Monster Mash #1!

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Creature Cataloguer
a few quick ones:

what are your thoughts on natural armor? i've only got this big bad boy at AC 10 right now. :eek:

also, if he'll be using weapons for his attacks do we want to keep him with sickle and sling, or go for something more useful? and should we give him three bite attacks?

what would his face/reach be? do you see this as more of a tall or a long monster?


Monster Junkie
I see it more as a long monster, based on the earlier idea of the tauric centipede body.

I prefer the three bite attacks to the sickle or sling.

Did you rule out incorporeality? If not, then give it a deflection bonus to AC instead of natural armor, and the Strength score becomes a non-issue. Maybe give it a ghost touch bite?


Creature Cataloguer
so, give it three doggy bites in favor of weapon attacks...

and no, i haven't ruled out incorporeality, although there hasn't been much support for the idea. of course, if deflection bonus is actually based on Charisma score, its Cha is only 11. :eek:


Monster Junkie
Good point on the deflection bonus. D'oh!

Actually, reviewing the stats, I guess the Strength score of 10 shouldn't hurt it much. Weapon Finesse (bite) should help alot with its three bite attacks. :D


Creature Cataloguer
actually, weapon finesse would do more harm than good. :D weapon focus, on the other hand, would be nice.

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