fair trade-off, so I stepped it up.


I like the concept. The build has some balance issues. The main issue I see is meeting PL Caps. What I like to do in these instances is to put the build in my herolab and tweak it so it is something both I and the player are happy with. However some people don't like that type of "hands on" approach. So let me know if that works for you.

That's fine, but could you show me what is unbalanced? I went pretty much straight by the book's Energy Controller...


Well, it was not as bad as I thought at 1st glance. I believe now Energy Control skill was for Ranged Combat? So he meets his caps offensively.
And the Defenses section are just points spent and not totals. However, I believe He is still a bit under capped Defensively. A total of 7 Dodge, 4 Parry, 8 Will, and 8 Fort. So he only hits his caps on Dodge. It isn't really too bad to be undercapped in one defense, but with three you may feel it in gameplay.


Like I said, I just went by what the book suggested. If you have any suggestions on how to do it better, I'm all ears. This is my first character.


Mechanically I try to wrap my head around Regeneration and Fades. It seems like a major Headache. Losing a Rank every round changes how many times you heal in the 10 rounds.

I use this chart for Regeneration
Regeneration 1 (1/every 10 rounds [10])
Regeneration 2 (1/every 5 rounds [5, 10])
Regeneration 3 (3/every 10 rounds [3, 7, 10])
Regeneration 4 (4/every 10 rounds [2, 5, 8, 10])
Regeneration 5 (1/every other round [2, 4, 6, 8, 10])
Regeneration 6 (6/every 10 rounds [2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10)
Regeneration 7 (7/every 10 rounds [2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10])
Regeneration 8 (8/every 10 rounds [2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10])
Regeneration 9 (9/every 10 rounds [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
Regeneration 10 (1/every round)

So I guess you would Heal a total of 6 times in that 10 rounds if my math is correct?

rd one 10 ranks: heals
rd two 9 ranks: heals
rd three 8 ranks: heals
rd four 7 ranks: no
rd five 6 ranks: heals
rd six 5 ranks: heals
rd seven 4 ranks: no
rd eight 3 ranks: no
rd nine: 2 ranks: no
rd ten : 1 rank: heals

Of course this does not include "recharging" your Fades by attacking again?

Voidrunner's Codex

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